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Organisation, Functions and Duties

(Section 4(1 ){b)(i)

Particulars of the organization, functions and duties:

SI.No. Name of the Organisation Address Functions and duties

1. (R&B) Department Superintending Engineer

(R&B) Circle, Warangal

Organisation, Functions & Duties
Roads & Buildings Department came into existence on 01-04-1965, by merging the
Buildings Wing of the Public Works Department with the Highways Department with 5 circles
namely Kakinada, Eluru, Cuddapah, Headquarters and Medak Circles. Warangal circle came
into existence in the year 1970.
Functions & Duties :
The Roads & Buildings circle, Warangal headed by the Superintending Engineer is responsible
to execute different works in Warngal District , as detailed below.

» Construction and maintenance of Roads, Bridges, Causeways.

» Construction and maintenance of certain public buildings that belongs to the Government of
Andhra Pradesh.

The operations of the Department are in the name and authority of the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh.
Powers & Duties of the Superintending Engineers :

The Administrative unit of the Department is the circle. The S E is responsible for
administration and control over important works and to inspect the works in Warangal circle and
execution is done as per standard specifications. He inspects Division offices annually and
checks the registers, accounts M-books, agreements, preparation of estimates, plans and office
work and makes detailed reporting to his higher officers. CR's of Executive Engineers will be
written based on the performance of physical and financial targets and achievements.
(R&B) Circle, Warangal has two Divisions at Warngal and Mahabubabad headed by the
respective Executive Engineers.
Powers & Duties of the Executive Engineers:

The Executive unit of the Department is Division. The Executive Engineer is responsible
to the Superintending Engineer for execution and management of all works within his Division.
He is responsible for Administrative control over his Division and to inspect important works
and check measures at random and execution done is as per standard specification any
defective execution he will be held responsible. He is responsible for inspection of pre-
monsoon and post-monsoon bridges / culverts / cause ways and buildings and provide relief
operation and restoration of traffic during Natural Calamities. The Executive Engineer is
prohibited from commencing any work or expending any public funds without the sanction of
competent authority and making any major deviations from sanctioned designs and submit
the closed works accounts and completion reports. The performance of the Executive
Engineer will be assessed by the Superintending Engineer based on the physical and
financial targets and achievements and CR's written. He is ex-officio public relation officer to
interface with public and liaison with the other departments and providing security
arrangements for visiting of VIPs. He issues Distance Certificates, Cinema Hall Fitness
Certificates, Rental Certificates, Fitness for Public Related Structures.

Powers &, Duties of the Dy Executive Engineers:

A Division is divided into Sub-Division. The Sub-Division is headed by the Dy.
Executive Engineer and he is responsible to the Executive Engineer for management and
execution of works within the Sub-Division. No Sub-Division can be constituted without
sanction of the State Government. The Dy. Executive Engineer is responsible for supervising
the works, quality and quantity wise, check-measuring and scrutinising bills confirming to
agreement conditions and specification. The performance of the Dy. Executive Engineer is
assessed by the Executive Engineer depending on out-turn physical and financial targets
and achievements. The Dy. Executive Engineer has to report monthly abstract of stock
receipts and stock issues, monthly accounts, half yearly balance return of stocks, progress
reports on works, etc. The Dy. Executive Engineer is responsible for inspection of pre-
monsoon and post-monsoon bridges / culverts / cause ways / buildings and look after relief
operation during Natural Calamities. He has the general control over Assistant Executive
Engineers / Assistant Engineers and other sub-ordinate staff working in Sub-Division and
making payments of staff and work-charged establishment.
Powers & Duties of the Asst Executive Engineers/ Asst Engineers:
The Sub-Division is divided into Section. The Sections are headed by the Assistant
Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer. The Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant
Engineer is an initial unit officer and is responsible to the Dy. Executive Engineer for
management and execution of work within the section. He should be conversant with all
rules and regulations and discharge his duty efficiently and develop tact in dealing with the
general public members of other department, his own sub-ordinals and superiors and the
contractors and labours employed on works and posses a genial temper, considerable
patience and a spirit of good will, a high sense of duty exemplary character and conduct for
good and efficient service to the public. The section officer in entrusted with the preparation
of surveys, plans and estimates, execution of new works, maintenance of Roads and
Buildings works, preparation of bills for work done, FNPRS, maintenance of accounts
connected with the works, maintenance of registers, submission of returns, enquiries into
complaints by ryots, contractors and sub-ordinate staff and he should be well conversant
with A.P.D.S.S and M.O.S.T. specification P.D.W codes and accounts codes, SSR and data
statements, and A.P. civil services conduct rules, manual of pay and allowances and district
office manual. The performance of the Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer is
assessed by the Dy. Executive Engineer concerned depending on the out-turn physical and
financial targets and achievements and CR's written.
The Assistant Executive Engineer/ Assistant Engineer is responsible and prevent
encroachment on Government Roads and Buildings and loss of property and materials. The
Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer should take care to ensure the safety and
convenience of the public during execution of work and ensure to interfere as little as
possible with traffic. The Assistant Executive Engineer/ Assistant Engineer has to inspect
annually public buildings and record inspection notes and report to the higher officers. For
any serious accident he should report the information to proper civil authorities.
This circle under R&B Engineering Department has been functioning with the following total
staff under various categories.
1. Superintending Engineer (in charge of circle ) 1No
2.Executive Engineer (In charge of Deputy Superintending Engineer in circle office)
Executive Engineer (R&B) Division, Warangal
Executive Engineer (R&B) SED Mahabubabad 3 Nos
3. Deputy Executive Engineers (In charge of Sub-divisions) 8 Nos
4. Deputy Executive Engineer (in circle office ) 1 No
5. Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers 38 Nos
(In charge of Sections)
Supporting Staff in O/o the Superintending Engineer /Executive Engineer /DEEs
6. Divisional Accounts Officers 2 Nos
7. Superintendents 4 Nos
8. Senior Assistants 18 Nos
9. Junior Assistants 25 Nos
10. Typists 8 Nos
11. Technical Officers 2 Nos
12. Assistant Technical Officers 5 Nos
13. Junior Technical Officers 8 Nos
14. Technical Assistants 3 Nos
15. Record Assistants 3 Nos
16. Driver 1 No
17. Attenders 43 Nos
18. Watchmen 4 Nos
Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees Section 4(1 ){b)(ii)

SI.No Name of the Officers Designation Duties allotted Powers

Sri B.Rameshwar Reddy, S.E

One of the administrative unit to the Roads & Buildings Engineering Deparment
atthe regional level is the circle. The Superintending Engineer is incharges of
administrative unit (Warangal Circle) he has reports to the Engineer-in-Chief on all the
administrative and Technical matters.
The Superintending Engineer will control over sub-ordinate offices in regard to
execution and monitoring of developmental works in areas under his jurisdiction.
It is the duty of the Superintending Engineer to inspect the important works in his
circle, to satisfy himself that the system of management in execution of works is efficient,
economical and that the regulations on quality and quantity of works , stock and
accounts are strictly observed.
He should review and monitor the progress of works by undertaking field
inspections of important works, conducting periodical review meetings with his sub-
ordinates and appraising the superiors.
He should maintain all necessary records and registers prescribed and conduct
Annual, Inspection of division offices.
He should keep a confidential record of performance of the contractors executing
the works in the divisions and takes suitable steps while entrusting the works.
He is responsible for Scrutinizing the estimates received from sub-ordinate
offices and accord technical sanction to the estimates within his powers and submits to
the higher office for obtaining technical sanction to the estimates beyond his powers.
The Superintending Engineer submit proposals to the Engineer-in-chief with
regards to the transfers and posting of Executive Engineers and Deputy Executive
The Superintending Engineer will conduct annual inspection of Divisions under
his control.


They work under the direct control of Superintending Engineer and report to him
in the matters relating to the sections entrusted to them.
Section 4(1 )(b)(iii)

Procedure followed in decision making Process including channels of Supervision

and accountability.

