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• A Study to Detect and measure the material

losses focusing on the factors with high effect.

• Building a reporting system to gather and

analyze data.
Prepared by Eng. Hossam Elkashef
• Building a dashboard to visualize data and get Production Engineer
insights about the most of our data. Dreem Mashreq Foods
Study Steps:
➢ Scoop of study.
➢ Material Losses Classification.
➢ Areas that generate material losses.
➢ Factors that cause material losses.
➢ Ways of measurement & Reports needed.
➢ Controlling Material losses.
➢ Root Cause Analysis.
➢ Statistical Process Control.
Scoop of study:
• We aim to have a flexible system to detect, Measure, Record, Report, analyze and
Visualize Material losses from selected areas.

Record & Analyze&

Report Visualize

• Minimize the material losses.

Material Losses Classification:
Areas that generate material losses:
• Our studies focus on three main areas:

1st - Sieving Floor.

2nd - Mixing Floor.

3rd - Packing Floor. Packing

Factors that cause material losses:
• To identify the factors that affecting the material losses we can use:

- 5W + 1H with the 5G principles to grasp the current situation

- Root cause analysis using (4M) to classify each factor to the 4M
family (Man – Machine – Method – Material).
Ways of measurement & Reports needed:
❑ We have two ways of measurement and both ways are done manually.
➢ The first way: Theoretical way: [ Material Wastage = Input – Output ]

▪ Example: Wastage in (Mixes) semi-Finished Product

Mix Code Item Description Opening Balance Total Mixes Mixes (Kg) Ending Balance Finished Good/crt Actual Balance Gain/Loss wastage

FCFC004 Fruity 12 gm Apple 0 70 17500 99.3 5,923 17058.24 342.46 2.01%

FCFC005 Fruity 12 gm Peach 0 70 17500 11.64 6,025 17352 136.36 0.79%

Equ: Gain/Loss = (Opening Balance + Mixes) – (Ending Balance + Finished Good)

➢ The Second way: After obtaining the Gain/Loss as a blind number we will go deep to try to
Know the sources behind that number to track the causes and eliminate them.
▪ In order to do that we have created a number of reports to track these losses.
▪ These reports are divided on the three floors (Sieving – Mixing – Packing)
Sieving Floor:
▪ This is the first step of our production process.
▪ We can summarize the factors that cause material losses in these points:
- Dust generated during sieving powder materials (floor sweep).
- Dust generated from sieving patch. ‫الهبو‬

- Poor shortage of row material and Semi-finished products.

- Environmental poor conditions ( Temperature, Humidity).

▪ Data is calculated in a shift basis.

▪ Manual measurements are taken by operators.
▪ Data is gathered at the end of each shift.
Sieving Floor:
➢ Reports used to collect data.

✓ Date
✓ Shift
✓ Operator + Supervisor
✓ Sieve number
✓ Weight in Kg

➢ Sweeping the floor by sieve and product.

➢ Collect the dust and record the weight when the shift ends.
Date Shift SKU ‫المنخل‬ gm)( ‫هالك أرضية‬ ‫الصنف‬ Kg)( ‫هالك رقعة‬
Sieving Floor: Monday, August 1, 2022
Monday, August 1, 2022
brownies 400 gm
Fruty Pinapple 12 gm
Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Fruty Pinapple 12 gm 3 400 0
Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Jelly Strawberry 4 650 ‫سكر‬ 5
▪ Recording data gathered in excel sheet daily. Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Jelly Apricot 70 gm 5 600 ‫سكر‬ 15

▪ Then we sort this data by: Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Cooking Coca 100 gm 7 600 0

✓ SKU. Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Baking Bowder 18 gm 8 600 0

Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 brownies 400 gm 1 2100
✓ Sieve. Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Molten Cake 1 1190
✓ Shift. Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Fruty Apple 12 gm 2 1700 ‫سكر‬ 10
✓ Operator. Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Fruty Apple 12 gm 3 1500 ‫سكر‬ 7
Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Jelly Strawberry 4 3000 ‫سكر‬ 25
Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Jelly Apricot 70 gm 5 2700 ‫سكر‬ 40
Mixing Floor
▪ This is the second step in the production process.
▪ Adding ingredients together with the premix .
▪ Obtaining a semi-finished product ready for packing.
▪ Summarizing the factors that cause material losses in these points:
- Dust Collector.
- Moving Tanks.
- Between Mixer and Tank.
- Between Tank and hopper.
Mixing Floor
➢ Reports used to collect data.

