Grade 10 Pretest

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207 Bagong Buhay St., Baclaran, Parañaque City

Grade 10
S.Y. 2022 – 2023

I. Vocabulary Development (1-8)

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your answer sheet.

1. Anna Rose had to research the topic for hours to ensure the validity of her argument. What is the
meaning of the underlined word?
A. ineffectiveness B. shakiness C. soundness D. weakness
2. The respondents were found to be very analytic in their approach and were aware of the historical
developments that had led to these events. Which of the following is NOT a synonym of respondents?
A. attester B. interviewee C. querist D. witness
3. What type of definition is used in this sentence: Computer is something used in doing homework or
browsing the internet.
A. behavioral definition B. extended definition C. operational definition D. technical
4. Computer is a device or machine used in performing, assessing, evaluating and following commands
set by the users. What type of definition is used in the sentence?
A. extended definition B. factual definition C. operational definition D. technical

5. Identify what technique in expanding definition is being described in the following statement: The
word research is derived from the Middle French "recherche", which means "to go about seeking."
A. classification B. comparison C. etymology D. history
6. An arbiter is like a referee–he or she listens to both sides and decides as to who is at fault, without
the intervention of outside parties. What technique in expanding definition is being exemplified in the
A. analogy B. cause and effect C. classification D. comparison
7. Advocacy is the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal. Which of the following is a
synonym of advocacy?
A. assistance B. attack C. opposition D. protest
8. The campaign of the school for the Brigada Eskwela was taken on a positive note. Which of the
following is the antonym of campaign?
A. crusade B. drive C. inaction D. fight

II. Grammar Awareness: (9-16)

Directions: Identify the correct word that will best complete the thought of the sentence. Write the letter
of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

9. Dave followed a plan he created for ___________.

A. herself B. himself C. itself D. myself
10. Listening attentively is a valuable skill. Students should train _____________ to do it effectively.
A. himself B. itself C. ourselves D. themselves
11. You don't look well. You _____________ see a doctor.
A. can B. could C. might D. must
12. I don't know how to help you. Try asking Daniel for help. He __________ be able to find a solution.

A. can C. will
B. might D. would
13. Most of the frontliners are getting
sick; ______________, we must do
our part by staying at home.
A. although C. for example
B. because D. therefore
14. Proper nutrition and
hydration are vital; __________,
people who eat a well-balanced
diet tends to be healthier with
stronger immune systems and lower
risk of chronic illnesses and
infectious diseases.
A. although C. so
B. because D. therefore
15. Applied Research refers to the
study _______ helps solve practical
problems using scientific
A. that C. which
B. those D. whose
16. Crime is any action _______
violates criminal laws established by
political authority.
A. that C. which
B. those D. whose
17. Ego refers to Freud's posited part
of the self ______ represents reason
and common sense.
A. like C. which
B. that D. who
III. Reading Comprehension (18-35)
Directions: Study the table and read
the selections; then, answer the
questions based on the data or
information provided. Choose the
letter of the best answer and write it
on your answer sheet.
18. Which of the following vaccines
has the highest estimated
effectiveness at Covid-19 prevention?
A. BNT162b2 C. Gam-COVID-
Vac Sputnik V
B. Chadox1 nCOV-2019 D.
19. Which of the following vaccines
has the lowest estimated effectiveness
at Covid-19 prevention?
A. Chadox1 nCOV-2019 C. Gam-
COVID-Vac Sputnik V
B. Coronavac D. mRNA-1273
20. With the given information in the
chart, which would likely be the
vaccine that people choose?
A. BNT162b2 C. Coronavac
B. Chadox1 nCOV-2019 D. Gam-
COVID-Vac Sputnik V
21. Which of the following
statements expresses an opinion?
A. The Chadox1 nCOV-2019
popular name is Astrazeneca.
B. The Chadox1 nCOV-2019
efficacy climbs to 90% with a second
C. The way I see it, the Sinovac
having the least effectiveness is not a
good vaccine.
D. The Gam-COVID-Vac Sputnik
V is produced by Gamaleya Scientific
Research Institute
A. can B. might C. will D. would
13. Most of the frontliners are getting sick; ______________, we must do our part by staying at home.
A. although B. because C. for example D. therefore
14. Proper nutrition and hydration are vital; __________, people who eat a well-balanced diet tends to
healthier with stronger immune systems and lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases.
A. although B. because C. so D. therefore
15. Applied Research refers to the study _______ helps solve practical problems using scientific
A. that B. those C. which D. whose

16. Crime is any action _______ violates criminal laws established by political authority.
A. that B. those C. which D. whose
17. Ego refers to Freud's posited part of the self ______ represents reason and common sense.
A. like B. that C. which D. who

III. Reading Comprehension (18-35)

Directions: Study the table and read the selections; then, answer the questions based on the data or
information provided. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your answer sheet.

