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The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education

Copyright © 2022


This Booklet is a collection of Abstract in English at The 3rd PGSD UST International
Conference on Education (ICE) held in Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa by Department
of Primary School Teacher Education and Magister of Primary Education Department on
September 2022. The theme of the conference is Elementary School Education in Digital Era.
There are more than 30 papers presenting different lines of issue which address such topics as
(1) Learning Technology in Elementary School, (2) Digital-based Learning Evaluation in
Elementary School, (3) Hybrid and Blended Learning in Elementary School, (4) Learning
Media in Elementary School, (5) Independent Learning Curriculum in Elementary School, (6)
Digital Era Character Education in Elementary School, (7) Digital Era Tamansiswa Education
in Elementary School, (8) Digital Era Inclusive Education in Elementary School, (9) Learning
Post-Pandemic Covid 9 in Elementary School, and (10) Digital Era Interculture
Communicative Competence in Elementary School.
Finally, we would like to extend our deep gratitude to all of the presenters who have
shared their bright and inspiring ideas at the conference. More importantly, we express our
gratitude to the board of reviewers and editors who have worked hard in screening all the
submitted papers selected for the proceedings. We do hope that readers enjoy reading the
papers and find them useful.

Yogyakarta, September 2022

The Committee

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022



The Effectiveness of Century Skill-based Authentic Science Assessment Media to Improve 12
Critical Thinking Skills for Grade 4 Elementary School Students
Aris Naeni Dwiyanti, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Mawan Akhir Riwanto,
Yusuf Hasan Baharudin

The Implementation of Pancasila Student Profile-Based Teachingand Tri-N Through 13

Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in SBdP (Cultural Arts and Crafts) Subject
Bonifatius Sigit Yuniharto, Agatha Lisa, Ana Fitrotun Nisa, Qodri Jamalulail

The Effect Of The Application Of The Collaboration Model On The Learning Outcomes 14
Of Class II Students Of Gending 1 Elementary School On Thematic Learning
Chicie Arinda Widyati, Ludfi Arya Wardana, Didit Yulian K, RofikaNuriyanti

The Relationship of National Insights with the Character of Love for the Country Class VI 15
Gending 1 Elementary School
Dewi Qomara Dona, Ludfi Arya Wardana, Shofia Hattarina, Rofikha Nuriyanti

The Effect of Learning Media on Students’ Academic Achievement at Elementary School 16

Eliyanto, Siti Honiah Mujiati, Darsono

The Need Analysis of Digital Materials Based on Character Education in Elementary 17

Fajariyani, Siti Rochmiyati, Banun Havifah Cahyo Khosiyono, Dhian Nuri Rahmawati,
Dwi Astuti, Suliyanti

Effectiveness Of Interactive Flip Book Sekapati Media On Elementary School Listening 18

Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Gigih Winandika, Mawan Akhir Riwanto, Aris Naeni Dwiyanti,
Yusuf Hasan Baharudin, Nuf Anggraeni

The Relationship between the Power of Collaboration and Student Achievement in Social 19
Studies Subjects in Fourth Grade
Finy Rizky Amalia, Ludfi Arya Wardana, Shofia Hattarina, Rofikha Nuriyanti

Development Of Interactive Quiz Learning Media Using Powerpoint On The Struggle Of 20

Class Iv Students' Heroes
Gigih Winandika, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Mawan Akhir Riwanto, Aris Naeni Dwiyanti,
Yusuf Hasan Baharudin, Bahrur Rohmah

Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on PPT Plant Structure Material for 21
Fourth Grade Students
Imroatul Kamelia, Ludfi Arya Wardana, Shofia Hattarina, Rofika Nuriyanti

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Development Interactive Media of Multiplication Materials With Line Technique 22
(Garismatika) for 3th Grade Elementary School
Mawan Akhir Riwanto, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Yusuf Hasan Baharudin, Aris Naeni
Dwiyanti, Gigih Winandika, Jamangaturrohmah

Analysis of Learning Difficulties in a Child in Elementary School 23

Yusuf Hasan Baharudin, Aris Naeni Dwiyanti, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti,
Anisa Sekar Ningrum, Mawan Akhir Riwanto

The Effect Of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) On The Students’ IPA Learning 24
Outcomes In Class IV
Nora Dilla Qibtiyah, Ludfi Arya Wardana, Shofia Hattarina, Rofikha Nuriyanti

The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in the Social Studies Classroom to Promote 25

Intercultural Competence
Kirana Prama Dewi, Isna Rahmawati

Creative Process of Elementary School Teacher Education Students in Making Ecoprint: 26

Aesthetic Habitus Studies
Probosiwi, Fery Setyaningrum

Development of Project-Based Learning-Based Thematic Worksheet Teaching Materials in 27

Class IV Gending Elementary School
Reicha Rossa Kusmastuti, Ludfi Arya Wardana, Shofia Hattarina3 Rofikha Nuriyanti

Use of Interactive Electronic Picture Storybooks in Elementary School: Study in Grade 2 28

of SDN Bangka 05 South Jakarta
Gemala Qurbani, Siti Nafingah

Using Digital Storytelling to Enhance Elementary School Learners’ Motivation in Learning 29

Tri Jampi Setiyorini

Analysis of 2st Century Learning in Elementary Schools in Indonesia 30

Linda Ermawati, Beny Dwi Lukitoaji

Model of Entrepreneurship in Elementary Schools in the Era of Independent Learning in 31

the Age of Society 5.0
Dhiniaty Gularso, Siti Maisaroh, Ahmad Agung Yuwono Putro

The Practice of Music Education in Elementary Schools as the Basis of Inheritance of 32

Indonesian Traditional Music Culture

Analysis of Pedagogic Competence of Teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman 33

Vera Yuli Erviana, Wiwik Ikhsani, Laila Fatmawati, Anik Ghufron, Haryanto

Development Of Sariswara Method In Accommodating Student Diversity In Class IV 34

Thematic Learning SD Negeri 3 Kemudo Klaten
Dinar Westri Andini, Firyalina Yulma Annisa, Biya Ebi Praheto, Taryatman

Cultivation of Karakter Responsibility and Discipline of Students in Online Learning at SD 35

Muhammadiyah Kleco
Sugeng Riyanto, Aida Nur Widiana, Niswi Mukarromah

Exploration of Self-regulated Learning through Edmodo 36

Trisniawati, Nelly Rhosyida, Mahmudah Titi Muanifah, Ida Megawati, Sri Adi Widodo, Ana
Fitrotun Nisa, Beti Istanti Suwandayani, Martalia Ardiyaningrum

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Development of Comic Media Based on Local Wisdom in Integrated Thematic Learning 37
Nur Ngazizah, Rosita Rahmawati, Dwi Lestari Oktaviani

Implementation Of The Among System To Improve A Sense Of Love For The Homeland 38
In The Learning Citizenship Education for Third Grade At Karangrejo Kebumen
Elementary School
Zahrotun Najah, Wachid Pratomo, Nadziroh, Chairiyah

Development of Videoscribe-Based Multimedia on the Social Science - Thematic Learning 39

for V-Grade Students in SD N Timuran Yogyakarta
Dwi Wijayanti, Agus Hadi Pratama, Dyan Desi Madyarini

Online Assessment for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School during Covid-19 40
Pandemic in Indonesia
Muhaimi Mughni Prayogo, Imam Setiawan

Need Analysis of Learning Tool Development in Developong 21st Century Skills of 41

Elementary School Students
Pardimin, Ana Fitrotun Nisa, Nurul Hikmah

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
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The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree &
Master’s Program in Primary Education
“Elementary School Education in Digital Era”

