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BREEAM Advisory Professional

(Design and/or Design & Site)

Mock Examination QUESTIONS

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BREEAM Advisory Professional (AP) Mock Examination Paper

Instructions to trainees

The examination is designed to test your understanding of the BREEAM Advisory Professional course
material and the process of carrying out a BREEAM assessment.

The following information applies to the live examination.

Candidates are required to answer a series of multiple-choice questions shown on the following
pages. Please complete your answers onto the separate answer sheet provided by entering a cross
into the correct answer box. If you change your mind for an answer that you have already entered,
blank out that answer and re-enter your answer with a cross in your newly selected answer box.
Make sure that it’s clear what your intended answer is. Incorrect answers will not be negatively
marked. The pass rate for the examination is 60%.

· Each question is worth 1 mark.

· There is only ONE correct answer for each question.
· There is a total of 25 marks available.

You may refer to the BREEAM Operations Manual, the BREEAM Bespoke Process Guidance, any of
the BREEAM scheme Technical Manuals, Guidance Notes as supplied by BREEAM and any other
paper-based material you feel would assist.

The duration of the exam is 60 minutes.

This examination is spilt into two Parts:

· PART ONE - Based on New Construction (design stage) containing 21 questions.

· PART TWO - Based on Testing and Commissioning (site based) containing 4 questions.

You are reminded that the successful completion of this examination enables you to advise on real
assessments, therefore the exam questions are not necessarily straightforward. You are advised to
read the questions very carefully.


Newly qualified BREEAM Advisory Professionals who qualify following the implementation of this
new qualification, will have their area of expertise recognised by being ‘BREEAM Advisory
Professional – Design’ or ‘BREEAM Advisory Professional – Design & Site’ as well as for the existing
‘BREEAM Accredited Professional’ title.

All BREEAM Advisory Professional (Design and/or Site) will additionally be required to maintain
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to continue to work in these respective areas.

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BREEAM AP for BREEAM New Construction UK (Advisory Professional) and New Construction
International (referred to as Accredited Professional).


Question Number: 1 UK Scheme RIBA Stages

Regarding building systems commissioning in the procurement of a building, what is the latest stage
in the RIBA* Plan of Works at which they need to be addressed?
*RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) Outline Plan of Work.
Which ONE of the following stages is CORRECT?

A. Stage 2 - Concept Design

B. Stage 3 - Developed Design

C. Stage 4 - Technical Design

D. Stage 5 – Construction

Question Number: 2 International Scheme DPoW Stages

Which ONE of the following is another name for the Developed Design stage under the DPoW* Plan
of Work scheme?
*DPoW (Digital Plan of Works) Outline Plan of Work.

A. Strategy.

B. Concept.

C. Design.

D. Definition.

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Question Number: 3 Both Schemes Innovation credits

Which ONE of the following statements is correct?

A. Use of a BREEAM approved innovative solution that had achieved one innovation credit
from a previous building project.

B. One innovation credit can be awarded for each application approved by BRE Global, where
the building complies with the criteria within the Approved Innovation Application Form.

C. The innovation must be approved by the BREEAM Assessor or BREEAM AP in accordance

with its published BREEAM Innovation credit procedures.

D. Innovation applications can be submitted to BRE Global by the Client and/ or the Design
Team using the Approved Innovation Application Form.

Question Number: 4 Both Schemes Assessment Process

Which ONE of the following might assist in achieving higher BREEAM ratings?

A. Maintaining a close relationship with the architect as they are the only member of the
design team that you need to liaise with to achieve a high BREEAM rating

B. Making all the decisions with the BREEAM Assessor first and informing the design team

C. Maintaining a close relationship with the mechanical & electrical engineers as they are the
only members of the design team you need to liaise with to achieve a high rating.

D. Ensuring that the design team and client are all involved in decision making and informed of
the BREEAM process early.

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Question Number: 5 Both Schemes Life cycle assessment

Which ONE of the following is the time period used to assess the lifetime of a building material in
the Green Guide to Specification?

A. 30 years.

B. 60 years.

C. 80 years.

D. 90 years.

Question Number: 6 Both Schemes Early Stage Actions

Which ONE of the following aspects of BREEAM does not require action from the design team at the
feasibility and outline design stages of a new construction project?

A. Surface water run-off.

B. Seasonal commissioning of the building services.

C. Low or zero carbon technologies.

D. External waste storage space allocation per building/ dwelling.

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Question Number: 7 Both Schemes Low or Zero Carbon Technologies


Scenario: The client and cost consultant agree that a feasibility report is prepared at the Developed
Design to determine the opportunities to gain credits under Ene 04 (LZC) covering the scope of
issues required within BREEAM. It confirms that all LZC considered are unfeasible due to difficulties
incorporating them on the project.
Which ONE of the following statements reflects the decision that an assessor would make for this

A. One credit is awarded by default as the feasibility study concludes that none of the
technologies are feasible for the project.