18. Which of the following vaccines has the highest estimated effectiveness at Covid-19 prevention?
A. BNT162b2 C. Gam-COVID-Vac Sputnik V
B. Chadox1 nCOV-2019 D. NVX-CoV2373
19. Which of the following vaccines has the lowest estimated effectiveness at Covid-19 prevention?
A. Chadox1 nCOV-2019 C. Gam-COVID-Vac Sputnik V
B. Coronavac D. mRNA-1273
20. With the given information in the chart, which would likely be the vaccine that people choose?
A. BNT162b2 C. Coronavac
B. Chadox1 nCOV-2019 D. Gam-COVID-Vac Sputnik V
21. Which of the following statements expresses an opinion?
A. The Chadox1 nCOV-2019 popular name is Astrazeneca.
B. The Chadox1 nCOV-2019 efficacy climbs to 90% with a second dose.
C. The way I see it, the Sinovac having the least effectiveness is not a good vaccine.
D. The Gam-COVID-Vac Sputnik V is produced by Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute

Every day, more children than we realize are cyberbullied. Cyberbullying affects almost half
of LGBTQ+ pupils. Cyberbullying is considered unethical by the majority of young people. Bullies
are using social media to harass others by cyberbullying. Parents can effectively avoid
cyberbullying for their children by keeping a close eye on how much time they spend on the internet
and seeing who they are talking with while they are having an online discussion. You may reach out
to someone you meet who has been the victim of cyberbullying.
When these attacks are carried out online, they are referred to as "cyberbullying." (RA 10627)
Sec. 2-D. This includes social bullying, which aims to humiliate another person or community, as
well as gender-related bullying, which humiliates others based on their assumed gender identity. In
Dagupan City, Pangasinan, parents can now call a hotline to report bullying.

Every day, more children than we

realize are cyberbullied.
Cyberbullying affects almost
half of LGBTQ+ pupils.
Cyberbullying is considered unethical
by the majority of young people.
Bullies are using social media to
harass others by cyberbullying.
Parents can effectively
avoid cyberbullying for their children
by keeping a close eye on how much
time they spend on the
internet and seeing who they are
talking with while they are having an
online discussion. You may
reach out to someone you meet who
has been the victim of cyberbullying
Every day, more children than we
realize are cyberbullied.
Cyberbullying affects almost
half of LGBTQ+ pupils.
Cyberbullying is considered unethical
by the majority of young people.
Bullies are using social media to
harass others by cyberbullying.
Parents can effectively
avoid cyberbullying for their children
by keeping a close eye on how much
time they spend on the
internet and seeing who they are
talking with while they are having an
online discussion. You may
reach out to someone you meet who
has been the victim of cyberbullying
Every day, more children than we
realize are cyberbullied.
Cyberbullying affects almost
half of LGBTQ+ pupils.
Cyberbullying is considered unethical
by the majority of young people.
Bullies are using social media to
harass others by cyberbullying.
Parents can effectively
avoid cyberbullying for their children
by keeping a close eye on how much
time they spend on the
internet and seeing who they are
talking with while they are having an
online discussion. You may
reach out to someone you meet who
has been the victim of cyberbullying
22. Which of the following statements is an example of a claim of fact?
A. Bullies are only using social media to harass others.
B. Cyberbullying is considered unethical by the majority of young people.
C. In Dagupan City, Pangasinan, parents can now call a hotline to report bullying.
D. You may reach out to someone you meet who has been the victim of cyberbullying.

23. Which of the following statements is an example of a claim of policy?

A. Every day, more children than we realize are cyberbullied.
B. Bullies are using social media to harass others by cyberbullying.
C. When these attacks are carried out online, they are referred to as "cyberbullying.
D. Parents can effectively avoid cyberbullying for their children by keeping a close eye on how
time they spend on the internet and seeing who they are talking with while they are having an
online discussion.
24. What type of exposition writing was used by the author in the short essay?
A. comparison and contrast C. problem and solution
B. descriptive D. sequence

Climate change is the alteration of temperature and normal weather patterns in a place. This
could refer to a particular location on the planet or the planet as a whole. Climate change is currently
happening throughout the world as a result of global warming. When humans burn fossil fuels such as
natural gas, oil, and coal, gases are released into Earth’s atmosphere. These gases trap the heat from the
Sun’s rays inside the atmosphere, causing global warming, or a rise in the planet’s overall temperature.

