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Pee ee Cea cod if C EP eves ae PET LSS Pe iy Mires eee Pt neue ree INSTRUCTION BOOKLET | ‘HH ASE CARTULY READ THE CORSUMERIORAUTION AND FRECAIONS BOOKLET ‘nc. PRODUCT BEFORE USING YOUR MNTENDD® HARDVARE SYSTER, GAME PAK om BOOKLET CONTANS HAPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. Baill About the Controller 2 This fics is war asm tat Nintendo has ian tis product nn srl ot has ku ees fees wert, ely Condes 4 an entertainment oulue, Always look for this seal a cohen buying games and accesories to ensure Pure Vil ‘ compe compat with your Nintendo produc eae _______* Professor Ook’ Lob 1 inc Mrson & Thank you fr sete eon Pure eogwe Gare Pa for he i Nintendo = M64 sso, How to Pay i y Plead is isructn hkl hag eure nxn eine ; by your new gore, ‘epson rey lon ne Using Your Own tame W jr Stour 8 ‘tn amaalan ees es 2 ayer Siti \P |) ope Morathon a Time Zone n FE Service B The Nintendo” 64 Controller Controt Stick Function Bowell ‘The Nintendo 64 Control Stick uses an analog system to read the angles land directions of its movement. This allows precision contro that is nat passible sing the conventional + Control Pad ‘When turing the Control Deck power ON, do not move the Control Stick {om is neutral postion onthe controler. If tho Control Stick is hold at an angled position {as shown in the picture on the left) when the [] power is tuned ON, this postion wil be set as Puta, This will cause games using the Control Stick to operaie incorrectly Tho Coie Sick proton gtumert: ako eu 1 Sa Dor place any foreign objects ino ttf you naed assistance, co Nintendo Consumer Assistance at 1-800-255-3700 or your nearest Nintendo Authorized Repair Center To reset the neutral position once the game tas started, let 90 of the Control Stick soit can return tots center positon (as shown in the picture on the lft then prass START while holding down the L and R Buttons, Holding the Nintondo 64 Controller ‘While playing the Pok mon Puzzle League ‘game, we recommend you use the hand positions shown on the left. By holding the Control lke this, you can operate the ++ Control Pad freely with your let thumb. Using your right thumb, you can easily access the A and B Buttons. ‘Connecting the Nintendo 64 Controller ‘One or two players can play this game. Connect each player's controller So a cor ses a Beginning on the let, ho sockots ar for Player 1 and Player 2. ‘You cannot start the game ifthe fist controler socket is empty. you change he cbonecton ding the game, you wil need to ether ‘088 RESET o um te power OFF to make the connection achive ‘You must tse tao eonticiers in order to play the 2.playar game modes. R BUTTON Inthe Game: Rose the love of the blacks (ON Inthe Game: Roise the evel of he blocks B BUTTON On Menus: Cane a choice you made Inthe Gome: Switch blacks + CONTROL PAD * On Menus: Move the cursor Inthe Game: Move the cursor ‘ABUTTON On Momus: Make achice Inthe Gem: Sich backs START (On Menus: Skip crton Sequences Inthe Gane: Pose the gone CONTROL STICK * On Menus: Move the cursor Geue Recs You on use the Coil Skt do anyiing you can we the + Cont ad fx In hs ga, howe i aly much easier othe + Cnr ad ply. gtr ed MITC) Professor Oak's Lab There's lots odo i Pole Vilage, so be sue 1 checkout everything! ‘See Professor Oak fist for information on the contro and rls, os well as bose instructions on how to ply. Put your Pokémon" Puke Leng Game Fok into your N64® syste, then un he poet ON. When Pr a res up nd down on he + Contd Pd highlight you see te Tle Sree, pes START 0 wath 0 shor caroon tring sh nd Phy”! the lesson yu went oe, then pros the A Buta to str hed. Each ne Pofesar Ok nihes speaking pres the A Botion ose vat he has ‘0y Ifyou ned te eve inthe mid of son press the 8 Buton oer fo the Howto ly Me. From ‘hen the cartoon is ov, youllse the sen shown ‘hae, you