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"Eye of Lila" (Pillar of Peace Activation) from May 2012

The Eye of Lilla: ...It is taking that configuration of the Shield of Solomon and putting it into
relation to those fields that are activated and opened...
 you activated and raised your rod in order to open all those things... you can do the hand
positions and just breath just to energize those structures.  You can amp it and help it along a
little bit but once the structures are opened they will stay open. this is showing where the Shield of Solomon fits on the biology and this is ... right there in
the 3rd eye area... through the pineal...
. remember we have the white blue core and we are referring to that as the stealth shield. And
then there is the blue part of the shield and then the inner Alhumbhra. And there are areas in your
field that are actually going to go through that same transfiguration that the metatronic frequency
is going to go through, but remember that it is quarantined so it is not going to go through the
blue levels of your own self or your Aurora levels. But these two levels will transmute after
October when the Shield of Solomon over saturates and those areas goes to space-dust they will
also disappear out of your own field but these will progressively be opening in your own field so
you will still have the stability and you will still be able to run the Alhumbhra frequencies that
will be bringing you through the sub-frequency bands of green and violet and carried by the blue
and the white blue core. they refer to this as the still point eye at the center of the storm of Lilla. And actually Lilla is
through the process of materialization and manifestation that we talked about... is how energy is
coming in through source through various structures and various bodies (spirit body light body)
and manifesting out through you to literally create the hologram you walk around in. That
happens to individuals and planets and masses of people. So it is the dance of the illusion or the
of the manifest forms around you that are actually manifesting through you that is referred to as
the Lilla. It can be a dance or it can be a storm for it means both. Now it is a bit stormy because
we have a bit of metatronics running and they will eventually self-terminate basically. They will
go space dust and then we will have much more peace.
We are activating the Alhumbhras so that creates stability through the entire shield - your own
and the Shield of Solomon. And you have these places inside you that have not been un-touched
by the metatronic. Particularly in here that corresponds with the white blue shield, that is where
we have the still point at the center. This will be the still point of the eye of Lilla that is going to
go all around you when the world is going to get stormy. It is not only the Aquaferian shield that
is moving through this. It is the Galactic shield and the solar shield and the planetary shield. So
we are going to see allot of strange things popping up and then we can realize that what we are
watching is the externalization of the dance of Lilla on a mass level occurring.
And if we can realize that we can pull ourselves into here and there is a particular and very
simple meditation that they are going to have us use whenever this activation comes in, where
you literally go into this still space. What you are doing is to actually go into that still point area
of your bio field and into the host in your own bio field that allows you to watch the storm and
not get drowned by it.
 There are certain techniques that they will eventually give us in how to interact more effectively
with the storm. Once you are in that still point you can see the cows and trees and stuff flying by
and you can realize that all kind of stuff you like is flying by as well and you can slow it down
into a band and slow it down so that you can see what parts you want to freeze-frame and bring
the Alhumbhra directly into.
The way you can bring the Alhumbhra directly into it is because you are at the still point and
inside of that is what is called the pillar of peace and that is the direct frequency line coming in
through the 13th bridge coming in through the Alhumbhra. So that will be like listening to the
Pillar of Peace... that is where you can direct that pale golden silver sparkly light of the
Alhumbhra into any little freeze frame you pulled out that was flying by you tornado... and that
is where you can begin to... do not worry about how they fix it... drag it in for a minute... zap it
with the light... and put it back. “Move on” and stay centered.
The ability to center at this level will allow you to also centre biochemically. When the planet is
being dragged around with metatronics flying around (and the krystic people are trying to pull
away from that) it drags your elemental body all over the place it drags your bio-chemicals
around. It is very hard to stay stable when your bio-chemicals are being dragged all over the
place because you are still in chemical form here. This is the beginning to choose and create
stability with the frequencies that is now available, to create stability regardless of what is flying
around you. Where you can choose what you will engage with and what you will not engage
 I was so grateful when that opened...                                                                          elemental
assault was literally trying to take me from the inside out...                                         being able to
go into that space was really special to me where I could get the drama off me enough to know
that “this is me”...                                                                                   
       It is a space that you can progressively open inside yourself. You learn to set what should
have been natural boundaries around yourself... and we often do because our elements are part of
that structure and that drags our elemental bodies into it and that drags our bio-chemicals into
that nonsense and it is very hard to keep anything that resembles functional stability when these
things activates...
So this is just showing that we have with the host the structure of the Shield of Solomon right
within our own bio-field structure and in that center we have the pillar of peace and we have the
still point around that and that is the visualization that we can use to experience that state of
consciousness and that state of frequency more fully.
Close your eyes and imagine that you are in that big first ball. Remember we have the eckasha
burner flames around us. That is where it starts. Remember we have the burner parts down below
our feet that make up a big Eckasha flame... and try to feel yourself inside all those Eckasha
flames with the smaller one that is closer to your body and the other one is a little further out.
Out from there there is this beautiful pillar with pretty much pale milky white but with a little bit
of pale golden silver sparkles just counter rotating, it has a part that rotates clockwise and a part
counter clockwise really gentle and slow, it is a particular time wave that is carrying the 12 12 5
3 bpr instead of going fast fast fast that the metatronic spiral infers.
See yourself inside of your pillar inside of your flames...I often see myself on this big round
platform that I am sitting on and it feels comfortable like a couch or a bed like the creation spot
in the centre of our pod. I can feel this huge pillar around the perimeter of it and I can feel myself
sitting inside of it in my flames. If I really don’t want to deal with any of the storm flying around
me right now then I can make the pillar as opaque as necessary to block it out and just breathe
vertically. Just breathe in the pillar of peace frequencies and just flood myself with them until my
body start going as pale white luminescent as the flames and the pillar around me. It is a visual
that you can use to nook (?) yourself into that space...
Sometimes you are too tired to visualize yourself..
Sometimes you are too tired to visualize yourself sitting up visualize yourself lying down. I
sometimes make this cocoon of energy around me and it kind of feels like angel wings wrapped
around me. When I need to really recharge and regenerate that is where I go and it is very real.
The more you put yourself there the more you realize how real that space gets and the more real
that space gets the less real and the less intimidating the Lilla gets.
We already have the Eye of Lilla, but now “the pillar of peace” will be anchoring down and it is
something that will be coming up and down. The one that comes up from the bottom goes all the
way up and the one that comes down from the top goes all the way down. They pass through
each other and it creates that rotating pillar inside of yourself and that is where you can draw that
pale golden silver Alhumbhra light and point it at whatever you need to point it at to heal so that
it resets its highest Krystic expression whatever that is. It does not mean that it will only get
perfect and transforms into what you like it to be like...
...anchoring the pillar of Peace:                                                                                     
...Inhale and hold...on the exhale, exhale up and down simultaneously                                     and
then back a that... now inhale and bring in the pillar of peace. Exhale and push it out
around you... now breath a little bit from the top and from the bottom into the heart chakra. Hold
and push it down to the DhA center.
Breath in from the top and the bottom into the heart center and push it down to the DhA center
and try to feel it spread through your body while the pills will stay about a diameter as a tube.
You can also breathe in from the tube without taking any energy from it. Breathe that also into
the heart chakra and send it down to the DhA center. You can also take a few breaths from the
heart chakra and send it to the tube around you and build that.

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