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By:Eunice Bagwisan

“Education is wealth”.
Students go to school to learn,to gain knowledge so they can use it as they continue their
journey to their success,they can use their knowledge to live in this world and adjust slowly to
the changes they experience.But an unexpectable tragedy has come,the day which the deadly
virus found it’s existence ,the novel coronavirus spread in the world as quick as you can
imagine,in that case the Government declared a total lockdown which results to stop classes as
well,students are happy to have their early vacation,but even though they have their early
vacation they still ask questions,”how can we learn if we can’t go to school will we wait for this
pandemic to stop?,what if this pandemic is forever?,will we be able to learn again,is there
another way for us to learn?
Because of this the Department of Education create a new method in learning that could fit in
the “new normal” ,the Distance Learning Delivery Modalities (DLDM),there three kinds of DLDM
the Modular Distance Learning (MDL),the Blended Learning (BL),and the Homeschooling.
On the other hand,students are still adjusting to the so-called “New Normal”,yet another
problem is created,parents and students are complaining about the modules from the
DepEd,since it carries unpleasant opinions and descriptions which can not be read by students
in secondary level.
Aside from that, students also complain about their irresponsible teachers who never answer
their questions,their messages,and their calls and their results are a failure.
One of the students says that he tried to call his English teacher several times to ask and
explain to him the lesson but she didn’t answer and yet in the card distribution the child got a
low and failure grade in his English subject.
Aside from that,secondary students of German European School Manila (GESM) also
complain about the over giving of projects and outputs of their teachers saying that their
teachers should slow down on giving them hard tasks, they only have small time which they
could never done it until deadline and if they ask for more time their teacher wouldn’t accept it.
“We cannot do all of the outputs and projects they gave us in one week, now there’s
another and we only have two days to do it. They think their students are robots that don't
need sleep.
Moreover,there is also a problem in modules distribution that parents insist to the
Government to fix it,they said they are giving wrong modules and sometimes the modules that
they got is as same as before,they said their children couldn’t learn if their giving multiple
modules who is as same as the modules that they pass, they even say that teachers is just lazy
that’s why they cannot make another modules.
But the teachers made their clearance, they said that it’s not their fault,they got the
modules from the regionals and they only do so distribute it. That's why we should stop
blaming them because it’s in the regionals false.
However,the DepEd is already on that case. They said that this mistake won’t happen again
and the modules have been given back to the regional government to fix it.
As you can see it’s just the one year experience of education in a new normal and it already
has many failures and fights. The new normal is the total opposite of the normal before that’s
why people are still adjusting,we need more time to fit in the new normal.
Time is a very helpful healer. It can help us learn from our mistakes and slowly forget,so we
should let time heal the mistakes we did and we can slowly fix it and make it better than before.

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