Advisor : 1. Prof. Drs. H. Pardimin, M.Pd., Ph.D. (Rector of UST)

2. Dr. Imam Ghozali, M.Sc. (Vice Rector 1)
3. Dra. Hj. Trisharsiwi, M.Pd. (Vice Rector 2)
4. Drs. Widodo Budi, M.Si (Vice Rector 3)
5. Yuyun Yulia, Ph.D (Vice Rector 4)
6. Dr. Siti Mariah, M.Pd. (Dean of FKIP)
7. Setuju, M.Pd (Vice Dean 1)
8. Dra. Yohana Sumiyati, M.Pd. (Vice Dean 2)
9. Dr. Arif Bintoro Johan, M. Pd (Vice Dean 3)
Person in Charge : 1. Dra. C. Indah Nartani, M.Pd
2. Dr. Biya Ebi Praheto, M.Pd
3. Dr. Ana Fitrotun Nisa, M.Pd
Chairman of the Committee : Ida Megawati, M.Pd
Vice Chairman : Dr. Muhammad Irfan, M.Pd
Secretary : 1. Dinar Martia Azizah, M.Pd (Coordinator)
2. Nadziroh, M.Pd.
3. Chairiyah, M.Pd.
4. Sony Febri, S.Pd
Treasurer : 1. Nelly Rhosyida, M.Pd. (Coordinator)
2. Bestiana Nizhomi, M.Pd.
3. Tri Yuliatun
Secretarial : 1. Taryatman, M.Pd (Coordinator)
2. Trisniawati, M.Pd.
3. Eka Ridha Nofrida, M.Pd.
4. Retno Utaminingsih, M.Pd.Si.
5. Poppy Indriyanti, M.Sn.
6. Pramudya Cahyandaru, M.Pd
7. Sony Fajar, S.Kom

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Reviewer Team Section 1. Dr. Banun Havifah CK, M.Pd (Coordinator)
2. Dinar Martia Azizah, M.Pd.
3. Siti Anafiah, M.Pd.
4. Kristi Wardani, M.Pd.
5. Shanta Rezkita, M.Pd
6. Dr. Rosidah Aliim H, M.Pd.
7. Ayu Rahayu, M.Pd.
8. Muhaimi Mughni Prayogo, M. Pd
9. Ida Megawati, M.Pd

Events Section : 1. Dinar Westri Andini, M.Pd (Coordinator)

2. Elyas Djufri, M.Pd.
3. Arya Dani Setyawan, M.Sn.
4. Dyan Indah Purnama Sari, M.Pd.
Equipment Section : 1. Wachid Pratomo, M.Pd. (Coordinator)
2. Ardian Arief, M.Pd.
3. Mahmudah Titi M, M.
4. Dwi Wijayanti, M.Pd
5. Lutfi Setyawan
Publications and Documentation : 1. Akbar Al Masjid, M.Pd. (Coordinator)
Section 2. Khotim Hanifudin Najib, M.Pd.
3. Endah Marwanti, M.Pd
4. Trio Ardhian, M.Pd.
5. Murniningsih, M.Pd.
Public Relations and : 1. Irfan Adi Nugroho, M. Pd (Coordinator)
Sponsorship/Cooperation 2. Dr. Anang Sudigdo, M.Pd.
Section 3. Bherrio Dwi Saputra, M.Pd.
4. Abdul Rahim, M.Pd.
5. Dewi Anggreini, M.Sc.
6. Novi Dian Perwitasari, SP

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree &
Master’s Program in Primary Education
“Elementary School Education in Digital Era”

Time Activities Person In Charge (PIC)

07.00-08.00 Presenters and Participants Equipment Committee
08.00-08.10 Opening MC (Dinar Martia Azizah, M.Pd.)
08.10-08.25 Singing the National Anthem (Operator)
of Indonesia and
08.25-08.45 Committee Chairman’s Ida Megawati, M.Pd.
Chairman of anniversary V. Reza Bayu Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc.
Rector's speech and opening Prof. Drs. H. Pardimin, Ph.D.
the event
08.45-08.55 Art Performance Sie Events and Equipment
08.55-09.00 Taking Photos MC (Dinar Martia Azizah, M.Pd.)
09.00-11.15 Main Activity: Moderator:
Each of keynote speakers (Yuyun Yulia, PhD.)
delivers the material for 40
09.00-09.40 Speaker 1 Prof. Suriani (Malaysia)
09.45-10.25 Speaker 2 Dr Gerry D. Abad (MMSU Filipina)
10.30-11.10 Speaker 3 Dr. Heri Maria Z., M.Pd. (UST,
11.15-11.45 Discussion Moderator
11.45-11.55 Symbolic handing over of MC (Dinar Martia Azizah, M.Pd.)
11.55-12.00 Closing on the main session MC (Dinar Martia Azizah, M.Pd.)
12.00-12.15 Break out room
12.15-14.00 Parallel Session Room Moderator

Here are the links for the conference:

1. Link Youtube :
2. Link Zoom Meeting :
Meeting ID: 895 4826 5344
Passcode: ustjogja
3. Link Virtual Background :

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022


Room 1
Moderator : Ayu Rahayu, M. Pd.
No Name Institution Title of Paper
1 Aris Naeni Dwiyanti, Universitas
The Effectiveness of Century Skill-based Authentic
Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Nahdlatul Ulama
Science Assessment Media to Improve Critical
Mawan Akhir Riwanto, Al Ghazali,
Thinking Skills for Grade 4 Elementary School
Yusuf Hasan Baharudin Cilacap,
2 Bonifatius Sigit Universitas
The Implementation of Pancasila Student Profile-
Yuniharto, Agatha Lisa, Sarjanawiyata
Based Teachingand Tri-N Through Project-Based
Ana Fitrotun Nisa, Qodri Tamansiswa,
Learning (PjBL) in SBdP (Cultural Arts and Crafts)
Jamalulail Universitas
Negeri Semarang
3 Chicie Arinda Widyati, Universitas Panca
The Effect Of The Application Of The Collaboration
Ludfi Arya Wardana, Marga,
Model On The Learning Outcomes Of Class II
Didit Yulian K, Probolinggo,
Students Of Gending 1 Elementary School On
RofikaNuriyanti Indonesia
Thematic Learning
4 Dewi Qomara Dona, Universitas Panca
The Relationship of National Insights with the
Ludfi Arya Wardana, Marga,
Character of Love for the Country Class VI Gending
Shofia Hattarina, Rofikha Probolinggo,
1 Elementary School
Nuriyanti Indonesia
5 Muhaimi Mughni Universitas
Prayogo, Imam Setiawan Sarjanawiyata Online Assessment for Children with Special Needs
Tamansiswa, in Inclusive School during Covid-19 Pandemic in
Universitas Panca Indonesia
6 Eliyanto, Siti Honiah IAINU Kebumen,
The Effect of Learning Media on Students’ Academic
Mujiati, Darsono Kebumen,
Achievement at Elementary School

Room 2
Moderator : Elyas Djufri, M.Pd.
No Name Institution Title of Paper
1 Fajariyani, Siti Universitas
Rochmiyati, Banun Sarjanawiyata
The Need Analysis of Digital Materials Based on
Havifah Cahyo Tamansiswa
Character Education in Elementary School
Khosiyono, Dhian Nuri
Rahmawati, Dwi Astuti,
2 Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Universitas
Gigih Winandika, Mawan Nahdlatul Ulama
Effectiveness Of Interactive Flip Book Sekapati
Akhir Riwanto, Aris Al Ghazali,
Media On Elementary School Listening Skills
Naeni Dwiyanti, Yusuf Cilacap,
Hasan Baharudin, Nuf Indonesia
3 Finy Rizky Amalia, Ludfi Universitas Panca
The Relationship between the Power of Collaboration
Arya Wardana, Shofia Marga,
and Student Achievement in Social Studies Subjects
Hattarina, Rofikha Probolinggo,
in Fourth Grade
Nuriyanti Indonesia

