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Content Brief: We can execute a content on how

society differs thinking on the same thing. A

difference between what society thinks about a
particular thing and what we as a yuvva think for
the same.

Design Brief: Will a difference between two What

society thinks v/s what we really think

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What they think What we really
we want: want:

Clothes to attract Freedom to what we

attention want to wear
What they think What we really
we want: want:
To waste time Investment to learn
something new
What they think What we really
we want: want:

Western Culture To learn diversity

about new cultures
What they think What we really
we want: want:
Shortcuts Smart Work
What they think What we really
we want: want:

Love Storiya

Content Brief: As August was filled with holidays
we can give a relatable mood on how it feels after
a long weekend.

Design Brief: The design can in a form of a tweet

with a meme.

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"You'll feel refreshed after a nice
Me after a long weekend:
Content Brief: There are common stereotypes
about introverts that they are socially awkward
lners who abhors large crowds and dont like
people very much. Its time to bust them.

Design Brief: Carousel with our fav introvert


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1) Introverts are 'ANTI-SOCIAL'
People often think that introverts 'don't want to
socialize at all', which is not the case.
Introverts enjoy relationships and socializing, they
just have a different tolerance level for how much
socializing they're comfortable with.
2) They Avoid taking Risks
Fears and desires are a completely different
distinction from extroversion and introversion.
GIve them a chance to express themselves and
choose whether or not an activity is something
they're interested in doing.
3) They are always Quiet and Shy:
Introverts are not necessarily shy or timid. You nay
be surprised at how soon you wont be able to get
them stop talking when they a get a chance to do
what they're passionate about.
4) They cannot be Good-Leaders:
Many introverts enjoy and excel in roles tat involves
leading others, speaking publicly, and being in the
Bill Gates, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and countless
other leaders through history have beeen classified
as introverts.
5) Extroverts are much more confident:
Confidence is not having more friends or being social
all the time. Whether introvert or extrovert has no
impact on their confidence. Introverts are aware of
they're good at and what makes them feel confident.
Content Brief: We often take note of the red flags to
look out for others, but we rarely ever take note of
the red flags to look out for in ourselves. Here's a
red flags to look on ourselves before we do it

Design Brief: A reel with a trending audio

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