S.N Officer Activity Powers


1. Superintending Engineer Sanction of Estimates UptoRs. 50.00 lakhs

Finalisation of Tenders UptoRs. 50.00 lakhs

2. Executive Engineer Sanction of Estimates UptoRs. 10.00 lakhs

Finalisation of Tenders UptoRs. 10.00 lakhs

Entrustment of works on UptoRs. 10.00

nomination basis lakhs

Channel of Supervision:
Superintending Engineer
Executive Engineer
Deputy Executive Engineer
Section Officer AEEs/AEs

SNo. Officer Accountable to whom Authority competent

to take action in
case of omissions &

1. Superintending Engineer Engineer-in-Chief Government of

Andhra Pradesh,

2. Executive Engineer Superintending Government of

Engineer & Engineer-in- Andhra Pradesh,
chief (TR&B)Department

3. Divisional Accounts Officer (W) Executive Engineer Government of

&Government (Finance Andhra Pradesh,
Department) (TR&B)Department

4. Deputy Executive Engineer ExecutiveEngineer, Engineer-in-chief

& Engineer-in-Chief

5. Section Officer (AEE/AE) Deputy Executive Engineer-in-chief

Engineer, Engineer-

6. Technical Officer Executive Engineer Engineer-in-chief

& All the above
7. Assistant Technical Officer Executive Engineer Engineer-in-chief
& all the above /Superintending Engineer

8 Junior Technical Officer Executive Engineer-in-

Engineers, all the Chief/Superintending
above officers Engineer
Section 4(1 ){b)(iv)
Norms set for the discharge of functions
Details of the norms / Standards set by the Public authority for the discharge of functios
delivery of services.

Function / Service Norms / Standards of Reference document

performance set / Time prescribing the norms
a. Preparation of Yearly 2-4 weeks First month of starting of the
Action Plan financial year

b. Preparation of Feasibility 2 to 4 weeks Depending on the nature &

Reports Size of work after approval
of yearly action plan

c. Preparation of 2 weeks Before obtaining

Conceptual Estimates Administrative sanction

d. Preparation of Final 2 weeks After obtaining

Estimates Administrative sanction
e. Technical Sanction of 10 days
Final Estimate costing Up to
from Rs. 10.00 Lakhs.

f. Technical Sanction of 2 weeks

Final Estimate costing from
Rs. 10.00 to 50.00 lakhs

g. Technical Sanction of 6 weeks

Final Estimate costing
Beyond Rs. 50.00 lakhs

h. Preparation of Tender 1 week

i. Tender invitation and 2 weeks
j. Entrustment Depends on finalization of
k. Execution of works 2 months
costing less than 5.00 lakhs

I. Execution of works 4 months

costing more than
5.00 lakhs less than 10.00
m. Execution of works 6 months
costing more than
10.00 lakhs less than 50.00
n. Execution of works 12 months
costing more than
50.00 lakhs less than
100.00 lakhs
o. Making quality Analysis Required checks or tests at
specified stages / intervals
will be carried cut by the
department / agencies as per
agreement conditions &
Adhra Pradesh Detailed
Standard Specifications &
MORTH Specification.
Section 4(1 )(b)(v)
SI. No Description Gist of contents Price of the Publication if priced

The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records held by the

Organisation or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

1. A.P. Public Works Department Code Department -- Rules relates to Engineering

2. A.P Public Works Accounts Code--Dept., Rules relates Accounts of Engineering

3. A.P. Financial Code -- Rules relates to Financial matters.

4. A.P.Treasury Code — Rules relates to Treasury.
5. A.P Detailed Standard Specifications Specifications. ~ Rules relates to Engineering
6. Worth Specifications -- Rules relates to road work Specifications.
7. SSR — Relates to the rates of Labour including skill - Non skill & Engineering
materials etc.,
8. A.P Ministerial Service Rules. - Ministerial staff service matters.
9. Andhra Pradesh Pension Code and Revised Pension Rules - Regarding Pension
10. A.P Fundamental Rules. -- Govt. employees fundamentals
11. A.P. Leave Rules. - Govt. employees leave rules
12. A.P., Provident Fund Rules. - Govt. employees PF Rules
13. A.P. Civil Service Rules. - Service rules.
Section 4(1 )(b)(vi)
Information about the official doucement held by the Public authority or under
its control

Document Category

Type Design Drawing

Structural Design Document /Drawing

Estimates Document

Bid Documents Document.

