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January 15 is Strawberry Ice Cream Day.

It is an unofficial holiday that celebrates ice cream made with strawberries or added strawberry
It is believed that the ice cream flavor, which is now popular around the world, was invented in
1813 in the United States by First Lady Dolley Madison, and it was served during her husband,
President James Madison’s second inaugural banquet at the White House.
Used as Medicine
Strawberries, a member of the rose family, were consumed by our ancestors for its medicinal
purposes. The ancient Romans thought that the fruit could cure depression, sadness and kidney
Modern day studies have shown that strawberries are a good source of Vitamin C and
consumption of the fruit can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in humans.
The holiday is also known as National Strawberry Ice Cream Day in the United States.
How to Celebrate?
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Strawberry ice cream to be more precise.
Here are some ways to honor this hugely popular ice cream:
Celebrate the day with strawberry ice cream. Have strawberry ice cream for all your meals
during the day.
Make your own strawberry ice cream at home.
What about adding new flavors like balsamic vinegar and mint to your tried and tested
strawberry ice cream recipe?
Did You Know…
…that botanically, a strawberry is not a fruit at all? Instead, it is a receptacle - the thick part of a
stem from which a flower grows.
January 16 is Nothing Day, a day to celebrate, well, nothing.
Started by newspaper columnist Harold Pullman Coffin in 1973, the unofficial holiday aims to
provide people “with a day where they can just sit without celebrating, observing, or honoring
An Un-Event
The day is an "un-event", which means that it should not be seen as an event and that one
should do nothing to promote it as such.
So instead of promoting the day, we will tell you more about nothing. Nothing is an indefinite
pronoun that means no thing or not anything. It refers to a person or a thing of no importance,
consequence, or interest.
Debates Over Nothing
History is full of debates between philosophers and writers on the importance and the study of
nothing. Some philosophers believe that the study of the nature of nothing is a useless
endeavor since there is nothing like nothing - to answer the question, what is nothing, one must
find nothing.
There is also some disagreement among physicists about the true nature of nothingness in
outer space. Many claim that even a true vacuum, devoid of anything is not nothing, because
even if it doesn't have any particles of gravity, it contains quantum particles.
How to Celebrate?
Observe Nothing Day by celebrating nothing.
Learn facts about absolutely nothing.
Learn more about how the notion of nothingness features in philosophy and science.
Watch the Seinfeld episode, The Pitch. In this episode of the popular TV series, George
Costanza comes up with the idea of creating a TV show about nothing.
Did You Know…
…that zero as a number was discovered in India in the 9th century AD?

Fun Holiday – Compliment Day

Compliments - they are free, easy to give and receive, they make people happy and build trust.
So give someone a compliment someone on January 24, Compliment Day.
This unofficial day was started in 1998 by Debby Hoffman and Kathy Chamberlin as a way “to
tell the people in our lives how much we appreciate them.”
Sincerity is the Key
In the hustle bustle of our daily lives, it is easy to start taking our loved ones and people around
us for granted. Compliment Day attempts to change that. It encourages people to make a
conscious attempt to praise and acknowledge the little (and big) things others do for them.
Complimenting does not have to be intimidating or hard. For it to be sincere and sound
heartfelt, it must come from the heart. To give a genuine compliment, experts suggest finding
something that you admire about the person you want to compliment. It could be about a job
well done, a skill that they have, a dress they have worn or something they have done recently
to impress you.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
Compliments not only help spread joy, they also help create bonds. Research has shown that
people tend to gravitate towards other positive people in both personal and professional
settings. Appreciating others also creates an atmosphere of mutual admiration - praise
someone genuinely once or twice, and you are bound to get a compliment or two back. The
bottom line is this: giving compliments not only makes the other person happy, it can also make
you happy, boost your self-esteem and help you make friends.
World Compliment Day
A similar holiday called World Compliment Day is celebrated every year on March 1. This
holiday is also sometimes called International Compliments Day.
How to Celebrate?
While we believe that every day of the year should be Compliment Day, be extra
complimentary on January 24.
Don’t be stingy about giving compliments. You don’t lose anything by appreciating a friend, co-
worker or a family member.
Did You Know…
… that the word compliment is derived from the Latin, complere, which means to fill up?

