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A Method for Pattern Recognition of WOR Plots in Waterflood Management

Article · March 2005

DOI: 10.2118/93870-MS

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2 authors:

Zhengming Yang I. Ershaghi

Aera Energy LLC University of Southern California


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SPE 93870

A Method for Pattern Recognition of WOR Plots in Waterflood Management

Zhengming Yang, SPE, EXGEO(CGG Venezuela), Iraj Ershaghi, SPE, University of Southern California

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

Detection of poor vertical conformance, as caused by presence
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2005 SPE Western Regional Meeting held in of high permeability layers, is critical in the management of
Irvine, CA, U.S.A., 30 March – 1 April 2005.
optimized waterfloods. Performance data from producing
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
fields are often depicted in the form of certain diagnostic plots.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Among them, relating the instantaneous water oil ratio or
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at some function of this parameter to the cumulative oil
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
production has been a routine basis for managing waterfloods.
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous Based on the solution of the one-dimensional Buckley–
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Leverett equation and under the assumption of exponential
functional relation of the relative permeability ratio with
Abstract saturation, Ershaghi et al [3,4] proposed the so-called X-plot to
Pressure maintenance by waterflooding is a prominent interpret and forecast recoveries based on the historical
recovery process in many of California oilfields. Majority of performance of a well or a group of wells. This derivation
these turbidite sandstone reservoirs contain highly provided a basis for the use of empirical method of Water/oil
heterogeneous permeability profiles affected by alternation of ratio (WOR) diagnostic plots [5]. These plots have also been
sand shale sequences and the clay content. A typical signature proposed as a convenient method to identify mechanisms
of such heterogeneous profiles is often the existence of a high causing excessive water production [6-7]. These observations
permeability streak serving as a ”thief zone”. Mechanical or should be in conjunction with other available reservoir and
chemical blocking of such layers on the injection or well completion data. Drawing general conclusions for solving
production side has been an objective of water flood the water production problems from field observation must be
management. handled with care. For example, Chan [6] suggested that rapidly
increasing WOR curves with positive derivative slopes are
This paper presents a novel method for using a series of indicative of water channeling, and gradually increasing WOR
customized type curves to scrutinize the WOR characteristics curves with negative derivative slopes are indicative of coning
plots of producing wells in stratified reservoirs. From a library problems. Based on simulation studies, Seright [8]
of systematically generated performance plots for several demonstrated that in many cases, multi-layer channeling
combination of rock and fluid properties, and various problems could easily be mistaken as bottom water coning,
architectural position of the high permeability zone, the actual and vice versa, concluding that slope of WOR diagnostic plots
data for a given well or a group of wells can be matched should not be used in isolation to identify mechanisms for
against various patterns to identify the degree of heterogeneity excessive water production. A more realistic approach is to
and the potential existence of a high permeability streak. narrow down the problem and make the diagnostic plots more
With such a pattern recognition tool, opportunities to enhance field-condition specific. Together with other information,
the performance of individual wells or group of wells can be these customized plots then should be able to help diagnose
ascertained. Additionally, the impact of permeability some of the mechanisms responsible for excessive water
modification by mechanical or deep chemical zonal isolation production.
has also been studied. In brief, we have generated yardsticks
by which the effectiveness of wellbore isolation or in-depth The purpose of this study is to develop diagnostic plots of
plugging of high permeability streak can be examined. water oil ratio vs. oil recovery and/or time with a focus on
stratified systems and in the presence of a thief zone. Further
Introduction more, based on reservoir simulation studies, we have
Many oilfields in the Los Angeles Basin are currently under examined the effectiveness of fluid diversion in such systems
waterflood. Because of stratified nature of these sandstone by various measures.
reservoirs, inefficient vertical conformances are very common
mobility ratios (M) from 0.1 to 30, modified aspect ratios (RL)
from 0-8 and heterogeneity indices (KHR) from 0 to 0.9.
Development of the Diagnostic Plots
Diagnostic plots for this study were designed based Simulation Model
on mechanistic description of the oil-water displacement for Individual runs were conducted on a model consisting of a
stratified reservoirs. From the point of view of immiscible layered reservoir for 1/8 section of a symmetric 5-spot well
displacement in stratified systems, three main parameter pattern consisting of one injector and one producer, as shown
groups are considered; mobility ratio M, modified aspect ratio in Figure 2.
RL [12,13] and reservoir heterogeneity defined by heterogeneity
index KHR. As shown in Figure 1, stratified reservoirs For our simulation runs, we used the Corey-type relative
represented by equivalent systems, may be grouped into by permeability equations in exponential forms:
three types:
Sw − Swir
Krw = Krwm ( ) nw (4)
Homogeneous and anisotropic reservoirs (Type I) are defined 1 − Sorw − Swir
by only two lumped parameters M and RL. Stratified reservoirs
1 − Sw − Sorw now
with cross flow (Type II) are characterized by M, RL and Krow = Krom ( ) (5)
KHR. Layered reservoirs without cross flow (Type III) are 1 − Sorw − Swc
characterized by only two lumped parameters M and a KHR.
These parameter groups are defined as follows: From our sensitivity studies, for the purpose of diagnostic type
curve matching, we noted that the critical parameters are the
K rwm K rom fluid viscosities and the end points. The curvature of the
M = (1)
µw µo relative permeability plots as affected by the exponential
values nw and now when in the range of 1.5 and 2.0 were
found not to be greatly affecting the type curves.
L kV
RL = (2)
H kH Type Curves for Specified Lumped Parameters
Results generated for a multitude of reservoir and
∑ ( kh )
flow conditions were plotted in the form of type curves.
(3) These plots were examined on the basis of certain

