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wwot Jdoe mont

2 Povistbn u r h 0gad to Tudgemo nt undl CuPC

3 haub å an 0de ?

4. POLu Stb uuitn ngod to Ode uvdi CuP

cu eenteA Ayehuran a Tudamat

& an 0 d7

6. not cae t e Contnt O Tudgement

.wout an hds oud gument civl cade

unat oleCaee Sudaerment

. w Mat oa enaNple oTudoeme nt


uhot u Judqemet

A Uogemalt B a defsm e n bu a pe on ogandaYGa

Potida. axUe , A udgemOMt uvdoi the ees o t LaW a
SOY Given Jby a co o law n a &it wuf conos uup to

Codo oa minal Poceduse în Dndia docs nnot dom a ud9e

o . \nOuoh Chaptf 24 tthe ode doals uuth t i Mott
Solating te audgemont it detiveny
A Jucgmont Caun Je conuiDed to Jse 4nal odopamed by a
Ouwtnau cout ulutdh may eYthar. ve pLLenoun od o a convicttb

Cue Cused Suc pes0 ound to Je qflty o as an

Cauie e tneceused duc pem e aund vo e fmnocertl

e L p o0e Cout ndia m cae qunedia stngh v. Skae

o 0.p. 1953 doAnc udge mone as tia a l cleisn ot the
Cost ntmaRd to the pcshús to ttua. uu0ld ot a s g y oRa
9Lonouncamont' o doivey open oust

wftn oegaad to sudoement under CPc

sectfb 3 s 3
Th &ectsbn eLps Lus NOLLAA faO AUAa DOcex opoLo Cemo nt
enounce nt udaeMLMTE E SCLLS uat t poLeYLoune
Aovt a fudgMet dh evesy 9ual in a ouRnnal LOunt
showd e dme &n open couat cus yoon au tsual usfett t
hcLt Duat e Jeainakcd,uCn {udoement i o u d Jse

CLeneuneed Jy a p0JTU Ph uo shcage of t t

fnfa) touat e OiqMal_ u l ducho.&uch an ce

Quttaced to 8uQlh a docment

ectfbn 35
ctfdn ttUt s thoet cubout long aqe ulic thould
T se

whilu puemoun fng a fudQemont 9r cfCau uy

Bhat unleii anttng ernpswxsy mentftnod undaa. th jud
Ont POsd undu secttbn 353 t u udacnont gould J
ode n tht oKtal Janguage C H uaspeCETVE LOLt

&eucfbrm 353 35S

oLOLuOd y Meksucpouitan Moüma ulule peNONmA


seua numb23 O ase

dak o Lommi ss fbn o ChRnu
name O Oupafnant anyD
nama o. accued pesOn & i s paaentoqe e LecLon Lo

-tn Conplatnecl o 0 paLoved

pleo acuued G i enanfnatfm any)
mal od0 daK O such ond
b T sraUR Mont ueason fo de dstbn C343 O 3t4 C3))

Sectrbn 354
s secfbm }alk ab Ouut te pOuOL OA H cout to clomand
cepongatrby) om e acused uX th Heqand o t u loxses
on uas ed Jy M PCsh- tho i t t . 8udn
Conupens AtyM
mouy e fon he tog f u pouo ceecurnaLOupeniatiom t0
couua hasm Ptuy 0ol0OLtn ec
i poatfoulo potoel o tme pLourded oA can appeal
aaaîet uen dAmard o nupenEattbn by tne COnt -Dn

uc pofbd enpuA tue acused nau e Rasu to

&uch onupenoah on.
8eckbm 358
Peum gek Nes rtd dun to anothe peu on eqtteiRng oa

Ten the auNt sal oeo luch a

pess DN uuo po8 ec t
CO UTE t pau conupeng atfby uufon eluoll o t enueed oe
TuOUSOAnd Juuwpe es D the pog Dl0 cOe3Ed. &ucn

L one than on p& DN uLo hou een

cNEs EO undles
8e iluns tcnce thon COnpenshbrm o9upeeA }Hous and
8 ch t JU paud to each P eAsOn.

Sctfbn 36
Ts secttb) tcUl hot ud tu oLouufma ti4unutan ces
peeu icsenslP POitPhg he { udgement should e Lecoded
w e an cLC Lec U peaien undO secttbn 26o o undl

t PsLOLUSTEu o tho Puobatfn o endars ArE,19S3.

a. wuhen an Oena a peR8on 8upposed tob Comsidened n d
he Ct LdAen Act,L6D.

&ecttbn 362
Tus sectbn Leuls us thott L aXudaenMont & pronmaunud
e ctnanae s Moull Ue moa COt Othe poLOfelMa »ihO
on &uch {ndgement Unlei HLue cppeal iud at a &ahe cot.

