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Development of novel techno-economic framework

for enhancing a Tri-Ethylene Glycol-based natural

gas dehydration unit

Zong Yang Kong

B. Eng. (Chemical) (Honours), PMP
Swinburne University of Technology

A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Research Centre for Sustainable Technologies

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science
Swinburne University of Technology

August 2021

Tri-Ethylene Glycol purity limit in conventional absorption-based natural gas dehydration

process has led to substantial amount of water remains present in the supposedly dry product
gas. Several alternative processes have been devised to address this limitation, which include
stripping gas dehydration process using either a portion of the dry product gas, inert gas, or
volatile hydrocarbon (DRIZO process). To date, several techno-economic analyses have been
performed on these different processes to evaluate their dehydration process performance.
However, all of these techno-economic analyses focus on capital and operational cost
comparison between the different processes. None of the existing studies had taken into
consideration the net profit assessment (i.e., the difference between gross profit and total cost
of production). Since a portion of sale gas was consumed as stripping gas, less dry product gas
becomes available for sale and this will likely reduce the gross profit of such enhanced process.
Therefore, this thesis attempts to fill the gap in the existing studies by developing a techno-
economic framework that takes into consideration the net profit assessment to examine the
dehydration process performance. Such techno-economic framework will ease the selection of
the best dehydration process that simultaneously meets the water dew point specification and
generates the highest net profit margin.

This thesis explores the limitation of the existing techno-economic analyses on natural gas
dehydration via absorption using TEG as follows:
1. A review on the alternative methods available to enhance TEG regeneration
performance. The review covered each individual method’s mechanism, process flow
diagram, advantages, drawbacks, and summarises the relevant works from 1991 to 2021.
The existing gaps in these works were highlighted as recommendation for future work.
2. An optimum TEG flowrate that provides minimum water content in the dry product gas
with the minimum TEG loss rate and minimum BTEX emission was obtained through
a parametric study performed on the conventional dehydration process via absorption
using TEG. Using the best TEG flowrate, different recycling configurations were
applied to the conventional dehydration process to minimise the TEG loss rate and the
BTEX emission. However, it was revealed that all the different recycling configurations
do not contribute towards significant process improvement where the TEG loss rate is
only reduced by up to 0.4% in all the three configurations and the reduction in water

content is always traded-off by the increase in the total BTEX emission.
3. A techno-economic framework that takes into consideration the net profit assessment
was developed to compare the stripping gas dehydration processes that consume a
portion of sale gas and external injected nitrogen gas as stripping gas with that of the
conventional dehydration process. It was found that the stripping gas dehydration
process using a portion of sale gas as stripping gas generates the highest net profit
margin relative to the other dehydration processes, while able to achieve the maximum
water dew point requirement set by the local authority for pipeline transported natural
gas in Malaysia. The minimum water dew point requirement, on the other hand, can be
easily achieved by all the three dehydration processes.
4. The developed techno-economic framework was further extended to evaluate the
performance of the stripping gas dehydration process using VOC gases (i.e., the DRIZO
process). Three different DRIZO configurations were additionally investigated that
utilise the regenerator overhead, the flash vapour, and both regenerator overhead and
flash vapour, as stripping gas. The best dehydration process was found to be the
configuration that consumed both regenerator overhead and flash vapour as stripping
gas and such configuration is used as a representative case for subsequent comparison
against other dehydration processes earlier. Overall, it was concluded that DRIZO
process provides the best purity on regenerated TEG up to 99.77% with minimum TEG
loss rate and minimum VOC emission. It also generates the highest gross profit margin
since there is no profit loss associated with the DRIZO process. However, DRIZO
process generates a lower net profit margin relative to other dehydration processes,
mainly because of the high capital expenditure and the associated operating cost.

Using the developed novel techno-economic framework with systematic analyses, this thesis
provides various new insights to evaluate the different dehydration processes for natural gas
dehydration process via absorption using TEG, with the consideration of net profit assessment.
The best dehydration can be selected based on the developed framework and it was revealed
that the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of dry product gas is the
most attractive option relative to the other dehydration processes because it can achieve the
desired water dew point specification while generating the highest net profit margin.


This 4-year long journey has been tough and challenging, having to balance between a full-
time work and research. There are many people whom I wish to acknowledge for their help,
input, advice, and friendship, without which the project would not be possible.

