MODULE 1 Topic Prof. Villanueva

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Information Technology (IT) and the importance of
Information Technology in Business.

The following are topics in this module:

1. Definition of Information Technology
2. The importance of Information Technology in Business today
3. IT in the innovation of Business
4. 5 Reasons for Accelerated Business Growth


This module provides the student an awareness about Information Technology that
will lead them to understand the importance of using IT in Business and how it helps
in the growth of any industries. Today's businesses rely more heavily on technology
than ever before. From improved telecommunications to online payment options,
most modern businesses could not function as effectively or efficiently without
technology. Even the ability to accept credit or debit card payments at retail stores
requires a complex system of bank exchanges and telecommunications in order to
operate smoothly and reliably. The application of information technology in
management provides opportunities to work outside the office and have increased
access to important information regardless of location. This will provide them the
appreciation on how Information Technology helps in fostering Innovation in

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Study Guide

Learner’s guide to complete this module.

 Student should know the meaning of Information Technology and be acquainted
in the role and importance of IT in business and how it fosters innovation in

 There are .sample Images that will give them the interest about the importance of
IT in business.

 They should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of information technology

in business and its limitations

 Activities and some link in internet are given for students references that will
guide them to generate more ideas about the uses IT in business.

 Monitoring of learner’s development will be the use of Information technology.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Define the term Information Technology

2. Know the role and importance of Information Technology in Business
3. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of Information Technology
in business.
4. Understand how Information Technology fosters innovation in business.

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Topic Presentation

Information technology (IT)- is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and
manipulate data or information. It is typically used within the context of business
operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies.
The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but
it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and
telephones. Several products or services within an economy are associated with
information technology, including computer hardware, software, electronics,
semiconductors, internet and telecom equipment.
APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTERS have evolved and advanced
significantly over the decades since they originated. Many years ago, in their most
rudimentary form, computers were very large and slow. Gradually, computers have
become smaller and faster, enabling people to use them virtually anywhere.
New computer technology has enabled more advanced business tasks as well.

 Role of Computers in Business

1. Accounting
a. Payroll
b. Budgeting
c. Sales analysis
d. Financial forecasting
e. Managing employee database

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2. Banking
a. Checking current balance
b. Making deposits and overdrafts
c. Checking interests charges, shares, and trustee records
d. ATM machines making easier for customers to deal with banks
3. Insurance
a. Procedure to continue with policies
b. Starting date of the policies
c. Next due instalment of policy
d. Maturity date
e. Interests due
f .Survival benefits
g. Bonus
4. Marketing
a. Advertising
b. Home Shopping
c. Sales and inventory
5. Human Resource Development
a. Selection and recruitment of candidates in jobs
b. Employee’s training
c. Designing salary and wage structures
d .Employee performance analysis
6. Manufacturing
a. Products and resources production

 2. Role of Computers in Education

a. Provides a tool in the education system known as Computer Based Education
b. Prepare time-tables, datasheets for examination and question papers
c. Prepare syllabus and course materials

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d. Generate documents like letters, circulars, memos and mailing lists

e. Make distance learning available through storage devices and in the internet
f. Computerized library information services
g. Offer trainings through educational software and electronic textbooks

 3. Role of Computers in Healthcare

a. Diagnostic System
b.Lab-diagnostic System
c. Patient Monitoring System
d. Pharma Information System
e. Surgery
f. Clinical tests and laboratories of blood, urine, stool, etc.
.g. Scanning body organs using Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) and
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

 Role of Computers in Engineering Design

a. Structural Engineering–design of ships, buildings, budgets, airplanes, etc.
b. Industrial Engineering–design, implementation and improvement of integrated
systems of people, materials and equipment
c. Architectural Engineering–helps in planning towns, buildings, determining a range
using 2D and 3D drawings

 Role of Computers in Science

a. Storing and analyzing scientific data collected from experiments and field works
b. Doing complex scientific calculations
c. Creating models and simulations
d. Predicting earthquakes and forecasting weather
e. Designing compounds for treatment of various diseases
f. Providing helps to physically disabled persons

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 Role of Computers in Entertainment

a. Computer games programs
b. Graphics software
c. Multimedia and animation software
d. Internet web pages

 7. Role of Computers in Military

a. Missile control
b. Military communication
c. Military Operation and Planning
d. Smart Weapons
 8. Role of Computers in Communication
a. Email
b. Chatting
c. Video conferencing

The role of technology in the business landscape cannot be overstated.

It’s imperative that you employ a workforce that is techsavvy at least in the
basis. Getting your staff up to date with emerging trends not only boosts
productivity, but it has immense bearing on your bottom-line. Today, the IT
department in every business, big or small is indispensable. IT experts are
largely attributed to the changing dynamics at the organizational level. These
experts are becoming crucial given their capacity to help a business maintain
its competitive edge.

Every business relies on technology in big and small ways. As technology

evolves, businesses have an overriding need to incorporate some form of
technology. Simply, the same technology cannot afford to remain at the
backend; it’s an integral component of any discerning business front end. 