∑ ( kh )
characteristics that included the extent of recovery before
breakthrough, the shape of the WOR rise after breakthrough,
where krom and krwm are end point relative permeability values, presence or absence of a stabilized WOR period while
µO and µW are fluid viscosities; and kV/kH is the vertical to realizing incremental recoveries and the manner for final rise
horizontal permeability ratio. KHR is defined as the fraction of in WOR, as shown in Figure 4.
flow capacity in thief zone over the total flow capacity, where
∑S(kh) is the summation of flow capacity in the thief zone and Theoretical Expectations
As predicted by the fractional flow curve, for a
∑H(kh) is the summation of total flow capacity over the whole homogeneous system, one expects a breakthrough WOR
producing interval including thief zones. As a minimum, and exceeding 1. Breakthrough WOR’s of less than one signifies
from a practical point of view, for a given producing well, the the presence of a stratified system. This is caused by
fluid viscosities µO and µW, the reservoir thickness H and well composite performance including clean oil from tighter layers
spacing L should be known. The relative permeability end and breakthrough water from more permeable ones. As such,
points can be obtained from core flood tests. Vertical-to- stratified systems that exhibit substantial recoveries before
horizontal permeability ratio may be estimated from core WOR reaches to 50% are indicative of uniform permeability
analysis or other geological inferences [9]. profiles.
Heterogeneity is interpreted in geological terms as changes in Application
facies types. For mathematical modeling purpose, however, The type curve library generated in this study and
heterogeneity can be described by variations in petrophysical available as a matching tool allows recognition of the impact
properties, such as porosity and permeability in the of a thief zone as well as a basis for long term recovery
longitudinal and transverse directions. In building the forecast at a given economic limit WOR.
simulation model, formation heterogeneity can be described
by permeability contrast and vertical permeability. Base Case
We examined a Type I system (no thief zone) with a
Our study focused on the uniformity of permeability profile. focus on mobility ratio. As shown in Figure 5, for such a
The parameter KHR is proposed to describe the flow capacity system, one can expect substantial recoveries before
of the high permeability thief zone as fraction of the total breakthrough for light oil reservoirs and lesser amounts for
system flow capacity. medium gravities. For medium gravity oils, recoveries will
continue with an exponential rise in WOR.
A series of type curves were generated from multitude of
simulation runs with realistic parameter ranges covering As shown in Figure 6, for Type I systems, the influence of
conditions for waterflooding of light-medium oil, with kv/kH as represented by RL seems to be minimal on the type
SPE 93870 3