To Assoc. Prof. Jaka Sunarso

Thank you for being a remarkable mentor. You have provided me with a lot of patience
throughout my doctorate journey, especially in the early days. I will not forget the time, energy,
and efforts you have spent over the weekends to help me enhance my essential research skills
such as writing manuscripts. Thank you for also continuously providing constructive feedback
to help me to grow as a researcher. Your guidance and encouragement throughout the 4 years’
journey was vigorous for the completion of my doctorate. I am sorry if I have failed you along
the journey. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have you as my supervisor.

To Dr. Mahmoud Elhadi

Thank you for introducing me with the concept of natural gas dehydration and provided me
with many ideas as I progress throughout my doctorate journey. Your feedback was valuable
without which I would not have progressed this far. Thank you for spending your valuable time
on weekends to guide me on my research project and for proofreading my draft manuscript.

To staff of Swinburne University of Technology

Thank you for your contributions and support, both directly and indirectly, throughout this
journey. I appreciate the support from the administrative staff from the Faculty of Engineering,
Computing and Science and those from the Research Centre for Sustainable Technologies.
Special thanks to Assoc. Prof. Basil T. Wong, and Assoc. Prof. Aimin Yu for enabling this
research project.

To my family, love, and friends

Thank you for your unconditional love and support.

I declare that the thesis is my own work and it has not been accepted for the award of any other
degree or professional qualification in any university or equivalent institution. To the best of
my knowledge, this thesis does not contain any material that has been previously published or
written by any other person except where due reference is made. The individual contributions
of respective authors for the joint research based work or publications are duly acknowledged.
I confirmed that I have obtained relevant permission, where necessary, from the copyright
owners to use any third party copyright material reproduced in the thesis (such as artwork,
images, unpublished documents), or to use any of my own published work (such as journal
articles) in which the copyright is held by another party (such as publisher, co-author).

Zong Y
Yang Kong
2nd August 2021

Table of Contents

Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iv
Declaration v
Table of Contents vi
List of Incorporated Publications vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Question 4
1.3 Scope and Key Research Objectives 5
1.4 Thesis structure 5
Chapter 2. Literature review 7
Chapter 3. Parametric study of different recycling configurations on conventional natural
gas dehydration process 30
Chapter 4. Development of techno-economic framework 54
Chapter 5. Extension of the developed techno-economic framework 80
Chapter 6. Conclusion and Recommendations 99
6.1 Conclusion 99
6.2 Recommendations for Future Work 103
References 106
Appendix. Signed Authorship Indication Forms 109

List of Incorporated Publications

The following journal publications are incorporated as parts of this thesis:

1. Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2018. Revamping existing glycol
technologies in natural gas dehydration to improve the purity and absorption efficiencyௗ:
Available methods and recent developments. J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng. 56, 486–503.
2. Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2018. A parametric study of different
recycling configurations for the natural gas dehydration process via absorption using
triethylene glycol. Process Integr Optim Sustain. 1. doi:10.1007/s41660-018-0058-x
3. Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2019. Development of a techno-economic
framework for natural gas dehydration via absorption using tri-ethylene glycolௗ: A
comparative study on conventional and stripping gas dehydration processes. J. Chem.
Technol. Biotechnol, 94, 955–963. doi:10.1002/jctb.5844
4. Kong, Z.Y., Wee, X.J.M., Ahmed, M., Yu, A., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2020, Development of
a techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration via absorption using tri-ethylene
glycol: A comparative study between DRIZO and other dehydration processes. S. Afr. J.
Chem. Eng. 31, 17-24. doi:10.1016/j.sajce.2019.11.001

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Background
Natural gas is an important fossil fuel stock, which has been widely used today for residential,
commercial, and industrial applications. It is also an essential energy source that accounts for
approximately 23.8% of the world primary energy consumption. The importance of this energy
source has increased tremendously over the past decades, as reflected by the increase in natural
gas production by almost 500% for the past 15 years in the Chinese energy market (Ani et al.
2021). In parallel with the growing international demands, Malaysia's natural gas production has
also risen over the past 2 decades. As of 2019, Malaysia is the 2nd largest oil and natural gas
producer in Southeast Asia and is the 5th largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the
world (EIA, 2021). Malaysia also has the 4th largest natural gas reserves in the Asia-Pacific region,
with reserves of 3.6 billion barrels as of January 2020. More than half of these reserves are located
in the eastern areas, predominantly offshore Sarawak whereas the rest are located at the main
storage facilities of Petronas Gas Berhad at Kertih, Terengganu and Bintulu liquefied natural gas
(LNG) tanker, Sarawak.