25.The author’s purpose in writing the text is to ___________________.

. A. advice B. amuse C. convince D. inform
26. Which of the following sentences is the exposition statement of the paragraph?
A. This could refer to a particular location on the planet or the planet as a whole.
B. Climate change is the alteration of temperature and normal weather patterns in a place.
C. Climate change is currently happening throughout the world as a result of global warming.
D. When humans burn fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coal, gases are released into Earth’s
27. Which among the sentences is a strong evidence regarding the argument of the author?
A. This could refer to a particular location on the planet or the planet as a whole.
B. Climate change is the alteration of temperature and normal weather patterns in a place.
C. Climate change is currently happening throughout the world as a result of global warming.
D. These gases trap the heat from the Sun’s rays inside the atmosphere, causing global warming, or
rise in the planet’s overall temperature.
28. Which type of text structure was used in the selection?
A. Cause and effect B. Compare and contrast C. Description D. Sequence

29. Which of the following is the purpose of the advertisement?

A. to amuse B. to convince C. to entertain D. to inform
30. If you were the customer, which of the following statements in the advertisement would convince
you to order?
A. It is a family treat.
B. It is a delicious treat.
C. It comes with pasta and cake.
D. It comes with free crispy fried chicken and Coca Cola.
31. What basic persuasive technique did the author use in the advertisement?
A. ethos B. logos C. pathos D. rhetorical question

Importance of tree plantation is insisted upon right from our school days because planting trees
is not only good for us but for the entire universe.
Tree plantation is given so much importance because of its varied benefits. These trees inhale
carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale oxygen which is needed for human beings to
survive. They also act as the source of food and shelter for birds, animals and also human beings.
Moreover, trees help in preventing soil erosion, thereby improving the fertility of soil.
Today many schools, colleges and even business organizations are allocating few days of the
year exclusively for planting trees. This is a good initiative and must be encouraged in order to make
people aware about the importance of tree plantation. Even politicians and celebrities plant saplings
and act as a role model for the future generation.
It is high time that we the residents of this planet, appreciate the importance of tree plantation
and start contributing for a greener planet.

32. Which of the following statements is the conclusion part of the essay?
A. Tree plantation is given so much importance because of its varied benefits.
B. This is a good initiative and must be encouraged in order to make people aware about the
importance of tree plantation.
C. It is high time that we the residents of this planet, appreciate the importance of tree plantation
start contributing for a greener planet.
D. Importance of tree plantation is insisted upon right from our school days because planting trees
is not only good for us but for the entire universe.
33. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
. A. advice B. amuse C. convince D. inform
34. What persuasive writing tools did the author use in his/her essay?
A. emotive language B. exaggeration C. facts and statistics D. rule of three
35. What basic types of sources of information is the given selection?
A. primary sources B. secondary sources C. tertiary source D. typical resources

V. Literature (36-45)
A. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

The Road Not Taken


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And both that morning equally lay
And sorry I could not travel both In leaves no step had trodden black.
And be one traveler, long I stood Oh, I kept the first for another day!
And looked down one as far as I could Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
To where it bent in the undergrowth; I doubted if I should ever come back.

Then took the other, as just as fair, I shall be telling this with a sigh
And having perhaps the better claim, Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
Though as for that the passing there I took the one less traveled by,
Had worn them really about the same, And that has made all the difference.

36. At the beginning of "The Road Not Taken," what decision does the speaker face?
A. which road to take C. whether to go forward or backward
B. where to eat lunch D. whether to keep walking or stop and rest
37. What do the following lines from "The Road Not Taken" mean?
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler,
A. The speaker thinks both paths are equally good
B. The speaker regrets not taking the other road at the start.
C. The speaker is only one person and cannot go down two roads at the same time.
D. The speaker would rather travel with someone, so they could each explore a path.
38. What does the speaker mean in these lines?
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
A. The speaker likes to walk in the woods alone and knows the way very well.
B. After choosing the first road, the speaker will return and go down the other road.
C. The speaker does not like to travel in the same part of the woods more than once.
D. After choosing the first road, the speaker will not return to go down the other road.

