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Table des matières / Summary

Table des matières

1. Object: ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Baccara History ............................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Troubleshooting logic guide ........................................................................................................................ 6

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1. Object:
This trouble shooting guide is a help to make a diagnostic of what part should be replaced to restore
the BACCARA table in good operation.
As described in the Summary you’ll see that this document describes all versions of BACCARA tables,
then the error messages you may have when you turn ON the table and finally the error messages

BACCARA Version 3 with PALADIO

BACCARA version 3 with SFD


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2. Baccara History
The BACCARA table has been manufactured since 1997 until today.
Since 1997, the following modifications were made:
Version 1: that table was manufactured from 1997 to around 2000 (serial number ending by 2000
to 2060). It’s a table with Electrical cabinet of 2 meters high. Power supply was 400 Vac.

Version 2: that table was manufactured from 2000 to 2004 (2060 to 2179 and from 0000 to 0121).
It’s the same Electrical cabinet than the version 1 but there are some small implements inside it as
component not fixed at the same position. Power supply was 400 Vac.
Version 3: Manufactured from 2004 to 2009 (serial number from 0122 to 0344). It’s a major
modification with an Electrical cabinet of 1.2 meters high. Some electrical parts were moved from
electrical cabinet into the table, Inverters manufacturers changed from DANFOSS/TRANSTECHNIC
to KEB. Power supply was 400 Vac.


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Version 4: produced from 2009 to now (serial number from 0345), the difference with the version
3 is that the electrical cabinet is powered in 240 Vac.
WARNING: there are 2 models of PC board on the Version 4:

• First model => the PC board is the same than the Version 3.

• Second model => This is the one described just bellow.

Out of these versions, there are three (3) different BACCARA tables mechanically speaking.

• 90/20 table: it’s a fixed height table with tilting movement from -20° to +90°.

• 90/25 table: it’s an elevating table (30 cm of range) with tilting movement from -25° to

• 90/90 table: it’s an elevating table (70 cm of range) with tilting movement from -90° to

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3. Troubleshooting logic guide

Following the next two pages, you’ll see the Initialization phases of the BACCARA table:


Action done


If the answer is NO
If the answer is YES

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Turn ON the table

Information Is the Green LED

displayed on lighted above the
the console? Console ON/OFF

Check the 3 emergency

switches: on the console, in
front of the table and inside
the electrical cabinet

Is the table
started? SEE JOB CARD 2

Is the display freezing

at the message
VARIATEUR)” with no
LED flashing?

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Is the display
freezing on a
message with all SEE JOB CARD 4
LED flashing?

Do you have an
error message on
the console BUT
no LED flashing?

Please check on the job cards in the next page to check if this issue is explained. If not, please contact the
technical support at “” with at least the serial number of the Baccara table

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JOB CARD 1: LED is OFF above the BACCARA console ON/OFF button

That green LED means only that the console keyboard is correctly energized by 24Vdc; it doesn’t
mean that the console has started its initialization.
That +24Vdc comes from the electrical cabinet trough the console cable.
Note: if the LED is OFF but the table can be turned ON, It’s only a defective LED issue!
All versions of table
Tests to do:
1. Measure the main INPUT power supply directly on the Baccara Electrical cabinet (400 Vac
+/-10% or 230 Vac +/-10% depending on version) with the help of the schematic E8058215:
a. If the voltage is not within the range, please check the electricity wiring of the x-
ray room
b. If the voltages is within the range, go to the step 2.

2. Check that you have the red led lighted on the ON/OFF board E8000012 inside the
electrical cabinet:

Fig 3: red led on the ON/OFF board

a. If not => check that the board is powered by 230 Vac on its connector J1 and if the
fuse F1 has not blown. If power supply and fuse are correct, replace the ON/OFF
board E8000012,
b. If yes => go to the step 3.

3. Check that the +24Vdc is coming on the console board E8000523 on the connector J5-1/2:

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a. If no => check the continuity of the console cable, one wire should be damaged
and/or cut.
b. If yes => please go to the step 4.

4. If the +24Vdc is coming but the LED is always OFF check that there is +5Vdc on the
connector J5-2/3 of the console board E8000523:
a. If yes => replace the board E8000523,
b. If no => there is two cases:
i. For BACCARA version 3 & 4 (see page 1) => replace the E8000523 board
ii. For BACCARA version 1 & 2 (see page 1) => check that the separate small
power supply board E2700278 is not damaged.

