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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Ecosystems Adaptation to Global Warming

Surendar Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Surendar Kumar

Natural ecosystems are one of our most precious resources, critical "Ecosystems Adaptation to Global
for sustaining life on the planet. The benefits humans derive from Warming" Published
ecosystems are varied, from marketable products such as in International
pharmaceuticals, to recreational opportunities such as camping, to Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
ecosystems services such as erosion control and water purification.
and Development
For many people, nature plays a powerful spiritual and aesthetic role (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
in their lives, and many place a high value on the existence of 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD50490
wilderness and nature for its own sake. Despite the critical roles Issue-5, August
ecosystems play, these areas are increasingly threatened by the 2022, pp.435-440, URL:
impacts of a growing human population through habitat destruction
and air and water pollution. Added to these stresses comes a new
threat — global climate change resulting from increased greenhouse Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
gas concentrations in the atmosphere. “Ecosystems and Global International Journal of Trend in
Climate Change” is the fifth in a series of the Pew Center reports Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
examining the potential impacts of climate change on the U.S.
Open Access article
environment. It details the very real possibility that warming over this distributed under the
century will jeopardize the integrity of many of the terrestrial terms of the Creative Commons
ecosystems on which we depend. Among the many key issues raised Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
are: (
With warming, the distribution of terrestrial ecosystems will change as plants and animals follow the shifting
climate. The eastern United States will likely lose many of its deciduous forests as the climate zones shift
northwards, while more mountainous regions, like portions of the West, will see species and ecosystems
migrate up mountain slopes from lower elevations.
Both the amount and rate of warming predicted represent a threat to our nation’s biodiversity. Certain
species may face dwindling numbers and even extinction if they are unable to migrate fast enough to keep up
with the changing climate. Likewise, as warming shrinks the zone of cold conditions in upper latitudes and
on mountains, the future of species that depend on such climates will be in jeopardy.
Climate change is likely to alter ecosystem composition and function — that is, which species make up an
ecosystem and the way in which energy and materials flow through these systems. These modifications are
bound to alter the amount and quantity of the various goods and services ecosystems provide.
Ecosystems are inherently complex and difficult to model, and our ability to predict exactly how species and
ecosystems will respond to a changing climate is limited. This uncertainty limits our ability to mitigate,
minimize, or ameliorate the effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. In order to maximize
nature’s own potential to adapt to climate change, we must continue to support existing strategies to
conserve biodiversity and protect natural ecosystems.
KEYWORDS: ecosystems, global, climate, warming, change, atmosphere, biodiversity, conserve
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) encompasses a adapt to the adverse effects of climate change".EbA
broad set of approaches to adapt to climate change. involves the conservation, sustainable management
They all involve the management of ecosystems and and restoration of ecosystems, such as forests,
their services to reduce the vulnerability of human grasslands, wetlands, mangroves or coral reefs to
communities to the impacts of climate change. The reduce the harmful impacts of climate hazards
Convention on Biological Diversity defines EbA as including shifting patterns or levels of rainfall,[1,2]
"the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as changes in maximum and minimum temperatures,
part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to stronger storms, and increasingly variable climatic

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50490 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 435
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conditions. EbA measures can be implemented on coined in 2008 by the International Union for
their own or in combination with engineered Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and its member
approaches (such as the construction of water institutions at the UN Climate Change Convention
reservoirs or dykes), hybrid measures (such as Conference in 2008.EbA was officially defined in
artificial reefs) and approaches that strengthen the 2009 at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity
capacities of individuals and institutions to address Conference.
climate risks (such as the introduction of early Healthy ecosystems provide important ecosystem
warning systems). EbA is nested within the broader services that can contribute to climate change
concept of nature-based solutions and complements adaptation. For example, healthy mangrove
and shares common elements with a wide variety of ecosystems provide protection from the impacts of
other approaches to building the resilience of social- climate change, often for some of the world's most
ecological systems. These approaches include vulnerable people, by absorbing wave energy and
community-based adaptation, ecosystem-based storm surges, adapting to rising sea levels, and
disaster risk reduction, climate-smart agriculture, and stabilizing shorelines from erosion. EbA focuses on
green infrastructure, and often place emphasis on benefits that humans derive from biodiversity and
using participatory and inclusive processes and ecosystem services and how these benefits can be
community/stakeholder engagement. The concept of used for managing risk to climate change impacts.
EbA has been promoted through international fora, Adaptation to climate change is particularly urgent in
including the processes of the United Nations developing countries and many Small Island
Framework Convention on Climate Change Developing States that are already experiencing some
(UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological of the most severe impacts of climate change, have
Diversity (CBD). A number of countries make economies that are highly sensitive to disruptions, and
explicit references to EbA[3,4] in their strategies for that have lower adaptive capacity.[7,8]
adaptation to climate change and their Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris By deploying EbA, proponents cite that many other
Agreement. While the barriers to widespread uptake benefits to people and nature are delivered
of EbA by public and private sector stakeholders and simultaneously. These correlated benefits include
decision makers are substantial, cooperation toward improved human health, socioeconomic development,
generating a greater understanding of the potential of food security and water security, disaster risk
EbA is well established among researchers, reduction, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity
advocates, and practitioners from nature conservation conservation. For example, restoration of ecosystems
and sustainable development groups. EbA is such as forests and coastal wetlands can contribute to
increasingly viewed as an effective means of food security and enhance livelihoods through the
addressing the linked challenges of climate change collection of non-timber forest products, maintain
and poverty in developing countries, where many watershed functionality, and sequester carbon to
people are dependent on natural resources for their mitigate global warming. Restoration of mangrove
lives and livelihoods.[5,6] ecosystems can help increase food and livelihood
security by supporting fisheries, and reduce disaster
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) describes a risk by decreasing wave height and strength during
variety of approaches for adapting to climate change, hurricanes and storms.
all of which involve the management of ecosystems
to reduce the vulnerability of human communities to DISCUSSION
the impacts of climate change such as storm and flood Particular ecosystems can provide a variety specific
damage to physical assets, coastal erosion, climate change adaptation benefits (or services). The
salinisation of freshwater resources, and loss of most suitable EbA measures will depend on local
agricultural productivity. EbA lies at the intersection context, the health of the ecosystem and the primary
of climate change adaptation, socio-economic climate change hazard that needs to be addressed. The
development, and biodiversity conservation .While below table provides an overview of these factors,
ecosystem services have always been used by common EbA measures and intended outcomes.
societies, the term Ecosystem-based Adaptation was