B. One credit is awarded as the feasibility study meets all of the BREEAM criteria for this issue.

C. The available credits are not achievable because the feasibility study was commissioned too

D. All credits are withheld as no Low or Zero Carbon Technologies (LZC) have been specified for
the project.

Question Number: 8 International Scheme Bespoke process

Which ONE of the following buildings needs to be assessed using the Bespoke process?

A. A building in Peru, consisting of retail outlet with residential apartments above.

B. An office building that is undergoing fit-out in Belgium.

C. A conference centre with museum in Kazakhstan.

D. A hall of residence at a university in Denmark.

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Question Number: 9 International Scheme Bespoke process

Regarding the BREEAM International New Construction Bespoke project application form procedure,
which ONE of the following statements is CORRECT?

A. The application form must be completed and submitted to BRE Global to provide a scheme

B. Where the building is complex in terms of function/ operational use/ layout etc., a project
development meeting (previously known as kick-off meeting) may be required.

C. Building plans should only be submitted when requested by BRE Global following receipt of
the application form.

D. A registration number for the project can be issued to the client before an assessor is

Question Number: 10 International Scheme Weightings

The BREEAM International Weightings form should be completed based on information from a local
Which ONE of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the ‘local expert’?

A. A BREEAM Assessor with expertise of the local environmental conditions of the country can
be a ‘local expert’.

B. The BREEAM AP on the project can be a ‘local expert’ if they have sufficient knowledge of
the local environmental conditions of the country.

C. A ‘local expert’ could be an organisation with an understanding of the local environmental

conditions of the country.

D. All BREEAM APs are considered to be ‘local experts’ as a part of the qualification process
from the accredited professional training course.

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Question Number: 11 Both Schemes Prioritising credits

When dealing with a small urban site with restricted building footprint, which ONE of the following
should be prioritised?

A. Maximising daylighting, glare control and view out.

B. Use of renewable energy technology systems.

C. Rainwater harvesting to meet non-potable water demand.

D. Energy efficient building fabric and systems.

Question Number: 12 UK Scheme LE 01 Site Selection

Scenario: The footprint of a new office development and its associated fixed surface infrastructure in
England, will take up an area of land as described in the table below. The existing industrial unit’s car
park will be used temporarily for site offices and material storage during the construction period.

Footprint size as Description of land on development site

10% Existing retail unit and associated fixed surface infrastructure,
vacated by the last tenant two years ago.
30% Existing neutral grassland area managed as hay meadow for silage

60% Existing industrial unit and associated fixed surface infrastructure,

vacated by the last tenant six months ago.

Which ONE of the following statements is CORRECT?

A. The credit can be awarded as 100% of the proposed development's footprint is on land
previously occupied.
B. The credit cannot be awarded as only 70% of the proposed development's footprint is on
land previously occupied.
C. The credit can be awarded as at least 90% of the proposed development’s footprint is on
land previously developed.
D. The credit cannot be awarded as only 60% of the proposed development's footprint is on
land previously developed.

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Question Number: 13 International Scheme Low Carbon Design

Scenario: A BREEAM project is being carried out in a country where the energy supplied from the
mains grid is highly de-carbonised as it is generated from renewable sources.

Before the end of the Concept stage, an energy specialist has conducted a feasibility study, which
considers energy use from the grid and other fuel types used within the building. It confirms that the
introduction of on-site or local LZC technologies would have an adverse effect on the overall related

How many credit(s) are awarded under ‘Ene 04 - Low Carbon Design’? (Select ONE of the following)

A. None as the building project must include LZC technologies.

B. One credit can be awarded by default.

C. Two credits can be awarded by default.

D. None as the feasibility study was not conducted early enough.

Question Number: 14 International Scheme Management - Man 04

Commissioning and handover

Where can a project team, through the BREEAM Assessor, locate the appropriate National building
regulations and best practice commissioning codes in the country of assessment? (Select ONE of the

A. Standard Building Code (SBC).

B. Approved Standards and Weightings List (ASWL).

C. International Building Code (IBC).

D. Building Officials Code Administrators International.

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Question Number: 15 International Scheme Inter-relationships between

BREEAM issues

Scenario: A project team have opted to install a natural gas-fired boiler for the heating system and
solar thermal panels for the hot water demand on their building project.
Other than Ene 01- Reduction of energy use and carbon emissions, which ONE of the following
BREEAM issues will also potentially be affected?

