2016 Papers

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come Roses: et pentane ane Al | Accomp all questionsin serial order ad 0% Sagan & GEN ATOR time = 2H F 2-1 bre well iapeted diaeram— ser necessary. wan Marks = 50 E 4. Facial spaces of palm. (5x2-20) E: 1b, Brachial plexus. 2 2. Descrie boundaries anc consents Of Cubital fore, a-3 5 marks Write short notes an 2 tps —— (4-20) b. Caopel tunnel syndrome: 4 © Lymphatic drainage of breast S | d. Serratus anterior muscle = Q—4, ~ Enumerate — ‘2. intrinsic muscies of hand with their nerve suppl, (205-15) b. Structures passing beneath the flexor retinzeulury, c. _ Types of synovial joints with example, 4. Boundaries and contents of Anatomical snuff box e. Branches of Axillary artery: af SAmenor tier soe 4 ight head of rectus fericris — Psoas minor FIRST SESSIONAL EXAM 2016 DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY. GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE, BHOPAL Ica E ween wares 7E : oe, Qa. Describe femoral triangle.Add a note on femoral sheath and femoral hernia.(6) Q.2.Describe boundaries and contents of popliteal fossa.(5). Q.3.Draw well labeled diagrams of : (5x2=10) ©) (a) structures under cover of gluteus maximus \/ “p) spaces around scapular region 'Q.4, Write short notes on: (3K8=24) (af Sesamoid bones. (b) Supination and pronation of forearm —{c) Adductor canal (a) Medico legal importance of lower end of femur (e) Hamstring muscles (J Dorsal digital expansion (e) Miotibial tract (| Clavipectoral fascia, Q.5. Enumerate : (5) {a) Branches of femoral artery (b) Muscles supplied by obturator nerve “ (gd) Muscles: attached to iiac’ crest clopStructures passing through greater sciatic foramina (e) Modifications of deep fascia ee ; DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE, BHOPAL sional Examination 2016-17 IMM; 100, Time: 03 Hours, Date: 18/4/2017 35 are compulsory, draw well labelled diagram wherever required. crsing. OPD omplained of frequent pale coloured stools: On Voirubin levels was found 6 mg/L00r, Piieeaiiiaie showed ae tured be atsand urobilinogen. Van den bers! 3"! 4 of M Departmen rc yacht Med MBBS Ist Prof (20 3 Write in bri 8) Lipoproteins Aege we € b) Oligosaccharides as a diverse sugst- ©) Classify immunoglobulin with their properties 4 a) Describe causes, feature and significance Of denaturation of pots coe b) Ess iia! fatty acids: with their significance Q.5 Answer in one line: (x10) ___ (a) Cholesterol derivatives G (b) Bence-Jones protein. (c) Role of Chaperone (Yd) Nutritional classification of proteins. ome * (¢} Indispensible amino acids. ®f) Lysosomes g) Prions disease, Significance of Dextrans 1 i) Dietary importance af Cellulose, >) Example of free radic 4 0a order, eupporte oe S€etian of short note ills the level of san, A fe) n, re ciPitar gn a tier : {i Doings ely op EE, pstmt ctamayser 4. Miecar teed ze {beg sonia . fay ™erate® Petre poner ae Blaril fa {sr rept he po fey va PFercing ate ale af, CaPargg 8S OF nent ‘al reat nba, ge - ter ae (0 aver or tar cute ie ceed te 2 arch Mtsles suppl by 1° I carisgeset ee” hi Medical Coileg’ Bhop niversity Examination July (4x10) 1. Biseisspresize Yalime changes of let venti oe: cardiac cycle? ’ 2. Discuss in brief about calcium metabolism? 3. Vestibular apparatus? j 4. Discuss ventilation perfusion atic? Provide physiological basis for ventilation perfusion mismatch? Question 5; — Write in short (any). 8x5) A. Test for menstrual eycle 2, Aphasia _ g 3A ¥ . Ee haem ATPase pump. 5. JGA apparatus ; 6. Non respiratory functions of lun 7) alta pag 9f O8 EO a gos) nacionore BO BOP 8) Daaiaeieee MS aacteshonne, 9). Fun Polymorph tia Horn PF ate or alone iaeint "er jetind? limb; aa 10). Facitrapah PRE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION JULY 2017 GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE sHOPAL (MP) ‘Ailquestions are Drow diagrams Wt : © | Describe tater 's blood supply td applied anatomy. ie {a) Posterior relations (b) Blood sur Ply 0 Q.) Write short notes on :- = Gd) (a) Arches of foot, (b) Erb's palsy (c) Bell's palsy (4) Broncho pulmonary segments (e) Development of inicrventricular septum (fReferred. pain (g) Histology of liver {h) Blood supply of ureter {() CSF circulation @) Siyloid apparatus Q 4 Enumerate a)Nerves related to posterior surface of kidneys. by Bouidlaries of adductor canal. ¢} Muscles forming rotator cut. ayThalamic nuclei, ©) Contents of broad ligament of uterus. 1) Derivatives of mesonephric duct 2) Mucleipresent in floor oF LV" vex LU) 2 Ant ata tiaemisny 28) 8 et aly pte rr et » rire ay “Time: 3 Hears etn Mah Note: (a) Attempt qucstiowr im the namie sevkal otter. ioe (8) Draw well labeled dhagra henge” meermary, v fecha aed] el apm 1, BS tic by gn pl S ioe a ae See te Segal pra 3, ee shor Nate HE) Be, Blalock) ‘rhinos ne tote eh dopem en freags Eas Sam sagen is a a © tera choca mae Ae Rg Fae 1 Tpit Acerca ty Biochemical signiscance of ec, F. Wate PCB, Wie appliion Dingman heme ure fen al ney Horse acs lt Srogipone| ph ROA AB 987 J Sa Aeeceteeth itn y ity —, Maram ae” Mecca Oo Lea ee 4, Write in brit: F ae 12 mrt each) A. Siror of Pane ag eatin 2. Canesofhinerepere ene i eee ae oe ay rip ern of Fonte 2. Ai et Te Meo felon gnbacs Pomme BS Np enon nga afta Pes a inary es Se 6 iki EE, papa mpg?) in Hour MeO ea hte oars |L-Bivehersica parameters in abstain ice

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