Fun Holiday – Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day

On May 29 put a pillow on your fridge to bring good luck and wealth to your home because it is
Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day.
The origins of Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day are unknown, but common wisdom is that the
holiday gives a modern day twist to the old tradition of putting linens in the pantry to bring
luck. Why doing so will bring luck is anyone's guess.
How to Celebrate?
Put a pillow on your fridge to bring luck. Make sure you let your other family members know
that you are celebrating the day lest they think you are turning the fridge into your bed.
Did You Know…
...that historians believe that pillows have been used by people to rest their heads while
sleeping since 7,000 BCE?
Fun Holiday – Walk to Work Day
Years of medical research has shown that walking is one of the best ways to stay healthy and
keep your body in shape. So, once a year, why not take the doctor’s advice and walk to work on
Walk to Work Day?
Walk to Work Day, an unofficial holiday, occurs on various dates in different countries. In
the United States, the day is annually observed on the first Friday of April.
This event is different from the American Heart Association’s National Walk to Work Day, which
is held on the first Wednesday of April.
How to Celebrate?
Wear comfortable walking shoes and walk to work.
If you are unable to walk to work, take public transport instead and then walk from the bus or
train stop to your workplace.
If you have to drive or take public transport to your workplace, why not walk to your lunch
Not in the United States, do not worry! You can still celebrate the holiday by yourself. Recruit
colleagues and friends to walk with you to work.
Did You Know...
...that an average adult person uses 200 muscles in his or her body to take a step forward?

Fun Holiday – Look up the Sky Day

On April 14, step out of your home or office and take a few minutes to look up at the sky
because it is Look up the Sky Day.
Maybe this unofficial holiday, with unknown origins, aims to encourage people to go outdoors
and enjoy the various bounties of nature.
Perhaps the anonymous creators also wanted people to ponder over the vastness of the sky
and space and learn more about what lies beyond what we can see.
Different Definitions
While most of us use the term sky to refer to the blue dome above us, astronomers and
meteorologists define it very differently. In astronomy, the sky is also called the celestial sphere
or dome – an imaginary sphere that extends infinitely into space with the observer on Earth at
its center. So, for astronomers, the sky includes much more than what most people can see.
Meteorologists, on the other hand, are primarily concerned with the weather. They define the
sky as the upper atmosphere of the Earth.
Colors of the Sky
During the day, the sky looks blue because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh Scattering. Even
though it looks white to the human eye, sunlight is made up of different colors, each of which
has a specific wavelength. Some colors, like blue and violet, have short wavelengths, while reds
and yellows have longer wavelengths.
When sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere, the gas molecules in the atmosphere scatter
some of the colors in different directions and let others pass through. During the day, when the
Sun is high up in the sky, these molecules scatter the shorter blue and violet wavelengths.
Because of this, the sky looks blue during the day.
In the early mornings and evening, around the time of twilight, sunlight has to pass through
more of the atmosphere. The blue and violet lights tend to get scattered away much before the
sunlight reaches us, leaving the yellow and red part of the light spectrum to light up the sky.
A Wonder to Behold
During the night, when there is no direct sunlight to illuminate the sky, one can see many
celestial bodies, including the Moon, stars, meteors, and comets.
A number of atmospheric and optical phenomena can also be seen in the sky. Some of these
include rainbows and moonbows, auroras, zodiacal lights, halos, sundogs, and light pillars.
How to Celebrate?
Take some time off during the day and go out to look at the sky. You never know what you may
be able to see!
Before you step out, read up on different kind of clouds and constellations.
Play who spots the most types of constellations and clouds game with family and friends.
Join an astronomy club to learn more about stars and other celestial objects easily visible in the
night sky.
Spend the day doing some bird watching. After all, birds are an integral part of the landscape of
the sky.
Did You Know...
...the Earth's atmosphere scatters more violet light than blue? If it were not for how the human
eye perceives colors – we are more sensitive to blue – the sky would look purple to us!