Agreements Legal Document

Technical Sanction Register Technical sanctions

Tender Approval Register Technical approval

Agreement Register Agreements

Between Contractors and

Cash Book Register

Register of Cheque Register

Register of Advances Recoverable Recovery of Advances

Acquaintance Register of Establishment Acquaintances of


Register of Cheque / Receipt Book Details of Cheque book

Register of estimates Received Details of Estimates

Register of Estimate Technically Sanctioned Details of

Technical Sanctions

Register of Agreements Details of Agreements

Tender Register Details of Tenders

Tender Schedules Register Details of Tender

Register of Buildings Details of buildings

Register of works check-measured and super check- Details of Check and

measured super check
measurements of works
Roads Chart Details of Roads

Pay Bill Register Details of Pay &

Treasury bill book Details of Estt., Bills

Establishment Audit Register Estt., audit

Register of probationers Details of Probationers

Register of Service Registers Details of SRs

Stock Account of Stationery Details of Stock of


Stock Account of forms -- do -- forms

Stock Register of tools and plants and office furniture Details of T&P

Attendance Register Details of Attendance

of Staff

Log Book for motor vehicle Details of Vehicle


Register of audit objections Details of audit objections

Stamp account book. Details of Postal stamps

Dispatch Register (outward) Details of currents


Inward Register -do — currents inward

Register of LAQs Details of LAQs

All Registers are maintained in SEs/EEs offices except cash book maintained in
Division office only.
Section 4(1 )(b)(vii)

Arrangements for consultations with or Representation by, the members of the

Public in relation to the formulation of policy of implementation thereof
Arrangements by the public authority to seek consultation / Participation of public or
its representatives for formulation and implementation of policies?
SI. No Function/Service Arrangements for consultation Arrangements for
With or representation of pubic consultation with or
representation of public in relations representation of
with policy formulation. Public in relations
with policy

Section 4(1)(b)(viii)
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of public

A Statement of the boards, councils , committees and other bodies consisting

of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as
to whether meeting of those boards, councils , committees other bodies are open to
the public or the minutes of such meeting are accessible for public.

 Nil –
Section 4(1)(b)(ix)