The raw natural gas that is obtained from the reservoir is commonly known as “wet gas”, which
consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons, i.e., mainly methane, other hydrocarbons than methane, and
other impurities such as hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, and water (Liang et al., 2012). This
“wet gas” therefore must undergo several purification processes before becoming a clean, dry,
gaseous fuel that is suitable for transport through pipelines for distribution to the end users
(Anyadiegwu et al., 2014). These purification processes generally involve processes that remove
oil, water, and other compounds such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), mercury (Hg), and carbon
dioxide (CO2) (Bahadori, 2014).

Dehydration is one of the important steps in natural gas purification that removes water vapour
from the natural gas. Such process is deemed necessary since the presence of water vapour in
natural gas stream may cause hydrate formation in natural gas transporting pipelines, which may
subsequently lead to pipeline plugging and/or corrosion (Carroll, 2014). Its presence also lowers
the natural gas combustion efficiency and may bring about the blockage of valves fittings,

compression system, process equipment, and instrumentation, particularly when high
concentration of CO2 and H2S are present in the natural gas (Gong et al., 2010). Therefore, the
water content in natural gas stream must be kept below the specific limit that differs according to
different geographical locations. For example, The United States and Canada set the water content
limit of 7 lb of water per million standard cubic feet of gas (lb MMSCF-1) and 4 lb MMSCF-1,
respectively. Countries with colder climate like Alaska often have lower limits, which vary
between 1 and 2 lb MMSCF-1 (Mokhatab et al., 2015).

Several dehydration processes are available such as absorption, adsorption, and refrigeration
(Bahadori, 2014). Among the three aforementioned processes, natural gas dehydration via
absorption using TEG has been widely used for natural gas dehydration given its better
regeneration capability, higher water affinity, higher chemical stability, higher hygroscopicity,
lower vapour pressure, lower evaporation loss rate, and lower thermal degradation rates in the
regeneration system (Bahadori et al., 2008; Rincón et al., 2016). Nevertheless, the drawback of
the absorption process using TEG is the maximum purity (i.e., concentration) of the regenerated
TEG that is limited up to 98.8% (Neagu and Cursaru, 2017). This is because the operating
temperature of the reboiler should be kept below 204 oC, above which the TEG will thermally
degrade (Steele et al., 1996). This limit reduces the absorption process efficiency, leaving
substantial amount of water content to remain present in the supposedly dry product gas (i.e., sale
gas) (Rahimpour et al., 2013). To overcome this limitation and to achieve a more complete water
removal, other alternative processes to enhance the TEG purity limit have been developed such as
stripping gas injection, Stahl column, and Coldfinger technology (Eldemerdash and Kamarudin,

Among these mentioned enhanced processes, stripping gas injection is the simplest and the most
common method used to enhance TEG regeneration performance. The injection of such stripping
gas is anticipated to reduce the partial pressure of the water, which leads to an increase in the final
purity of the regenerated TEG (Mokhatab et al., 2015). The details of the stripping gas injection
mechanism can be found in the review paper by Kong et al. (2018). It allows the original TEG
purity limit of 98.8% in the conventional process to be increased up to 99.7%. The stripping gas
can be any inert gas that is introduced externally like nitrogen or it can also be a portion of the sale

gas (i.e., dry product gas). The latter was reported to enable lower capital cost, lower utility cost,
and lower energy consumption in comparison to the former (Bahadori, 2014). However, these
aforementioned advantages are achieved at a lower profit margin because a portion of sale gas is
utilised as stripping gas. This leads to less amount of product gas becomes available for sale.

My literature survey indicates that only a few publications are present on the techno-economic
analyses for natural gas dehydration via absorption using TEG (Kong et al., 2018). Gad et al.
(2016) studied the potential of replacing nitrogen with a portion of sale gas as stripping gas from
techno-economic perspective. They concluded that using a portion of sale gas as stripping gas
leads to significant savings in operational cost since no external stripping gas (i.e., nitrogen) is
required. A similar study was conducted by Neagu and Cursaru (2017) where they performed
techno-economic analysis between the stripping gas dehydration process using a portion of sale
gas and the conventional dehydration process. They reported that the stripping gas dehydration
process can increase the TEG purity without imposing substantial additional capital cost. It is
worth noting that the common gap from the works of Gad et al. (2016) and Neagu and Cursaru
(2017) is that they have not demonstrated the profit comparison between the stripping gas
dehydration processes. Since a portion of the dry product gas (i.e., sale gas) was consumed as
stripping gas, less dry product gas becomes available for sale. This most likely will reduce the
profit of such enhanced process. Moreover, other stripping gases alternatives are available such as
benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (collectively known as BTEX gases), which can be
obtained within the dehydration process itself (i.e., DRIZO process). Instead of using the dry
product gas as stripping gas, these BTEX gases can also be exploited to minimise the profit