✓ Date
✓ Shift
✓ Mixer
✓ Dust Collector
✓ Operator
✓ Weight in Kg

➢ Sweeping the floor by mixer and product.

➢ Collect the dust and record the weight when the shift ends.
Mixing Floor Date
Monday, August 1, 2022
Fruty Pinapple 12 gm
Mixer Dust Collector Code Dust Wastage gm ‫ هالك األرضية‬gm ‫ هالك األستند‬Total Wastage
Mixer-2 DC-M-2 240 1350 500 950
Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Fruty Pinapple 12 gm Mixer-3 DC-M-3 0 1100 430 650

▪ Recording data gathered Monday, August 1, 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022
Jelly Strawberry
Jelly Apricot 70 gm
in excel sheet daily. Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Baking Poweder 18 gm Mixer-8 DC-M-8 1600 210 1700 7680
Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Cooking Cocca 100 gm Mixer-7 DC-M-7 4240 132 140 3290
▪ Then we sort this data by: Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Brownies 400 gm Mixer-1 DC-M-1 4000 500 211 4590
Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Brownies 400 gm Mixer-1 DC-M-1 3300 350 0 1900

✓ SKU Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Molten Cake Mixer-1 DC-M-1 680 450 0 2090
Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Fruty Apple 12 gm Mixer-2 DC-M-2 1500 250 400 1530
✓ Mixer Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Fruty Apple 12 gm Mixer-3 DC-M-3 1300 1600 800 2820
✓ Dust Collector Tuesday, August 2, 2022 2 Jelly Strawberry Mixer-4 DC-M-4 0 3890 4300 4910
✓ Operator
✓ Shift Mixing Floor Material Wastage
Total Wastage 9000
7000 8000
5000 5000
4000 4000
3000 2000
2000 1000

Dust Wastage gm ‫هالك األرضية‬ gm ‫هالك األستند‬

Packing Floor
▪ This is the final step of the production process.
▪ In this part we obtain the final product ”finished good”.
▪ Summarizing the factors that cause material losses in these points:
- Dust Collector
- Rework(Defects)
- Over Weight (SPC Needed)
- Consumption
- Impurities
▪ We are now working on tracking the amount collected from dust
Collector and the over weight in FG using (SPC study).
▪ Also the amount that used as a quality samples and defective FG.
Packing Floor
➢ Reports used to collect data.
- Including (PM & semi-Finished & FG).

✓ Date
✓ Shift
✓ Mixer
✓ Dust Collector
✓ Operator
✓ Weight in Kg

❖ All Quantities gathered are calculated as

a percentage to Quantity produced
Packing Floor Date Shift SKU M/C Dust Collector Code Wastage (gm)
Sunday, July 31, 2022 2 Jelly Strawberry 140/1 N/A 685
Sunday, July 31, 2022 2 Jelly Strawberry 140/2 14/11 215
Sunday, July 31, 2022 2 Fruty Pinapple 12 gm setback 3 16/11 555
▪Recording data gathered Sunday, July 31, 2022 2 Fruty Pinapple 12 gm setback 4 18/11 700
in excel sheet daily. Sunday, July 31, 2022 2 Baking Powder 18 gm setback 1 C-9/11 610
Sunday, July 31, 2022 2 Baking Powder 18 gm setback 2 C-4/11 125
▪Then we sort this data by: Monday, August 1, 2022 1 Jelly Apricot 70 gm Setback 14 C-6/11 3200
✓ SKU Monday, August 1, 2022 1 Jelly Apricot 70 gm Setback 15 C-14/11 1900
✓ Shift Monday, August 1, 2022 1 Fruty Pinapple 12 gm Setback 8 N/A 400
✓ M/C Monday, August 1, 2022
Monday, August 1, 2022
Fruty Pinapple 12 gm
Baking Powder 18 gm
Setback 9
Setback 1
✓ Dust Collector Monday, August 1, 2022 1 Baking Powder 18 gm Setback 2 C-4/11 550
✓ Operator Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Jelly Strawberry 140/1 N/A 1400
Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Jelly Strawberry 140/2 C-14/11 1240
Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Fruty Pinapple 12 gm Setback 3 C-16/11 535
Monday, August 1, 2022 2 Fruty Pinapple 12 gm Setback 4 C-18/11 700