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

No Name Institution Title of Paper
4 Dwi Wijayanti, Agus Hadi Universitas Development of Videoscribe-Based Multimedia on
Pratama, Dyan Desi Sarjanawiyata the Social Science - Thematic Learning for V-Grade
Madyarini Tamansiswa Students in SD N Timuran Yogyakarta
5 Zahrotun Najah, Wachid Universitas Implementation Of The Among System To Improve
Pratomo, Nadziroh, Sarjanawiyata A Sense Of Love For The Homeland In The Learning
Chairiyah Tamansiswa Citizenship Education for Third Grade At Karangrejo
Kebumen Elementary School
6 Vera Yuli Erviana, Wiwik Universitas Analysis of Pedagogic Competence of Teachers at
Ikhsani, Laila Fatmawati, Ahmad Dahlan, SD Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman
Anik Ghufron, Haryanto Universitas

Room 3
Moderator : Ardian Arief, M.Pd
No Name Institution Title of Paper
1 Gigih Winandika, Wahyu Universitas
Nuning Budiarti, Mawan Nahdlatul Ulama Development Of Interactive Quiz Learning Media
Akhir Riwanto, Aris Al Ghazali, Using Powerpoint On The Struggle Of Class Iv
Naeni Dwiyanti, Yusuf Cilacap, Students' Heroes
Hasan Baharudin, Indonesia
Bahrur Rohmah
2 Imroatul Kamelia, Ludfi Universitas Panca
Development of Interactive Learning Media Based
Arya Wardana, Shofia Marga,
on PPT Plant Structure Material for Fourth Grade
Hattarina, Rofika Probolinggo,
Nuriyanti Indonesia
3 Dhiniaty Gularso, Siti Universitas PGRI Model of Entrepreneurship in Elementary Schools in
Maisaroh, Ahmad Agung Yogyakarta the Era of Independent Learning in the Age of Society
Yuwono Putro 5.0
4 Sularso Universitas The Practice of Music Education in Elementary
Ahmad Dahlan Schools as the Basis of Inheritance of Indonesian
Traditional Music Culture
5 Nora Dilla Qibtiyah, Universitas Panca
Ludfi Arya Wardana, Marga, The Effect Of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
Shofia Hattarina, Rofikha Probolinggo, On The Students’ IPA Learning Outcomes In Class
Nuriyanti Indonesia IV

6 Pardimin, Ana Fitrotun Universitas Need Analysis of Learning Tool Development in

Nisa, Nurul Hikmah Sarjanawiyata Developong 21st Century Skills of Elementary
Tamansiswa School Students

Room 4
Moderator : Dinar Westri Andini, M.Pd.
No Name Institution Title of Paper
1 Kirana Prama Dewi, Isna Universitas The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in the
Rahmawati Ahmad Dahlan Social Studies Classroom to Promote Intercultural
2 Probosiwi, Fery Universitas Creative Process of Elementary School Teacher
Setyaningrum Ahmad Dahlan Education Students in Making Ecoprint: Aesthetic
Habitus Studies

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

No Name Institution Title of Paper
3 Reicha Rossa Kusmastuti, Universitas Panca Development of Project-Based Learning-Based
Ludfi Arya Wardana, Marga, Thematic Worksheet Teaching Materials in Class IV
Shofia Hattarina3 Probolinggo, Gending Elementary School
Rofikha Nuriyanti Indonesia
4 Gemala Qurbani, Siti Universitas Use of Interactive Electronic Picture Storybooks in
Nafingah Negeri Elementary School: Study in Grade 2 of SDN Bangka
Yogyakarta 05 South Jakarta
5 Tri Jampi Setiyorini Universitas
Using Digital Storytelling to Enhance Elementary
School Learners’ Motivation in Learning Grammar
6 Dinar Westri Andini, Universitas
Development Of Sariswara Method In
Firyalina Yulma Annisa, Sarjanawiyata
Accommodating Student Diversity In Class IV
Biya Ebi Praheto, Tamansiswa
Thematic Learning SD Negeri 3 Kemudo Klaten

Room 5
Moderator : Pramudya Cahyandaru, M.Pd
No Name Institution Title of Paper
1 Linda Ermawati, Beny Universitas PGRI Analysis of 2st Century Learning in Elementary
Dwi Lukitoaji Yogyakarta Schools in Indonesia
2 Mawan Akhir Riwanto, Universitas
Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Nahdlatul Ulama Development Interactive Media of Multiplication
Yusuf Hasan Baharudin, Al Ghazali, Materials With Line Technique (Garismatika) for 3th
Aris Naeni Dwiyanti, Cilacap, Grade Elementary School
Gigih Winandika, Indonesia
3 Yusuf Hasan Baharudin, Universitas
Aris Naeni Dwiyanti, Nahdlatul Ulama Analysis of Learning Difficulties in a Child in
Wahyu Nuning Budiarti, Al Ghazali, Elementary School
Anisa Sekar Ningrum, Cilacap,
Mawan Akhir Riwanto Indonesia
4 Sugeng Riyanto, Aida Nur Universitas Cultivation of Karakter Responsibility and Discipline
Widiana, Niswi Ahmad Dahlan of Students in Online Learning at SD
Muhammadiyah Kleco
5 Trisniawati, Nelly Universitas
Rhosyida, Mahmudah Titi Sarjanawiyata
Muanifah, Ida Megawati, Tamansiswa Exploration of Self-regulated Learning through
Sri Adi Widodo, Ana Edmodo
Fitrotun Nisa, Beti Istanti
Suwandayani, Martalia
6 Nur Ngazizah, Rosita Universitas Development of Comic Media Based on Local
Rahmawati, Dwi Lestari Muhammadiyah Wisdom in Integrated Thematic Learning
Oktaviani Purworejo

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
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The Effectiveness of Century Skill-based Authentic Science Assessment
Media to Improve Critical Thinking Skills for Grade 4
Elementary School Students
Aris Naeni Dwiyanti1*, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti2, Mawan Akhir Riwanto3,
Yusuf Hasan Baharudin4
Department of Primary Education, 5Guidance Counseling, FKIP Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al
Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of century skill-based authentic
assessment media to improve critical thinking skills in elementary school students. The method
used is a pre-experiment using One design Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Learning the content
of science learning is carried out in six face-to-face meetings, one pre-test, and one final test.
The population used is grade 4 the elementary school students of 2 Tipar with a total of 20
students. The results obtained are 87.375% of students responded very well. N-gain test
obtained a significance level of 0.6 (enough). This shows that between the pre-test before using
the century skill-based authentic assessment media and the post-test after using the century
skill-based authentic assessment media experienced a significant difference. Based on the
results of several tests, it was concluded that the century skill-based authentic assessment media
was effective in developing critical thinking skills.

