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BSN Level 2 NCM 109---MCH SKILL

What Is a Scrub Nurse?

ByDr. Kelly S. MeierUpdated March 08, 2019

Sometimes referred to as a theater nurse, a scrub

nurse prepares the operating room,
manages the nursing staff,
assists the surgeon and attends to the patient
through the recovery stage of surgery.
You must be detail-oriented and perceptive to be
successful in this role. While it’s possible to become
a scrub nurse with an Associate’s Degree in
nursing, most health care organizations require an
undergraduate degree, surgical experience and
successful completion in Certified Nurse
Operating Room (CNOR).

Provides Patient Care

OT nurse responsibilities begin before the surgery

begins. A scrub nurse meets with the patient to
learn about that patient's medical history and
ensures that the patient has completed any
necessary preoperative tests.
A scrub nurse takes vital signs and checks in with
the patient, immediately before the surgery.
During the surgery, the scrub nurse continues
to monitor the vital signs and informs the surgeon
if the patient is exhibiting signs of physical distress.
Once the surgery is over, the scrub nurse
communicates with that patient’s family and
provides post-operative care information.

Takes Body Substance Isolation Precautions

All members of the medical team must go through

a scrubbing process, before entering the surgical
suite. This is to protect the operating room from
germs that could contaminate the surgical field. The
scrub nurse is one of the first people to do this. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC ) mandates that staff scrub for two to five
minutes, but some health care facilities have more
stringent rules. A scrub nurse also puts on a gown
and gloves to protect themselves and the operating

Drapes Tables as Needed

A scrub nurse is responsible for draping the
surgical field to help prevent infection during the
operation. This important duty establishes a sterile
field and is critical in minimizing patient exposure to
microorganisms. Drapes are used on the operating
room table, back table, prep table and any other
furniture used during surgery. Once the operating
field is draped, surgical personnel must scrub,
prior to crossing into the sterile area. The scrub
nurse oversees the area to ensure that the sterile
field doesn’t become contaminated.

Takes Inventory and Arranges Instruments

An in-depth understanding of the surgical procedure
and the preferences of the surgeon is one of the OT
nurse responsibilities. A scrub nurse selects all of
the needed instruments and lays them out on an
instrument table. Surgical sponges and equipment
are counted before, during and at the end of the
procedure. Working in tandem with the circulating
nurse, a theatre nurse counts the supplies and the
circulating nurse records the numbers. If something
cannot be accounted for, at the end of the surgery,
the scrub nurse must coordinate a search effort to
find the missing item.
Readies the Sutures
A theatre nurse is an expert on the sutures
needed for the surgery. Of equal importance, is an
understanding of the surgeon’s preference on
sutures and needles to be used for the scheduled
procedure. Just like instrument placement,
arranging the sutures in the order that they will be
used is on the list of OT nurse responsibilities. The
scrub nurse must hand the surgeon the appropriate
suture with the corresponding needle, at the time of
closing. A strong working relationship between
the scrub nurse and surgeon is critical to prevent
needle sticks and maintain safety in the operating

Helps the Surgical Staff Gown and Glove

One of the _OT nurse responsibilitie_s is to gown
the surgeon, after scrubbing. This involves
providing a towel for hand drying, unfolding the
gown and assisting with the surgical gloves and
mask. The scrub nurse makes sure that the surgeon
doesn’t touch a nonsterile field and is ready to go
for surgery.

Anticipates the Needs of the Surgeon

Serving as the right hand of the surgeon, a scrub
nurse must be able to foresee what is needed at
each point, during a surgery. Quick thinking and
reaction time is needed to assist with what can be
life and death situations. During the surgery, a scrub
nurse hands the surgical instruments to the surgeon
and must ensure that no mistakes are made. An
efficient surgery is dependent upon how well the
scrub nurse and the surgeon work together as a

Preserves Specimens as Needed

A theater nurse is responsible for protecting and
preserving specimens collected during the
surgery. In advance of surgery, the scrub nurse
confers with the surgeon about the types of
specimens that will be collected and ensures that
needed containers are ready. The collection of
specimens is a complicated process. Proper
labeling, maintenance of a sterile field and delivery
to a technologist are all part of an OT nurse

Provides Post Surgery Tasks

OT nurse responsibilities are not finished when the
surgery is completed. All operating equipment
and instruments must be inventoried.
Instruments that can be reused have to be sterilized
in the autoclave and staff must be directed to clean
the operating suite. The scrub nurse moves the
patient to a recovery area and briefs the nursing
staff on the surgery and any pertinent information
about their condition. If the patient experiences
difficulty in recovery, the scrub nurse may be
involved in briefing the surgeon.

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