con chose a diferent son apes the B onthe let— sis Fuze Vlogel yo need do Buon to go back the Pe ile 1 ue the + Con Pd to hight the place you nt ov then pes he A But fo go there! ‘Shows you wot ech bits on tector does pli the bss of how to move the curser svc ks, and cor ots. Al introduc cambes and chars. Describes more ovoned techies fox ceatg longa cis nd tigger combos Eigse Sop es wel Let's se thot gain! Tas you owt send gorge oa oppanet eu con ely fe catan ay ie yo ke! idl plage ter elit Weer you wate woh gi, js go esha ist o chen fT ‘io Pu Vilage, fe res the BBlln ice ics the fence betvoan he 2.0 od 3 Hades. you wont op he ato, snl ress START retro Pu loge ‘Nore: rae al erases nd scved gone inert, go the Pua loge Sr hol the Zdton the pres he fling utes inthis adr CC, CC, AB, Q (ik 8 ek Bal Block oO Fir Blk Get some hands-on traning from Trcey nd Marri!” ‘tem semetnes be ener to leer something if you watch samoone bed it fis, then ry ‘0 do the same thing yousel. You cn do jst thet whom you vst Mimic Mansion! Jost en Profeser Oaks abuse he + Cone Ped 1m ech mena choose fhe lesan yo wnt oe, then sth A Buon ors the A Btn cath ine Tc ies skin Ki coi. res the 8 ton fay He oem othe es ‘nen you sm. ‘iow Dano + Ly wth Tce ge exons, bt does’ et you pe. ‘Mini oe _ lows you sue Try a mve then es you yi yor, Super Eesy___Lt you ply 2.0 oy 3. sing ples game wh Boks tht move up th seen very uy WHAT IS THE OBJECT OF THE GAME? Year ein same sto dear lcs of fhe sre bee hey rah he ou dear te blocks by geting hee or mare ofthe same type side by i eter horizontally (el and ight or eta (op and down). EERE in wp the ts hry H or veil FBR stn day ys ea HOW DO | MOVE THE BLOCKS? Bw wl se tow gure side by ile on wren tsi the cas. You cons th + Cool od move te caso around. Flac the usar ver tno lacks. When you pes eer the & Btn the B Bate, hs wo Blocks wil swith ples You con do vic beck with ot Sith the Lefont fora Tn Blk abo! Gide Beds, iii! HOW DOI MAKE A CHAIN? Yon make «chain by desing ail rnp ofr ox more Boks, neigh afer the ther For example ‘When ihe thre Gide ‘sth Fre Blk de, Blocks dene Fire ‘ok the Water Black ht Block above wil fl isan the hen move it aed dear fomake © lth ay he ight won, Drop underoath he Attest Water Blacks tht are aoa fl. (You've tobe quick pol this ce of) his wil gv you «Tv Gui, Drop te nex Hart Block ith cohen os the oes eo. Tis block wn’ dear cything but yo'l oe why ou shoul de isin the ard deo to ako rents four Chin. int, hop the Leal Aste Leaf los der, ok from tha some svi he Heart Block ond cola The Hoot the Cre lc Block th! yeu hopped inthe ost stp les the Lea Blok flit the right pce te der, making Five Gi, Fil the Heart Remeber tha oach of hse ps ns be Boks wil fll toc] dane one igh at he ther. you do’) tea Sic Coin tho blocks in place in ie, hr wil ‘be a pause betwen the sos, andthe chain val broken! WHY DO THE BLOCKS SOMETIMES STOP MOVING? {ach tne you cate o conto or a chi, he lacks wil stp moving up the see fo shart canon of tne Tiss led Stop. The bigger the combo oc hi, he loge the lcs wi sty sil ‘Watch for Jigglyptt*t ‘When yu plying single pe Maen, Sp Serio Tine Zone gone, ye :28 Jal onside he coma ecto you make a Sip. ol se Sagat singing os lng os you cannae making Sips, but yeu ql making th il get very onqy! Ad if some of your lcs ore bounding ben you ake a Sa, yu'l gto beritsng, to! 2 WAY ARE BLOCKS FALLING FROM THE TOP OF THE SCREEN? When youre laying ogi the 1 Mayer Stadum or playing 2 oer VS game, yout prebbyse eg lcs fal from he op of your screen Taser garboge blocks that Your opposes sending yo fou on ko snd garbage leds aur eponet To send o gute bac, a you hr 1 dois eo ste un aonb The ig fo «ono ot hin you moe, he more arog you wi sedi yer opponent The gerbage thet yoo wile when yo ake cb is df fom the garbge yu wl snd ‘von you mek o chin WHAT KIND OF GARBAGE DOES A COMBO