A Directory of its officers and employees

Sl.No. Name of Employee Designation Address

(R&B)Circle office, Warangal.
1 B.Rameshwar Reddy SE 9440818034
2 B.Rajender Dy.S.E 9440818174
3 DVSR Narasimha Rao Dy.E.E 9440819225
4 P.Rajeshwar A.E. 9440819231
5 K.Ramadevi AEE 9440819227
6 K.Srihari AEE 9440819226
7 A.Goverdhan AE 9440819230
8 J.J.Sunitha AE 9440818679
9 N.Niranjan Kumar AE 9440819225
10 S.Satyanarayana AE 0870-2578761
11 P.Premsagar TO 0870-2578761
12 M.A.Haleem ATO 0870-2578761
13 Syed Mishbauddin ATO 0870-2578761
14 P.Someshwar ATO 0870-2578761
15 A Ramesh JTO 0870-2578761
16 G.Kishan TA 0870-2578761
17 N.Venkateshwarlu TA 0870-2578761
18 E.Prakash PT 0870-2578761
19 M.Esthar Rani Supdt. 9440898078
20 D.Kedari Supdt. 0870-2578761
21 SSR Prasad Sr.Asst. 0870-2578761
22 S.Venkateshwarlu Sr.Asst. 0870-2578761
23 A.Surender Sr.Asst. 0870-2578761
24 M.A.Younus Khan Sr.Asst. 0870-2578761
25 T.Mallesham Jr.Asst. 0870-2578761
26 G.Veeranna Jr.Asst. 0870-2578761
27 R.Praveen Kumar Jr.Asst. 0870-2578761
28 P.Vijaya Kumar Jr.Asst. 0870-2578761
29 Md.Abdul Muneeb Jr.Asst. 0870-2578761
30 B.Sambaiah Jr.Asst 0870-2578761
31 G.Gayathri Junior Assistant 0870-2578761
32 R.Divakar Junior Assistant 0870-2578761
33 B.Ramu Typist 0870-2578761
34 B.Ravi R.A. 0870-2578761
35 M.Narsaiah Driver 0870-2578761
36 Umar Salah Office Subordinate 0870-2578761
37 P.Venkateshwarlu O/S 0870-2578761
38 K.Sarangapani O/s 0870-2578761
40 G.Kaspar O/s 0870-2578761
41 J.Vijaya O/s 0870-2578761
42 A.Sanath Kumar O/s 0870-2578761
43 K.G.Salauddin Watchman 0870-2578761
Sl.No. Name of Employee Designation Address
(R&B)Division, Warangal.
1 B.Ravindra Kumar Executive Engineer 9440818083
2 D.Kamalakar Rao P.A. to EE 9440818675
3 B.Padmaja DAO 9491063148
4 N.Nelson ATO 0870-2578766
5 Khaja Shafiuddin, JTO 0870-2578766
6 L.Srinivas JTO 0870-2578766
7 Md.Khaleel Ahmed JTO 0870-2578766
8 Md.Liyaqat Ali Superintendent 9440893902
9 G.Sudershan SA 0870-2578766
10 V.Srinivas S.A. 9849019176
11 S.Om Prakash S.A. 0870-2578766
12 Meer Aqull Ali S.A. 0870-2578766
13 R.Laxman Babu J.A. 0870-2578766
14 T.Parshaiah J.A. 0870-2578766
15 B.Raju J.A 0870-2578766
16 B.Raj Kumar J.A. 0870-2578766
17 S.Swamy J.A. 0870-2578766
18 M.A.Mjeed J.A. 0870-2578766
19 G.Rama Rao J.A. 0870-2578766
20 B.Ranjith Naik J.A. 0870-2578766
21 M.Rama Devi J.A. 0870-2578766
22 D.Hari Krishna J.A. 0870-2578766
23 R.Ratna Kumari J.A. 0870-2578766
24 P.Jagadishwar Typist 0870-2578766
25 M.Nageshwar Rao Typist 0870-2578766
26 B.Veera Swamy R.A. 0870-2578766
27 E.Uppalaiah O.S. 0870-2578766
28 M.Venkata Swamy, O.S. 0870-2578766
29 Md.Ghouse O.S. 0870-2578766
30 K.Chandra Mouli O.S. 0870-2578766
31 S.Ramchander o.s. 0870-2578766
32 K.Dhana Laxmi O.S. 0870-2578766
33 S.Samba Murthy O.S 0870-2578766
34 O.Cheralu O.S 0870-2578766
35 S.Raj Kumar O.S 0870-2578766
36 K.Mahesh Kumar O.S 0870-2578766
(R&B)Sub-Division, Hanamkonda
1 G.Bhaskar Rao Dy.E.E 9440818405
2 B.Manohar A.E.E. 9700933258
3 V.Krishna Reddy A.E.E 9440818690
4 N.Kumara Swamy A.E.E. 9440818691
5 L.Samuel A.E.E 9440818687
6 N.V.V.Srinivas S.A. 9885552606
7 M.Shivaji Rao J.A. 9849550258
8 Md.Rasheeduddin O.S. 0870-2578766
9 B.Bhadraiah O.S. 0870-2578766
10 J.Prabhakar O.S 0870-2578766

1 K.V.Sudhakar Rao Dy.E.E. 9440818406
2 S.Kantha Rao A.E.E. 9440818692
3 S.Ganesh A.E.E. 9440818695
4 Syed Wahed Ali A.E. 9440818694
5 A.Kishor kumar A.E. 9440818693
6 R.Swaroopa Rani A.E.E 9440818696
7 B.Parishodak S.A. 0870-2878766
8 T.Raghavender Rao J.A. 0870-2578766
9 K.Ravinder O.S. 0870-2578766
10 Rayees Sulthana O.S. 0870-2578766
11 E.Devakamma O.S. 0870-2578766
12 V.Kommalu O.S. 0870-2578766
13 Yakub Bee O.S. 0870-2578766

1 K.jithender Reddy Dy.E.E. 9440818404
2 B.Jaya Prakash A.E. 9440818683
3 V.Raghuveer A.E. 9440818685
4 V.Dhanunjaya Rao A.E. 9440818686