Keywords: authentic assessment media, century skills, critical thinking, elementary school

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

The Implementation of Pancasila Student Profile-Based Teaching
and Tri-N Through Project-Based Learning (PjBL)
in SBdP (Cultural Arts and Crafts) Subject

Bonifatius Sigit Yuniharto1*, Agatha Lisa2, Ana Fitrotun Nisa3, Qodri Jamalulail4
Postgraduate Basic Education, 2English Language Education
Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the implementation of Pancasila student
profile-based teaching and Tri-N through project-based learning (PjBL) in SBdP (Cultural Arts
and Crafts) subject. A descriptive qualitative design was employed as the research method to
gain a more in-depth understanding of the phenomenon and its characteristics being studied in
this study. The data were obtained qualitatively from multiple sources such as interviews,
classroom observations, students’ projects, and supporting documents. These data will be
analyzed by following the procedures of qualitative data analysis. Using various data collection
techniques is crucial since it can obtain the validity and trustworthiness of qualitative data. We
selected 16 fifth-grade elementary school students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year as the
research participants at SDN Sariharjo, Yogyakarta. There are six steps to be followed to
execute the teaching model successfully, consisting of 1) identifying questions/problems, 2)
designing the projects, 3) setting the schedule, 4) monitoring students’ progress, 5) assessing
students’ performances and projects, and 6) evaluating the whole teaching-learning process and
doing reflection. The results clearly showed that the teaching model implementation in
accordance with the current curriculum in times of the COVID-9 emergency is effective in
recovering learning loss and gap and developing students’ characters in the post-pandemic era.
Therefore, the teaching model used in this study is highly recommended for future studies.

Keywords: Pancasila student profile-based teaching, Tri-N, project-based learning (PjBL)

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

The Effect of the Application of the Collaboration
Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class II Students of Gending
Elementary School on Thematic Learning
Chicie Arinda Widyati1*, Ludfi Arya Wardana2, DiditYulian K3, RofikaNuriyanti4
Universitas Panca Marga, Jl. Raya Dringu, Pabean, Probolinggo 6726, Indonesia
E-mail:*,, ,

This study explains the effect of the Collaborative Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes
of Class II Gending Elementary School students in learning. This study was carried out
with a quantitative approach through documentation and test studies. The results showed that
1) Thematic learning outcomes of experimental class students who were taught using the
cooperative learning model of learning together type had an average score of 82.50. So it
increased by 2.8. 2) Control student learning outcomes who are taught without using the
cooperative learning model type learning together have an average obtained of 70.06. An
increase of 0.8. 3) There is a significant effect between the application of the collaboration
model and the learning outcomes of second grade students of Gending Elementary School in
thematic learning.

Keywords: Collaborative Learning Model; Learning outcomes

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

The Relationship of National Insights with the
Character of Love for the Country Class VI Gending Elementary School
Dewi Qomara Dona1*, Ludfi Arya Wardana2, Shofia Hattarina3, Rofikha Nuriyanti4
Universitas Panca Marga, Jl. Raya Dringu, Pabean, Probolinggo 6726, Indonesia

This study explains the relationship between Understanding National Insights and Love for the
Motherland Character in Class VI students at Gending Elementary School. This study was
carried out using a quantitative approach through a study of documentation and questionnaires.
The data is processed by the percentage formula and analysed by the Simple Correlation
Coefficient. The results showed that 1) the Value of Understanding National Insights obtained
the highest score with 50 and the lowest score was 84, the Value of the Love of the Motherland
Character obtained the highest score with 20 and the lowest score was 80; 2) The Nationality
Insight Normality Test shows 78.3 > 4.06 so that it is declared normally distributed, while the
Love of the Fatherland Character Normality Test shows 039.3 > 4.06 so it is declared normally
distributed; 3) There is a positive and significant relationship between the understanding of
national insight and the character of love for the homeland in class VI students of Gending
Elementary School at a significance level of 0.05% with Fcount 2.583 and Fcount 3.28 then
Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

Keywords: National Insight, Homeland Love Character

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

The Effect of Learning Media on Students’ Academic Achievement
at Elementary School

Eliyanto1, Siti Honiah Mujiati2, Darsono3

IAINU Kebumen, Kebumen, Indonesia
MIN Purbalingga, Purbalingga, Indonesia
SDN Karanggayam, Kebumen, Indonesia

Learning requires media to help simplify and expedite the learning process objectives
effectively and efficiently. This study aims to determine the effect of Learning Media on
Students’ Academic Achievement at Elementary School. This research is a quantitative
research. The population in this study were 89 students. While the samples in this study were
66 students. Collecting data using a questionnaire documentation, then analyzed using simple
regression techniques. The results of this study that is learning media has a positive effect on
the student academic achievement, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.005 < = 0.050, while
the value of the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.6 or contributes .6%. This means that learning
media has been proven to play a role in improving student academic achievement. Learning
media is able to help simplify and help smooth the learning process.

Keywords: The Effect, Learning Media, Students’ Academic Achievement, Elementary


The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
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The Need Analysis of Digital Materials Based on Character Education in
Elementary School

Fajariyani1*, Siti Rochmiyati2, Banun Havifah Cahyo Khosiyono3*,

Dhian Nuri Rahmawati4, Dwi Astuti5, Suliyanti6
Primary Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to explore the need for digital materials based on character education for
elementary school. This research is qualitative research. Data were collected using observation,
and interviews. The research participants were 28 students and 7 teachers of Indonesian
Elementary Schools. Findings showed that the results of the needs analysis state that all
teachers are interested in using integrated e-modules for character education. Character
education that will be integrated with this material includes the characteristics of self-
confidence, caring, and responsibility. Teachers can modify existing teaching materials into
digital materials or e-modules based on character education. This digital material will arouse
students’ learning motivation, because it looks more attractive, and can be directly accessed
with gadgets owned by students.

Keywords: Character education, Digital material, Elementary school

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Effectiveness of Interactive Flip Book Sekapati Media on Elementary
School Listening Skills

Wahyu Nuning Budiarti1*, Gigih Winandika2, Mawan Akhir Riwanto3, Aris Naeni
Dwiyanti4, Yusuf Hasan Baharudin5, Nuf Anggraeni6
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia
Guidance Counseling, FKIP, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia
SDN Kuripan 3, Cilacap, Indonesia

This study aims to see the effectiveness of an interactive Flipbook learning media SEKAPATI
(History of Kapitan Patimura) with the hope that Indonesian language subjects can be
represented in an interesting, innovative, creative, and fun way. A flipbook is software that is
used to create learning media using 3D effects. This application makes the appearance of
electronic books more attractive with additional animations, images, videos, and audio to
improve students' listening skills. The results show that interactive flipbooks are effective
in improving learning outcomes in students' listening skills. The
results of the calculation are known that the significant value of 2 tails obtained a value of <
0.005 (0.00< 0.05) this indicates that Ho is rejected or Ha is accepted.

Keywords: Interactive Flip Book, Learning Media, Listening Skills, Elementary School

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The Relationship between the Power of Collaboration and
Student Achievement in Social Studies Subjects in Fourth Grade

Finy Rizky Amalia1*, Ludfi Arya Wardana2, Shofia Hattarina3, Rofikha Nuriyanti4
Universitas Panca Marga, Jl.Raya Dringu,Pabean, Probolinggo and 6726, Indonesia

student achievement in social studies subjects in grade IV at SD Negeri Kademangan 4
Probolinggo City.The type of research conducted by the researcher is experimental
research. The subject of this research is Class IV with a total of 27 students. 4 students as an
experimental class using a collaborative learning model, while 3 students as a control class
using the lecture method. The data collection techniques in this study were Documentation
and Tests. The research instrument used is a test in the form of multiple choice questions
that have been tested for validity and reliability tests.Based on the results of research on the
relationship between collaborative power and learning achievement and testing the proposed
hypothesis, there is a significant and positive relationship between collaboration power and
learning achievement. Based on hypothesis testing using the Product Moment formula, the
rxy value is 0.884, and after being corrected with a significant level of 5% with a standard
deviation (df) n = 32, it shows that the results at a significant level of 5% are 0.349. Thus, it
can be seen that rhitung (0.884) > rtabel(0.349).

