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Name:__________________________ Date:____________________________

5th Grade

1. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple 2. Complete the sentences. Use was/were,
form. affirmative, negative or interrogative.
Last summer Sandra ____________ (go) to
England. She ____________ (be) in Oxford for a month
studying English. She ___________ (meet) other girls
from different countries They _________ (become) 1) They __________ good at English last year. (-)
very good friends. They ____________ (see) the
change of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace. 2) We __________ here this morning. (+)
Then, they ____________ (walk) around Piccadilly
Circus. They _____________ (visit) the large 3) It __________ hot yesterday. (-)
department stores in Oxford Street. They
____________ (buy) a lot of things for their families 4) The baby __________ awake all night. (+)
and friends. When Sandra ________ (arrive) in
Barcelona she ___________ (feel) very happy but also 5) ‘Ben, __________ you and Sara in town on
a bit tired.
It was a really wonderful summer she will never Monday?’ 10p
forget. 10p
3. Write affirmative or negative sentences. Use 4. Order the questions
the past simple.
1 Sara / study / yesterday 1- they/did/English/yesterday/study?
___________________________ ___________________________________?
2 she / feel / nervous before the test 2-at the cinema/your friends/last night/were?
___________________________ ___________________________________?
3 she / not copy / her friend’s answers 3-did/Lisa/what/yesterday/do?
___________________________ ___________________________________?
4 I / play basketball / last Saturday 4-he/have lunch/what time/did/?
___________________________ ___________________________________?
5 we / not win / the match 5-Brad/visit/when/his brother/did?
___________________________ 10p ___________________________________? 20p
5. Make questions for the underlined words: 6 Correct the mistakes in these sentences and
then translate
He went to the cinema yesterday. 1 My best friend were upset this morning.
1 2 3 4
1……………………………………………………. 2 I didn’t went shopping yesterday.
2……………………………………………………… 3 I feeled happy before my holiday.
3………………………………………………………. 4 Was you at home yesterday?
4………………………………………………… 20p 5 Did go they to the disco last night?

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