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you never know when inspiration will strike [Music] ouch you could call a dentist or just do this if

only toothpaste wasn't so hard to squeeze out this calls for drastic measures start your engine we'll
need to do something to save the teeth you've still got our little friend here will help us get our
money's worth [Music] think of what you'll save by not having to buy new tubes it practically pays
for itself you know popping pimples can be bad for your skin luckily our new friend here will let you
do it with no risk involved with pores this big we'll need some tweezers now you can satisfy the
dermatologist inside all of us this looks like a tough one especially when it does that [Music]
someone likes sunflower seeds you know they make shampoos for that [Music] [Applause] [Music]
an assistant does he have references i guess when you can shell seats like this your work speaks for
itself some messy eaters need all the help they can get the one thing better than a waffle maker is a
cute waffle maker bring on the batter [Applause] oh they really plumped up [Music] with something
this cute we need colorful toppings [Music] well maybe we can make it cute too good idea half with
the olds app without commence the toppings breakfast is as good as any time for fun videos oh well
no use crying over spilled juice thanks huggy wuggy what'd you get instamorph by the looks of it it
first needs a little soak [Music] [Applause] now that it's nice and squishy mold it into whatever you
need [Music] oh a bracelet something tells me this is just step one wow now his phone has the best
seat in the house his wrist [Music] that mr waggy sure is generous can we juggle them [Music] crying
or spitting at least they're helping with the dishes thanks to these guys the whole family will want
dish pan hands now who wants a drink [Music] wow an edible tattoo i guess you just give it a lick
nothing like the direct approach [Music] probably should let grandma know it's just a temp tattoo
[Music] or maybe not she'll want them for herself [Music] guess those tattoos weren't too filling
good idea nothing satisfies hunger like a good burrito or taco and we've got just the gadget to help it
catches everything making one taco into dose [Music] but why stop it just too [Music] okay at some
point we're probably gonna lose count could there be such a thing as too many tacos eh more for
the rest of us [Music] that really need a spit take huggy wuggy's been doing that all day wow
everything's freezing up we've got ice cream yeah let's try again without putting it in your mouth
first [Music] needs a little something aha sprinkles also known as jimmy's and a pickle well they used
to make cucumber ice cream [Music] oh don't cry how about some more of that ice cream [Music]
oh wow well i guess he did need a hug and now he's taking it outside looks like she doesn't want her
ice cream can i have hers [Music] wow a filter nozzle let's see it in action [Music] this is why you
need your plumber on speed dial screw this filter on tight we really need it much better but seriously
you should call a plumber [Music] wow a pasta maker well after a big day of eating we sure could
use some pasta [Music] just mix up the ingredients and we'll get noodles in no time and we can
experiment with the recipe too [Music] after all everything's better is pasta think it's good now wait
till we add the sauce [Music] finally we get huggy woggy's big face reveal and a face like this needs to
be shared with the world and with this printer all you need to make copies is a phone [Music] look at
that a magnetic list it really gives you a good look at things [Music] it's like a metal detector right at
your fingertips granted things might be cheaper than they appear a toddler carrier put it on it's a
perfect fit now we just need a toddler to test it out cool oh no a baby doll is in distress looks like a
job for the carrier and the day is saved thanks to the carrier [Music] cool a miracle bag does it grant
wishes [Music] oh i see you can keep a drink in this bag and you can pour it out whenever you need
it always keep hydrated on the go [Music] finally save yourself from movie theater soda prices
[Music] you'll be the real star of the cinema oh no we'll let the window open bug repelling pants yes
it's for where you need the most [Music] wow now you can enjoy a walk in the woods or cutting
back on bug bites and without all those aerosol cans [Music] a polaroid candy pen let's try it out we
just need to let all this chocolate melt [Music] and this pen is presumably supposed to do something
yeah yeah not exactly a fondue party is it what'll they think of next catch you next time

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