JOB CARD 2: the table doesn’t starts and emergency buttons have been checked

If the table doesn’t start and the console ON/OFF button LED is lighted, the main cause is at least
that one of the emergency switches is engaged.
Note that the emergency switch can be not engaged but the wires/connector can be damaged
and/or broken.
Because it’s “easy” to check these three switches, the purpose of the JOB CARD 2 is in case of this
issue isn’t coming from emergency switches.
All versions of table

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Tests to do:
All the emergency switches are connected on the ON/OFF board E8000012 (please find its picture
in the JOB CARD 1 above)
The wiring details are in the schematic E8058214, the one below is extracted from Baccara table
version 4 but is similar in all Baccara tables:

Fig 4 extract from schematic E8058214

That drawing permits to see that emergency switch of the electrical cabinet and the SFD are in
serial between J3-2/4 and the console emergency switch between J2-1/4.

1. Make a jumper wire between J2-1/4:

a. If the table starts: check console emergency button and all wires between p J2-1/4,
b. If the table doesn’t start go to the step 2,

2. Make a jumper wire between J3-2/4:

a. If the table starts: check the emergency button and all wires between J13-2/4,
b. If the table doesn’t start go to the next step 3.

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3. Verify that you have 24vdc between KMP1-A1 and J2-4:

a. If yes, replace KMP1 or check that it’s internal parts are not damaged
b. If no, check the continuity between KMP1-A1 and J3-1 to see if the problem is
coming from the isolating transformer thermal switch or not.
In case of there is the continuity between KMP1-A1 and J3-1, replace the ON/OFF board E8000020

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JOB CARD 3: the table starts its initialization but freeze on the message “WAITING FOR THE
LINK/ATTENTE VARIATEUR” on the display with no LED lighted on the console.

That message is not an error but indicates that the main PC board where the software is installed
inside the electrical cabinet doesn’t have the link with the inverters connected to that link.
Depending on software version, BACCARA version, concerned parts may change.

3 cases will be processed:
A. BACCARA versions 1 and 2 (see page 3)
B. BACCARA versions 3 and 4 with DISKON MODULE (see Fig 1 page 3)
C. BACCARA versions 3 and 4 with COMPACT FLASH (see Fig 2 page 4)

Tests to do:
A. BACCARA versions 1 and 2
The Waiting for the link/Attente variateur message means that the CPU board E8000006 can not
communicate with the Inverters VAR3 (SFD) and VAR 4 (Column).

Fig 5: CPU Board E8000006


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1. Are the inverters at the rear of electrical cabinet energized?

a. If yes, go to the step 2.
b. If no, an over-travel switch must be engaged, you have to check each one knowing
that there was:
i. 2 for tilting
ii. 2 for lifting (if this option is present)
iii. 2 for Column
iv. 2 for SFD
v. 2 for Focal
vi. 2 for parallax (when incidence exceeds +/-40°)
vii. 2 for Longitudinal Panel (if this option is present)

2. Is there any error message on Inverters?

a. If yes, it can block the communication, so first solve that problem,
b. If no go to the next step 3.

3. The component U14 on the board E8000006 is damaged and must be replaced, or the cable
between the Rack board (J10) of electrical cabinet and Inverters VAR3 and VAR4 (SERIAL
LINK) should be disconnected or have a bad contact.

B. BACCARA versions 3 and 4 with DISKON MODULE (see Fig 1 page 3)

On that configuration, 3 parts are concerned: PC board, converter RS232/485 and Inverters.
IMPORTANT: If you have a 90/20 table (without elevating system), the PC board must be able
to communicate only with Column (VAR4) and SFD (VAR3), but if you have a 90/25 (with
elevating system) the PC board must be able to communicate with the VAR3, VAR4 and VAR9

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Here is the drawing showing connection between PC board and the 3 Inverters:

Fig 6: extracted from schematics available in the technical documentation

1. Are the inverters VAR 3 and VAR 4 under the table energized?

Note: if you have a table with elevating system you must have VAR2 inside the electrical cabinet
energized too

a. If yes, go to the step 2.