Fun Holiday – Emoji Day

World Emoji Day on July 17 is an unofficial holiday that pays homage to emojis.
The holiday was created in 2014 by Jeremy Burge as a way to celebrate emojis and to
popularize their usage. Burge is the creator of Emojipedia, a reference website for emojis. He
chose July 17 as the date for the observance because of the way the calendar emoji is displayed
on iPhones—a calendar that has July 17 as the default date.
Japanese Invention
Emojis are graphical representations of emotions, ideas, and thoughts. A Japanese invention of
the 1990s, they were first introduced to the world in 2011 by Apple in their iPhones. The
word emoji in Japanese means picture character or picture letter.
Emojis have now become an integral part of online communications—billions of emojis are sent
in social media and text messages daily. Some of the most widely used emojis including the face
with tears of joy, the heart, and the face with heart eyes.
A New Language
The widespread usage of emojis in everyday online correspondence has led linguistics experts
to believe that emojis might be evolving into a new type of language. According to experts,
emojis can be very convenient and effective in written communication, where emotion and
tone are harder to convey.
At the same time, there have been concerns that emojis can also lead to miscommunications,
especially when people interpret an emoji differently.
Emoji Versus Emoticons
Many people use the words emoji and emoticons interchangeably, even though they are not
the same thing. Emoticons are text only while emojis are stylized images.
How to Celebrate?
Use only emojis to communicate with everyone on social media and text/SMS today.
Carry index cards with emojis printed on them and use them when interacting with people in
real life. Let them know you are celebrating World Emoji Day.
Did You Know...
...that the Oxford Dictionaries declared emoji as the word of the year in 2015?
Fun Holiday – National Girlfriend Day
August 1 is Girlfriend’s Day. It is unclear whether the unknown creators of this holiday wanted it
to be a day for people to honor their female friends or for them to celebrate their female
romantic partners.
Either way, take this day to tell the special women in your life that they mean a lot to you, and
that you love, honor, and respect them.
The term girlfriend first came into use in 1863 as a way to describe a woman's female friend in
youth. It was not until the 1920s when the word started being used as a way to describe a
person's female romantic partner.
How to Celebrate?
While we think that every day of the year should be your girlfriend's day, Girlfriend's Day is a
good excuse to do something extra special for that extraordinary woman in your life. Here are
some ways you can celebrate this day:
Do something special for your partner to show them how much you care and love them. Maybe
surprise your partner with a gift and dinner? Or take them out to see their favorite band
perform or arrange for a romantic lunch picnic in the park.
Don’t have a partner? Why not celebrate your girlfriends with a girls night out or a girls only
Watch Girlfriends, an American sitcom that follows the lives of four friends.
Fun Holiday – Lazy Day
August 10 is Lazy Day. Celebrate your inner couch potato by giving up all your daily chores and
doing nothing the whole day long!
While we really don't want to tell you more about this awesome holiday, we are feeling lazy,
you see, we will, so that you can make the most of trying to be dull for an entire day.
Also known in the United States as National Lazy Day, this unofficial holiday of unknown origins
honors sloths, slackers, layabouts, idlers, and lazybones. It also provides an excellent excuse to
those among us who are stressed and over-worked to take the day off and recharge.
How to Celebrate?
Do we really need to spell it out? Laze around, do nothing, goof-off, slack, and procrastinate.
Refuse to do any chores - you can always do them the next day.
Order food in instead of cooking and spend the day on the couch watching back-to-back
episodes of your favorite TV show.
Go to the spa and get a well-deserved "me-day."
Stay in bed all day long and refuse to respond to any emails or phone calls.
Watch the 1929 comedy film, Lazy Day.
Did You Know…
…that many species of the sloth a very slow moving mammal found in Central and South
America, can turn their heads 360 degrees? Now, that's a lot of effort for an animal that is
named for its laziness!

