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a. Civic Consciousness
PROGRAM Presentation
b. Nationalism
Xavier University Student Formation c. Sense of Service
d. Care for our Common Home
CERAE e. Ignatian Leadership
• Context – Magis - First Year
• Reflection – Cura Personalis – Second Year Learning Outcomes
• Expression – Faith that does Justice – Third Year 1. Demonstrate understanding of the NSTP Law, Xavier
• Action – Finding God in All Things – Fourth/Fifth Yea Formation Program by participating in various NSTP
platforms or avenues
Three-Fold Thrust 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the Jesuit
• Academic Excellence Education values through articulation in
• Growth in Spiritual Life reflections and integrations.
• Commitment to a Life of Service
To achieve learning outcomes, you are expected to:
Ignatian Values and Principles a. Recognize the origin of Xavier University
• Creation b. Articulate the students’ mission vis-à-vis the
• Indifference university’s
• Magis c. Make a plan of action of her/his way
• Love is Expressed in Deeds and Not in Words contributing to his/her formation
• Cura Personalis d. Recall the description of the different
• Tantum Quantum characteristics of Jesuit Education
• Non Multa Sed Multum e. Analyze the significance of each characteristic
• Contemplative in Action to their growth as a person
• Ad Majorem dei Gloriam f. Integrate into their daily lives the values and
• Discernment principles brought about by the characteristics
g. Recall the basic knowledge on the fundamental
Attitudes of Person for Others and principles of NSTP, its values and
• Live More Simply appropriate attitudes
• No Unjust Profits h. Recognize their duties and responsibilities as
• Agents of Change students in nation building

NSTP contributes to facilitating the fulfillment of the 2. Apply 12 Little Things in their daily life and perform
Xavier University goal on global competitiveness, the duties & responsibilities of a good Filipino Citizen to
allowing the “learners to successfully transition into his/her own community
global citizens and avail of opportunities to actively
shape a just and peaceful world” To achieve the learning outcomes, you are expected to:

NSTP Framework a. Describe what good citizenship is.

b. Exercise good citizenship values to situations in
daily life
c. Abide by rules and regulations of the Philippines
d. Define what community is
e. Identify social issues and concerns related to
gender, environment, peace, human rights,
health and sanitation, education, national
security and governance
f. Apply social analysis tools in analyzing situations
affecting the marginalized sectors such as
women, children, youth and urban poor
The National Service Training Program is the
formation program intended for first year college
3. Propose a disaster risk reduction management
students. This is a requirement for graduation and the
(DRRM) plan for the community
students are required to undergo the CHED mandated
modules namely: Republic ACT 9163, Citizenship
To achieve the learning outcomes, you are expected to:
Training (including the Community, Gender, and
Development), Drug Education as Mental Illness),
a. Recognize salient points of Republic ACT 10121
Disaster Risk Reduction Management).
b. Recognize the importance of DRRM  specified three (3) categories of national
c. Asses risks of disaster service:
d. Demonstrate their roles in managing disasters a. Civic Welfare Service (CWS)
e. Prepare a kit according to disaster survival plan b. Law Enforcement Service (LES)
c. Military Service (MTS)
4. Participate actively in drug education programs
To achieve the learning outcomes, you are expected to: • President Corazon Aquino
• Widespread protests and demand for review
a. Explain the provisions of RA 9165 of NSL provision
b. Describe the ill-effects of drug use • Released Memorandum Order No. 11,
c. Apply web-chart analysis tool to the issue on suspension of the implementation of NSL
drug addiction (except the military component)
d. Make wise decisions against drug use 1994
e. Undertake their roles in leading drug education • Expanded ROTC or the E-ROTC was
campaigns conceptualized
History of NSTP • Year of high and intense protests of the
abolition of ROTC
During the Spanish colonial years, there was a - complaints on the content, conduct,
training course similar to Reserve Officers' Training competence of its training staff and the
Corps (ROTC), at the University of Santo Tomas corruption that has been going for years
- death of Cadet Sergeant Major Mark Welson
1912 Chua (University of Santo Tomas)
• American Colonial Period 19 December 2001
• ROTC in Philippines began when Philippine - RA 9163 was passed by the House of the
Constabulary commenced with military Representatives and Senate of the
instruction at University of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines
1935 2002
• President Manuel L. Quezon • President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
• Enacted Commonwealth Act No. 1 or the • Signed RA 9163 or the National Service
National Defense Act- required all MALE citizens Training Program Act of 2001 (23 January 2002)
to finish two (2) years of military training to • Implemented school year 2002-2003
institutionalize the reservist system in the country's
national defense. HISTORY OF NSTP
 1912 - PH Constabulary commended with
1939 Military instruction at UP
 ROTC Units in schools (MQuezon)  1935 – Commonwealth Act No. 1 or National
 Executive Order No. 207 -"requiring the Defense Act
establishment of ROTC Units in all colleges and  1980 – PD No. 1706 or the National Service Law
universities as a requisite recognition by the (NSL)
government"  1986 – Suspension of NSL
1942  1991 – RA 7077 or the Citizen Armed Forces of
 ROTC in World War II the Philippines Reservist Act
 Product of ROTCproved their worth on the  1994- Expanded ROTC Program
battle (Japanese Occupation)  2001 – Expose on the implementation of ROTC
1967  2002- RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001
 Post-war Training (FMarcos) PROVISIONS OF RA: 9163
 Executive Order No. 59 (repealed EO 207,1939) Title: National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of
 -inclusion of ROTC course in the curricula 2001
making it mandatory for all colleges and Amends:
universities" Sec. 16: Amendatory Clause
1980  Commonwealth Act No. 1 (Section 35)
 President Ferdinand Marcos  Executive Order No. 207 of 1939
 Issued Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1706 or the  Presidential Decree No. 1706 (Sections
National Service Law (NSL) 2 &3)
 "Compulsory national service for Filipino
 Executive Order No. 207 of 1939 • -CHED Regional Offices, TESDA,
Presidential Decree No. 1706 (Sections 2 Provincial/District Offices and DND-AFP shall
&3) oversee and monitor implementation of NSTP


