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Match the words from the left column with their synonyms / definitions in the right column.

1. Be cross a) „drop” some liquid

2. Trip [tripped] b) Be angry

3. Spill [spilled / spilt] c) Delete the tick

4. Ceiling d) Pour water all over a flat

5. Flood a flat e) Slose balance and fall

6. Uncheck / untick f) Your upstairs neighbour’s floor

Fill the gaps with words from the left column in ex.1 Remember about the correct forms of verbs.

1. If you lie to Bob, he will be ________________.

2. Be careful, this coffee is hot, don’t __________ it!

3. Sally cannot wear high heels because she keeps _____________.

4. Look at the list of all the options and ____________ the ones you are not interested in.

5. Tell me the truth even if it is hard. I promise I won’t be _____________.

6. Oh, no! I accidentally ___________ wine on my couch!

7. The ____________ is dripping with water, I’m afraid the neighbours are going to __________ our


8. In the ballroom there were 3 crystal chandeliers hanging from the ______________.

9. A: How did you break your leg? B: I was walking down the street and suddenly I


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