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A Photograph

1. Why does the poet feel nostalgic?

Answer: The poet sees an old photograph of her mother in which she was standing on the beach
with her two cousins — Dolly and Betty. They were enjoying themselves. The photograph captured
her mother’s sweet and smiling face. At that time, she was around twelve years old. The poet
remembers how her mother used to laugh whenever she looked at that old photograph. But time
has passed and now the poet has been left only with the memories of her mother. Thus, she feels

2. What does the poet say about her mother’s face?

Answer: The poet remarks that her mother had a sweet face, smiling and caring for her cousins who
were younger to her. The poet also says that her mother used to enjoy these sea holidays, and
would laugh heartily, later on when she saw the photograph.

3. How does the poet react to her past? Why has she not mentioned anything about her
mother’s death?

Answer: The poet remembers with sadness her mother’s laughter which she cannot hear any more.
The poet is full of a sense of loss and does not mention about her mother’s death, as it may bring
more gloom to her and make her speechless.

4. Does the poet appear to be grieving?

Answer: The poet is certainly filled with a sense of loss. Her mother is long dead and though the poet
has adjusted to her absence, she is not able to completely overcome her loss. She remembers how it
used to be when her mother was still with her. The last line is an apt depiction of her state of mind.
The loss has filled her life with silence.

5. Comment on the tone of the poem.

Answer: The tone of the poem is that of sadness. Shirley Toulson looks at an old photograph of her
mother and is sadly reminded of her mother who is no more. She mentions about death of her
mother indirectly only but this photograph has made her speechless and silent.

6. “Its silence silences,” writes Shirley Toulson. The loss of her mother has silenced her. Do you
think that this attitude of the poet is the right attitude to live life? Why/ why not?


The poet has personified silence here. There is no doubt that Shirley Toulson has given a very
touching tribute to her mother by remembering her through her verses. It is apparent that she is
very much nostalgic and is grieving at the loss of her mother. Though she says that over the years
she has adjusted to her mother’s absence, but circumstances have surely filled her with silence and a
deep void.
We cannot deny that it hurts very much to lose someone, but the attitude shown by the poet at the
end is not the right way to live your life. Life will keep going on even if we stop to lament our loss.

Loss is universal. It is the law of nature, an inevitable truth. We cannot let ourselves get depressed
just because of this. It is also understandable that we will grieve. However, grieving to the point of
hampering the normal functioning of our lives is not acceptable.

7. Happy moments are short-lived but provide a lifetime memory. They provide a cushion to
bear the difficulties which the future has in store for you. Comment in the light of the poem
‘A Photograph’ by Shirley Toulson.


Our life is a mixture of happy as well as adverse times. We must learn to move on with the help of
those happy memories which provided us with so much enjoyment and happiness. As life is not a
bed of roses, everyone at one stage or another is likely to face difficulties.

At the time of difficulties, happy moments can give us solace and fill us with positivity which is
required during difficult times. Happy moments will certainly provide us with a hope that, as happy
moments are short-lived, so are difficult times. One must learn to cope with the situation. The
memories of happy times can provide us a cushion to bear difficulties with patience and peace.

8. ‘Both wry with the laboured ease of loss.’ The poet is missing her mother. What is the role of
the mother in forming the personality of a child?


A mother’s role in shaping the personality of a child is of paramount importance. The child watches
his/ her mother intently and learns about the world and how to react to it at the initial stages. The
mother can play an important role by making the child to deal constructively with mistakes, forgive
others, handle frustration, show kindness and share love.

When a mother is nurturing and caring the child, it will develop a healthy bond with not only the
mother but will be willing to form new relationships with others.

Children and adults both want a sense of independence and autonomy. It is very important on a
mother’s part to offer choices to the child. This makes the child feel that he/she is smart enough to
make choices.

The mother’s thoughts nourish a child’s mind and soul as her personal attention nourishes a child’s
body. She is the child’s first teacher. She tries to imbibe such values that may help a child lifelong.

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