Panlaáng Hukbo ng Pambansang Paglilingkod

BACKGROUND: Section 11 of RA 9163 specifically

provides creation of NSRC which composed of
graduates of the non-ROTC components. Members of
this Corps may be tapped for literacy and civic welfare
activities, through the joint efforts of DND, CHED and

MISSION: "To provide a trained and motivated

manpower pool that can be tapped by the State for civic
welfare, literacy and other similar endeavors in the
service of the nation."

Functions of NSRC
• To assist in the disaster preparedness, mitigation,
response and rehabilitation programs;
• To serve as an auxiliary to the Disaster Coordinating
Council (DCC) response units;
• To assist in the promotion of civic welfare activities;
• To assist in the implementation of the literacy
Non-military Programs of NSTP
• To assist in socio-economic development;
• To assist in environmental development;
Objectives of CWTS/LTS:
• To perform other similar endeavors.
• Strengthen the values and traits of the youth
• Improve youth's skills and knowledge of various
Two (2) Categories of NSRC Reserve Units
• Develop youth's interest in community service
- non-ROTC components of the NSTP who are
• Make the youth responsible for peace and
still enrolled in the school
development to ensure harmony and growth in the
Filipino communities
- composed of graduates of non-ROTC
Section 5: Coverage
components of the NSTP who are residents of
-Incoming freshmen students, male and female,
their respective localities (Barangay, Municipal,
starting SY 2002-2003
-Enrolled in baccalaureate or at least two (2)
year vocational
-Required or to associate courses complete one
(1) NSTP component of their choice as
graduation requirement
Section 6: Duration and Equivalent Course Unit
-Two (2) semesters / 54 to 90 training hours per
-Three (3) units per semester
Section 10: Management of NSTP Components
-School authorities shall exercise academic and
administrative supervision of the different NSTP
components in their respective school
Section 10: Components
-School authorities shall exercise academic and
administrative supervision of the different NSTP
components in their respective school
action is accompanied with an Ignatian value “cura
personalis” serves a guiding process among educators in
a Jesuit institution such as Xavier in facilitating in
becoming men and women for others. Doing the
Ateneo way.
Xavier has created the ladderized social formation
LESSON 1: ORIENTATION TO XAVIER UNIVERSITY – programs in order to ensure the fulfilment of “forming
NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM PDF men and women for others” articulated in the
curriculum in every year level. These social formation
CONTEXT programs are Freshmen Formation Program (FFP),
Xavier University has a developmental National Service Training Program (NSTP), and the
formation program for the students from first year to Service-Learning Program (SLP).
fourth year college students. The National Service
Training Program (NSTP) is the formation program Xavier has created the ladderized social
intended for the 1st year college students. formation programs in order to ensure the fulfilment of
The program is integrated into the student “forming men and women for others” articulated in the
formation framework of the university and the sessions curriculum in every year level. These social formation
are anchored in the guiding principles of Republic Act programs are Freshmen Formation Program (FFP),
9163 and the mission-vision of Xavier University-Ateneo National Service Training Program (NSTP), and the
de Cagayan. Learning of students should not only take Service-Learning Program (SLP).
place in the classroom but also for them to actualize
what they have learned through actual community The FFP is designed for the holistic formation of
engagements. the first-year students and transferees. It is an
Students were already exposed to outreach introduction to Jesuit and Xavier education and a
programs like feeding, donating, and packing relief preparation to college life. The FFP also introduces a
goods, and assisting in community activities and social exposure where students are exposed to
projects. In their young age, they were given venues to communities and institutions that respond to the
render service to others. emergent development concerns to the signs of times.