curve. Recovery expectation at high WOR can be seen from Type Curve Matching for Field Diagnostics
the type curves. For example, for light oil with M=1, taking Results of the simulation runs were indexed into a
the economic WOR as 50, indicates an ultimate fractional spreadsheet database for generation of customized type curves.
recovery of 0.525 which is 1.3 times the recovery observed at This methodology allows generation of the type curves closest
WOR=1. For a medium gravity oil (M=10), the ultimate to the actual field characteristics for given estimation of the
recovery at the same WOR is 0.46 which is 2.6 times the applicable mobility ratio. The matching process can be done
recovery at WOR=1, indicating a lower recovery at WOR=1 by an iterative process for the estimation of the cross flow as
and the longer flooding period required to realize that represented by RL.
recovery. This means that by examining the performance data,
after ascertaining that no thief zone is affecting the The number of simulation runs is limited to discrete values
performance, and using realistic estimates of mobility ratio, assumed for M, RL and KHR. In this study, Simulation runs
one can predict ultimate recoveries given the observed were made on combination of the following values:
recovery at WOR=1.
M: 0.1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,10,15,20,25, 30.
Presence of a Thief Zone (Type II Systems) RL 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.
For the same range of mobility ratios shown for the KHR 0, 0.3, 0.5,0.7, 0.9.
base case, predicted recoveries before breakthrough for both
light and medium gravity oil drop are substantially lower. A That is a total of 480 simulation runs. For fractional values in
major signature for the light oil is the development of a between, an interpolation routine was developed to generate
stabilized period where increasing amounts of recoveries are the type curves from the results of the simulation runs in the
realized before the final rise of WOR. database.

Effect of the KHR on Type II systems Figure 13 shows a comparison between direct simulation and
Figures 7 and 8 show the impact of KHR for interpolation. The error caused by interpolation is insignificant
type II reservoirs and for light to medium gravity oils and will not affect the physical meaning and application of the
respectively. For a favorable mobility ratio of 1, diagnostic plots.
recoveries at WOR=1 are minimally affected by the
presence of a thief zone as long as the flow capacity of Effectiveness of Mechanical Blocking
the zone I less than 50 % of the total flow capacity, that With the recognition of the presence of a thief zone,
is, KHR<0.5. Thief zones, which by the virtue of their K improvements can be obtained in the flood performance with
and/or H constitute 70% or more of the flow capacity, some method of profile control. There are several techniques
can cause a significant drop in the recovery at WOR=1 that have been proposed for handling of the fluid diversion
while the recoveries at WOR=50 are very similar. from the thief zone in a layered reservoir [10-11]. These include,
cement squeeze, polymer squeeze, combination squeeze and
For an unfavorable mobility ratio of 10, both the liner/casing patches and zonal isolation. With the capabilities
recoveries at WOR=1 and at WOR=50 are considerably developed in this study to examine the influence of cross flow,
affected by thief zone with flow capacities of 0.5 or we also made an attempt to scrutinize the required extent of
higher. in-depth plugging before significant improvement is observed
in the water flood.
Impact of Aspect Ratio RL
Figures 9 and 10 show the effect of KHR and RL In case with no cross flow between the bulk formation and the
of the reservoirs. Here the influence of cross-flow between the thief zone, as shown in Figure 14, the earlier the mechanical
bulk of the formation and the thief zone is examined. In both blocking and the zonal isolation is exercised, the sooner the
cases, the displacement systems approach the vertical flow ultimate recovery is realized. In the mean time, the
equilibrium (VFE) limit, which enhances the recovery before homogeneous case of KHR=0 can be approximately
breakthrough at RL’s of around 8. considered as the limit of the water flood efficiency for a
heterogeneous case by blocking measure.
Structural Positioning of the Thief Zone
Our type curve studies show that the recovery before For layered formation with large aspect ratio (strong cross
breakthrough and the overall WOR patterns are independent of flow) as shown in Figure 15, it is evident that the superficially
various setting of the thief zone for no or low cross flows, as blocking high permeability streak at the sandface is not
shown in Figure 11. For higher cross flows, still with minimal effective in improving the performance. There is great
changes in the early recoveries before the breakthrough, the potential of improvement bases on comparison with the
role of gravity becomes important depending on the homogeneous case. In this case, other in-depth blocking
positioning of the thief zones, as shown in Figure 12. Here, methods such as polymer gel injection may be necessary to
the gravity negatively impacts the water flood performance for improve the water flood efficiency.
a thief zone located in the bottom of the stack.
Effectiveness of In-Depth Polymer Gel Blocking
Figures 16 through 19 show the simulation results of
in-depth plugging with different blocking depth and for
4 SPE 93870