Wastage (gm)
Summarizing Data Gathered
Theoretical Material Waste Quantity

Undeclared Waste
Material Wastage Collected Manually (Three Floors)
Hidden Factors

1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Further Investigation

Refer to each floor

❑ Questions to answer from data we gathered.

➢ What is the share of each floor in material wastage?
➢ What are the percentage of undeclared material losses?
➢ What are the factors that have a high impact on Material losses?
➢ What are the factors that can be controlled to minimize material losses?
➢ What are the solution that can make measurements more accurate?
➢ What is the share of each floor in material wastage? 834,276.13 Kg
Aug Production Qty.
What are the percentage of undeclared material losses? Recorded & Unrecorded Amount
• Data Gathered from (1-Aug-2022) to (31-Aug-2022).

3998.55 Kg (0.47 %)

Undeclared Waste 56%

1774.471 Kg 2224.079 Kg

588.634 Kg 822.070 Kg 363.767 Kg Further Investigation

Recoreded Amount Unrecorede Amount

Aug Recorded Wastage by Floor



1 st Floor 2 nd Floor 3 rd Floor

➢ What are the factors that have a high impact on Material losses?
1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor
Dust Collector Dust Collector Floor sweep Stand Sweep Floor Sweep
588.034 416.180 206.421 200.069 363.767

▪ As we see from graphs :

✓ Dust Collector share with 57%

✓ Floor Sweep share with 32%
✓ Stand Sweep share with 21%

Material Waste Classification by Floor

Note: 588.034

❖ Controlling these factors is our next step of 400.000
improvement and minimizing material waste. 300.000
❖ Uncovering the hidden factors will be our 200.000
206.421 200.069

continuous study. 100.000

Dust Collector Dust Collector Floor sweep Stand Sweep Floor Sweep
1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor
1. Dust Collector: - This is unavoidable source of losses.
➢ What are the factors
- One that material
of the highest can beloss
generators. to minimize material losses?

2. Stand Sweep: - Dust in this area is generated from (Moving Tanks and
- space between
The ability tankthe
to rework and hopper).
dust is the only solution.

- the amount of material losses caused by this loss = 206.069 Kg

- cost
- FixofTank
1 Kggate
= 20 LEworn
and [estimated]
rings between tank and hopper.
- Virtual Savings= 25*206.069 = 5,151.725 LE/Month = 61,820.7 LE/Year
3. Over weight in FG sachets by SPC
“ Statistical Process Control”

4. Applying automatic solutions to check

products weight and control production
➢ What are the solution that can make measurements more accurate?
• Statistical Process Control “SPC” Study will help in revealing the situation.
• Objective: Develop sampling plan to monitor process changes in targeting, variability & stability. Proper
selection. of sampling size & frequency ensures detection of special causes.
• Data collected manually on paper.
• Measurement done by operator.
• No. of samples = 5.
• Batch size = 20.
• Sachet weight = 2500 ± 10 gm
• Mean = 2533.170 gm
• Cp = 0.30
• Cpk = -0.36
• Estimated over weight= 33.170 gm/
sachet = 18.24 Kg/ Mix = 602 Kg/shift
• Process Not capable.
• Process need to be controlled

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