MAKE? ‘Men yo mck o ambo, you wil send block or Bas) of grhoge fas oe Hck. sorter han the number f bcs you dered. This sounds comple, bt i's relly very sing! Fr example, suppose you make ive lock Conta, Te geroge Hack you snd o oa opponent wl be for Boks wie (5-1 = 4 Four Block Five lock Sic Bok ono Garbage Combo Garbege amb Garbage igh lok ine Blk mbo Garage Combo Garnge oe Garbage Seven otk (oka Gato WHAT KIND OF GARBAGE DOES'A CHAIN MAKE? When you mck chin, yu wl send single lang Hck of prbge tht iss Maks wide (Garbage so yo hin in 30 Ne ifn Sop. you rk mil cans alin oro, he garbge Heck yoo sed wil sll six aks wide, but wile ger. The bight fh garage lock le te sme stem of his you rk, nius oe. Ain, i’ realy gute easy. you moke «Tree hy the Mock yoo end il be wo eras High @- 1 = 21 Two Chin Grboge Thee Gain Gohage Fe Chie Garbage HOW DO | GET RID OF GARBAGE BLOCKS? fare you can cero parbage blk, you mes it onan ino a ga fel ds Youd ths by cern herpes th ee rou he grog Mak Nake sure ht when ou dr rap ef egule Nos, est oe ie eid itching the grboge lk youd, fe singel garbage lds at ae the same lor and ching wil ransom into egos. Then you an der se blocs isk you woud any tas! \oke sure set of Hd you dears ‘lof he sng blk in ‘utng o gorge bck. [ements eth sone coon ching ogo dost cunt) vil rrsfom. 4 ‘eaig ogg ks by cn i ee diferent he ung Bock i ser layers igh othe to eer wi anor. Yo us sony wok Your wy rough cot ee ths pe of grboge bak, eo ‘gibage lack set by chin Only the foto oye ‘nay be several ayes igh vil rasorm, “Note: Toles grboge bck you can snd by ceting chin i 12 lve high Any hin large tba 13 Chi il il ony endo gohage lock hat 12 leas igh heck out the Poké Ball grbage! The gay Poké Bel lcs are ery spec earn thse wl send moe arbge then the olkr Boks. You only aed oda nest of thos Poké Bll Blacks to send a block of gabe to your opponent you dear en te Becks, ou wil send ene sige ev, tai lock th isthe wih of Ihe sen If you ake a comb, you wl sod ono garbage lack forthe fest threads you dps anchor grboge lk for exch doa Poi Bol lc dared inher you make a cn ih ncues Poké Bal los, you's of serdng gigs lc athe Poké Bol lost you dered {ut ike fer conte). Then elo sed el: gurbge Hock iste you vould wih ny ober Blas, The garg lcs sown op lt were ent by dering fox Blocks fry rel ype then cern or Poké Bil Blas ‘When you ploy in he 3-0 Mad, yu'l note tht the Hck re et upon ton they oe inthe 20 Node. When you move the cra fright in th 2-0 Nae, he cer vl op when it ets tothe edge of he ston. But in the 3-D Made, you can continu ogo left oa as go youl 20 Node 3D Node ‘n3.D Me, th locks are aronged ino ylndr—i's kindof ie they oe atched to the cutie ofan. Supose yoo are lokng ot the fot fa can of soup. you tun he cas ound, yo se the bark. Conner the on in he same etn, nd youl se the {rot again. W's th same wo wh thes lcs Hf you move he caso Fr enoagh in ne acon, youl erd up ight eck where you sted! Wan yu ply 3-0 Node, be sure wath al the Blacks. Dan’ forget cout the nes in the bck, or hy cal stock up the op ofthe cen. they do, your game wl beaver Ah, te gbge yo wil cad to on opponent when you ene ohn ia 3-0 gore 8 li frst thn what you woollen in «2. ge 2-Chin wl cent singel getboge bk thats six os wide (1/3 af the cinder. A 3-Chui wil ene single vel ‘getoge ok thts 1 los wide (2/3 of the cinder) A 4. wl cee se evel og Bock it is Blacks wide (ops completly round their) Foro 5-Chin op oo 1 Chin, the grboe Hk wil wo ample round the cinder adits ight lb terunbe fhe his yo de, rims ee For exon, 05 ‘in il ete 0 gorbge Hck hts vo lve igh (5 3= 2) A 13 Chi willed tng ok tat iste eves igh (13-3 = 10) The args garbage Hck you cn send by centng a chin in 3-0 Modes 10 eves high ‘nyc ge than 013 Chain wil ony senda garboge kta is 10 eels igh Using Your Own Name When you start o gone you wil hve select a name ‘use. Upto sven