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What I learned from COP26

I’ve learned some things from cop 26. One of them is that the planet needs immediately everybody’s help.
As shown from COP 26 some among the most polluting country of the world didn’t participate at the
conference: like Russia, Brazil, Portugal, Mexico, China ecc. This is like a lost battle and it’s so disappointing,
because, like I said before, the planet needs the help of everybody and the problems that we caused
interests every country and every person. However the COP 26 taught me that the words aren’t enough to
beat climate change. This conference is very important only if all the world leaders participate and if they
reach a deal and that isn’t the case of this COP conference. The leaders talked about always the same
things like reduce carbon dioxide, polluting, plastic and the use of fossil fuels. For that reason groups of
students and young people manifested in the square all over the world to avoid this waste of time. I agree
with them and the fact that the young people, that in those manifestation should be in class instead of
being in squares to fight for their future, let me think that we are in a critical situation and we must do
something as fast and soon as possible. It’s like we were on a ledge: we are falling down but with the
support of everybody we can reach the safety. To wrap up what I discovered from COP26, I learned that
everybody means in this battle and everybody can make the difference, and doing so isn’t so expensive, we
must only be very careful to do something that should become an habit, like switch off the lights of a room,
switch off the water while brushing teeth, do the separate collection, try to don’t waste water, food, paper
ecc. It’s also important doing so not only at home, but in school, in a road, for example if a found something
out of a bin, put it there. But I don’t think that these habits will be enough. I think so because, like it
happened in COP26, there always be someone who doesn’t cares about the situation, underrating it, and
this make me feel pessimistic for a future that after all is also mine. I think that it’s already too late to doing
something important for the environment. For too long time we didn’t listen to the scientists that were
trying to alert us about the bad future that we will have one day. But we don’t do nothing, thinking that it
was to far from us. But now we are in a serious danger and I think that all the actions that we do are
enough to slow the catastrophe, but not to avoid it.

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