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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador:

_Proyecto Integrador_ My Biography_

Name: Karen Reyes Saldaña
Adviser: Fco. Alberto E. Moreno
Cluster: M7C1G33-006
_Module_ 7_

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador. My biography

Proyecto integrador:

a) Answer the questions about your past, present and future. Illustrate each section with a
photograph or image representing that stage of your life.
(Contesta las preguntas acerca de tu pasado, presente y futuro. Ilustra cada sección con una
fotografía o imagen que represente esa etapa de tu vida.)
My past

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

Paste a picture here.

Proyecto integrador:

Where were you born? I was born in Mexico City

Where did you live? Now I live in the state of Mexico
What were you doing before I worked in a 7-Eleven serving customers.
starting Prepa en Línea-SEP?

My achievements

What were the three most 1-I learned to work

important achievements in your 2-I continued with my studies.
life? 3-I have a job that I like.
Write about an experience in Three years ago I went from house to house and that was difficult
which you have overcome some for me because I missed two years of school and fell into
difficulty. depression, that is why now a year ago we have our own house and
I have been able to continue my studies.

My present and what I want to accomplish

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador:

Describe your school and work I work as a babysitter every day I don't have a break, most of
routine. the week I'm busy and the rest of the days I use to do my

What do you do in your free In my free time I watch series and I clean my house and
time? organize my routine for the next day.

What new skills or challenges The skills and challenges that I am going through are that I
are you trying to overcome? have to adjust my schedules since I will still enter a tattoo
course and I am a babysitter and now I have less time for
everything since I also have to submit my activities

Write about any difficulties in The difficulty I am having is the lack of time and an
this moment of your life. organization of my duties.

What are you doing to overcome I made a calendar with schedules to be able to carry out my
those difficulties? activities without stressing myself and to be able to have time
for myself in my day to day

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

My future and my goals and plans … Proyecto integrador:

What are your plans after I want to be a tattoo artist in a studio and be able to continue
completing Prepa en Línea- studying.

Would you like to study for a Yes, I want to study journalism is communication at UNAM.
degree? Which one? Which

What would you like to work on? I want to work in a tattoo studio.

What is your greatest goal? My main goal is to grow in my social networks as a tattoo
artist and travel the world

What challenges will you have to The challenges that I will face in order to achieve it will be the
face to achieve your goal? dedication and discipline day by day in my life to have order in
my times and schedules, to work hard to pay for my studies
and not give up.

b) Write a half-page reflection on what you learned during the modules "Mi mundo en otra lengua"
and "Mi vida en otra lengua" and how they contributed to your formation.

In this module 6 and module 7 I learned several things, for example, I managed toknow the
difference between the Present simple and the Present continuous, also the verbs in the past,
present and future. As well as the use of auxiliaries and prepositions. I also learned to
pronounce most words better, although I know I needmore practice. These modules taught
me to appreciate English more. Some time ago when I was studying high school I used them,
but as time went by I forgot them and now that I am studying again, I use them, although my
English is notvery good, but little by little I have learned to pronounce better. I managed to
get a good rating in both modules. Still, thanks to these modules I was able to learn the basics
of English.I know that this language is very important for the work and personal environment
that is why it is necessary to learn it at some point in our lives. These modules helped me to
think, get to know myself and reflect on the decisions that I will make in my life in the
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

coming years.
Proyecto integrador:

c) Record the questions and answers of your biography (point a), as well as the reflection (point
b). Save your audio in a cloud and share the link in this space. Remember do not exceed over
than 2 minutes.
(Graba las preguntas y respuestas de tu biografía (inciso a), así como la reflexión (inciso b).
Guarda tu audio en una nube y comparte la liga en este espacio. Recuerda no exceder más de
2 minutos.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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