Keywords: Collaborative Learning Model, Learning Achievement

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Development of Interactive Quiz Learning Media Using Powerpoint on the
Struggle Of Class IV Students' Heroes

Gigih Winandika1*, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti2, Mawan Akhir Riwanto3,

Aris Naeni Dwiyanti4, Yusuf Hasan Baharudin5, Bahrur Rohmah6
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia
Guidance Counseling, FKIP Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia
SD Islam Plus Al Kayyis, Cilacap, Indonesia

Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the results of media expert validation with
an average percentage of 90.78% with criteria very suitable for use, material expert validation
results with an average percentage of 75% with appropriate criteria for use, validation results
of linguists with an average percentage 77.77% with very suitable criteria for use. The results
of the product feasibility assessment by the teacher have an average percentage of 97.58% with
very suitable criteria for use, the results of the product feasibility assessment by students have
an average percentage of 89.84% with very suitable criteria for use. The results of this study
indicate that the interactive quiz learning media using powerpoint on the material for the
struggle of the heroes of the fourth grade students is appropriate for teachers to use in teaching
the material based on expert validation and feasibility assessment by teachers and students.

Keywords: development, media, learning, powerpoint, interactive, social studies, class IV

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Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on PPT
Plant Structure Material for Fourth Grade Students
Imroatul Kamelia1*, Ludfi Arya Wardana2, Shofia Hattarina3, Rofika Nuriyanti4
Universitas Panca Marga, Jl. Raya Dringu, Pabean, Probolinggo 6726, Indonesia

This study was conducted because fourth grade students need media to support their
learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to develop interactive media based on PPT
on science lesson material plant structure for Class IV SDN Mentor. This type of research
is developmental research. This study uses 5 steps of research procedures according to Borg
and Gall that have been modified, including: 1 ) potential and problems, 2) Data
Collection, 3) Product Manufacturing, 4) Product Validation, 5) product revision, 6) usage
trials. Subjects in this study are students of class IVA SDN Mentor. The instrument used
in this study is a questionnaire and learning outcomes.The questionnaire was conducted by
media experts with a percentage of 97.5%, material experts with a percentage of 95.83%,
science learning experts with a percentage of 93.75%, the recapitulation of student
responses with a percentage of 99.6%, and for student learning outcomes obtained a
percentage of 93.3%. The results showed that Interactive Learning Media based on PPT is
included in the category of “very good”.

Keywords: Interactive Power Point (PPT), learning outcomes, science.

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Development Interactive Media of Multiplication Materials with Line
Technique (Garismatika) for 3th Grade Elementary School

Mawan Akhir Riwanto1*, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti2, Yusuf Hasan Baharudin3, Aris
Naeni Dwiyanti4, Gigih Winandika5, Jamangaturrohmah6
Department of Primary Education Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia
BK FKIP Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to produce interactive media development of multiplication
material with linematics techniques for grade 3 elementary school, to find out the quality of
interactive media that is appropriate to be used to help teachers deliver learning materials and
assist students in working on multiplication problems with linematics techniques. The research
method used is Research and Development (RnD). The research model uses ADDIE which is
an acronym for the research steps, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,
and Evaluation. The results obtained during the study were the assessment of the testing phase.
The assessments obtained from material experts are 65% with proper criteria, media experts
are 92.5% with very decent criteria, and linguists are 95% with very decent criteria. The media
feasibility test is a field test conducted at SD Negeri Kuripan 0 by teacher with a score of 97.5%
with very decent criteria and one class student getting a score of 93.8% with very decent
criteria. Based on the results of tests that have been carried out from beginning to end, it shows
that the media developed in this study is feasible to be used in learning or learning activities.
Keywords: Interactive media; Garismatika, Elementary School

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Analysis of Learning Difficulties in a Child in Elementary School

Yusuf Hasan Baharudin1*, Aris Naeni Dwiyanti2, Wahyu Nuning Budiarti3,

Anisa Sekar Ningrum4, Mawan Akhir Riwanto5
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia

Learning tesks are defined as the inability of shildren to complete the tasks given by the teacher,
which is a disturbance of a process that interferes with understanding and intellectuality in
individuals. Children with learningdisabilities have unique characteristics and different
learning styles. Therefore, every child has the ability to succeed in his studies. There are factors
that influence learning difficulties, namely generally factors that come from the child and
factors from outside the child. Students who have learning difficulties also show difficulties in
behaving such as emotional disturbances, worry, feeling uneasy, aggressive attitudes,
disturbances in the thought process so that learning activities are disrupted.

Keywords: Dissability learning, Child, Elementary School

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The Effect of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on the
Students’ IPA Learning Outcomes in Class IV
Nora Dilla Qibtiyah1*, Ludfi Arya Wardana2, Shofia Hattarina3, Rofikha Nuriyanti4
Universitas Panca Marga, Jl. Raya Dringu, Pabean, Probolinggo dan 6726, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on
science learning outcomes. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) learning is motivated by
the need for qualified and highly competitive human resources. Higher Order Thinking
Skills (HOTS) are higher order thinking skills by connecting and or combining past
knowledge with new knowledge, then developed to achieve a goal or solve a problem that
arises. Data at SD Integral Hidayatullah Probolinggo City shows that 20% of the Higher
Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) have been implemented. However, the high-order thinking
skills of grade IV students in science subjects are still low. Based on this, this research
focuses on whether Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) affect student learning outcomes
in science subjects. The method used in this research is the experimental method.
Meanwhile, to analyze the data used data analysis prerequisite test with the help of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene Statistics and test hypotheses with the help of the
SPSS 25 for Windows application using the Independent Sample T-Test . The results
showed that Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) had a significant effect on science
learning outcomes for fourth grade students. This has been proven based on data derived
from hypothesis testing using the Independent Sample T-Test on SPSS 25 for Windows
. The value of t count > t table, which is 5.772 > .69 with a value of sig (2-tailed) < 0.05.
In accordance with these calculations, H0 is rejected while Ha is accepted. Based on the
results of these studies, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are very important to be
applied to the learning process. This aims to create quality students so that they can create
human resources that have high quality and competitiveness.

Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Learning

Outcomes, IPA

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The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in the Social Studies Classroom
to Promote Intercultural Competence
Kirana Prama Dewi1*, Isna Rahmawati2
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta 5562, Indonesia
Department of Primary Education ,Universitas Widya Dharma, Jawa Tengah 57438, Indonesia

Indonesia is a nation with a heterogeneous population that speaks various languages and has a
wide range of cultural, racial, religious, traditions, and indigenous knowledge. In our
multicultural and globalized society, intercultural competence is becoming more critical. This
study aimed to discover how to integrate indigenous knowledge into the social studies
classroom to promote intercultural competence. The method used was descriptive qualitative
analysis. The subjects of this study were students in two classes and a lecturer. Data collection
techniques used were interviews, observation, and questionnaires. This research used data
triangulation techniques to check the data validity. The result showed that 1) integrating
indigenous knowledge in the social studies classrooms through a culture-based learning model
and an encyclopedia of the nation's cultural diversity. 2) Culture-Based Learning is carried out
in three forms: learning about culture, learning with culture, and learning through culture. Each
form of Learning based on culture comprises teaching materials in the form of an encyclopedia
based on indigenous knowledge. 3) The intercultural competence students were also identified
in the very high category on four dimensions: knowledge, motivation, skills, and character.