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Table 1 Examples of EbA measures and outcomes the table shows climate hazards and their potential
impacts on people, as well as examples of corresponding EbA measures. Many of the same climate
hazards affect different ecosystems and have similar impacts on people, as such, the table illustrates
the overlap between impacts, EbA measures and adaptation outcomes.
Climate change Potential impacts on
EbA measures by ecosystem type Expected outcomes
hazards people
Erratic rainfall Higher flood risks for Mountains and forests: Improved water
Floods people and Sustainable mountain wetland regulation;
Shift of seasons infrastructure; management Erosion prevention;
Temperature Decrease in Forest and pasture restoration Improved water
increases agricultural (and Inland waters: storage capacity;
Drought livestock) production; Conservation of wetlands and peat Flood risk reduction;
Extreme heat Food insecurities; lands Improved water
Economic losses River basin restoration provisioning;
and/or insecurities; Trans-boundary water governance and Improved water
Threats to human ecosystem restoration storage capacity;
health and well-being; Agriculture and drylands: Adaptation to higher
Higher risk of heat Ecosystem restoration and temperatures; Heat
strokes agroforestry wave buffering
Lack of water Using trees to adapt to changing
Intercropping of adapted species
Sustainable livestock management and
pasture restoration
Sustainable dryland management
Urban areas:
Green aeration corridors for cities
Storm water management using green
River restoration in urban areas
Green facades for buildings
Storm surges Higher flood risks for Marine and coastal: Storm and cyclone
Cyclones people and Mangrove restoration and coastal reduction;
Sea level rise infrastructure; protection Flood risk reduction;
Salinisation Higher storm and Coastal realignment Improved water
Coastal erosion cyclone risk for people Sustainable fishing and mangrove quality; Adaptation to
and infrastructure; rehabilitation higher temperatures
Decrease in Coastal reef restoration
agricultural (and
livestock) production;
Food insecurities;
Economic losses
and/or insecurities;
Threats to human
health and well-being;
Lack of potable water
Principles and standards for implementing EbA 1. Building resilience and enhancing adaptive
Since the evolution of the concept and practice of capacity through EbA interventions;
EbA, various principles and standards have been
2. Ensuring inclusivity and equity in planning and
developed to guide best practices for implementation. implementation;
The guidelines adopted by the CBD build on these
efforts and include a set of principles to guide 3. Consideration of multiple spatial and temporal
planning and implementation. The principles are scales in the design of EbA interventions;
broadly clustered into four themes:

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4. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of need to help biodiversity adapt to changing
EbA, for example, by incorporating adaptive temperature and water regimes and we have to
management, identifying limitations and trade- prevent, minimise and offset any potential damages to
offs, integrating the knowledge of indigenous biodiversity arising from climate change adaptation
peoples and local communities.[9,10] and mitigation measures.
These principles are complemented by safeguards, The Commission White Paper on Adapting to
which are social and environmental measures to avoid Climate Change – Towards a European Framework
unintended consequences of EbA to people, for Action (April 2009) and the EU Strategy on
ecosystems and biodiversity. Adaptation to Climate Change both recognised the
importance of ecosystems in tackling climate change.
Standards have also been developed to help
practitioners understand what interventions qualify as The White Paper encouraged the development of
"measures which address biodiversity loss and
EbA, including the elements of helping people adapt
to climate change, making active use of biodiversity climate change in an integrated manner to fully
exploit co-benefits and avoid ecosystem feedbacks
and ecosystem services, and being part of an overall
adaptation strategy. that accelerate global warming".
Protecting biodiversity can help us adapt to climate
By necessity, Pacific Islands have become hubs of
change. Healthy ecosystems will be more resilient to
innovation, where climate strategies are piloted and
climate change and so more able to maintain the
refined to inform adaptation efforts globally. Pacific
Island ecosystems are being degraded by pollution, supply of ecosystem services on which our prosperity
and wellbeing depend. Ecosystems-based approaches
overfishing, and unsustainable development. They
should be an integral part of the overall adaptation
also increasingly face severe climate impacts
and mitigation effort. We can, for instance, ensure the
including sea-level rise, changing temperature and
effective management and restoration of Natura 2000
rainfall patterns. These impacts result inchanges in
areas, working with- rather than against – nature.
food and water security, loss of identity, climate-
induced migration and threats to sovereignty. In The impacts of climate change on man are largely
response, communities in the region are leading mediated by natural systems. Climate change will
climate adaptation strategies, often combining significantly affect economies and societies through
traditional practices and cutting-edge science, to build its impacts on ecosystems.
the resilience of their communities and ecosystems in
Healthy ecosystems must lie at the centre of any
the face of increasing climate risk. For example,
adaptation policy and can help mitigate climate
communities are implementing resilient networks of
change impacts, by absorbing excess flood water or
marine protected areas using the best available
buffering us against coastal erosion or extreme
science and strengthening tribal governance to
weather events. Forests, peat lands and other habitats
manage these networks, experimenting with salt and are major stores of carbon. Protecting them can also
drought tolerant crops, revegetating coastlines with
help us limit atmospheric greenhouse gas
native salt-tolerant plants, revitalizing traditional concentrations.
wells, and implementing climate-smart development
plans. Often these efforts contribute to local Consequently 'conventional' pressures that cause the
development priorities and create co-benefits for fragmentation, degradation, over-exploitation and
multiple sustainable development goals (SDGs). pollution of ecosystems must be reduced ('ecosystem
These community efforts are being scaled up through climate-proofing'). This is why we have a strategy to
provincial and national policies that reinforce the reconnect natural areas using green infrastructure to
critical role that ecosystems play in climate restore the health of ecosystems and allow species to
adaptation and provide a model for the rest of the thrive across their entire natural habitat. The
world. While adaptation efforts are critical to help underlying principle of green infrastructure is that the
communities cope with climate impacts, in some same area of land can frequently offer multiple
cases, they will be insufficient to address the benefits if its ecosystems are healthy.
magnitude of climate impacts and local development Biodiversity climate change adaptation tools, such as
needs. Thus, there are inherent trade-offs and flyways, buffer zones, corridors and stepping stones,
limitations to climate adaptation with migration being enhance the coherence and interconnectivity in
the last resort for some island communities.[11,12] Europe.
RESULTS An effectively managed, functionally coherent and
Climate change could undermine our efforts for the well-connected Natura 2000 Network can play a vital
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. We

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role in helping society adapt to, and mitigate, the Centre (UNEP-WCMC) are jointly implementing a
impacts of climate change.[13] project called 'Ecosystem-based approaches to
climate change adaptation: strengthening the evidence
A guidance document presents the latest scientific
and informing policy' in Asia, Africa and Central and
information on the risks posed by climate change to
South America.[14]
species and habitat types of EU conservation concern.
It also provides advice, supported by good practice Working with local partners, the project will gather
examples, on how to deal with the impact of climate practical evidence, explore opportunities for and
change when managing Natura 2000 sites. It is obstacles to uptake, and develop policy
primarily addressed to site managers and policy recommendations on EbA.
makers. Between 2015 and 2019 we worked with partners and
Guidelines on Climate Change and Natura 2000 developed country-specific policy recommendations
in Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Kenya,
A supplement has been developed to assess the
Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Chile, Costa Rica, El
vulnerability of Natura 2000 species and habitats.
Salvador and Peru. We synthesised findings on EbA
This supplement is based on best available
effectiveness, the first-ever global scale synthesis
knowledge. Caution is advised in the use and
based on perceptions and a participatory approach
interpretation of the results: for many species, no or
that engaged hundreds of local stakeholders.
little information is available on the impacts of
climate change; for habitats, most of the assessment is We also produced practical guidance in the form of
based on expert knowledge. an inventory of tools, the EbA Tools Navigator,
available on the Friends of EbA website. The
Guidelines supplement: assessment of the
navigator is designed to help practitioners and
vulnerability of species and habitats of
policymakers incorporate EbA into climate adaptation
Community Interest to climate change
Field-based EbA projects are proliferating. IUCN, for
Between 2020 and 2022, project partners will build
example, has implemented 100 projects that directly
on evidence and lessons learnt from the 12 countries
and/or indirectly contribute towards climate change
to scale up EbA implementation in China, Peru, South
mitigation and adaptation across 109 countries. But to
Africa, and Uganda. Based on users’ demands, we
decide on how best to approach design and
will also develop a web-based EbA Tools Navigator
implementation, we need better consolidated,
to make it more assessable.[15,16]
empirical, comparative analysis of their effectiveness.
Increasingly, countries are developing their own REFERENCES
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