b. If no, an over-travel switch must be engaged, you have to check each one knowing
that there was:
i. 2 for tilting
ii. 2 for lifting (if this option is present)
iii. 2 for Column
iv. 2 for SFD
v. 2 for Focal
vi. 2 for parallax (when incidence exceeds +/-40°)
vii. 2 for Longitudinal Panel (if this option is present)

2. Is there any error message on Inverters?

a. If yes, it can lock the communication, so first solve that problem

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b. If no => go to the next step 3,

3. According to the Fig 6 check:

a. Continuity from the connector CN20 of the board VD21 to RS232/485 Converter
b. Continuity from the RS232/485 Converter to the 2 inverters on table side VAR 3 and
VAR 4,
c. Values and positioning of the 2 resistors according to the schematic E8058284:

Fig 7: extracted from schematics available in the technical documentation

d. That the power supply of the RS232/485 Converter is correct: on the jack output it
must be around 18 Vdc
C. BACCARA versions 3 and 4 with COMPACT FLASH (see Fig 2 page 4)
On that configuration, 2 parts are concerned: PC board and Inverters.
IMPORTANT: If you have a 90/20 table (without elevating system) the PC board must be able
to communicate only with Column (VAR4) and SFD (VAR3), but if you a 90/25 table (with
elevating system) the PC board must be able to communicate with the VAR3, VAR4 and VAR9

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Here is the drawing showing connection between PC board and the 3 Inverters:

Fig 8: extracted from schematics available in the technical documentation

All the tests are exactly the same than explain paragraph B, the only difference are:
.there is no RS232/485 converter so it’s not need to check the paragraph 3.a, b and d
.it’s necessary to check resistors as described paragraph 3.c

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When Baccara table have the configuration type B or C, depending on the version you could have
the Watchdog signal used as described on the schematic below, you can easily know that by
checking if you have or not wiring on J24-19/20 on the E8000547 board:

Fig 9: extracted from schematics available in the technical documentation


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Here is the functioning:

a. Table starts its initialization
b. The Inverters are powered during 2 seconds and are power OFF then,
c. The software is starting, there are always Inverters OFF,
d. When the software has finished to start it provides the Watchdog signal to the
E8000547 board,
e. At this moment the PC board checks the communication with the Inverters,
f. Then 2 cases are possible:
i. No communication possible with Inverters: Inverters go back to power OFF
and the Watchdog led pass to OFF, the table display “waiting for the link”,
ii. Communication possible with Inverters: Inverters stay at power ON and the
table starts.
JOB CARD 4: The display stops on a message with all LED flashing

That symptom indicates several things:
No communication between the console and the electrical cabinet,
The PC board/software on the electrical cabinet doesn’t start,
The console cable is damaged,
The console power supply or PC board power supply isn’t correct

Two cases will be treated:
A. BACCARA versions 1 and 2 (see page 3)
B. BACCARA versions 3 and 4 (see Fig 1 page 3 and see Fig 2 page 4)

Tests to do:
A. BACCARA versions 1 and 2

1. The 2 Eproms U6 and U7 on the CPU board E8000006 can be damaged (see Fig 5 page
11), nothing to do except to try with new one,
2. The power supply VD21 (LPQ112) doesn’t provide the correct DC voltage:

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a. measure the DC voltages at the rear left side of the rack board on the
connector J6 as showed in the image Fig 10 page 17
.if it’s correct goes to the next step 3.,
.if it’s not correct goes to the next step b.,
b. that board need to have the load resistor connected on the +5vdc output, so
check that the resistor has the correct impedance, is correctly soldered:
i. if yes, replace the board LPQ112 02600006,
ii. if no, go to the next step 3.
3. The power supply E2700278 board inside the console doesn’t function, that board
convert the +24Vdc coming from the electrical cabinet to +5Vdc then sent to power the
console board/display,
4. There is no communication between the console and the electrical cabinet:
a. Check the continuity of console cable,
b. Replace the components U4 on the CPU board E8000006 and U3 of console
board E8000523,

WARNING: 2 types of transceivers communication components are/were used on BACCARA:

MAX 490 and MAX 3081.
It’s forbidden to have one type on one side and another type of the other side otherwise there
will be random problem or permanent problem.