Fun Holiday – Middle Child Day

August 12 is Middle Child Day, a day to recognize middle born children and to acknowledge
their place in their families.
Many believe that the order of one’s birth can affect one’s personality. The middle child, or
second born of three siblings, is said to suffer from middle child syndrome, a feeling of isolation
and exclusion within the family.
Some studies have shown that in a family with multiple children, the oldest and the youngest
get the most attention from their parents while those in between tend to be left by themselves,
often ignored and forgotten. Middle children often have to fight for the attention of their
parents and may sometimes feel like they do not belong to the family.
Independent and Creative
Being a middle child, however, isn't all that bad. Research has shown that being left alone to
their own devices can actually be a positive thing for middle children. The fact they may not
receive as much attention as their siblings, some studies suggest, can make them independent
and creative. The lack of expectations can also help them develop their personality and life skills
without any external constraints.
The unofficial holiday with unknown origins is also sometimes called National Middle Child Day
and International Middle Child Day.
How to Celebrate
If you are a middle child, today is a day to treat yourself - you deserve it.
If you know of a middle child make the day special for them – they deserve it.
Did You Know...
...Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist, was the first one to suggest that birth order can have an
effect on a person's personality?

Fun Holiday – World Hello Day

World Hello Day on November 21 is an unofficial holiday created to promote world peace
through interpersonal communication.
The unofficial holiday was created by Brian and Michael McCormack as a response to the Yom
Kippur War between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria in 1973.
Say Hello
The purpose of World Hello Day is simple – to encourage communication and dialogue between
people of different backgrounds in order to achieve peace and understanding.
Since its beginning in 1973, the day has been celebrated around the world annually with several
Nobel Peace Prize winners and peace activists taking part in it.
How to Celebrate?
World Hello Day requires that participants greet at least 10 people. These people can be family
and friends, but it is suggested that one finds strangers to greet and talk to.
Did You Know…
…that hello was used as a telephone greeting for the first time by Thomas Edison?

Fun Holiday – No Brainer Day

February 27 is No Brainer Day. It is believed that the holiday was created by Adrienne Sioux
Koopersmith in the United States as a way to remind people that most things are simple and
that many problems we encounter daily have obvious and easy solutions.
The made-up holiday, which is also sometimes known as International No Brainer Day, also
allows people to stop over analyzing things, second-guessing themselves, and to relax and take
it easy.
Very Little Thought
The holiday gets its name from the English language phrase no brainer, which refers to
decisions or choices that require very little effort and thought.
How to Celebrate?
That’s a no brainer of course! Take this day to relax your brain and stop yourself from over
analyzing problems. Leave that for another day.
Did You Know…
…that in a study conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, neuroscientists found
that the human brain could process images that had been flashed before the person for as little
as 13 milliseconds?

Fun Holiday – Plan a Solo Vacation Day

Need a vacation and don’t have a traveling companion? Then March 1 or Plan a Solo Vacation
Day is the unofficial holiday for you.
On this day treat yourself to that vacation you have always wanted, without having to wait for
someone to join you on your adventures.
Planning a solo vacation can be intimidating and overwhelming. But traveling alone can have
many advantages. Informal studies have shown that those who travel by themselves tend to be
more spontaneous and adventurous. Facing unknown situations in new and strange places can
help people overcome their fears and anxieties.
Those who travel solo are forced to interact with locals and fellow travelers, instead of just
hanging out with a small group of people. This translates into social benefits in real life - solo
travelers can easily mold themselves to fit into any social group and situation.
Do Whatever You Want
Finally, taking a solo vacation means you can be your own master. You don't have to stick to a
plan or follow someone else's lead - you can go wherever you want, whenever you want, and
do whatever you want to do. No more boring museums or spending countless hours shopping.
How to Celebrate?
Go on, plan your dream holiday all for yourself! You don’t need a traveling partner to have fun!
Don't want to travel? What about a solo staycation? Stay at home, explore your city, catch up
on your reading, meet with friends and enjoy your time off from work.
Did You Know…
…that the earliest guidebooks were called periplus? They were Roman and Greek documents
that listed ports and landmarks that ships could encounter on their voyages.

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