Keywords: Indigenous Knowledge; Intercultural Competence; Social Studies

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Creative Process of Elementary School Teacher Education Students in
Making Ecoprint: Aesthetic Habitus Studies

Probosiwi1*, Fery Setyaningrum2

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl. Ki Ageng Pemanahan Number 9, Sorosutan,
Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 5562, Indonesia

The purpose of writing this article is to describe the creative process of making ecoprint by
students. The background of the writing is that there is a relationship between the creative
process of students in making patterns with aesthetic habitus in the stages of making ecoprint.
The method used is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The subjects studied were even
semester students for the 202/2022 academic year, while the object of study was the process of
making ecoprin carried out in groups. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of
observation, interviews, and document review. The data analysis selected is source
triangulation and technique triangulation. The results of the study show that: (1) the creative
process in making ecoprint refers to the 4p stages (person, process, product, press); (2) the
stages carried out by students contain elements of aesthetic habitus, namely objective social
structures and subjective personal experiences. The objective social structure is shown when
students make patterns from natural materials that are placed on cloth, obtained from the
surrounding environment, and arranged to produce beautiful motifs. Subjective personal
experiences are formed from students' efforts in finding suitable natural materials for making

Keywords: Creative process, ecoprint, aesthetic habitus

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Development of Project-Based Learning-Based Thematic Worksheet
Teaching Materials in Class IV Gending Elementary School
Reicha Rossa Kusmastuti1*, Ludfi Arya Wardana2,
Shofia Hattarina3, Rofikha Nuriyanti4
Universitas Panca Marga, JL Raya Dringu Pabean, Probolinggo dan 6726, Indonesia

This study aims to create a product, determine the design and development of teaching
materials and determine the design and feasibility, the teacher's response to the development
of thematic LKS teaching materials based on basic learning projects. The method used in this
research is the Research and Development (R&D) method. Which refers to the 4D model
which consists of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The instruments
used in this study were media expert validation sheets, material expert validation sheets, and
teacher response questionnaires. The results showed that: (1) the design of developing PjBL-
based thematic teaching materials was good and could be an interesting new innovation, (2)
the feasibility of PjBL-based thematic teaching materials was assessed by media expert
validators obtaining 92% in the "Very Eligible" category. and the results of material expert
validation obtained that the feasibility reached 87.5% included in the "Very Eligible"
category, (3) the results of the teacher's response to teaching materials in this thematic learning
obtained 92% in the "Very Eligible" category. Based on the results of the study, it can be
concluded that the product of teaching materials developed has a very high level of validity,
so it is feasible to be used in the learning process.

Keywords: Teaching material, project basic learning, thematic

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Use of Interactive Electronic Picture Storybooks in Elementary School:
Study in Grade 2 of SDN Bangka 05 South Jakarta

Gemala Qurbani1*, Siti Nafingah2

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jalan Colombo No. , Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 5528, Indonesia

Technology is growing very fast, including on medium that used to study in primary school.
Reading lesson have many strategic to used, one of them is using an interactive electronic
picture book. Present research revealed how interactive electronic picture book used in grade
2 SDN Bangka 05, Jakarta Selatan. Book created by the teacher used in this lesson, combine
the image, text, and voice in order to more interactive and gain the student interest. Before the
lesson start, teacher diagnosed student reading skill using printed book, and the result show
that student read the book with a flat voice, there is no intonation while the reading. Narrative
qualitative method used in this research. The result show there is increasing enthusiastic among
student compared when using printed book. Beside that there is an increasing on reading
comprehensive too and student can show their understanding about story through role playing
in the class. Further research needed to conduct in other school with variety resources.

Keywords: Electronic picture book, interactive book, reading, early grades

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Using Digital Storytelling to Enhance Elementary School Learners’
Motivation in Learning Grammar

Tri Jampi Setiyorini

English Education Department, Faculty of Graduate
Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Covid-9 pandemic brings some changes in education, especially students' motivation in
learning grammar. In line with the 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia, the fifth-grade elementary
school students must learn grammar, especially simple past tense; however, they do not have
motivation in learning grammar due to uninteresting media. On the contrary, motivation has a
crucial role in the learning process. Here, digital storytelling improves students' motivation in
learning grammar. This research aims at describing whether digital storytelling can enhance
learners' motivation in learning grammar. It used a case study. The research participants were
20 fifth-grade elementary school students in Central Java, Indonesia. The data were collected
by using close-ended questionnaires. The research results proved that there was improvement
after using digital storytelling. After using digital storytelling, questionnaires' results showed
that students' intrinsic motivation is higher than extrinsic motivation. It can be concluded that
digital storytelling can enhance learners’ motivation in learning grammar.

Keywords: Digital storytelling, grammar,intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation

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Analysis of 2st Century Learning in Elementary Schools in Indonesia

Linda Ermawati1*, Beny Dwi Lukitoaji2

Department of Primary Education, Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Education in the 21st century skills is different from previous century. 21st century brings
changes in the learning process of elementary schools in Indonesia. In the teaching, educators
have an important and responsible role in the realization of 21st century education. The purpose
of this study is to analyze 21st century learning in elementary schools in Indonesia, mainly
comparing the ideal conditions of 2st century educators with the current conditions of educators
in elementary schools in Indonesia. The study used a literature study method. This study used
2 data sources namely main reference and supporting references. Review of the data sources
used are literature sources with a range of 2018-2022. Data analysis was carried out through
criticism and interpretation of research sources that had been obtained in accordance with the
research objectives. The results of this study were 4 principles of 2st century learning such us
instruction should be student-centered, education should be collaborative, learning should have
context, and schools should be integrated with society. Elementary school educators were
currently using student center learning, good communication with social environment,
collaborative learning meaningful and real learning, and than involving students in the social
environment. Generally, teachers did not appy technology due to the lack of knowledge and
learning support facilities. Comparative analysis in this study found that educators in primary
schools in Indonesia currently have the skills in accordance with the principles of 21st century
Keywords: 21st Century Learning, elementary school, condition of educators

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Model of Entrepreneurship in Elementary Schools in the Era of
Independent Learning in the Age of Society 5.0
Dhiniaty Gularso1*, Siti Maisaroh2, Ahmad Agung Yuwono Putro3
Department of Primary Education, Graduate School of Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta.
Jalan IKIP PGRI No. 7, Sonosewu, Yogyakarta 5528, Indonesia

One of the goals of the Indonesian nation being established is to create general welfare for the
people of Indonesia. The study aims at finding an appropriate entrepreneurial model in the field
of basic education. This research method was a qualitative case study type. The research data
was in the form of observations, interview transcripts and documentation. The research analysis
used the Miles and Huberman Model which included data collection, data reduction, data
presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that entrepreneurship in education
is an effort to increase added value to a product/service in the profession that is involved in the
field of education. Entrepreneurship in education is entrepreneurship that is relevant or in-line
with the profession they are engaged in in the world of education so that professionalism is
maintained and does not harm other parties in it. Principals, teachers, education staff can
develop an entrepreneurial spirit by making education units. Its goal is to become a school that
provides student learning experiences according to students' interests and talents according to
the concept of independent learning and collaborated with technology and according to the
demands of the current era in accordance with the demands of Society 5.0.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, education, society 5.0 era, independent learning

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The Practice of Music Education in Elementary Schools as the Basis of
Inheritance of Indonesian Traditional Music Culture

Department of Primary Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
Jl. Ki Ageng Pemanahan Gg. Cucut No.9, Sorosutan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta 5562, Indonesia

Music education is a certain form of expression of human musical culture, and music education,
as a particular form of musical culture, reacts to certain ontologies of musical culture as well,
so that music education itself presents a deep cultural meaning. The role of music education in
elementary schools in the perspective of traditional music of the archipelago is to give a full
role in the function of inheritance of Indonesian traditional music culture. The purpose of this
study is to find out how the practice of music education in elementary schools is one of the
basic strengths in the inheritance of Indonesian traditional music culture. This study uses the
method of observation, interviews, and literature review. Observations were made by tracing
the digital footprint of traditional music learning on digital platforms such as YouTube;
interviews were conducted with elementary school teachers from various cities in Indonesia,
and the questions asked included the teachers' knowledge of traditional music and traditional
music learning strategies, traditional music learning curriculum, and the development of
traditional music learning media. The literature review is used to determine research trends in
the inheritance of traditional Indonesian music, and at the same time, it is used to determine
the position of this research. Sources of literature are obtained through journals and or
proceedings both nationally and internationally. The results of this study suspect that the
inheritance of Indonesian traditional music in elementary schools is still very weak; this is due
to the scientific background of teachers who are mostly primary school teacher education
graduates; besides that, they are also influenced by the weak knowledge and basic skills of
teachers towards traditional music in their respective regions. The contribution of this research
lies in the recommendation of a policy model for developing a music curriculum in elementary
schools so that the process of inheriting Indonesian traditional music can run systematically
and constructively.

