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Energy and E=hν
Find the Element…
With the electron configuration of:
🏵 (Ar) 4s2 3d8 Ni
🏵 (Ar) 4s2 3d10 4p3 As
🏵 (Ne) 3s1 Na

With its outer e- at:

🏵 7s1 Fr
🏵 4p6 Kr
🏵 4d5 Tc
🏵 6p6 Rn
Emission Spectra

In an emission spectrum, the

limit of convergence at higher
frequency corresponds to the
... ???
In your data booklet…
Find the equation linking the energy and
frequency of light. E=hν
What is “h”? Planck’s constant, 6.63x10-34 Js
Find the equation linking the frequency,
wavelength and speed of light. c=λν
Can you combine these two equations to be
able to work out energy when given the
speed of light and wavelength?
Directly or Inversely?
Energy is ……………………
proportional to frequency.
Frequency is ……………………
proportional to wavelength.
1. What is the energy of a photon with a
frequency of 7.23x1014s-1?
E=hν E= 6.63x10-34 x 7.23x1014
E= 4.79 x 10-19 J

2. If a photon carries 1.2x10-19J of energy, what

is its frequency?
ν=E/h ν= 1.2x10-19 / 6.63x10-34

ν= 1.81 x 1014 s-1

3. What type of light is the photon in question
2? c=λν λ=c/ν λ= 300,000,000/ 1.81 x 1014
λ= 1.66 x 10-6

4. What is the wavelength of electromagnetic
radiation with a frequency of 4.6x1014s-1?
λ=c/ν λ= 300,000,000/ 4.6x1014
λ= 6.52 x 10-7
5. What color is the light in question 4?
6. Calculate the frequency and energy of green
light (take the wavelength from the middle of
the range).
ν=c/λ ν= 300,000,000/ 5.3x10-7 ν=5.66x1014
E=hν E= 6.63x10-34 x 5.66x1014 E=3.75x10-19
7. Find the value for the first ionization energy of
hydrogen from your data booklet, then
calculate the wavelength in nanometres for
the limit of convergence observed in the line
Planck’s constant, 6.63x10-34 Js

1IE of hydrogen = 1312 kJ mol-1

First, convert the IE value to joules = 1,312,000 J mol-1

Answer to Q7
Second, remove the “per mole” by…

Dividing by the number of atoms in a mole… 6.02x1023

So E is 1312000/6.02x1023 = 2.179x10-18J

E=hν, so ν=E/h

ν=3.287x1015s-1 (s-1 is aka Hertz, Hz)

Answer to Q7
Now we know the frequency, we can calculate the…

Wavelength λ= c/ν

λ= 3x108ms-1/3.287x1015s-1 =9.13x10-8 m

BUT the question asks for the answer in nm, so…

9.13x10-8 m x109 = 91.3 nm
8. Calculate the wavelength given the
frequency of radiation is 6.10 x 1014 Hz
9. Calculate the frequency of light with
wavelength = 2.50 x 10-7m
10. What is the energy of cell phone radiation
with a 1m wavelength?
11. What is the energy (Joules) of Violet light with
a frequency = 7.50 x 1014 s-1.

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