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Milk Utilization Verification (MUV) Cutover Checklist

Cutover is a specific phase in the project that involves tasks to be completed by ODC, DFO and the processors prior to be able to start using the system. The duration of this phase will vary based on the amount of work that is required by the processor to do certain one time set ups (for example the number of products you produce). The following steps will outline the tasks needed to be done by the processor, tasks performed by DFO, ODC or Servicad (hosting company) are not shown in this document The expected time to complete all processor tasks is 1 to 2 days depending on the number of products you produce. It is recommended that processors set aside time to perform these tasks continuously to minimize completion effort and time.

1. Define users and define the roles for those users and associate which plant number(s) they should have access to (for multi-plant processors) and send via email to
As a reminder there are two roles that exist for processors which you may want to delineate for control purposes: Plant Product Administrator - Role created for each processor - Manages the processor specific product data which associates to standard products, package sizes, or other attributes - Has ability to run and view reports (with appropriate security) Processor - Primary role for utilization declaration tasks such as delivery information, quantities sold, produced, returned, and transferred - Has ability to run and view reports (with appropriate security) - Has the ability to submit utilization reports to DFO when complete If you are a multi-plant processor there may be a need to allow a user to have access to more than one plant, if this is the case you would list all valid plant numbers that they have access to.

2. Verify that the URL for the TEST and PRODUCTION environments can be accessed. In the event of a problem first check that you can access other websites, if you can but still cant access those above then send an email to 3. Create all of the processor specific products to be reported on by associating them with the standard product listing.
Refer to SMP 1.1 from the test material that was provided during User Acceptance Testing which outlines the detailed application steps needed to perform this Associating your products to the specific package size and material they are produced in. When assigning SKU numbers during this phase please note that the products will appear on other screens in SKU number order.

4. Define your inventory identification parameters

Effective February 1, 2010

Milk Utilization Verification (MUV) Cutover Checklist

Refer to SMP 1.7 from the test material that was provided during User Acceptance Testing which outlines the detailed application steps needed to perform this

5. Define the ingredients to be used in the production of specific products

Refer to SMP 1.10 from the test material that was provided during User Acceptance Testing which outlines the detailed application steps needed to perform this

6. Key in the opening inventory values for the most recent months utilization (Previous months closing inventory balance) total volume and total butterfat
Refer to MUD 1.20 from the updated test material that is provided on February 11th.

7. In the event that you have Special Class Sales where you do not have any current month production; you need to enter the quantity produced along with volume used and KG of Butterfat in the month preceding your first declaration (does not need to be the actual month of production for system calculation purposes so just enter in January 2010). 8. Obtain most recent declaration data from your source system or production records 9. Begin entering processor declaration data
Refer to all scripts that start with MUD from the test material that was provided during User Acceptance Testing which outlines the detailed application steps needed to perform this

Usage Considerations: Ensure that all codes (product, SKU, ingredient, etc.) are the same length so the sorting function in table listings work properly. E.g. If the maximum length of a processors product code is 7 digits, ensure that all codes less than 7 digits are padded with leading zeros. Enter 0001234 instead of 1234. Remember to save your data before navigating to other pages. The MUV will log you out if you leave the MUV system idle for more than 15 minutes. Any unsaved data will be lost. Make sure all data is saved before leaving MUV. MUV assigns all defined ingredients to every product. Make sure you enter ingredient quantities for the correct products. The Shrinkage Report provides a summary of monthly declaration by class (Volume Declared and BF Kgs Declared). Processors may use this report to check the MUV utilization data against the plants internal utilization data for verification purposes.

Who do I call if I have any questions? On initial entry and start up you should contact David Walker at 519-880-3049 and/or email You should also advise Dave of your conversion schedule in advance so he can be available to answer questions or, if necessary, visit your site.

Effective February 1, 2010

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