A. NOx emissions.

B. Designing for durability and resilience.

C. Thermal comfort.

D. Water efficient equipment.

Question Number: 16 Both schemes Primary Energy Consumption

Which ONE of the following defines ‘Primary Energy’?

A. Energy from renewable and non-renewable sources that has not undergone any conversion
or transformation process.

B. Energy from non-renewable sources that has not undergone any conversion or
transformation process.

C. Energy used for a building’s space heating, hot water, space cooling, lighting, fan power and
pump power.

D. Energy used for a building’s fixed internal lighting systems, fixed heating or cooling, hot
water service or mechanical ventilation.

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Question Number: 17 International Scheme Existing buildings

Scenario: A client wants to use an assessment of their office buildings in France, to mitigate the
operational impacts of the existing assets on the environment in a robust manner.

Which ONE of the following BREEAM schemes will they use?

A. BREEAM International New Construction.

B. BREEAM International Bespoke.

C. BREEAM International Refurbishment and Fit-Out.

D. BREEAM In-Use International.

Question Number: 18 Both Schemes BREEAM Process

In which ONE of the following cases will BRE Global consider registration against an older,
superseded version of a BREEAM scheme?

A. Where other buildings on the same site have already been certified against this older,
superseded version of the scheme.

B. Where BREEAM certification against an older, superseded version is required to satisfy a

funding or planning condition.

C. Where the project is unlikely to achieve at least a ‘Pass’ against the current version of the

D. Where the design team confirms that the older, superseded version was being used to
inform the design prior to registration.

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Question Number: 19 International Scheme Output specification

Which ONE of the following statements is most appropriate when advising a client on how to include
requirements relevant to BREEAM compliance within the construction contract?

A. Include a general instruction within the contract to ‘follow BREEAM assessment criteria’.

B. Do not reference BREEAM in the contract, instead instruct the BREEAM assessor to ensure
compliance throughout the construction phase.

C. Include the BREEAM Technical Manual as an Appendix to the Construction Contract, noting
where the development does not need to meet the requirements.

D. Include relevant clauses that ensure delivery in accordance with each BREEAM issue/
criterion being targeted and relevant to the contractor.

Question Number: 20 Both Schemes Site selection

Which ONE of the following statements correctly describes a site that can achieve credits for
contaminated land?

A. The site is defined as not being contaminated by a Contaminated Land Specialist; therefore,
credits are awarded by default.

B. The disused buildings on the site have been decontaminated of asbestos within the building
fabric for health and safety reasons prior to the developer buying the land.

C. The whole site has been defined as significantly contaminated by the Contaminated Land
Specialist and will be remediated as part of the development process.

D. Contaminated land that has been decontaminated solely for health and safety reasons,
rather than for the specific purpose of re-development.

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Question Number: 21 New Construction UK and Materials


Which of the following plasters/ plasterboards would be the LEAST appropriate for a flood resilient
approach? (Select ONE correct answer)

A. Cement-lime plaster.

B. Magnesium Oxide board with lime plaster finish.

C. Cement board.

D. Gypsum plasterboard.

Question Number: 22 International Scheme Man 03 - Responsible

construction practices

Within Man 03 - Responsible construction practices, which ONE is a correct statement regarding
timber used in the manufacturing of the formwork?

A. Only complies if the requirements are for timber that is either FSC or PEFC certified.

B. Must either initially be reclaimed or legally harvested and traded.

C. If the formwork is a temporary timber mold, it can be excluded from the assessment.

D. If the formwork is a permanent timber mold, it can be excluded from the assessment.

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Question Number: 23 Testing and commissioning Site based

In which ONE of the following locations must the air barrier located?

A In the middle of the insulation layer.

B On the cold side of the insulation.

C On the warm side of the insulation.

D On the external face of the fabric layer.

Question Number: 24 Testing and commissioning Site based

In order to obtain robust infrared images to assess the heat loss through its fabric, a building’s space
heating needs to have been on for several hours prior to the survey being carried out. The internal
temperature should ideally be as high as possible, but the difference between inside and outside of
the building should be: (Select ONE of the following)

A. At least 50C.

B. At least 100C.

C. At least 150C.

D. At least 200C.

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Question Number: 25 Testing and commissioning Site based

Which ONE of the following describes the conditions for infrared thermographic surveys? They can
only be carried out:

A During winter months (when it’s cold).

B During night-time.

C On inhabited buildings.

D On heated (or cooled) buildings.

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