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mee teers EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, 6th edition Scott K. Powers & Edward T. Howley lf Introduction Sw ¢ Physical activity — Any form of muscular activity — Can reduce the risk of death from all causes — Physical inactivity is a primary risk factor for coronary heart disease « Physical fitness — Set of attributes that relate to ability to perform physical activity -° Exercise — A subset of physical activity that is planned, with a goal of improving or maintain fitness Prescription of Exercise: Dose- Response Relationship * The effect (response) of the amount of a drug (dose) — Potency Relatively unimportant characteristic — Slope How much change in effect comes from a change in fofolJ-) — Maximal effect Efficacy — Variability Effect varies between and within individuals Seesie CM iicret Adverse effect 4 |Maximal | effect Variability —— ~ Pattern Of RESPONSes tO i! Exercise ° Acute response — Occur with one or several exercise bouts but do not improve further » Rapid responses — Benefits occur early and plateau ame lat--19 ~ _ =Gains are made continuously over time mea B= \Ic/-10} — Occur only after weeks of training . j Dose-Response Sent ¢ Exercise dose is usually characterized by: — Intensity aes oui ala! ae Lactate threshold - Frequency Number of times (or days) per week — Duration b Number of minutes Total kcal expended — Type of activity , Resistance and endurance exercises 2 o € 2 & i= 210 week of exerc Physical Activity ano wa Health ° The health benefits of physical activity — More related to total number of calories expended than exercise intensity — Benefits depend on baseline activity level * The ACSM/CDC recommendation: — “Every U.S. adult should accumulate thirty minutes or more of moderate-intensity (3-6 METs) physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.” — This is minimum for achieving health outcomes Additional activity inchiding viqoroiie eyverrica ~ Dose-response curve A= Sedentary Moderately active Active Low ———————+ High Baseline activity status 1h © The - General Guidelines Improving Fitness ¢ Screening — Health status screening (PAR-Q) Risk of cardiovascular complications is related to degree of pre-existing cardiac disease Progression — Moderate-intensity walking (3-4 mph) — Then increase duration and/or intensity Walk—walk/jog—jog _» Warm-up, stretch and cool-down, stretch — Light exercise and stretching performed at beginning and end of exercise session xercise Prescription for wa CRF Pam mare [U(-a1e\V2 — 2-4 sessions per week Gains level off after 3 to 4 sessions/week ae BYU e-vile)a) — Total work/session should 200-300 kcal Usa oremereyatsi(el-le-te MVM CAIN, . > Intensity: — Describes the overload needed to bring about a training effect e102] 00 0 OTN Lower in those with low initial fitness level Gains in VO, max Optimal training Risk of Percent A intensity, orthopedic improvement frequency problems in VO, max and and cardiac duration complications} % VO» max 40 Frequency (days/wk) 2 Duration (min/day) pyright © The McGraw Inc. Pen Determining target Heart Rate Range + Direct method — THR range determined from maximal GXT ST at: a * Indirect method — Heart rate reserve (Karvonen) method oli le)ie-lem cc n eM alam iceluamUir-bitt- Ma RCo) e) UM lai at Take 60% and 80% of HRR Add each HRR to resting HRR to obtain THR range — Percentage of maximal HR ; e Take 70% and 85% of maximal HR as THR range is — Use RPE scale in addition to HR | RPE of 12-16 is about 40/50-85% HRR VO, max = 12 METs 60% of 12 = 7.2 METs| f= ce iS. 2 8 fe 5 8 ir 80% of 12 = 9.6 METS a VO, Reserve (VO,R) « VO, Reserve — Difference between VO,,,,, and resting VO, %HRR more closely linked to %VO,R than oO Pane — Greater difference for those with low fitness level . ¢ Calculating target VO, ~ = Take 60% and 80% of VOR equence of Physica Activit i ° Walking — Start at a comfortable speed for 15 minutes — Gradually increase duration and speed * Jogging — Start by adding some running when walking — Gradually increase speed/duration of running ~ « Games and sports —Antermittent higher-intensity activities within THR _ range ranram e Muscular strength and flexibility are important components of a complete fitness program » Recommendations — Dynamic resistance exercises — Full range of motion See SUR reu een cles — 8-12 repetitions per exercise a Strength Training ¢ ACSM recommendation: — One set of 8-10 exercises — 8-12 reps per set — 2-3 sessions per week * Single vs. multiple sets — One set to achieve health and fitness goals in average individuals — Multiple sets for increasing strength in trained individuals — Maximal strength gains 4-8 sets at 60-85% 1RM, 2-3 days per week 4 Environmental Concerns ¢ Environmental conditions can alter exercise heart rate « Adjust exercise intensity in adverse environments — High temperature and humidity — Altitude eed mie) range as a guide for intensity

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