Objectives Following the Republic Act 9163, the National

a. Recall the basic knowledge on the Service Training Program is anchored on the roles of the
fundamental and principles of Civic Welfare Training youth in nation-building. Xavier provides the first-year
Service, Literacy Training Service, Reserve Officers’ college students with opportunities to integrate with
Training Corps, military service, values and appropriate the communities doing concrete community
attitudes engagements. Through NSTP, Xavier’s mission of
b. Distinguish the community service options on forming person for others as a manifestation of good
Civic Welfare Training Service, Literacy Training Service and responsive citizens among the students is
and Military Training Service actualized
c. Recognize their duties and responsibilities as
students in nation building The Service-Learning Program (SLP) aims to
provide Xavier University students from various
EXPERIENCE academic disciplines with constructive and
Input 1: Xavier University Social Formation transformative learning experiences. It is an
As a Jesuit University, Xavier takes heed of Fr, engagement with partner communities and institutions
Pedro Arrupe, SJ call: that brings theoretical premise into proactive social
“Today our prime educational objective must be relevance.
to form men and women for others; men and women
who live not for themselves but for God and his Christ… Hence, the existence of these social formation
men and women who cannot even conceive of love of programs at Xavier University is a manifestation of what
God which does not include love of the least of their a Jesuit institution should be. Jesuit Education contends
neighbors… men and women completely convinced that that our distinction is not to suggest “uniqueness” but
love of God which does not issue in justice for people is rather a description of “our way of proceeding” – our
a farce.” way of life, the Ateneo way. It also contends that “the
success of Jesuit education is measured not in terms of
The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) academic performance of students or professional
formerly used as a guide for the studies of the Jesuits is competence of teachers, but rather in terms of this
a teaching methodology that ensures “action” as a quality of life – a life lived “in service of others ‘for raise,
manifestation of one’s reflection after a given reverence and service of God’.” Indeed, Xavier’s slogan
experience. The interplay of experience-reflection- of “forming men and women for other” is not only a
word of mouth but also in action framework making it
realistic and practical. Framework
The XU-NSTP is a one-year formative process
tailored to the capabilities of second year students.
Aimed at developing the student’s civic consciousness,
the program facilitates student’s formation, which takes
off from the Jesuit framework of weaving community
service into the threads of the academe. Parallel to the
classroom sessions are area work in the different
communities of Cagayan de Oro, which are directly
Input 2: Xavier University-National Service Training facilitated by the partner institutions of NSTP. XUNSTP’s
Program (XU-NSTP) work is directed toward the formation of responsible
citizens through the three (3) elements of sustainable
Implementer development – on society, where the value of
Xavier University has a developmental leadership in community engagement is highlighted; on
formation program for the students from first year to economy, where the value for work and resources is
fourth year college students. The National Service maximized; and on environment, where the value of
Training Program (NSTP) is the formation program respect and care for sustainability of creation is
intended for the 1st year college students. observed.
The program is integrated into the student The mechanics of the program are designed to
formation framework of the university and the sessions create an impact on the communities by facilitating
are anchored in the guiding principles of the Republic activities for the communities such as Catechism,
Act 9163 also known as the NSTP Law and the mission- Cultural Program, Political Education Program, Green
vision of the university. Thus, the learning of the Campus Agenda (GCA), Traffic Education and
students in the classroom should be well manifested Enforcement, Information Education Campaigns (IEC) on
through actual and concrete community engagements. Basic Marine Ecology, Disaster Risk Reduction
Xavier University facilitates the three (3) service Management and Solid Waste Management, Nursery
components of the National Service Training Program Establishment and Maintenance, Scouting Program,
namely: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Social Entrepreneurship Program, Sustainable Sanitation
