Passive and Active Voice

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PASSIVE AND ACTIVE VOICE. Change each sentence into passive voice. 1) Julia rescued three cats. __________________________________________.

2) The students handed in the reports. __________________________________________. 3) Maria crashed into the blue car. __________________________________________. 4) Alex learned the poem. __________________________________________. 5) Steven has forgotten the book. __________________________________________. 6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder. __________________________________________. 7) They play handball. __________________________________________. 8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor. __________________________________________. 9) The girls had lost the match. __________________________________________. 10) The teacher is not going to open the window. __________________________________________.

Write passive or active in each line properly. ____________ They listen to music. ____________ She is reading an e-mail. ____________ These cars are produced in Japan. ____________ Alan teaches Geography. ____________ German is spoken in Austria. ____________ Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake. ____________ Henry Ford invented the assembly line. ____________ The bus driver was hurt. ____________ You should open your workbooks. ____________ Houses have been built.

Write passive o active in each line properly.

_______________ Boys like to play soccer. _______________ This room has been painted blue. _______________ Cricket is played in Australia. _______________ I am given a book. _______________ We have lost our keys. _______________ You might see dolphins here. _______________ The report must be completed by next Friday. _______________ They were singing a song. _______________ A letter was written to her. _______________ The bike is being repaired.

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice There are two special forms for verbs called voice: 1. Active voice 2. Passive voice The active voice is the "normal" voice. This is the voice that we use most of the time. You are probably already familiar with the active voice. In the active voice, the object receives the action of the verb: active subject verb object > Cats eat fish.

The passive voice is less usual. In the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb: passive subject verb < Fish are eaten by cats. object

The object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb:

subject active


object water.

Everybody drinks

passive Water Passive Voice

is drunk by everybody.

The passive voice is less usual than the active voice. The active voice is the "normal" voice. But sometimes we need the passive voice. In this lesson we look at how to construct the passive voice, when to use it and how to conjugate it. Construction of the Passive Voice The structure of the passive voice is very simple: subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle) The main verb is always in its past participle form. Look at these examples: subject auxiliary verb (to be) is are not am are they paid paid paid main verb (past participle) drunk employed by everyone. by this company. in euro. in dollars. in yen?

Water 100 people I We Are

Use of the Passive Voice We use the passive when:

we want to make the active object more important

we do not know the active subject subject verb was killed object by Lee Harvey Oswald. ?

give importance to active object (President Kennedy) active subject unknown

President Kennedy My wallet

has been stolen.

Note that we always use by to introduce the passive object (Fish are eaten by cats).

Look at this sentence:

He was killed with a gun.

Normally we use by to introduce the passive object. But the gun is not the active subject. The gun did not kill him. He was killed by somebody with a gun. In the active voice, it would be: Somebody killed him with a gun.
The gun is the instrument. Somebody is the "agent" or "doer".

Conjugation for the Passive Voice We can form the passive in any tense. In fact, conjugation of verbs in the passive tense is rather easy, as the main verb is always in past participle form and the auxiliary verb is always be. To form the required tense, we conjugate the auxiliary verb. So, for example:

present simple: It is made present continuous: It is being made present perfect: It has been made

Here are some examples with most of the possible tenses:

INFINITIVE present past simple future

to be washed It is washed. It was washed. It will be washed.

conditional It would be washed. present past continuous future It will be being washed. It is being washed. It was being washed.

conditional It would be being washed. present past perfect simple future It will have been washed. It has been washed. It had been washed.

conditional It would have been washed. present past perfect continuous future It will have been being washed. It has been being washed. It had been being washed.

conditional It would have been being washed.

EXERCISE: Write Passive or Active voice on blanks. 1. I ate a piece of chocolate cake. _______________

2. The librarian read the book to the students. 3. The money was stolen. 4. They are paid on Fridays. 5. The movie is being made in Hollywood. 6. I washed my car three weeks ago. 7. His hair was cut by a professional. 8. I will introduce you to my boss this week. 9. It would have been fixed on the weekend. 10. The national anthem is being sung by Jason this time.

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

SIMPLE PRESENT 1) Mr Jones watches the film. ________________________________________ 2) Over 200 thousand people speak English. ________________________________________ 3) He reads comics. ________________________________________ 4) We play volleyball. _______________________________________ _5) They sing the song. ________________________________________ 6) I take photos. ________________________________________ 7) She does the housework. ________________________________________ 8) The policemen help the children. _______________________________________ _9) He writes text messages. ________________________________________ 10) Mother waters the flowers. ________________________________________ 11) Is Alex writing a letter to his girlfriend? ________________________________________ 12) Jemima has not finished her homework. ________________________________________ 13) Teacher had worked in this project for over one year with his students. ________________________________________

SIMPLE PAST 1) She bought four apples. ______________________________________ 2) We won the match. The match was won by us._________________ 3) The man stole the blue car. _______________________________________ 4) The police arrested the thieves. _______________________________________ 5) Jack swam the 200 metres. _______________________________________ 6) The dog bit the old lady. _______________________________________ 7) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers. _______________________________________ 8) Oliver taught the children. The children were taught by Oliver.___________ 9) Victoria rode the brown horse. ________________________________________ 10) Grandmother told good stories. _______________________________________

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