8ectfbyn 363
Tus sectfbn teu bhat o LOp the /udAe Mant plLeNLOun ud
Jyt psusPdtng Kiu o Ha Lout shau we fven aut t9 te
OLCused , the Conup lainant a l l euch peuenu cipcPcutcd u d t

p o Ce edth Pm o c e n a 10 uufU 8uCh a fldge mer

nou e n pax Ed

&ecttm 364
T sectibm psLOLudu that eveu fudgemont pLeOuncod
J a COUE &loud JJe etodad. Sn an Pms tanLe uhoe Cuc
ualgernot no tthe lamquag HAo CouE tA
udgemart &nold e JAnI laed fmto he
oquua &DHnen u
LanuagL o LOuAt_Stoeo CLcAOdingus

8ecttbn 365
Ta gecrton ieu u that m case aucoemord pooun0d
sent t e t e
en Cop C L n ufudgennOt ¢uould
e oütsTt Maqütroukt

wwat Cun Odl

An od a tommound ulu h ä en Jst a udoe. wutt

eatM 9 puD LeeduPg at a COLRtToug tus ndOs & not
dlue uluuaust end the. CoLut psuD Leodfna Onl Lsud
cun 0du pased he nal odo oa ceoue it shall e
Lensidcd be audgement &&hau be. capable oendAna
a OUE Case

telge Ce the CoLse

T e a claLin 0dOs uli dn co ven Jsy the cOAt

und chopt 24 he Locle O ummal Pootedune ,913.

Houeea o im enctl odAL not dohed uvdes
CPC ndA tts uoantng unde the cFil fsuoLedune. Cool.
Ps0uf efbns uuth egand to Oidei undlaa PC.

Secttbm 356
T ge ctfon eL u oubOut an odo &Caaidng notTattom
the oddieY O o po vfougy on vitAd poi or

Sectibn 354
a secEfbn tu u that ttu count m a ondAa opeAson AD

pC Lorpens atfbn m tade. such a peuon's Couplafnt Eo tae

POLTCe L0ad e alse aAest a n o t 0 p es& Dm. {uC
Cepenscuttbn houll we pcuud to tha pelsn so n e s e d .Tue
COYLLpene attbym
0dLd can JJe nMantnum e ena
u o s and upeesS MO tthan mepeson s COseared yoR CuC

Corplofnt t n a cOnupenuabbn p o pees hu ndacol o

eac peisen can u eondenad y t LOwtt

8ecktbn 35q
Ond tuù eecttbm t LoAt shol odiL COupensctfb te e

patcl dy the acuued ae e conuploinant the ase on'd

- a tnat i c caue oa Mn-ognizable otence . The
Lerwpensatbn &equivolnt to the Losts the poLeedung
wufdn a mcuned J the tenp loTynat &uch an od. mau
even Je pat1ec b4- an Appellae loutE.

8ectibn 360

condullt o ateL a gm wanhg



at H dieenog berucen a fudgemant an ode?

n u f n a l PLO Cdune lcol l943

Juoatont-Cop t *XN ChPc cloalu wim udoement
An otde as ue nor dufnod undss (oPC

3 udoaMOt he steLement cfven dy Tudae en tu

oundu or a deuee dea
e e a l epsasfoy any olecfdn o a
nPnufmal couat uut h ü not a dl etee.

TudoeMOnt deckeA H fna deisfbn t Coult pn

eal naruue
Judgement- apRLCUabl eOR pL0ur&onedd uperteL LOout
2ndU aPpealauGL ner0-appeaulagle

Ska O the Cage

Juolgemont -A dudaLmen u pcLaecl at he noali tu. o
COwetnot addAWKLeA Ehe mal
enecLttbyn othe
cefPon tasen upen hoouPn0E evoluathq tthe

0doL An otdOL

acement ontrtnS acts o hL Cae tte wsu MYOtVea

Bue eYYcLento Jtouuaht Jy Ue postds ndma en fsuL
oCLs ed on evtdenL
aqUmirm ).
daermernt &haul ecuude c umnmay plecdingg
LLOS mdng en each iue atfb deci de ndi e alio
anted Jy t tount.

uaut 030 Qu efnds o dQermenE Pe'L cazes 7

wen Hae Aacts c o d n t e d b y paatts b u t Bue oLd L

ci puted as Pn Coge oudgement wpon_dle muse

cLS Pm Laue o uagemont p 0 ved
3.wen Jsom lau E& 2acs c adn a H LDYexifon a
n Case e Lognovit cLctfbmam on t past Eo dojendant o

By dejcuut erHS Pau t COLDAe lego proLeeding4,

sPn Cou e a niil Tut 0 nam Sum fajoiMatus ulnen t h

odlelendont hos enmitd to pluod o PutDueE h attona

o l o u d up h pouOceedfnO

l u a t Ls e Gee eTudaaMt&

LOUndJ o de nee. o nd
e e e. u can adiudf tabtbym cancuuuivelu cokAPNPng tho
O a y q mott
9untt O t paatte u f n eqaads Eo aL

neut 0 enapls Q Tudgerment

orqaerte adve hiPn8hould Je utnokd a te Ledoa_

roveMort 8OLud develop an ontisuo Ea Lapaon
8oonL Jefma genHnud to 2 movt Pn Lfson toLa
y oYMnu Hed

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