Training Service (LTS), and the Reserve Officers Training Assistance, Tutorial Learning Program (Community-
Corps (ROTC). The CWTS refers to program component based / School-based), Values Education, School
or activities contributory to the general welfare and the Gardening and Youth Savings.
betterment of life for the members of the community of The implementation of such projects shall
the enhancement of its facilities especially those enrich the students’ sense of responsibility and shall
devoted to improving health education, environment, deepen their own analysis of the social situations as
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, and moral of the they immerse themselves in the communities. It is the
citizenry and other social welfare services; the LTS goal of the program that they shall then view and
refers to the program component designed to train the maximize their education as a tool to serve others.
students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school At the outset, the partnership has a clear
children, out of school youth, and other segments of orientation and a goal to mobilize the communities,
society in need of their services; and the ROTC refers to where the students would be fielded for work to
the program component, institutionalized under Section implement their own community development projects,
38 and 39 of RA 7077 designed to provide military thereby giving their own share in the barangay
training to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them development processes. Such partnership will set a
for national defense preparedness (Espiritu, 2012). learning example for students that a community whose
XU-NSTP regards these components as venues members work together can achieve much for its
for facilitating programs that will provide the students development.
more opportunities for community involvement that
can also actualize the University’s mission of forming Approach
persons for others as a manifestation of being good and The XU-NSTP adopts the two-pronged
responsive Filipino citizens. These are also venues for a approach. This approach allows for the facilitation of
structured community service program that is two formation processes: a) Classroom Sessions with
integrated into the educational curriculum as mandated the corresponding Reflection Sessions, and b) Area
by law. Work Experience. The ROTC, however, includes military
As one of the units under the Mission and training. The classroom sessions focus on inputs
Ministry cluster, XU-NSTP underscores the formation of through lectures and activities in preparation for the
the students through community services anchored to actual community work. The area work experience
its formation areas on Spiritual/Faith and Moral, Socio- focuses on the students’ actual community work by
Cultural, and Mission and Service doing concrete barangay development assistance.
The program integrates the parallel processes Principled Leadership which translates into
of classroom intervention and community integration. deep concern for others, love of country, a strong faith
The sessions/activities are inspired by the Ignatian in God, and a thought on what is for the common good
Pedagogical Paradigm’s “constant interplay of rather than the personal aggrandizement. This could
experience, reflection, and action”. The concrete area also be known as servant leadership, a theory which
work experiences of the students are processed through was conceptualized by Robert Greenleaf (1977) which
in-depth reflection sessions both in the classroom and states that servant – leader’s primary mission is to
by themselves. They are mobilized to do action that is serve: ‘it begins with the natural feeling that one wants
“the work of the spirit of Christ”, embodying the call of to serve, to serve first. Then, conscious choice brings
Jesuit Education. one to aspire to lead’. Greenleaf stated that leaders
aspire to lead first, rather than serve, do as a s result of
a need to achieve control, or power and personal gain
Input 3: The Ideal XU-NSTP Graduate – Responsible (Dennis, et al 2010)
The ideals of an XU-NSTP graduate have its
roots in the three-fold thrust of Xavier University on Input 1: History of NSTP 
formation – to produce XU graduates with competence,
conscience, and commitment. The formation in NSTP is Prior to National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of
one of the primary encounters of a second-year 2001, several legal precedents have been enacted to
student, which would hopefully inspire the student to address the need of national defense, security, and
general welfare of the state. These includes:  
maximize the formation offered by Xavier University as
he/she continues his/her education. In sum, an XU-NSTP
Commonwealth Act No. 1
graduate has the following:
For most Philippine military historians, real ROTC in the
Nationalism which translates into a having basic Philippines did not start until 1912, when the Philippine
knowledge of what he/she is capable of and a deeper Constabulary started conducting military instruction at
understanding of him/herself as a person, an Atenean, the University of the Philippines. Thus, the first ROTC
and a Filipino citizen who knows his/her role in society. unit in the country was established in the University of
Nationalism, on the other hand, is a sense of nation the Philippines and instruction started on July 3, 1922.
above all others and placing primary emphasis on Other institutions then formed their respective ROTC
promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to units including National University, Ateneo de Manila,
those of other nations or supranational groups. Liceo de Manila, & Colegio de San Juan de Letran. These
units remained independent of each other until 1936,
Sense of Service which translates into a high when the Office of the Superintendent, ROTC Units,
Philippine Army, was activated to administer, supervise
regard for his/her Ateneo education, and views this as a
and control, as well as to supply, all ROTC units that
tool for serving others especially the poor Thereafter, as
existed throughout the country.
Flanagan and Levine (2010) articulated that the sense of
service refers to the civic engagement of young adults— On December 21, 1935, Commonwealth Act No. 1,
whether in the form of joining community groups, otherwise known as the "National Defense Act of 1935”
volunteering to help neighbors, or leading grassroots enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines on
efforts to gain civil rights—is important to the health 21 December 1935 signed by Former President Manuel
and performance of democracy. It is also important for L. Quezon.  , provided the legal basis for the conduct of
personal growth and identity formation during the ROTC instruction in the country and provided a purpose
transition to adulthood. to create an Independent Philippine Military. As further
supported with Executive Order (EO) 207, S. 1939, it
Trustworthiness which translates into a states that “all colleges and universities and similar
conscientious care and concern for environment, being institutions of learning having a total enrolment of one
hundred students or more, upon proper receipt of
a steward of God’s creation; The Good Citizenship refers
notification from the Chief of Staff, Philippine Army,
to membership, belonging, rights, and obligation
shall include a course of military instruction, commonly
(Stevenson 2000); it is the willingness and opportunity known as ROTC Course as a compulsory portion of their
of a large proportion of citizens to participate in the respective curricula for all physically fit male citizens of
running of their social lives through groups and pressure undergraduate status, and shall faithfully conduct the
groups (Heater 2004); modern citizenship itself was course in accordance with the policies and regulations
born of the nation – state in which certain rights and approved by the President of the Philippines.” In the
obligations were allocated to individuals under its year 1941 around 33 colleges and universities
authority (Isin, E. F., & Turner, B. S. 2002). nationwide was able to maintained ROTC units.
However, with the onset of World War II, all units were
National Defense Act of 1935 stipulates the obligation In 1995, an expanded ROTC was conceptualized. When
to undergo military training which shall begin with the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA
youth in school, commencing at the age of ten (10) 7077 were promulgated the voluntary nature of ROTC
years until he shall reach the age of twenty-one (21) was integrated.  All baccalaureate students were
years when he shall become subject to service with the required to enroll in the military training service
colors. If at eighteen to twenty-one years of age the component of the Expanded ROTC but after completing
youth is not attending any school or college, he shall the two (2) semesters of Military Training Service (MTS),
enter the Junior Reserve subject to the exemptions the student was given the choice to continue and attend
prescribed in section eighty-seven of this Act. This another two (2) Semesters of MTS or two (2) semesters
training prior to service shall be termed "Preparatory each of Law Enforcement Service (LES) and Civic
Military Training”. It mandates “all able-bodied male Welfare Service (CWS) to Qualify for graduation in their
citizens between the ages of twenty (20) years and fifty- respective Baccalaureate Courses.
one (51) years, both inclusive, except those specifically
exempted” for obligatory military service.
(Commonwealth Act No. 1 | GOVPH, 1935)

