Excel Notes Pittm

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1)opening a workbook

2)home tab
2.2 paste option
2.3 cut option
2.4 text styles, sizes, alignment, wrap text
2.5 borders
2.6 merge cells, delete a row, column, format
2.7 conditional formatting
purpose: to highlight trends in a data with colors
2.8 currency, percentage, decimal, autosum
purpose: mathematical operations
2.9 sort and filter

3)insert tab
3.1 pivot table
purpose: to classify and summarize complex data
3.2 table option
purpose: organize data
3.3 illustrations
purpose: display any image relevant
3.4 recommended charts/charts
purpose: consolidate data in the form of charts
3.5-line, column, win/loss
purpose: for each data, a data comparison for it
3.6 slicers
purpose: visually represent data easily for pivot tables
3.7 hyperlinks/references

4)page layout
4.1 themes/colors/fonts
4.2 margins/orientation/size
4.3 print area/print titles
purpose: to select the area for printing
4.4 alignments
4.5 background

5.1 add/insert sheet
5.2 copy sheet
5.3 rename sheet
5.4 move sheet
5.5 color sheet
purpose: aesthetic/identification
5.6 protect sheet
purpose privacy reasons

6)status bar (the bottom most line with the zoom option thingy)
6.1 edit status
6.2 macro recording
purpose: automate repetitive tasks
6.2-page layout options
purpose: different view types
6.3 zoom in/out

*Overview done*


# How do we show/represent a data in its simplest form

# How do we show large data sets in different class/categories
# Why do we use a pivot table
# How to relate two pivot tables and correlate data with it?
# How do we show area-wise report and section-wise performance
# When do we use counts of particulars? percentages and averages for a data set?
# What graph to use to show which kind of data?
# How can we make it visually appealing?
# How to calculate sales/ sales trend/ profit and losses?
# How to bring about only numerical values to a data?
# How do we look up a value and relate with it
# What are the different functions that we use to compute a data?

*So, what do we need? and what has been taught to us so far?*


type of lookups and its method and purpose

1.1 general lookup
purpose: to look up a value based on the respective data (table) array
works for both vertical and horizontal tables
also, time save. vectoral lookup enables us to not only bring about a certain
value, it also helps us to bring an entire row/column with respect to lookup
note: if the respected value is not present, the function will assume its least previous
value and tabulates it

method: =LOOKUP(lookup_value,data array)

method2: =LOOKUP($lookup_value,$lookup_vector,[result vector])
note: make sure that your column name and your resultant table vector is the same
make sure that your required lookup value is locked, use F4 between the cell enter
and lock it

purpose: to look up a value on the respective vertical data (table) array
works only for vertical tables
method: =VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table array, col_index_num,0)
note: enter the column index number with respect to the data array selected
eg: if we want to find price(vlookup answer) of a product(lookup_value)
and if the "price" column is at the 4th position with respect to the data array
then enter 4.
sub note: we can use data validation for easier and faster navigation for the resultant
note2: for an exact match, type 0

1.3 Hlookup
purpose: to look up a value on the respective vertical data (table) array
works only for horizontal tables
method: =HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table array,row_index_num,0)

2.1 sum and its types in excel
purpose: to add and to arrive at a cumulative data
method: =SUM(respective cell range)
method2: use ALT+=

purpose: to add the number of entries above/below a specific value range
eg: sum of marks greater than 60 in math
method: =SUMIF(respective cell range, ">60")

purpose: when we are dealing with multiple criteria to find the total of a specific
method: =SUMIFS(sum_range,criteria range 1,repesctive second criteria)
note: you can use the function argument beside the text box for further clarity
your criteria’s must be with accordance to the question asked

2.2 average and its types in excel

purpose: to arrive at the average values for the cells
method: =AVERAGE(respective cell range)

purpose: to find the average number of entries above/below a specific value range
eg: average of marks greater than 60 in math
method: =AVERAGEIF(respective cell range, ">60")
purpose: to find average for more than one criterion given
method : =AVERAGEIFS(average_range,criteria range 1, respective second criteria)

purpose: to give the highest value in the range
method: =MAX(respective cell range)

purpose: to give the least value in the range
method: =MIN(respective cell range)

2.3 count and its types in excel

purpose: to count the number of entries/values for the respected cell range
method: =COUNTA(respected cell range)
note: used only for non-numeric values

purpose: to count the number of entries above/below a specific value range
eg: no. of students who scored more than 60
method: =COUNTIF(select range,">60")

purpose: to count the number of entries above/below a specific range with more than
one or more
method: =COUNTIFS(criteria range 1, criteria1, criteria range 2,criteria2...)
note: use the function argument beside the text box for easier access


3.1 Left
purpose: to get the left most characters
method: =left(text,number of characters you want)
eg: in the word "Apple" located in H4
and if I want "app" to be visible on my required cell J6
I enter =left(H4,3) on J6
3.2 Right
purpose: to get the right most characters
method: =right(text, number of characters you want)
eg: in the word "Apple" located in H4
and if I want "ple" to be visible on my required cell J6
I enter =right(H4,3) on J6
3.3 Length
purpose: to calculate length of the text (also includes spaces)
method: =Len(text)

3.4 Value
purpose: to convert text into values
method: =value(text)

an example given in PITTM excel temperature worksheet

at cell B6, the entry given is 82 ^F, since we need only the number 82 in the
temperature column
we enter the formula, =VALUE(LEFT(B6,LEN(B6)-3)) to get 82
note: length-any number will reduce the number of characters from right
note: we might have to use two or more functions in order to obtain the right value
use value function before it, to convert text into values, then use other function
so that excel can compute

3.5 Trim
purpose: to remove unwanted spaces in a text
method: =trim(text)

3.6 proper
purpose: to properly arrange the text in its order of writing
method: =proper(text)

3.7 Replace
purpose: to replace part of a text string with a different text string
method: =REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars,"new_text")

4)One way table, two-way table

4.1 One-way table
purpose: quick calculation across two variables, with one fixed variable in a tabular
method: enter the changing variable at the left column of the table, then the fixed
at the right side of it at the top,
then select the required fixed variable from the raw data, right click on the table
input data table values, the row input, as well as the column input cell
then tabulate.

4.2 Two-way table

purpose: quick calculation across two or more variable, with one fixed variable, and
two unfixed variables
in a tabular format
method: enter the changing variable (both) at the left column of the table, then the
fixed variable
at the right side of it at the top,
then select the required fixed variable from the raw data, right click on the table
input data table values, the row input, as well as the column input cell
then tabulate.

5)Conditional Formatting
purpose: aesthetic, quick representation of data through colors
explore options for representation
method: select data, select conditional formatting, edit and add rules, and color

6)Pivot tables
purpose: to arrange, classify, and simplify data according to our usefulness
method: select raw data>insert>insert pivot table>drag and drop headers
use functions and column, rows, and other value-based calculation
split according to convenience.

7)bar graphs, histograms, pie charts, etc.

purpose: to display data in a picture form, graph for easy understanding and face
method: select the data>insert graph>choose graph accordingly or use recommended
8)goal seek
8.1 goal seek
purpose: to estimate values for a given table, without a long tedious process
fixing one value and to find the respective other value
method: use what if analysis, using goal seek, set a particular cell, to value and
by changing the corresponding value seeker cell.

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