different levels of RL (cross flow). The effect of polymer

blocking measure is modeled by reducing the permeability of A spread-sheet Program allowing the generation of the
the thief zone value at different penetrating depth from diagnostic plots and history matching the actual data may be
injection and production wells in the reservoir model. It is obtained from
evident that in-depth blocking is much more efficient for
formations with strong cross flow. Also, minimal depth of Acknowledgements
plugging will result in similar observations as in the case This study was sponsored by U S DOE PUMP
observed for superficial isolation. For cases with substantial program and a grant from the California Energy Commission
cross flow, the in-depth plug may need to be as deep as 1/3 the (CEC). We thank Mr. Tony Wong and Pramod Kulkarni from
spacing between the injector and the producer as shown in CEC for their support during the course of this study.
Figure 19.
Field Case Study
The case study below is from one producer under 1. J. Roberston, J. Blesssner and S. SooHoo: “Subzone Re-
waterflood. The well produces light oil of viscosity 1.2 cp Development of the Long Beach Unit, Wilmington
from the reservoir. The spacing between injector and producer Oilfield, A Case Study, JPT, Oct. 1987 (1229-1236).
is 330 ft and the formation is 200 ft thick. For other 2. M.K. (Val) Lerma: “Analytical Method to Predict
information, water viscosity is estimated at 0.59 cp, end point Waterflood Performance” paper SPE 83511 (May 2003).
of oil relative permeability is estimated at 1.0 and water 3. Ershaghi, I. and Omoregie, O.: ‘‘A Method for
relative permeability is estimated at 0.15. Based on other Extrapolation of Cut vs. Recovery Curves,’’ JPT (1978)
information, the vertical to horizontal permeability ratio is 203.
high for this formation and is estimated at 0.8. High permeable 4. Ershaghi, I. and Abdassah, D.: ‘‘A Prediction Technique
thief zone is generally in the middle of the producing interval. for Immiscible Processes Using Field Performance Data,’’
Based on these information, the lumped parameters can be JPT (1984) 664.
estimated as M = 0.407 and RL = 1.476. Among the three 5. Lo, K.K., Warner, H.R. Jr., and Johnson, J.B.: ‘‘A Study
main lumped parameters, estimates of M and RL are better of the Post- Breakthrough Characteristics of
known. One of the purposes of analysis by the diagnostic Waterfloods,’’ paper SPE 20064 presented at the 1990
plots is to estimate the parameter KHR and also to apply the SPE California Regional Meeting, Ventura, California 4–
diagnostic plots to evaluate the potential of improved 6 April.
waterflood efficiency from this formation. 6. Chan, K.S.: ‘‘Water Control Diagnostic Plots,’’ paper
SPE 30775 presented at the 1995 SPE Annual Technical
Figure 20 shows the results of the diagnostic plot analysis for Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 22–25 October.
the case with the thief zone in the middle of the producing 7. Yortsos, Y., Choi, Y. and Yang Z.M.: “Analysis and
interval. The parameter KHR is estimated at 0.7. Therefore, Interpretation of Water/Oil Ratio in Waterfloods”, SPE
the permeability heterogeneity is severe in this field. Journal, (Dec. 1999) 413-424.
Considering the homogeneous case (KHR=0) as the limit of 8. Seright, R. S., Lane, R. H. and Sydansk, R. D.: “A
the water flood efficiency improvement by any blocking Strategy for Attacking Excess Water Production”, SPE
measure, there would be improvement if blocking measures 70067, Midland, Texas, 15–16 May 2001.
were taken in the early time of water breakthrough. 9. Weber, K.J: “Influence of Common Sedimentary
Structures on Fluid Flow in Reservoir Models”, Journal of
Summary and Conclusions Petroleum Technology (March 1982) 665-672.
Based on analytical modeling and reservoir 10. R J Fulleylove, J C Morgan, D G Stevens and D.R
simulation studies, water flood response in wells producing Thrasher: “Water Shut-Off in Oil Production Wells -
from stratified reservoirs have been estimated in terms of Lessons from 12 Treatments SPE # 36211, SPE Meeting
WOR diagnostic plots. In particular the influence of a thief Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 1996.
zone on the oil recovery at the system breakthrough (WOR=1) 11. M.K. Lerma and M. A.Giuliani: “Cost-Effective Methods
as a function of mobility ratio and cross flow has been of Profile Control in Mature Waterflood Injectors,” SPE
characterized for different levels of heterogeneity index. The 27849, SPE Western Regional Meeting 1994.
type curve method allows a rapid method for history matching 12. Lake, L.W., “Enhanced Oil Recovery”, Prentice Hall,
of performance data characterizing the influence of an existing New York (1989).
thief zone and allowing estimates of ultimate recovery based 13. L.P. Dake, “The Practice of Reservoir Engineering
on recoveries observed at WOR=1. (Revised Edition)”, Elsevier Science Pub Co (May 2001).