(R&B)Sub-Division, Mulug
1 B.Raju Naik Dy.E.E. 9440818403
2 H.Janardhan A.E. 9440818681
3 M.Prakash A.E. 9440818682
4 P.Venu A.E. 9440818680
5 P.Nagaiah S.A. 0870-2578766
6 P.Ravinder O.S. 0870-2578766
7 D.Raja Bhadraiah, O.S. 0870-2578766
8 P.Veeraiah Watchman 0870-2578766

(R&B)Sub-Division, Jangaon
1 G.Rajeshwar Reddy Dy.E.E. 9440818402
2 M.Ravinder A.E.E 9440818674
3 D.Keshava Rao A.E. 9440818679
4 M.Ramesh Kumar A.E.E 944818
5 S.Rajasekhar A.E 9440818678
6 K.Raghu Prasad Sr.Asst 9866574159
7 Md.Yakub Ali, O.S. 0870-2578766
8 N.Suresh Babu O.S. 0870-2578766

(R&B)S.E.D., Mahabubabad.
1 K.Raji Reddy Executive Engineer 9440818084
2 Smt.M.B.Hemalatha PA to EE 9491044926
3 V.Rajaiah D.A.O 9949248072
4 Ch.Sarojini T.O. 9703111175
5 T.Rajeshwar Rao J.T.O 9949695026
6 A.Ravinder P.T 9849571070
7 K.Venkateshwara Swamy Superintendent 9491044415
8 M.Hanook S.A. 9848140346
9 T.Samuel John S.A. 9848393318
10 Y.Shankar J.A. 9949195906
11 K.Ramesh J.A. 9908381748
12 T.Srinivas J.A 9848898975
13 B.Ramulu Typist 9948099883
14 K.Srinivas R.A. 9394581924
15 E.Janardhan O.S. 8703169783
16 K.Benson Kumar O.S. 9492115810
17 K.Bhujanga Rao O.S. 8977481049
18 Smt B.Aruna O.S. 9989376776
(R&B)Sub-Divin, Mahabubabad
1 B.Bheemudu Dy.E.E. 9440818407
2 E. Nageshwar Rao A.E. 9440818701
3 T.Seethamaraiah A.E. 9440818702
4 K.Kiran Kumar A.E. 9440818698
5 J.Srinivas S.A 9703088282
6 K.Nagabhushanam J.A 9989732363
7 E.Kumara Swamy O.S. 9849418101
8 Smt K.Padmavathi O.S 08719-240716
9 B.Mangaiah W/M 08719-240716

(R&B)Sub-Divin, Thorrur
1 N.Narasimha Dy.E.E. 9440818409
2 M.Srinivas A.E.E 9440818706
3 A.Sridhar A.E.E 9440818707
4 Md.Ameer Pasha A.E.E 9440818697
5 P.Victor S.A. 9949108498