Republic Act 9163

Presidential Decree No. 1706
In 2001, discontent over the implementation of ROTC
Commonwealth Act No. 1 known as National Defense has reached its peak. Various demonstrations were
Act of 1935 was then amended by President Ferdinand staged due to complaints about its content, conduct,
Marcos on 8 August 1980 with Presidential Decree (PD) competence of its training staff and the corruption that
No. 1706 otherwise known as the National Service Law. has been going for years. The school administrators
The law made National Service compulsory to Filipino especially the students did not find its relevance
citizens to any of the three (3) categories of national anymore. Protests for the abolition of ROTC became
service: civic welfare service; law enforcement service; high and intense when Cadet Sergeant Major Mark
and military service. Terms referred to Commonwealth Welson Chua was brutally murdered, allegedly by
Act 1 was also amended in PD 1706 such as: from members of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) ROTCU
“military service” to “national service” and from training staff. He was reported to have been abducted
“military training” to “training to national service”. and, three days later, his corpse was found in a river
beside the Jones Bridge in Escolta. Three years later, his
fellow cadet was found guilty and sentenced to death
by the Manila Regional Trial Court.  
Republic Act 7077
Various bills were proposed in response to the protests.
In June 27, 1991, Republic Act 7077 otherwise known as With the urgent need to have a new ROTC law. In 2002,
the Citizen Armed Forces or Armed Forces of the Republic Act No. 9163 established the National Service
Philippines Reservist Act was enacted into law. It Training Program for tertiary level students passed by
provided for the organization, administration, training, the House of Representatives and the Senate of the
maintenance, and utilization of the citizen armed force Republic of the Philippines on December 19, 2001 and
or the armed forces of the Philippines and for other was approved by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on
purposes. It mandated the establishment of the Reserve January 23, 2002. It provided all students with three (3)
Officers’ Training Corps Units in schools.  service components: Civic Welfare Training Service,
Literacy Training Service, Reserve Officers’ Training
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) was Corps. Its implementation started in the School Year
implemented on the following basis:  2002-2003. The passage of Republic Act No. 9163
amended: Commonwealth Act No. 1, P.D. 1706 and R.A
1. Section 4, Article II of the 1987 Philippine 7077.  
Constitution which states that “The prime duty
of the Government is to serve and protect the
people. The Government may call upon the
people to defend the State and, in the House Bill (HB) 8961
fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required,
under conditions provided by law, to render The attempt to reinstate the mandatory Reserve
personal, military or civil service;” and  Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program, the House of
2. Presidential Decree No. 1706 otherwise known Representatives approved on third and final reading
as the National Service Law which provided for House Bill No. 8961 or the proposed “Reserve Officers’
compulsory National Service for Filipino Training Corps (ROTC) Act,” which seeks to
Citizens.  institutionalize, develop, train, organize and administer
basic ROTC in Grades 11 and 12 in all public and private
  educational institutions.
According to Rappler’s report, “the bill has a long way to coordination with DILG, DSWD and other
go, however, as its Senate version remains pending at concerned agencies/associations.
the committee level. It would have to go through  Certificate of Completion with corresponding
successful 2nd and 3rd readings in the upper chamber serial number issued by CHED, TESDA or DND,
before President Rodrigo Duterte may sign it into law.” shall be awarded to students who have
successfully complied with the program
Republic Act 9163 (Refer on the provided copy of the

The Philippine Congress crafted a new version of E-

ROTC in January 2002. Representative Harlin Abayon
sponsored House Bill 3593 while the late Senator
Renato Cayetano sponsored Senate Bill 1824. Both bills
had been consolidated into the new law known as the
Republic Act 9163 or the National Service Training
Program (NSTP). Former President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo signed it on January 23, 2002.   

Republic Act 9163 and the NSTP Implementing Rules

and Regulations (IRR) emphasized that it aims at
enhancing civic consciousness and defense
preparedness of the youth by Developing the ethics of
service and patriotism while undergoing training in any
of the three (3) components that are specifically
designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to
the general welfare will be more significant and
productive to their leadership and social participation.
The three components are Literacy Training Service
(LTS), Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and the
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).

Input 2: Salient Features of the Revised Implementing

Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the NSTP

 The Program of Study (syllabus) and enrollment

forms shall bear the “NSTP” without stating
therein the three components. There shall be
an orientation for all NSTP enrollees to be
jointly conducted by the ROTC, CWTS, and LTS
coordinators/implementers. Students enrolled
in the first semester of the freshmen year shall
be made to undergo a common module phase
for 25 hours training period. Subjects covered
are: citizenship training; drug addiction; disaster
awareness, preparedness and management;
environmental protection; and other national
security concerns. Upon completion of the
common module phase, the student must select
the specific NSTP service component that s/he
will pursue.
 Earned NSTP units shall not be included in the
computation of Grade Point Average (GPA)
grades of college graduating students.
 Graduates of the non-ROTC components of the
NSTP shall belong to the National Service
Reserve Corps (NSRC) and could be tapped by
the state for literacy and civic welfare activities,
especially in times of calamities through the
joint efforts of DND, CHED and TESDA, in

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