deren names can be saved on the Name Selec Screen I's ery emf ele ary saved names wih your own ree or with he panes of your eds! Fist of light one ofthe nes tht you et ‘war Then hl he Z Button vile pes he A Bute, Whe you delete, you wil aa ease any gome infomation ht sean avd fh name Make sure you realy dont wn ihe inforntonenynare belre yu eras. Ome you dl, au cant get. ink Alter yokes dled nae te wr "New «pein ht Cas th slo eer your va sane. Use the + atl ed move hc, en pies th A Baton en a hrc To con ne up ‘osc tes, sunbeds. yoke a isl, pes th B Bsn ese hes hrc you ered. Wher yas fiche, mw he aso the word "Done han pes the A Boon Diacalza? The next ie you go tothe None Selo sremn, masceleoh be ole fe ose your own sna Be Mere Petter) Eater the main Puzzle League Competition. 1 you go tothe I Payor Stati, you'l gto cmp opis lat of fair Pokmon “ners alle tr edges. Wark your way up through the rnks ton the right ploy gis the mysterious Puae Nast! NAME SELECT. EN acai ros the A Buton tsa wba your opponent assy. you don’ want ise ohm or ost rss START o move on Get se play Bia ed er Tre Pd Pio pn el Test your silos you compete oglast hen. The fist hag you rst dad when you caoe 2 lyr Sta is wheter a plo Payer 1S hs issn ah Payer Slain ie), Tine Zane, or Sp Serve. er scasles Gane ads oye sr Poe 5 ee His Ae tnd Pye tn wet Hala oC ine * Hondo etings il appear oly when you chose fo play Tie Zone. ear isting nl pper ony whan you choos fo play Sp Sri The, os po in ether 2-0 30 Nde ext, cach payer shu ale ody leel—ase the + Conlon side the Poke Bl et nd, hn ps the A But you re poig a Tine Zoe Sp Srvice gue, ah ploy ms aka ches ordap 1 Cher ive sting Each ployer shoud the choose rai ike before, use the + Cont Pod to hight he ine yoo wor, he rs th Bute, Ech rine wil tne three deren Pkimon, so pick he ner yoo like the best (On the next scan sale the Pokémon you wane ploy wth fst ech player wl hove tre cferent Pokemon to choose from. Each time you are defeated, the Pokémon you were using when you lost will ‘becom unaveilable—you'l have to return to this screen and pick another Pokémon to cenfinue with, 1h fis pon own eo rod vin he gael ~ * Se py. 28 far information on hot change the urbe of rons yoo ned own o gone. Py « game tht us goes on and on ond on Fist, die whether oly 2.0 3.0 game. Net, show fs he locks wl move up the sen at fist (emery, they wl gt ese as you ploy) Fin, led ificaly eve hse (ue Se Spat iyo ‘Whoo your game en yo'l se mamers open nthe seen. Theo numbers show yeu for my cero eo cel sido nods inde coins a ee ‘Sere os many pits os you con efre time ron ot. Fis deie whether to ply a 2-0 o 3-0 game ext, dst how fest th ted wil moe up the sen. Filly, select o ically level i Troeneg — Se (wot Stel Paral ‘ah ten ‘When you game ens, yu'lse umber pear on the see. These embers sow au hey nso sn ced eos enn os indict his BatleTeam Rocket by breokng ol ofthe Hocs above the Clear tne "ou gal inthe Spo Serie gan is igle—jst dear cl ofthe bls ve te wie eatin. Sones you o's the ha ie wl the ks hove more up he scen abi se lef the blk beta ine hove been ceed, oul ore no the net soe. Teo oh Covent Sealed Oy ed Pact ow ine ‘ter you'v chsen on ofthe thee avable fcr piures, youl otis sen. Ue the + oto od to oe he cus Poss he LR Bton ‘change the typeof lc, then rss the A Btn 1 soc boc onthe son you won fo remove a block, sacs the cso ove that Mock, then pres the Puzzle University Solve the pazeles using oly alvited number of moves. REGULAR PUZZLE j Fist hos o das of uz, thn cues he pale ‘Bios Whn your pues ihe, pres STARL you want or Only Cs wll oriel ot fr. You then hoe tsket ow many moves you wl You're o werk our oy trough ella thee altho plat hoe rk net da neers od Hote eee oe tones sy 0 shy pub seth your pure Yu goa in his mode isch blacks on tony ec the cen tu you on only mak ined number of moves. gpl will ou how