(R&B)Sub-Divin, Narsampet
1 G.B.Gopala Krishna Dy.E.E. 9440818408
2 P.Rajendra A.E.E. 9440818703
3 Mohd.Ghouse A.E.E. 9440818699
4 A.Satyanarayana A.E.E 9440818704
5 P.Madhusudha Kalyan S.A. 9912270631
6 G.Upender O.S 9703663345
Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the System of
Compensation as {Section 4(1)(b)(x)}
11.1 ) Information on remuneration and compensation structure for officers and employees
Sl.No. Name & Designation Basic Pay Monthly System of
Remuneration compensation
including its to determine
composition Remuneration
Sarvasri as given in
1 B.Rameshwar Reddy, SE 50506 58983 42895
2 B.Rajender,Dy.S.E 17475 38565 33145
3 DVSR Narasimha Rao,DEE 34050 46658 39238
4 P.Rajeshwar,A.E. 30750 42081 37461
5 K.Ramadevi,A.E.E. 30750 42221 35901
6 K.Srihari,A.E.E 23500 50127 42657
7 A.Goverdhan,A.E. 30750 42041 31108
8 J.J.Sunitha,A.E. 24300 33357 26497
9 N.Niranjan Kumar,A.E. 26300 36012 27627
10 S.Satyanarayana,A.E. 46950 63686 54046
11 P.Premsagar.T.O 24300 33327 24697
12 M.A.Haleem,A.T.O 7385 15973 14493
13 Syed Mishbauddin,A.T.O 21820 29908 23898
14 A Ramesh,J.T.O 14860 20379 18699
15 G.Kishan,T.A 12550 17251 11101
16 N.Venkateshwarlu,T.A 10900 14973 12208
17 E.Prakash,P.T. 10900 14998 13288
18 M.Esthar Rani,SUPDT 34050 46538 35390
19 D.Kedari,SUPDT 32350 45156 38171
20 SSR Prasad,S.A 27000 36946 26386
21 S.Venkateshwarlu,S.A 29950 40981 25421
22 A.Surender,S.A 16600 22910 15080
23 M.A.Younus Khan,S.A 14440 19847 15017
24 T.Mallesham,J.A 16600 22750 19878
25 G.Veeranna,J.A 22430 30729 26824
26 R.Praveen Kumar, J.A 15700 21573 15743
27 P.Vijaya Kumar, J.A 11530 16756 15326
28 Md.Abdul Muneeb, J.A 9740 13392 11480
29 B.Sambaiah, J.A 11530 15856 13836
30 G.Gayathri, J.A 8440 11621 10534
31 R.Divakar, J.A 11860 16306 14941
32 B.Ramu ,TYPIST 14050 19565 15935
33 B.Ravi,R.A 14440 19845 15077
34 M.Narsaiah,DRIVER 20680 28619 22404
35 Umar Salah,O/S 13660 18744 15429
36 P.Venkateshwarlu,O/S 12385 16997 14532
37 K.Sarangapani,O.S 10900 14973 13758
38 G.Kaspar,O.S 11200 15407 14117
39 J.Vijaya,O.S 6700 9230 8368
40 A.Sanath Kumar,O.S 7520 10347 9828
41 K.G.Salauddin.W/M 6900 9502 8605
Manner of Execution of subsity Programme
{ Section 4(1)(b)(xii)}
13.1 Activities / programmes / schmes being implemented by the Pulic authority which subsity is provided.

No subsidy programmes are being takenup by the (R&B) Department

13.2 Information on the nature of subsity, eligibility criteria for accessing subsity and designation of officer
competent to grant subsidy under various programmes / schemes.

Name of programme Nature / Scale of subsity Eligibility criteria for grant Designation
/ activity of subsidy of officer to
grant subsidy

No subsidy programmes are being takenup by the (R&B) Department

13.3 Manner of execution of the subsidy programmes

Name of programme Application Procedure Sanction Procedure Disbursement

/ activity procedure.

No subsidy programmes are being takenup by the (R&B) Department

Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc.
{ Section 4(1)(b)(xiii)}
14.1 Names and addresses of receipients of benefits under each programme / scheme separately

Insitutional beneficiaries
Name of Programme / scheme
Sl.No. Name & Address of receipient Nature / Date of grant Name &
institutions Quantum of Designation
benefit of granting
granted authority

1 S.T. Societies 1.No EMD GOMs No.52,

2.No Solvency T(R&B)Dept.
upto Rs.10.00 Lks for
retrenched / unemployed
graduate engineer
3. No solvency upto
Rs.20.00 Lks in case
of ST societies

For cost works costing beyond Rs.10.00 Lakhs decision to be taken by the
Superintending Engineer (R&B) Warangal.
Information Available in Electronic Form
{ Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)}
15.1 Information related to the various schemes of the department which are available in electronic formats
(Floppy, CD, VCD, Web Site, Internet etc.)

Electronic Format Description (Site address/ Contents or title Designation

location where available etc) and address
of the
custodian of
(held by

Being done

15.2 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information including the working hours of a
library or information center or reading room maintained for public use where information relating to the
department or records / documents are made available to the public

Being done
Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for obtaining information
{ Section 4(1)(b)(xv)}

16.1 Information dissemination mechanisms in place / facilities available to the public for accessing of

Facility Description (Location of Details of

Facility / Name etc.) information

Notice Board Maintained at the Entrance

News Paper Reports Tenders Eenadu,
Public Announcements -- --
Information Counter -- --
Publications Tenders Eenadu,
Office Library Maintained by Accounts Accounts
Section Section

Web sites -- --
Other Facilities (Name) -- --
Names, Designations and other particulars of Public Information officers
{ Section 4(1)(b) xvi }

17.1 Contact information about the Public information Officers and Assistant Public Information officers
designated for various offices / administrative units and Appellate authority / Officer (s) for the public authority
in the following format.