Keywords: Traditional music, elementary school, cultural heritage, music culture, music

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Analysis of Pedagogic Competence of Teachers at SD Muhammadiyah
Domban 4 Sleman
Vera Yuli Erviana1*, Wiwik Ikhsani2, Laila Fatmawati3, Anik Ghufron4, Haryanto5
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan , Yogyakata, Indonesia
Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Teachers are an important role in the world of education that can determine the quality of
learning. The task of teachers is to provide knowledge that can develop and improve abilities
in students and achieve the goal of education. Being a teacher must master four competencies,
one of which is pedagogical competence. The pedagogical competence of teachers is very
important to be improved, because by having pedagogical competencies teachers can manage
the learning of learners, such as understanding of learners, planning and implementation of
learning, evaluation of learning outcomes and developing learners to actualize the various
potentials they have. This research aims to find out the pedagogical competencies possessed
by teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman. The research method used in this study
is qualitative with a descriptive approach and this research takes data from the principal, one
class teacher, and one upper class student. The object of this study is the pedagogical
competence of teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman. Data collection techniques
in this study are interviews, observations, and documentation. The collected data is analyzed
by data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of the
research obtained from this study are that the pedagogical competence of teachers at SD
Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman is good. This can be seen from the background and
experience of teaching teachers. The role of pedagogic competence in the learning process also
affects the learning outcomes of students in the classroom. Teachers who have good
pedagogical competence tend to be successful in managing learning in the classroom.

Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Education, Teachers

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Development of Sariswara Method in Accommodating Student Diversity in
Class IV Thematic Learning SD Negeri 3 Kemudo Klaten
Dinar Westri Andini1*, Firyalina Yulma Annisa2, Biya Ebi Praheto3, Taryatman4
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

This research is Development of Sariswara Method in Accommodating Student Diversity in
Class IV Thematic Learning at SD Negeri 3 Kemudo Klaten. This research is to develop the
syntax of the sariswara method to accommodate the diversity of students in class IV thematics
learning. This research and development also to know the diversity of student characteristics,
determine the feasibility of the product based on the assessment of expert validators and
teachers, and determine student responses to the developed product. This research was
conducted at 3 Kemudo Elementary School. This research uses data collected by observation,
interviews, and questionnaires. The research method used in this study is the Research and
Development (R&D) method. The product development steps in this research use the Borg &
Gall development steps adopted by Sugiyono are 6 simple steps, namely: (1) research and
information collecting, (2) data collection, (3) design product, (4) expert validation, (5)
revisions of product, (6) limited trials. This research is limited by the 6 steps of the research
and development because by using the sixth step, they have been able to answer the research
results. The results of this research and development indicate that the product is the syntax of
the sariswara method to accommodate the diversity of students in class IV thematics learning
has been successful in developed. The feasibility of the product in this research and
development has received a "Good" assessment from the method validator with an average
score of 2.8, a "Very Good" assessment from the material validator with an average score of
3.6, and a "Very Good" assessment from the teacher. class with an average score of 4.0. The
limited trial showed a "Very Good" response from students with a percentage result of 86%.
So the development of the sariswara method in the form of syntax to accommodate the diversity
of students in thematics learning in class IV has good feasibility and can help students learn
thematic material in class IV.

Keywords: Sariswara Method, Learning Accommodation, Student Diversity

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Cultivation of Karakter Responsibility and Discipline of Students in Online
Learning at SD Muhammadiyah Kleco

Sugeng Riyanto1*, Aida Nur Widiana2, Niswi Mukarromah3

Department of Primary Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Character education is the forerunner of the formation of human traits and behavior to cultivate
initial traits that are useful for themselves and for others, the purpose of this study is to find out
the cultivation of the character of responsibility and discipline of students during the Covid-9
pandemic in Class 4F of SD Muhammadiyah Kleco , Covid-9 brings various impacts in various
sectors, one of which is for the world of education, especially in an effort to grow character,
This research uses a descriptive type of qualitative research where data collection techniques
are carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The subject of the
study is one class teacher. The results of this study show that the level of responsibility and
discipline of students in class 4F is already high with a percentage of discipline obtained
93.75% while the percentage of responsibility obtained is 96.88%. There are two factors that
influence the character of responsibility and discipline, namely the inhibiting factor and the
faktor supporting the cultivation of the character of responsibility and discipline. Research is
presented by interpreting itthrough interviews as an information point of view and decision

Keywords: Online learning; character cultivation; responsibility and discipline

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Exploration of Self-regulated Learning through Edmodo

Trisniawati1*, Nelly Rhosyida2, Mahmudah Titi Muanifah3, Ida Megawati4, Sri Adi
Widodo5, Ana Fitrotun Nisa6, Beti Istanti Suwandayani7, Martalia Ardiyaningrum8
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
Jalan Batikan UH III/047 Umbulharjo Yogyakarta Indonesia
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Jalan Bandung No. Penanggungan Klojen Malang Jawa Timur Indonesia
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Alma Ata
Jalan Brawijaya No. 99 Jadan Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia

The purpose of this paper is to describe mathematics self-regulated learning of elementary
school teacher education students. This type of research used qualitative approach. The subject
research is taken from 2nd semester student’s primary school teacher education of 2020
academic year. Instrument used in this research is questionnaire. The questionnaire is used to
know the student's self-regulated in mathematics learning with six factors namely (a)
independence of others, (b) have self-confidence, (c) behaving dicipline, (d) having a sense of
responsibility, (e) behaving based on their own initiative, and (f) perform self-control. Based
on the results of the research, it can be concluded that self-regulated learning though edmodo
is in the high category
Keywords: self-regulated learning, edmodo, mathematics

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Development of Comic Media Based on Local Wisdom in Integrated
Thematic Learning
Nur Ngazizah1, Rosita Rahmawati2*, Dwi Lestari Oktaviani3
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

The purpose of this study is to develop comics as a learning medium, find out the
feasibility, test the effectiveness of comics as teaching materials and to find out students'
interest in the use of comic media. The method used in this study, this research method uses
Research & Development (R&D). The subjects in this study were several teachers and students
at Purworejo Elementary School and the data collection method was by means of teachers and
students filling out the questionnaires that had been given by the researchers. Therefore, the
development of children's story comic media is one of the things that can be done. Based on
the results of research through the results of the questionnaire that has been shared, it was found
that most teachers still do not maximize learning using learning media, especially comics.
Students also showed the usefulness of comic media as teaching materials. Comics that contain
images along with learning materials can be well received by students because they are one of
the motivations to always be enthusiastic about participating in interesting and fun learning.
This shows that comic media as teaching materials can be developed again to improve the
quality of learning.