Fig 10: left part of the rack board


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B. BACCARA versions 3 and 4

1. The +5Vdc which powers the PC board inside the electrical cabinet can be too low or
a. if you have a power supply as described Fig 11, you have to measure the DC
voltage directly on the PC board power supply connector (see Fig 12).
It must be between 5 Vdc and 5,2 Vdc:
i. if the voltage is within the range => go to the next step 2.
ii. if not => readjust the +5Vdc on the power supply board as showed on the
Fig 11,

Fig 11: power supply on Baccara version 3

Fig 12: power supply connector


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b. if you have a power supply as described Fig 13, you have to measure the DC
voltage directly on the PC board power supply connector (see Fig 12).
It must be between 5 Vdc and 5,2 Vdc:
i. if the voltage is within the range => go to the next step 2.
ii. if not => readjust the +5Vdc on the power supply board as showed on the
Fig 13

Fig 13: power supply on Baccara version 4

2. There is no communication between the console board E8000523 and the board
a. Check the continuity of the console cable,
b. Replace the component U4 on the console board E8000523 and U27 of the
E8000548 board (see Fig 14 below)
c. Check that the console cable ground is correctly fixed on the electrical
cabinet and on the console otherwise it can damage again the communication
components as described on the 2.b. above

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WARNING: 2 types of transceivers communication components are/were used on BACCARA:

MAX 490 and MAX 3081.
It’s forbidden to have one type on one side and another type of the other side otherwise there
will be communication random problem or permanent problems

Fig 14: E8000548 board

3. The PC board or Compact Flash is damaged.

If it’s one of that 2 parts, there is no test to do except connect a monitor on the PC board VGA
plug, and see what is displayed.
It’s possible that the information displayed on the monitor doesn’t permit to know if the PC board
or Compact Flash is damaged, but it’s the only chance to see something as there is no log files on
the Baccara table.

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JOB CARD 5: Error Messages

That job card describes the list of error messages which could appear on a Baccara table.
Note that some are really “ error message “, but others are only “ safety/information message ”
to help the user to understand why a function doesn’t operate.

The errors messages are similar depending on versions.

List of error codes with explanations

1. Degager le compresseur / Remove the Compressor
a. Type: information message
b. Explanation: that message means that a movement has been requested but can not
be done until the compressor reach the max up position.
When there is that message, the compressor led on the Baccara console button must flash. If the
compressor is at its highest position, but that message always appears it’s necessary to check the
compressor switches state according to the schematics B001.sch

2. Descendez la focale / Move down the Focal

a. Type: information message
b. Explanation: that message means that the focal (FFD) is closed to the ceiling after a
movement request or that you have asked a movement which cannot be done due to
the value of incidence. Example: you ask for tomography at 40° but the focal is at
140 cm. In that case you’ll have that message, so first move down the focal until the
message disappears.
That message could mean also that the focal potentiometer is damaged. With a wrong pot value,
the soft thinks that the focal is close to an obstacle.
If you want to be sure about that, enter in service mode and check that the FOCAL pot value is
changing while a movement is done.

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3. Error 3: Redescendre le chariotage / Move down the carriage

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: the scanning movement cannot be done due to the end of table too

4. Incliner la colonne / angulate the column

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: never seen, not used

5. Error 5 : Tube en securite plafond / Tube in ceiling security

a. Type: warning message
b. Explanation: the RX tube/cover is closed to the ceiling and some parts can be broken.
Solution is only to move the focal down, or move on the feet side the column/carriage, or tilt the
table to 0°.
If the table displayed that message but no movement are closed to the ceiling, please check every

6. Error 6: Ampli en securite sol / I.I. in floor security

a. Type: warning message
b. Explanation: the I.I. or Detector is closed to the floor.
It’s only a safety message and solution is only to move up the table or move the carriage, or it’s a
warning message because of failure of tilting/lifting/carriage potentiometers.

7. Parquer la suspension / Park the ceiling suspension

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: there is an input on the I/O board (E8000602 for Baccara V2 and
E8000547 for Baccara V3) where it’s possible to connect a switch indicating the
position of a ceiling suspension. So if you have a ceiling suspension and that error
message, move the ceiling suspension to its parking position until that message
disappears. In case there is no ceiling suspension, the input may be damaged on the
board and the I/O board must be replaced.

