SKIT Ruth and Boaz

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Ruth and Boaz

Narrator 1: In the days when the Judges ruled, there was a famine in the land. A man named Elimelech, his wife
Naomi, and his two sons went to live in the land of Moab.

Narrator 2: While they were living in Moab, Elimelech died. His sons married Moabite women. After they had lived
there ten years, both sons died. Naomi was left alone.

Narrator 3: Naomi heard that the Lord had come to the aid of His people. Naomi and her two daughters-in-law prepared
to return to the land of Judah. Naomi turned to her daughters-in-law and said,

Naomi: Go back, each of you. May the Lord show kindness to you as you have shown to me. May the Lord grant each
of you a home and a husband.

Narrator 4: She kissed each of them and they wept. They said,

Ruth and Orpah: We will go back with you to your people!

Narrator 1: But Naomi insisted that they return to their own country. Orpah then kissed her mother-in-law and left. But
Ruth clung to her. Ruth said,

Ruth: Do not tell me to leave you. Where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people,
and your God, will be my God. Where you die, I will die. There I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me severely if
anything but death separates you and me.

Narrator 2: Then Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem. The people said,

Town Person 1: Can this be Naomi?

Naomi: Call me Mara, for now I am bitter. The Lord has afflicted me.

Narrator 3: When they were arriving, the barley harvest was beginning. Now, Naomi had a relative named Boaz. Boaz
was a man of good character.

Ruth: Let me go to the fields and gather the leftover grain that falls from the stacks.

Naomi: Go ahead, my daughter.

Narrator 4: So Ruth went to the fields to glean behind the harvesters. She was in a field that belonged to Boaz. Just
then, Boaz arrived.

Boaz (to the workers): The Lord be with you!

Town Person 2: And the Lord bless you!

Boaz: Who is that young woman?

Town Person 1: That is the Moabite woman who came back with Naomi. She asked if she could pick up the grain that
fell from the stacks. She has been working all day, except for a short rest in the shelter.

Boaz (to Ruth): My daughter, do not go to any other field. Stay here with my servant girls. I have told the workers not to
harm you. You will be safe here. When you are thirsty, drink from the water jars here.

Narrator 1: At this, Ruth bowed down with her face to the ground. Ruth said,

Ruth: Why have you been so kind to me, a foreigner?

Narrator 2: Boaz continued to show kindness to Ruth. He instructed his men to be kind to her. That night, when Ruth
returned to Naomi, Ruth told her all that had happened, and of the kindness that Boaz had shown her.

Naomi: The Lord bless him! He is our kinsman redeemer.

Ruth: He told me to stay with his workers until they are finished harvesting all the grain.

Naomi: It will be good for you, my daughter, to stay with his servants. In someone else’s field, you might be harmed.

Narrator 3: Ruth continued to work in Boaz’s field and lived with her mother-in-law, Naomi.

Naomi: My daughter, should I try to find a home for you, where you will have a husband and be provided for? Tonight,
Boaz will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor. Wash and perfume yourself. Put on your best clothes. You must
go to him.

Narrator 4: Naomi instructed Ruth to go to the threshing floor and lay at the feet of Boaz while he was sleeping. Ruth
did as she was told.

Narrator 1: Boaz awoke. He was startled to find Ruth at his feet.

Boaz: Who are you?

Ruth: It is I, your servant, Ruth.

Boaz: The Lord bless you, my daughter. This is a great kindness. You have not run after younger men, rich or poor. Do
not be afraid. I will do for you all that you ask. Everyone knows that you are a noble woman.

Narrator 2: Ruth returned to Naomi and told her everything that had happened. The next day, Boaz went to the town
Elders to settle the matter of marrying Ruth and the property of Naomi.

Narrator 3: Boaz bought the property of Naomi’s and married Ruth.

Narrator 4: Boaz and Ruth had a baby boy named Obed. Obed was the grandfather of King David, and part of the
lineage of Jesus Christ.

Characters: (10)
Narrator 1
Narrator 2
Narrator 3
Narrator 4
Town Person 1
Town Person 2

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