Keywords: Comics, learning, local wisdom

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Implementation of the Among System to Improve a Sense of Love for The
Homeland in The Learning Citizenship Education for Third Grade at
Karangrejo Kebumen Elementary School

Zahrotun Najah1*, Wachid Pratomo2, Nadziroh3, Chairiyah4

Department of Primary Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
E-mail:*,, nadzirohnz48@gmail.com3,

The Among system encourages every child to become a member of society who is honest,
independent, and responsible for the welfare of the homeland and humans in general. The
purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Among system to foster a sense
of love for the homeland in the thematic learning of the content of Civics for grade 3, describe
the supporting factors experienced by teachers, describe the obstacles experienced by teachers,
and solutions to overcome obstacles. This research method is qualitative research. Primary data
sources are principals, teachers, and students. Data collection techniques are observation,
interviews, and documentation. This study uses triangulation techniques a test the validity of
data and the credibility of the data. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman
analysis technique consisting of data reduction, data presentation, conclusion, and verification.
The results of this study indicate that the Among method has been applied by the teacher but
in writing it does not include a special method such as the Among method. The supporting
factors experienced by teachers are adequate facilities and infrastructure, and the teacher's
enthusiasm for learning gives a positive aura to students. Obstacles for teachers have practically
been carried out in education and learning so that the application of the method does not
experience too many obstacles. However, it cannot be implemented optimally. The teacher's
solution is habituation, explaining the material by showing a video about how beautiful
Indonesia is, explaining the profile of Pancasila teachers, and introducing the heroes through

Keywords: Among system, love for the homeland, citizenship education

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Development of Videoscribe-Based Multimedia on the Social Science -
Thematic Learning for V-Grade Students in SD N Timuran Yogyakarta
Dwi Wijayanti1*, Agus Hadi Pratama2, Dyan Desi Madyarini3
Department of Primary Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

This research aims to (1) Developing the VideoScribe in the Social Science - Thematic
Learning for V-grade students at SD N Timuran Yogyakarta (2) Testing the feasibility of the
VideoScribe in the Social Science - Thematic Learning for V-grade students at SD N Timuran
Yogyakarta (3) Testing the effectiveness of the VideoScribe in the Social Science - Thematic
Learning for V-grade students at SD N Timuran Yogyakarta. This research type is Research
and Development (R&D) using the Borg & Gall model which was adapted by Sugiyono in 6
steps i.e () potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation;
(5) design revision; (6) product trial. The population of this study were all fifth grade students
of SDN Timuran Yogyakarta (20 students). This research was conducted on March 2, 2022
and used tests, questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation as the data
collection techniques. The data were analized using product data analysis in the form of media
feasibility analysis and analysis of teacher and student responses; initial data analysis in the
form of normality tests; and final data analysis in the form of Wilcoxon and N-gain tests. The
results of this study indicate that videoscribe is feasible to use with the percentage of
presentation feasibility by media experts is 95% (very feasible) and content feasibility by
material experts is 90% (very feasible). Videoscribe-based multimedia can effectively improve
the learning outcomes of fifth graders based on the Wilcoxon test to obtain sig. (2 tailed) of
0.002 < 0.05 so that there is a significant difference between the results of the pretest and
posttest and the average increase test (N-gain) of the pretest and posttest obtained by 0.492
with moderate criteria. This research concluded that the developed videoscribe is feasible and
effective to use in social studies learning material on geographical characteristics in Indonesia.

Keywords: Multimedia Development, Videoscribe, Social Science

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Online Assessment for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Muhaimi Mughni Prayogo1*, Imam Setiawan2

Elementary School Teacher Training Department, University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Master of Early Childhood Education Department, Universitas Panca Bakti, Bekasi, Indonesia
E-mail:* ,

Covid-19 pandemic force the educationalist in inclusive school to change the strategy in
assessing children with special needs condition. Remotely children with special needs’
assessment process are a rare experience to happen in Indonesia. Through a qualitative
approach, this study aims to describe the assessment process carried out at the SPS Alam Atifa
School in Bogor during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on purposive sampling, an informant is
a class teacher who is responsible for carrying out the assessment process for students with
special needs in the inclusive schools and is willing to provide information. Data were collected
through semi-structured interviews, documentation, and literature review. The data was
analyzed through data reduction, data display, verification, and drawing conclusions by Miles
& Huberman. Internal validity is carried out in the form of member check, perseverance of
researchers, and using documentation tools. The results showed that the assessment process
could be undertake remotely with video conference media and deliver the material to the
parents. The online assessment had 8 stages which was commenced with discussion of assessor
team, tools preparation, making tutorial for parents, simulation, implementation, result
discussion, and arrange the IEP. The assessment used the performance-based assessment.
Admittedly, assessment could be done remotely in online methods. However, further research
is needed to explore the results’ validity.

Keywords: Remote assessment; Children with special needs; Inclusive school, Covid-19

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

Need Analysis of Learning Tool Development in Developong 21st Century
Skills of Elementary School Students
Pardimin1, Ana Fitrotun Nisa2*, Nurul Hikmah3
Megister of Primary Education Department, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
SD Negeri Nitikan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to describe the analysis of related needs learning tools that can develop 21st
century skills through science-based learning, technology art and mathematics (STEAM). The
preliminary study in this study was based on a survey conducted on elementary school teachers
in Gunungkidul Regency. The research method used is the mix method by integrating
qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. Data collection techniques were carried out
using observation, survey and questionnaire methods via google form. Data analysis techniques
were carried out through data collection techniques, qualitative data analysis and integrated
with quantitative data analysis. The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers in
the Gunungkidul district. The sample was chosen randomly with a total of 61 respondents.
Based on the results of the study, it is necessary to develop STEAM-based learning tools to
develop 21st century skills of elementary school students. Where the development of learning
tools is expected to be a benchmark or reference for teachers in developing 21st century skills
with STEAM-based learning.

Keywords: Learning Tool, 21st Century Skills, Elementary School Students

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

House Rules and Presentation Guidelines for
Parallel Sessions



House Rules

1. Each presenter must be in the virtual room throughout the session

2. Participants are advised to open a video feed (camera) during the presentation.

3. You may turn off your video feed while listening to other presentation.

4. Please turn off your microphone when you are not acknowledged to talk.

5. The Question & Answer session:

a. Participants give questions through chat that will be read by chair or directly unmute your
microphone. But please ask the Chair’s permission first.
b. Before posting your question kindly write your name and your affiliation. Please
do not use it for other topics or internal discussion.
c. Please write down your name, your question regarding to the presentation and also the question
addressed to who.
6. Questions will be answered by the presenter on Q n A Session (cumulative after 3 presenters have
7. The moderators will choose 1 up to 2 questions to be given to the presenter.

8. If the time is up but there are still questions, the presenter can answer them in the chat room or

Presentation Guidelines

1. The total time allotted to each presenter is 10 minutes (8 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes
for the question and answer).
2. The moderators will read the title and introduce the presenter. The presenter will present the paper
3. The moderator needs to strictly control the start and closing times of each session. During your
presentation, the moderator/operator will give you notification via zoom chat two times (indicating
that your time allocation is coming to an end):
a. First notification: TWO minutes presentation time remaining

b. Second notification: time is over; finish your sentence and STOP your presentation and
automatically mute the microphone of the presenter
4. Rename your account to the format according to these field codes: Room-list-full name.
Contoh: R1-Elyas

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022

The 3rd PGSD UST International Conference on Education Bachelor’s Degree & Master’s Program in Primary Education
Copyright © 2022


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