Importance of Information Technology

Information technology drives innovation and innovation is the path to business
success. Innovation in business has the same impact that steam had on the industrial

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Nowadays the formula for business success is simple drive innovation with
information technology. So, the first thing start-ups’ in any industry try to figure out is
how to make smart IT recruiting choices. Without a backbone of information
technology, a business is not going to go far.

The Importance of Information Technology in Business Today

Information technology drives innovation and innovation is the path to business
success. Innovation in business has the same impact that steam had on the industrial
In fact, it’s hard to imagine any business that has not benefited from the digital
revolution. Even something as hands on as agriculture uses computers. Farmers use
computers for production records, financial planning, research on technical issues,
and procurement.
Nowadays the formula for business success is simple: drive innovation with
information technology. So, the first thing start-ups’ in any industry try to figure out is
how to make smart IT recruiting choices. Without a backbone of information
technology, a business is not going to go far.

Innovation in Business
Information technology fosters innovation in business. Innovation results in smarter
apps, improved data storage, faster processing, and wider information distribution.
Innovation makes businesses run more efficiently. And innovation increases value,
enhances quality, and boosts productivity.

Innovation through information technology has created the following

radical changes in business:
 Online shopping is more efficient than shopping in a store.
 Digital marketing is more efficient than high cost newspaper, television, and
radio advertising.
 Social networking is more efficient than going to clubs.
 VoIP communication is more efficient than legacy telephony.
 Cloud computing is more efficient than a private computer network.

Businesses that have embraced the innovation paradigm tend to have the
following characteristics:
• They have more accurate business planning
• They have more effective marketing
• They have higher global sales

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• They have more systematic management

• They use real time monitoring
• They offer instant customer support
In fact, it’s hard to think of long term business growth without the push of information

5 Reasons for Accelerated Business Growth

The technological revolution has improved businesses this century in the following
five primary ways:
1. Information technology has given business the tools to solve complex problems.
Improved hardware (more memory, faster processors, sharper visual displays, etc)
combined with smarter applications (Mind mapping software like X Mind,
collaborative software like Kanban boards, organizers like Google calendar, etc) have
made it easier to research data, analyse it, and plan scalability. Many tools available to
solve complex problems.
2. Information technology allows businesses to make better decisions.
Good decisions in business are based on solid market research. This can be done
through engaging teams through video conferences, reviewing public sentiment on
social media and industry forums, and using online surveys to get customer feedback.
There are also tools like Microsoft CRM Dynamics and Google Analytics.
3. Information technology has improved marketing.
Internet marketing using online advertising methods (SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads) are
far more accurate ways than traditional marketing of finding target audiences,
discovering their needs, and building a marketing campaign to persuade them to buy.
It’s difficult to see how many people read a newspaper ad. It’s easy to figure out how
many people clicked on an online banner.
4. Information technology has improved customer support.
Customers can receive support from multiple channels telephone, emails, social media
platforms, webinars, and so on. Additionally, customer relationship management
systems help businesses understand customer behavior.
5. Information technology has improved resource management.
6. Cloud computing allows a company’s employees to use any device anywhere in the
world to access their enterprise level software.
IT is also used virtually every aspect of business as of October 2010. Even the
smallest businesses use computers for producing letters and invoices and for keeping
records, but IT is also utilized for technical design, research, data analysis and
strategic planning, ordering goods and making payments and communications.

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If the purpose of business is to increase profits, then innovation is the way to make
more profits, faster. The story of Jan Koum gives us a clue how much big businesses
value innovation. He went from food stamps to billionaire because of his invention of
“Innovation is the Wave of the Future”

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Though the benefits and applications of computers are numerous still it has
certain limitations and drawbacks.
No intelligence of its own and entirely dependent to man
Not versatile like human beings
Human invented computers and has a decisions to give every instructions to
computers to perform tasks .Although scientists are trying to provide human
knowledge and intelligence to the computers they still remain machines. Computers
cannot replace human beings at all.

Guided Exercises / Learning Activities

Activity 1: Explain in your own words the importance of using Information

Technology in Business.
2. Watch the video about the benefits of using IT.

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Based on our topic about the use of Information Technology in Business, look at the
pictures carefully and write what you know & what you think about it.

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The following rubric will be used to grade your output:

Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

15 Points 12 Points 9 Points 5 Points

Content / Answer was Answer was Answer is Slight Answer
Quality of very well written good
Writing explained and fascinating
well organized
Unable to
Rather Have a little express
explained and knowledge thoughts and
organized but poorly very poorly
prepared organized
Grammar No error in Few spellings A number of So many
Usage & spelling and and spelling, spelling
Procedure is punctuation punctuations punctuation or punctuation
correct errors, minor grammatical and
grammatical errors grammatical
errors errors that it
interferes with
the meaning


1. Role of Computers in Business

2. Research some advantages and disadvantages of using Information Technology in
3. List of Communication Tools

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This should include the list of books, websites or guides used in preparing the
module or other materials that the student may consult for further understanding or
appreciation of the lesson presented.


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