39. What do the "two roads" represent in "The Road Not Taken"?
A. people who affect our lives C. important decisions we make in life
B. paths that are hidden in secret D. the beginnings of new phases in life
40. On the surface, "The Road Not Taken" is about a walk in the woods. On a deeper level,
what is the poem about?
A. The poem is about loving nature and protecting natural habitats.
B. The poem is about how other people help us face major decisions.
C. The poem is about the importance of exercise and enjoying the outdoors.
D. The poem is about the conflicts people face when making important choices.

B. Read the fable and answer the questions that follow.

The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her head.
As she went along she began calculating what she would do with the money she would get for the milk.
"I'll buy some fowls from Farmer Brown," said she, "and they will lay eggs each morning, which I will
sell to the parson's wife. With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs I'll buy myself a new
dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I go to market, won't all the young men come up and speak to me!
Polly Shaw will be that jealous; but I don't care. I shall just look at her and toss my head like this." As
she spoke she tossed her head back, the pail fell off it, and all the milk was spilt. So she had to go home
and tell her mother what had occurred. "Ah, my child," said the mother: "Do not count your chickens
before they are hatched"

41. How could the milkmaid have kept the milk from spilling?
A. She might have asked for help to carry the pail for her.
B. She might have stopped daydreaming and walked carelessly.
C. She might have not tossed her head and walked as fast as she could.
D. She might have concentrated more on walking, rather than getting lost in her thoughts;
she might have carried the pail differently.
42. How do the milkmaid’s feelings change from the beginning to the end of the fable?
A. At first, she excitedly went to the market and sold all her milk.
B. At first, she excitedly went to the market and planned to buy chickens.
C. At first, she excitedly planned what she would do with the milk but split the milk, then cried.
D. At first, she is excitedly making plans for all that she will do with her money. Then she spills
the milk and, in one instant, all her plans are ruined.
43. What could be the best interpretation of this line: Do not count your chickens before they are
A. Do not dream anymore so as not to get disappointed.
B. Do not count the money right away if the chickens are not sold yet.
C. Do not be too impulsive on planning because you may be disappointed.
D. Do not count on getting everything you want, or have everything turn out exactly as you plan,
because you may be disappointed.

The Thief Who Became a Disciple

One evening as Shichiri Kojun was reciting sutras a thief with a sharp sword entered,
demanding either his money or his life, Shichiri told him: “Do not disturb me. You can find the money
in that drawer.” Then he resumed his recitation. A little while afterwards he stopped and called: “Don’t
take it all. I need some to pay taxes with tomorrow.”

When these attacks are carried out

online, they are referred to as
"cyberbullying." (RA 10627)
Sec. 2-D. This includes social
bullying, which aims to humiliate
another person or community, as well
gender-related bullying, which
humiliates others based on their
assumed gender identity.
In Dagupan City, Pangasinan,
parents can now call a hotline to
report bullying.
22. Which of the following
statements is an example of a claim
of fact?
A. Bullies are only using
social media to harass others.
B. Cyberbullying is considered
unethical by the majority of young
C. In Dagupan City, Pangasinan,
parents can now call a hotline to
report bullying.
D. You may reach out to someone
you meet who has been the victim of
23. Which of the following
statements is an example of a claim
of policy?
A. Every day, more
children than we realize are
B. Bullies are using social
media to harass others by
C. When these attacks are
carried out online, they are referred
to as "cyberbullying.
D. Parents can effectively
avoid cyberbullying for their children
by keeping a close eye on how much
time they spend on the
internet and seeing who they are
talking with while they are having
an online discussion.
24. What type of exposition writing
was used by the author in the short
A. comparison and contrast C.
problem and solution
B. descriptive D. sequence
When these attacks are carried out
online, they are referred to as
"cyberbullying." (RA 10627)
Sec. 2-D. This includes social
bullying, which aims to humiliate
another person or community, as well
gender-related bullying, which
humiliates others based on their
assumed gender identity.
In Dagupan City, Pangasinan,
parents can now call a hotline to
report bullying.
22. Which of the following
statements is an example of a claim
of fact?
A. Bullies are only using
social media to harass others.
B. Cyberbullying is considered
unethical by the majority of young
C. In Dagupan City, Pangasinan,
parents can now call a hotline to
report bullying.
D. You may reach out to someone
you meet who has been the victim of
23. Which of the following
statements is an example of a claim
of policy?
A. Every day, more
children than we realize are
B. Bullies are using social
media to harass others by
C. When these attacks are
carried out online, they are referred
to as "cyberbullying.
D. Parents can effectively
avoid cyberbullying for their children
by keeping a close eye on how much
time they spend on the
internet and seeing who they are
talking with while they are having
an online discussion.
24. What type of exposition writing
was used by the author in the short
A. comparison and contrast C.
problem and solution
B. descriptive D. seque
The intruder gathered up most of the money and started to leave. “Thank a person when you
receive a gift,” Shichiri added. The man thanked him and made off. A few days afterwards the fellow
was caught and confessed, among others, the offence against Shichiri. When Shichiri was called as a
witness he said: “This man is no thief, at least as far as I am concerned. I gave him the money and he
thanked me for it.” After he had finished his prison term, the man went to Shichiri and became his

