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Industrial Electronics Syed Mamnoon Akhter

Computational Methods Muhammad Habib

APPL. PHY. 404
BS 2nd Year (2 Th + 1 Lab/week)
Course In-charge: Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman Khan

Email address:

Marks Distribution
Terminal: 50
Midterm + Lab Assignment: 30
Lab: 20
Total: 100

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• Numerical methods are techniques by which mathematical problems are formulated
so that they can be solved with arithmetical and logical operations.
• Because digital computers excel at performing such operations numerical methods
are sometimes referred to as computer mathematics.
• With the advent of fast, inexpensive digital computers, the role of numerical
methods in engineering and scientific problem solving has exploded.
• Numerical analysis is the branch of mathematics that is used to find approximations
to difficult problems such as finding the roots of non−linear equations, integration
involving complex expressions and solving differential equations for which
analytical solutions do not exist.
• It is applied to a wide variety of disciplines such as business, all fields of
engineering, computer science, education, geology, meteorology, and others.

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• They are capable of handling large systems of equations, nonlinear model and
complicated geometries that are not uncommon in engineering and science and that
are often impossible to solve analytically with standard calculus. As such they
greatly enhance your problem-solving skills.
• Numerical methods allow you to use "canned" software with insight.
• You can design your own programs to solve problems without having to buy or
commission expensive software.
1. Root finding and optimization

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2. Linear algebraic equations:

3. Curve Fitting:

4. Differentiation and integration:

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5. Differential equations:

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1. Introduction
• Fundamental numerical methods,
• Basic recursions and successive approximation,
• Floating Point Arithmetic Significant figures
• Accuracy and precision
• Error definitions
• Error types

2. Solution of non linear equation

• Graphical method
• Bisection method
• Regula Falsi/ False position method
• Newton Raphson method
• The Secant Method

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3. Solution of system of linear equations
• Gaussian elimination method
• Gauss Jordan Method
• LU Decomposition
• Inversion of matrix
• Gauss Siedel Method
4. Curve fitting and interpolation
• Least Square Method
• Newton’s forward and backward formula
• Lagrange’s method
• Extrapolation
• Inverse interpolation
5. Numerical Integration and Differentiation
• Newton’s Cotes Integration formula
• The trapezoidal rule
• Simpson’s rule
• Romberg Integrfation
• Differentiation Formulae
• Richardson’s extrapolation

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6. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
• Euler’s method
• Range-kutta Method
• Predictor Corrector method
• Boundary value problem

Recommended Books:
• Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB, 2nd Edition
By Steven C. Chapra
• Numerical Methods for Engineers
BySteven C. Chapra
• Numerical Method
By R.S. Salaria
• Applied Numerical Methods
By Terrance J Akai
• Applied Numerical Methods
By Curtis F Gerald
• An Introduction to Numerical Analysis,
By Kendal E Atkinson

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Basic Concepts in Numerical Analysis:
Error: Difference between true value and observed value is known as error.

Error = True Value − Observed Value

ABSOLUTE ERROR: This is the difference between the measured or calculated

value and the true value.

Absolute Error = |True Value − Observed Value|

RELATIVE ERROR: Relative error is ratio between absolute error and true value.
|True Value − Observed Value|
Relative Error = |True Value|
|True Value − Observed Value|
Percentage Error = × 100
|True Value|

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• ACCURACY: Accuracy
refers to how closely a
computed or measured
value agrees with the
true value.

• PRECISION: Precision
refers to how close
measured or computed
values agree with each
other after repeated.

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The objective is to
1. Develop detailed computational procedures,
2. Capable of being implemented on electronic computers,
3. To study their performance characteristics.

▪ The aim of this course is to learn to do mathematics with the computer.

In real life applications of mathematics, most of the time the calculations are too hard to
be completed with pencil and paper. Thus, we will learn how to use a computer to help

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