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Anthony Joseph D.

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Quarter 3 – Module 1
Philippine Literary History from Pre-Colonial to the Contemporary

What I Know
1. C 6. B 11. A
2. D 7. B 12. A
3. A 8. D 13. B
4. B 9. A 14. D
5. A 10. D 15. C

What’s In
1. The different literary periods in Philippine literature include the pre-colonial period, the Spanish
colonial era, the American colonial era, and the contemporary period. Literature in the
Philippines evolved as part of the country’s changing history.
2. Elements are essential in all forms of prose. There are various elements of literature such as
alliteration, theme, plot, personification, and so on. Certain components can be found in all
literary texts, regardless of time frame. Setting, theme, structure, point of view, and diction are
examples of these.
What’s New
1565 1566- 1872- 1898- 1941- 1946- 1970- 1981- 1986- 2001-
1871 1898 1941 1945 1970 1980 1985 1999 present
1. E 2. G 3. H 4. D 5. A 6. J 7. I 8. B 9. C 10. F

What’s More
Activity 1. Who’s Who
1. C 6. A
2. A 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. B 9. A
5. C 10. B

Assessment 1. Characterize Me!

Legends Folk Tales The Epic Age Folk Songs

In literature, a legend Evaluate our Long narrative poems It manifests the artistic
is a conventional story personalities and in which a series of feelings of the Filipinos
or collection of stories improve our respective heroic achievements and shows their innate
about a person or in life, early forms of or events, usually appreciation for and
location. Legend used culture. Stories about heroes, are dealt with love of beauty.
to refer to a story life, adventure, love, at length.
about a saint. Some horror, and humor.
stories are a one-of-a-
kind trait of the location
or person depicted.

Activity 2. Thinker’s View

1. The moon was frightened that its stars would wither and die if they interacted with the sun’s
2. In the evening, when the clouds faded the moon stars appeared.
3. The eclipse is a natural phenomenon that is mentioned in Filipino Folklore.
Assessment 2. Closer Look
1. Faith
2. Wonder
3. Worship
Assessment 3. Saying a Song
After listening to the song Ang Bayan Ko and discovering its true story, I was mesmerized by its role
in our history. The emotions and messages were astonishing. From the first message and tone, this
was describing how freedom to everyone is essential and that even animals have the right to gain
their independence, so importantly we, as a human. It is necessary to understand and put our effort
into understanding the most significant event in our history.

What I Can Do
I may display a sense of adaptability to the diverse literary past of the Philippines as a
grade 12 Filipino learner by reading any of the literary works of the Philippines or by looking at
some examples of it. Being able to show a sense of adaptability to the diverse Philippines
literary history is essential for students and learners alike. The Philippines has a long rich
literary tradition. It dates back from pre- Spanish colonization, through occupation, during
wartime, and up until today. The Philippines is a melting pot of culture and its history has
reflected this.
The history of the Philippines literary evolution has been drawn from the different ethnic
groups that settled on the islands. Various foreign influences such as Indo-Malay, Chinese,
American, and Spanish culture had an influence on the literary culture in the Philippines. The
literature produced during this period reflects its rich heritage. Literary works written in Tagalog
were mostly religious or influenced by native mythology and superstition.
The rich diversity in culture led to a variety of literature being produced throughout the
years. Modern Filipino literature has evolved to include works by Filipinos writing in English,
Spanish and regional languages. Literature to be used for study nowadays is comprised of
literary works produced after the Philippines became an American province.
As Filipinos, we must be aware of our rich history. I believe that this sense of
adaptability will help to better understand our culture and the role that literature plays in it. This
will also help us respect the diversity found in Filipino culture and how it affects our daily lives.
It is easy to take each day for granted without even realizing how much history surrounds us.


What’s In
1. The different Literary periods in the Philippines are The pre-Colonial Period, Spanish Colonial Era,
American Colonial Era, and the Contemporary Period.
2. Japanese Regime: nationalism, and life in the barrios, faith, religion, and arts.
American Period – Philippine literature was influenced by two factors, the first is education and the
second is they influenced Filipino writers to write using the English language.
Spanish Period – the first Filipino alphabet alibata replace by the roman alphabet, the teaching of
Christian doctrines became the basis of religious practices.
3. The changes in literature during the 21st century are ICT learners wanted to be ICT relined to
complete the styles and format of writing as well.

What’s New
1. Life in the form of a sea.

What’s More
Activity 1. Graphic Organizer

Title of the Text: Gabu

Author: Carlos A. Angeles


TOPIC Gabu is a representation of life.

What is the text all about?

SITUATION A coastline in Ilocos that is constantly

experiencing the battering restlessness of the
What is the setting referred to or sea.
described in the text?

CLIENT The target group of readers is anyone who

reads the text which means that all is the target
Who is the target group of readers of the group.

How would you describe the group in The skills, values, beliefs, and attitudes of this
terms of skills, values, beliefs, and target group of readers are described by the way
attitudes? they interact with people.

It tells us that no matter how life is, believe that
Why was the text written? What stability in life will come along and reach
does it hope to achieve especially through hardships.
among its client?

PERSONA Carlos A. Angeles

Who is the voice behind the text? Gabu that is written by a Carlos Palanca
What is known about him or her? Memorial Awardee in poetry in 1964, Carlos A.
Angeles. His collection of poems entitled Sun of
Jewels also bagged him the Republic Cultural
Heritage Award in Literature in the same year.
Assessment 1. Reflect On Me
1. The text is written in the Filipino language.
2. The purpose of the text is to show people how important literature is and encourage them to read.

Activity 2. Outline

Philippine Literature is going through a drought.
1st Reason 2nd Reason 3rd Reason

Many are anticipating the Literature today is focused All call for re-emergence
reawakening of literature on the demand of the public of Philippine Literature

Because the great Because today’s public The year 1935 to 1945
literature is the same we demand have a huge saw the emergence of
will need at the present impact in literature due to significant trend in
time. the effects of social media. Philippine literature.

Being a Filipino is a great privilege and honor. The Filipino people were great in all fields. With these,
Filipino writers and foreign writers view about the Filipino as a brave and skilled person.

Assessment 2. Theme Up
The central theme of this text was anger or resentment.

What I Can Do
Activity 1. Verse of the day

Verse 1. You are all entitled to your experiences that determine how things appear to you. Each of us
might see the same thing differently, but in the end, an apple is still an apple.
Verse 6. Women from distant lands from all over the world are far more knowledgeable than just one.
Like a coil of rope that is made up of single strands. As a single strand, it is easily broken but binds a
thousand together and it is far more difficult to break.
Verse 7. Brings the whole poem together. It is a poem about women for women. Though they may have
their differences, once they band together they are invincible. Not only that, it tells of the strength of any
woman, both physically, spiritually, and mentally.
1. C 6. B 12. B
2. A 7. B 13. B
3. D 8. A 14. D
4. A 9. D 15. D
5. B 11. C

Additional Activity
As for me as a Filipino where my national language is Tagalog, it would be very effective and helpful to
me because I will deeply understand the content and context of what I’m reading without any error or

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