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Name: ………………………….. Grade: X Div: ………. Date: ………………
Experiment No: Teacher’s Signature: ………….….
Title: Mass of metre rule using Principle of moments
Aim: To determine the mass of the metre rule by applying the Principle of moments.

Apparatus: A metre scale, a mounted knife edge, weights from a weight box
a p p r o x i m a t e l y e q u a l t o t h e w e i g h t o f t h e m e t r e s c a l e ( weight having
a very short length of thread attached),a hook wv

ith thread attached.

Use the spring balance to measure weight of the given metre scale.
Balance the metre scale on the mounted knife edge and record the position of its
centre of gravity, O. (see. Fig.1).

Keep the Knife edge at 60 cm mark of the scale and balance it horizontally by
suspending the known weight towards the shorter side of the scale.
At the balanced position of the scale note the cm mark on the metre scale to note the
position of the fulcrum and of the known weight.
Record the distance, Y cm (see fig. 2) which is the distance from O to the position of
suspension of the known weight (effort arm) and P cm the load arm by considering
the position of the load at the centre of gravity of the given scale.

Repeat the procedure, by changing the position of the fulcrum at the 65 cm and 70
cm. Note the corresponding values of Y and P. Tabulate and record your observation
as shown below:
Position of l1=(Y) cm l2=(P) cm l1 Y Weight of the metre
fulcrum (O) = l1
l2 P
scale, W1=W2 x
60 cm
65 cm
70 cm

Mean weight of the given scale=________________


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