44. What is the moral of The Thief Who Became a Disciple?

A. You should learn to thank a person who gave you a gift.
B. Whenever you steal money, do not take all the money of the person.
C. No matter how bad a person is there's always a ray of hope that they'd change.
D. A thief will always be a thief no matter how he/she tries to change his/her ways.
45. How is poetic justice used in The Thief Who Became a Disciple?
A. When the Zen master was able to let the thief thank him.
B. When the Zen master just ignored the thief and continued to pray.
C. When the Zen master was able to convince the thief not to steal all his money.
D. When the Zen master was able to convert the thief who stole his money by giving it to him,
telling the thief to leave some money to him and by teaching the thief to say thank you.
VII. Writing (46-50)
Directions: Read the following statements and answer the questions that follow.
46. You wanted to know the relationship between poverty and academic achievement among the
Grade 10 students in your school. What could be one of your research questions?
A. Does poverty greatly affect the Grade 10 students?
B. How are Grade 10 students being affected by poverty?
C. What are the results of poverty among Grade 10 students?
D. What is the relationship between poverty and academic achievement among Grade 10 students?
47. Background information in writing a research introduction is necessary. Which of the following
statements is true about including background information in writing a research introduction?
A. It expands your knowledge while reading the research report.
B. It ensures that a specific group of people will benefit from the study.
C. It identifies and describes the purpose and significance of your study.
D. It provides the reader with the essential context needed to understand the research problem.
48. In writing arguments, the author uses argumentative techniques. Identify the argumentative
technique used by the writer in this statement: Bilingualism is the ability of an individual or
the members of a community to use two languages effectively. Being able to speak two languages
means you are able to speak to people in a different cultural and linguistic context.
A. analysis B. analogy C. comparison and contrast D. definition
49. In writing a persuasive text, which of the following statements can serve as a conclusion of
a persuasive essay?
A. Plastic bags are cheaper compared to paper bags.
B. Do your part in saving our one and only planet. Don’t use plastic bags!
C. Authorities should fully enforce the law against the use of plastic bags in the entire community.
D. Majority of the Filipinos are using plastic bags whenever they buy things in the groceries or
public market.
50. With the introduction and parts of a body given below, which of the following statements will
serve as the best conclusion?

Introduction: Students should be prohibited from bringing and using their cellular phones in
Body: Cell phones should not be allowed in schools because if the students get bored, they
might use them to play games or do other activities that distract their attention
from learning. In case of family emergency, the teachers have a cell phone and the
parents could call them.
A. Parents may or may not follow the directives. They have free will.
B. Parents are given the license to allow their students to bring cell phones
C. Parents must not agree to this directive because their children cannot live without cell phones.
D. Parents are then strongly encouraged to support this directive by monitoring if their children
leave for school without their cellular phones

pared to paper bags.

B. Do your part in saving our one and
only planet. Don’t use plastic bags!
C. Authorities should fully enforce
the law against the use of plastic bags
in the entire community.
D. Majority of the Filipinos are using
plastic bags whenever they buy things
in the groceries or
public market.
50. With the introduction and
parts of a body given below, which of
the following statements will serve
as the best conclusion?
Students should be prohibited from
bringing and using their cellular
phones in
Body: Cell phones
should not be allowed in schools
because if the students get bored, they
might use them to play games or
do other activities that distract their
from learning. In case of family
emergency, the teachers have a cell
phone and the
parents could call them.
A. Parents may or may not follow
the directives. They have free will.
B. Parents are given the license to
allow their students to bring cell
C. Parents must not agree to this
directive because their children
cannot live without cell phones.
D. Parents are then strongly
encouraged to support this directive
by monitoring if their children

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