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Lyka Marie E.

BSED- Major in Filipino

ACTIVITY 1. -First Approach

Answer the following:

1. What is Inculcation Approach?
2. What is the purpose of inculcating values?
3. Give the theoretical basis/ bases of inculcation.
4. What methods should be employed in inculcation (of values)?

Inculcation Approach

The inculcation approach assumes that students will take a passive learning role.
Students are to follow the teacher's instructions, answer the questions, and modify their
behavior. They are to act in accordance with pre-specified values.

The purpose is to instill or internalize certain desirable values among students to

change the values of the students so they more nearly reflect certain desired values,
desirable values means conforming to the standards or norms set by the society as role
models play the crucial part in the development of desired values

Inculcation strategies include modeling, positive, and negative reinforcement: mocking,

nagging, manipulating, alternatives, games and simulation, role playing and story

The Theoretical basis of Inculcation approach to Values Education are the theories
reinforcement and learnings such as OPERANT CONDITIONING by Burrhus F.
Skinner, OBSERVATION LEARNING by Albert Bandura.

Desirable Values may internalize through modeling, imitation, observation, and

reinforcement, Like Positive or Negative reinforcement.

The Values Inculcation Approach is the most common and oldest Approach to Values
education. It is pedagogical in nature.

The Inculcation Approach is the most appropriate for the types of behavioral change
desired, We use Inculcation Approach to:

1. INCREASE BEHAVIOR- we use positive reinforcement, we can provide the

model, we remove interfering conditions and use games simulations and roleplaying.
2. TEACH A NEW BEHAVIOR- We use response differentiation, games, simulation
and role playing.
3. MAINTAIN BEHAVIOR - we can use one or more several schedules of
intermittent reinforcement.


removing or withdrawing reinforcement giving a punishment, changing the steam you
lose and we also use mocking and nagging.

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