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Exporting is the mode of entry with the least commitment and control but also with the least
profit potential.

1. In indirect exporting, companies go through independent intermediaries through domestic

based export merchants or cooperative organizations.

2. Direct exporting is when companies handle the exports of their own products. This can
be done through domestic based exports divisions, overseas branches or foreign based


 Example for this is Universal Robina Foods Corporation – it is a Filipino company

owned by the Gokongweis. It manufactures beloved childhood’s snacks in our
country. What is impressive is how it manages to establish a foothold in other
Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and most notably Vietnam.
Manufacturing facilities were established here under the URC brand. Global export
business was establish in 2019 and consolidated the distribution channel of Universal
Robina Foods Corporation among these factories.


Developing global product strategies require knowing what types of products or services are
easily standardized and what appropriate adaptation strategies to be used.

There are five products and communication strategies:

1. Product adaptation- it alters the product to meet local conditions and preferences.
2. Product invention-it is the creation of new products for foreign markets.
3. Communication adaptation- is when a company changes its marketing communication for
different markets.
4. Dual adaptation - is when a company alters both its communication and product for a
5. And a straight product extension involves taking the company's current product and
selling it in other countries without making changes to the product. The advantages of
this strategy are that the company doesn't need to invest in new research and development
or manufacturing.


McDonalds marketing strategy is tailored depending on the country being especially mindful of
the culture, religion and local practices. The same can be said with the McDonalds menu, they
have their mainstay product line-up but they usually add popular dishes in those countries.

Countries of original perceptions are mental associations and beliefs triggered by a country.
Reputation of a country would help in exporting goods and attracting foreign investors. As such,
countries are also being marketed just like any other brand. Consumers have perception about
brands or products from different countries.

Certain countries enjoy a certain reputation for certain goods like Japan for automobile and
electronics, French for wine, perfume and luxury goods and sometimes country of origin
perception can encompass an entire country’s products.


Nothing is more appealing to Filipinos than branding a product that is made from the USA. Take
a first glance at yellow cab pizza; you wouldn’t think that it originated from the Philippines. It’s
branding style and marketing strategy is to present a new york inspired or New York style pizza.
Most consumers assume that it is an international brand.

This marketing strategy is very successful allowing them to expand internationally. At present, it
currently operates in Singapore, Qatar, UAE, China, Vietnam and Hawaii.


Globalization is possibly the last frontier for most companies. The internet in countries
becoming more open and multi-cultural, reaching foreign markets is becoming easier. However,
how the company would enter a foreign would be analyzed carefully, considering internal factors
such as the company’s financial and operational capacity and more importantly the external
factors such as the countries culture, consumer habits and regulatory policies.

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