In this study, the effectiveness of superficial or in-depth

plugging has also been examined. In the presence of cross
flow between the bulk of the formation and the thief zone,
superficial isolation is not effective and a substantial depth of
treatment must be considered before in-depth plugging can
improve the performance.
Figure 1. Equivalent Systems to Stratified Reservoirs.
Figure 4. Basic Features of the Type Curves.

Figure 2. Well Pattern Used in the Simulation Study.

Figure 5. Effect of Mobility Ratio for

Homogeneous Formation.

Figure 3. Effect of the Curvature of Relative

Permeability on Diagnostic Plot.

Figure 6. Effect of RL on WOR plots for

Homogeneous Formation.
6 SPE 93870

Figure 7. Effect of Mobility Ratio for Heterogeneous Figure 10. Effect of RL on WOR Plots for
Formation. Heterogeneous Formation.

Figure 8. Effect of KHR for Favorable Mobility Ratio.

Figure 11. Effect of the modified aspect Ratio RL on

WOR plots (RL =0.5).

Figure 9. Effect of KHR for Unfavorable Mobility for

Unfavorable Mobility Ratio.
SPE 93870 7

Figure 12. Effect of the Modified Aspect Ratio RL on

WOR Plots (RL =2.0). Figure 14. Effect of Mechanical Blocking on WOR
Plots for Heterogeneous Formation With RL =0.

Figure 13. Comparison Between Direct Simulation Figure. 15. Ineffectiveness of mechanical isolation timing
and Interpolation. on WOR behavior when high cross flows exist in the
8 SPE 93870

Figure 16. Effect of Blocking Depth, M=4, RL=1, KHR=0.7). Figure 19. Effect of Blocking Depth (M=4, RL=4, KHR=0.7).

Figure 17. Effect of Blocking Depth (M=4, RL=2 , KHR=0.7). Figure 20. Diagnostic Plots Results for the Field Case Study.

Figure 18. Effect of Blocking Depth (M=4, RL=3, KHR=0.7).

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