Public information Officer (s)

Sl.No. Name of office / Name & Office Tel: Email
administative unit Designation Residential Tel:
PIO Fax:
1 Superintendenting Engineer Sri B.Rajender
(R&B)Circle, Warangal 9440818174
Tel: 2578761
Fax: 2542064

Asst.Public information Officer (s)

Sl.No. Name of office / Name & Office Tel: Email
administative unit Designation Residential Tel:

1 Superintendenting Engineer Smt Esther Rani

(R&B)Circle, Warangal 9440898078
Tel: 2578761
Fax: 2542064

Appellate Authority
Sl.No. Name, Designation & Jurisdication Office Tel: Email
Address of Appellate Officer of Appellate Residential Tel:
Officer Fax:
(Officer /
Admn. units
of the

1 Sri B.Rameshwar Reddy,B.E., (R&B)Jurisdication of

Superintending Engineer Warangal District.
(R&B) Circle, Warangal
Tel: 2578761
Fax: 2542064
{ Section 4(1)(b)(xvii)}

17.2 Such other Information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these
publications every year:

-- NIL --
Name of the Department: (R&B) Department
Sl.No. Administrative Unit APIO PIO 1st Appellate Authority Remarks

1 Superintending Engineer Smt.Esther Rani Sri B.Rajender Sri B.Rameshwar Reddy

(R&B)Circle, Warangal Superintendent Dy.Superintending Engineer Superintending Engineer
9440898078 9440818174 9440818034

2 Executive Engineer Sri Md.Liyakat Ali, Sri D.Kamalakar Rao Sri B.Ravindra Kumar
(R&B)Division, Warangal Superintendent PA to Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
9440893902 9440818675 9440818083

3 Dy.Executive Engineer Sri N.V.V.Srinivas Rao, Sri G.Bhaskar Rao Sri B.Ravindra Kumar
(R&B)Sub-Divn,,Hnk Senior Assistant Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
9885552606 9440818405 9440818083

4 Dy.Executive Engineer Sri B.Parishodak Sri K.V.Sudhakar Rao Sri B.Ravindra Kumar
(R&B)Sub-Divn,Wgl Senior Assistant Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
9440946615 9440818406 9440818083

5 Dy.Executive Engineer Sri K.Raghu Prasad Sri G.Rajeshwar Reddy, Sri B.Ravindra Kumar
(R&B)Sub-Divn,Jangaon Senior Assistant Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
9866574159 9440818402 9440818083
Sl.No. Administrative Unit APIO PIO 1st Appellate Authority Remarks

6 Dy.Executive Engineer Sri K.Kiran Kumar Sri B.Raju Naik, Sri B.Ravindra Kumar
(R&B)Sub-Divn,Mulug Junior Assistant Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
9474616037 9440818403 9440818083

7 Dy.Executive Engineer Sri M.Shivaji Sri K.Jithender Reddy Sri B.Ravindra Kumar
(R&B)Sub-Divn,Parkal Junior Assistant Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
9959204257 9440818404 9440818083

8 Executive Engineer Sri K.V.Swamy Smt.M.B.Hemalatha Sri K.Raji Reddy

(R&B)SED Mahabubabad Superintendent PA to Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
9491044415 9705790709 9440818084

9 Dy.Executive Engineer Sri J.Srinivas Sri B.Bheemudu, Sri K.Raji Reddy

(R&B)Sub-Division, Senior Assistant Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
Mahabubabad 9703088282 9440818407 9440818084

10 Dy.Executive Engineer Smt Ch.Sarojini Sri G.B.Gopala Krishna Sri K.Raji Reddy
(R&B)Sub-Division, Technical Officer Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
Narsampet 9703111175 9440818408 9440818084

11 Dy.Executive Engineer Sri P.Victor, Sri M.Narasimha, Sri K.Raji Reddy

(R&B)Sub-Division, Senior Assitant Dy.Executive Engineer I/C. Executive Engineer
Thorrur 9949108498 9440818409 9440818084

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