Time Worksheet (2021-22)

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Name ________________________ Sec ______Date____________

Q1. Convert :
a) 2 years 23 days into days b) 768 months into years and

Q2. Add 16hr 43 min 24 sec and 21 hrs35 min 42 sec






Q3. Subtract a) 16 hrs 25 min 54sec from 19 hr 23 min 35sec





b) 12 years 10 months from 18 years







Q4. Ankita went to Mumbai for holidays on 7th April and she came

back on 14 th June. How long she was in Mumbai?







Q5.Sonal went to the Market at 11:30 am and returned home at 5:10pm.

For how long she was away from home?









Q6.A play starts at 10:45 a.m and runs for 3hours and 25mins. At

what time does the play get over?









Q7.A film show overs at 1:30 pm and if duration of show was 2hrs 45

min. At what time did the show begins?





Q8.Fill in the gaps

a) 12 at midnight is written as __________ in 24 hour clock time.

b) 5:32 p.m in 24hr clock time is written as ________

c) 5 week 5days = __________________ days

d) What time it was 5 hrs before 4:10 p.m =_________

e) Fortnight = _________________ weeks

f) 85 min _______________ 1 hr 15 min(put sign >,< or =)

g) A train leaves Delhi at 11:30pm and reaches Varanasi at 11 am .

How long did it take to reach Varanasi ? __________

h) What time it was 5 hrs 10 mins before 10 pm ___________

i) 14:30 hrs = __________ (write time using am or pm)

j) 1 Decade =__________________ years.

k) 655 seconds = ______ min ______ sec

l) What time it was 3hours 30 min before 12 at midnight _______.

m) A bus leaves for Shimla at 7 am and reaches Shimla at 5 pm . How

long did it take to reach Shimla ? _____________

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