Grace Times 2022.9

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Grace Times

Vol. XXV/01 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India September 2022

Dear GBC Family,

Greetings in the most Holy name of our
Pulpit Calendar heavenly Father! Unlike many predominant
September 2022 worldviews, Bible offers us a unique God, who
identifies himself in the most proximate and inti-
Check-in 15 minutes before service mate relationship. He chose to relate with us as
our father, and so endowed us with an undeserv-
Morning Services at 10.00 am ing privilege to be his beloved children(1 John
3:1). It is for our benefit that God presents himself
04 Rev Ashish H. Khan in a humanly understandable relational terms , so
(Holy Communion Service) to express how approachable, loving and caring
11 Ps. Ignatius Shimi Preetham he is to us. While it is His goodness and humility
to express his depth of love, and the beauty of His
18 Rev. J.T. Raja
way of relating (Father-Child) with us, we should
25 Rev. Ashish H Khan
never undermine who our God was, and is and
will continue to be, besides being a loving and
forgiving father.

God being our father is way beyond our

Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. imagination and experience, of our relationship
1st, 15th & 29th with our earthly or biological or even our spiritual
(Online on Zoom) fathers (mentors). They continue to remain hu-
man, with their own limitations and imperfection.
Many a times, we take them casually. God is not
to be treated as a human. God our Father, can
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. never be taken for granted, because He is eternal-
08th & 22nd ly Holy, the One and Only Complete and Perfect
(Online on Zoom) Being, in the entire existence. In Him is no sin (1
John 3:5) and in Him there is no darkness at all (1
John 1:5). He deserves our complete reverence
Women’s prayer and wholehearted gratitude, for having been gift-
Online on Zoom ed with the privilege, to be His sons and daugh-
Saturday,17th at 5.00 p.m. ters.

We need to be cautious not to belittle

God, like Saul does, by justifying his own stand
and treating God as if he is a mere human (1 Sam-
Our Christian life began not with our uel 15) . May we nurture in us, a deep sense of
decision to follow Christ, but with awe towards God, recognizing His Holy presence
God’s call to us to do so in and with us, and in cautiously leading lives (in
thought, word and deed) worthy of Him.
John R.W. Stott
In Him,
Receipts August 2021 August 2022
General Offerings 21,300 25,155
Church is open for
Donations (Anniversary 29,740
prayer from
Pledged Giving 64,000 32,000 Mon - Fri
Missionary Support 31,500 9,200 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lent & Christmas offering
New Church Building 10,000 1,000
Designated collections
Sunday School 365
Grace Church in Village
Medical Aid Fund
Birthdays in September
GRAND TOTAL 1,36,800 97,460 01 Anshuman
04 Srishti Lugun
08 Kelsey Van Oss
11 Arpita Prakash
13 Vicky Singh
15 Arman Lall
21 Arpit
GBC has completed 25 Years of God’s faithfulness 23 Madhu Verma
25 Shireen Revis
Srishti cleared CS exam
Shobha Prakash is undergoing Chemotherapy
Benaiah Lall is undergoing dialysis
Mrs. Pushpa Singh waiting for second knee replacement
Mrs. Revis is recovering from weakness For Pastoral Care contact
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 964 843 1177
Guru has gone to CMC for Check Up
Past. I. Shimi Preetham 8318069259
Vinti seeks for a suitable Job
Mrs Talwar is recovering from obstruction in intestine


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