mony mares you are alloed 1 we. ou can ok ack ou lest move by resin he Baton ‘CUSTOM PUZZLE Yan obo este yu very vm pura te et yon ins play ht (oar won ate ys son ot ; ie ere om nga thong Ra eee RECORDS Even hough you car's aed sae nh mide ofa gone ech ine you nh gone, you: game infrmation—such os igh, odes wen, and cata cde etd il ‘saved for you evtometicaly Nott yop wih th Goes na, nga frm wl be sve Choose he mame of the peson yu wat oe xr Then pes pnd ov on te Corr alo sith Belvo eof singleplayer games (1P and mie gars (2P 1S), When you loki ol oer cos, ps elon igh sich tween he Allert pes rec Whe o'r king le mig cd sco, es eh nd ah sl rough he diferent eppnens. eyes nod ssa to g y | if 0 ” PROFILES ‘The Proiles scion wil lt yo heor the trinsic and bear tei Pokemon’ ris. Highligh the rine you wot, then press he A Button. nthe, highligh the ino tho Pokémon yu van of, thn pres the A But, GAME OPTIONS Frese anit othe + Conia Pad a eo through the stings foc ech apt. Whoa you are apy wh sho stings, pres the B Buta ogo back ‘oth Man Options Men ots __You an use bleks wth osicshaps nth or Mocs wth Pokémen elemest sybase the. ‘:Moih__The amber of rounds you mas! wn in a 2.Plye Sai gone canbesel oI, 2,03, ‘ign_ Normally when you ma chin onto, «name il oper in ‘he loll, sovng you fn the chin or can i, You ton chose so +e his sgn Off (no sgn lpg tl On he rue ht opens wile shi, enh umber il be seni:rrsprn) or lk he ruber if sh oid). ‘25p.Sie__Whonthe Speci Sign is trod Oa, you make a 36-Back Comb or bigger the werd Speci' vil oppear on the seen instodof«aunbar. 1 you moke«15-Cin or bigs 07 wil opear insted of narber. When the Spc signs trad fo smbr wl pea nthe seen ‘wus you cee acanboor in Up 0 wl oper fo chs, and pio willgpear fr cond you cea chin ager han 9 «combo large thn 69, "7 wil pps ised of mumbt €°U__Fyontun th Un, yo en ply agin the ong in 2 WS mde Yo cn eth compu’ day ke say nome beta ne nd en in Hod, th cpu vl il oe dage) Wer Sow Moa sued On, your gone vil sow down when eto ung bs re caring onthe sen, This wil happen ol ding 20 games) SOUND OPTIONS Pres tnd igh an the + Con Ped soll ‘through he seins for ech pon, When you re hey with the seting,reshe 8 Buon ogo ack tothe Min Options Me Sound _ un chose ether Ser o Man: you hose Siro, be sire tet bath he ft nd rit cue uit pis ore canned to you ein ‘Me yo dn wnt oar the music seu fas in he game, you cen tun hem of, Yoo an slat sk (bodkound mas il be of), SEX (sod ees wil be of), hth he mac ond sound ffs willbe on, or Al (bth the music ond sound fe willbe of. ‘Sound PX Ths pion es you isn ote mony dent ive vies ond Pokémon ies tha yo an bear inthe gan. +36L__This opines you sen oh bckroud rus tht ply rng ee : 5 ' ‘ a ‘ | WARING Cpying ey edo gare gal als tiple by eesti nd iran opr ews “Bok recaps ae el euturcel end re rcs fo poe! our sfvr, Ves il be rsd ‘Ws Noted gneiss fe wh any tie peg des Ue of ay ad dei iin ot ines rdw tee ai yd ieee dex) ttre doves cael yt fy kd. oe of ‘ch deve ces Yo gan ogg sre he ec cra oid dene nk ‘ee cl gt gone ate ger cose ee cade, tae tri mi crate tne horsey ae. ‘heed de iti pe ty es od Hers agtios od ete ie fe skenesthpbie te ern a et ced osm Ase Ntoe 1 800:255-370 (0S. ond Cann) : +s id ese: Pal Warranty & TM eat ‘sn mo isc ce pn ih ou ae yt a ema he {common ate #8055500, ha ‘Sr aay aftan to, aie say eps gl Mant ne ‘nin ana eye Re say se eed ee ED GEC Mr ops sd ys ‘uot eo ‘tale ena ia lp elie Tigges Dock iin eae cong mr thee ‘et net tne etioende nate ey. Deepa nena ‘rata eee apse ee enntin, e sie hepsn ‘ed eter Aor non tment Cnr ai 15 00 lt tema tte tn IE oboe be el ‘OSE US IAMLE fess rtanaha ne ender ea Red see eb sty a asm ys EL a Dw A etuauncerevnees vara ics eas arom ras et ou aE Cn ur ais mc Wie Os OO A ia A RE unas ua. man mamas Secor iho ihe ham metab eso eid on

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