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8. Armement non effectué / Arming not complete

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: that message is related to the tomography but there is no case where
that error message has been seen.

9. Remonter le compresseur / Move up the compressor

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: that message appears when an angulation is requested but the
compressor isn’t at its parking switch position. If that error is still displayed, check
that the switch information is sent to the Baccara inputs.
(Baccara V1&V2: on the Opto Prelude board, Baccara V3: on the E8000547 board)

10. Error 10 : Rentrer le panneau / move the bed patient

a. Type: warning message
b. Explanation: this is a false message, it’s not because the table top must be put inside
but in relation with the optional longitudinal table top which is closed to the floor,
the wall or the ceiling.
If his position seems to be correct, check that the potentiometer values recorded are correct on
the Group 7 and there is no default on the potentiometer P1.

11. Error 11 : Interdiction due au plafond / Ceiling interdiction

a. Type: warning message
b. Explanation: the table detected according to the potentiometer values recorded and
the ceiling height recorded the table is close to the ceiling.
There are 2 possibilities:
.it’s only an information message and by moving SFD, Column or Focal you can go far away from
the ceiling,
.or physically the table isn’t close to the ceiling at all and the problem is some defective
potentiometer values, if it’s that case it’s urgent to check that otherwise the table can go in over
travel for each movement.

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12. Descendre la table / Move down the table

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: it’s only for elevating table model, and indicates that the table is at its
max up position.

13. Error 13 : Chariotage hors position / Carriage out of position

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: if when the tomography activation, the software see that there is not
enough space to do the tomography movement without to go in over travel, that
message will be displayed. It’s just necessary to select a lower incidence or move
the SFD/Column until that message disappears.

14. Centrer la colonne / Center the column

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: that message means that you have asked for a movement but cannot
be done without to have the Column aligned with the SFD.
This is the typical case if you ask tomography function or to move down the compressor more than
the down switch.

15. Collimateur en automatique / Collimator in automatic

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: that error message is present on the software but not used.
16. Compresseur engagé / Compressor engaged
a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: this is only for the escape compressor installed in some country and old
tables: the compressor arm isn’t removable; it’s the whole arm which turns to the
head side when the compressor is moving up.

17. Error 17 : Relever la table ou déplacer le chariot / Tilt up the table or move the carriage
a. Type: warning message
b. Explanation: the Column, SFD or Imaging Intensifier is closed to the floor, move one
of them until don’t have displayed that message.
If after moving them the message is still displayed it means that one potentiometer returns the
wrong value.

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18. Extra course enclenché / Table in over travel

a. Type: warning message
b. Explanation: one over travel switch is engaged, please check every switch and check
the potentiometer values to see why the table went on over travel.
There is another reason to have that error message displayed: that information comes from the coil
of the main circuit breaker inside the Baccara electrical cabinet and goes on the Baccara I/O board
(Baccara V1&V2: Opto Prelude board, Baccara V3: I/O boardE8000547), if it’s missing there will
have that error message.
The last possibility is only with the board E8000547 (Baccara V3): if the board E8000547 isn’t
functioning you‘ll have the same error message or if the dip switches on that board are wrong.

19. Sortir du poste numerisé / Leave the digital technique

a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: present inside the software but not used

20. Sortir le panneau latéral / Move out the lateral bed patient
a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: similar to paragraph 10.
21. Limitation structure élévateur HV / Structure limitation of HV table
a. Type: Information message
b. Explanation: only on elevating table, can happen if at 90° the user asks to move
up/down the table.
22. Défaut potentiomètre / Failure Potentiometer
a. Type: warning message
b. Explanation: that error message indicates that the Baccara electrical cabinet has no
feedback from at least one potentiometer.
Depending on the software version you‘ll have displayed or not the potentiometer concerned:
P1: Longitudinal bed patient
P2: Tilting
P3: SFD (Carriage)
P4: Column
P7: Focal (SID)
P9: Elevating

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The software will display that error if there is no feedback from the potentiometer value
(you’ll see on the console for that axe potentiometer MOD:4095) or a value to close from minimum
and maximum value (the theoretical range is from 0 to 4095, but in reality it’s from 0 to 3900-

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