In this thesis, I aim to address this limitation by introducing a techno-economic framework to

evaluate the suitability of different dehydration processes to meet the water dew point requirement
specified by the local authority, i.e., Malaysia. To my knowledge, such techno-economic
framework that takes into consideration the net profit comparison has never been reported in any
previous studies. Prior to developing the techno-economic framework, the first contribution in this
thesis is to perform parametric study on the conventional dehydration process via absorption using
TEG to determine an optimum TEG flowrate that provides minimum water content in the dry

product gas with minimum TEG loss rate and BTEX emission. Following this, the effect of
different recycling configuration is evaluated to recover the wet gas loss and the TEG loss rate and
minimise the BTEX emission.

The second contribution is the development of a techno-economic framework to evaluate the net
profit made from different dehydration processes. The most profitable dehydration process that
meets the maximum water dew point requirement set by local authority, i.e., Malaysia is selected.
Here, three different dehydration process are considered, i.e., conventional dehydration process,
the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of the dry product gas as stripping
gas, and the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes external injected nitrogen gas as
stripping gas.

Finally, the third contribution is the extension of the previously developed techno-economic
framework to evaluate the performance of DRIZO process. The performance evaluation is then
compared against the best dehydration process selected earlier, from techno-economic perspective.
This is since the volatile hydrocarbon that is supposedly emitted from the flash tank or the
regenerator overhead may increase the TEG regeneration performance and subsequently improve
the dehydration process performance. Here, three different DRIZO configurations, i.e., the
injection of stripping gas using regenerator overhead, using flash vapour, and using both
regenerator overhead and flash vapour, are considered.

These three main contributions reflect the novelty of the current thesis. Accordingly, this thesis
aims to address the limitation of the previous works where marginal analysis has not been
considered when techno-economic evaluation is performed on different dehydration processes.

1.2 Research Question

Several research questions are considered in this thesis, which include:
1. What are the existing techno-economic framework(s) or model(s) that have been employed
for natural gas dehydration via absorption using TEG and what are their limitations?
2. Can the process performance of the conventional dehydration process be further improved
by implementing different recycling configurations?

3. How to estimate the revenue (i.e., gross profit) generated from the natural gas dehydration
4. Does the profit loss associated with the consumption of the dry product gas as stripping
gas significantly affect the outcome of the techno-economic analysis?
5. Which enhanced dehydration processes can provide both favourable dehydration and
economic performances, i.e., perform best in terms of techno-economic feasibility?

1.3 Scope and Key Research Objectives

This thesis focuses onto natural gas dehydration process via absorption using TEG. The aim of
this thesis is to develop a techno-economic framework for assessing the natural gas dehydration
process performance, with consideration of net profit assessment, which has never been considered
in any of the previous studies.

The detailed objectives of this thesis are as follows:

1. To perform comprehensive review on the natural gas dehydration via absorption using
TEG to obtain insights and in-depth understanding of the available processes. The review
will put more emphasis on highlighting the shortcomings of the existing techno-economic
analysis framework(s) and model(s) for natural gas dehydration via absorption using TEG.
2. To simulate the conventional and enhanced dehydration processes.
3. To develop a techno-economic framework with consideration of net profit assessment that
can assess the techno-economic feasibility of all simulated processes.
4. To determine the best dehydration process that can meet the water dew point requirement
specified by local authority and generates the highest net profit margin.

1.4 Thesis structure

This thesis contains six chapters that is presented in the form of a thesis by publication, where the
core chapters, i.e., Chapters 2 to 5, are made up of a series of journal publications. Each chapter in
this thesis are presented as follow:
x Chapter 1 provides background introduction to natural gas dehydration processes and
introduces the scope and significance of developing techno-economic framework to
determine the best natural gas dehydration process.

x Chapter 2 provides an overview on the existing literature studies on natural gas
dehydration processes. The overview focuses on several alternative methods, which were
developed to enhance TEG regeneration performance. The relevant works performed from
1991 to 2021 were summarised and their existing gaps were highlighted as
recommendation for future work.
x Chapter 3 performs parametric study to the conventional dehydration process via
absorption using TEG to obtain an optimum TEG flowrate that provides minimum water
content in the dry product gas with minimum TEG loss rate and BTEX emission. This is
then followed by the evaluation of different recycling configurations applied to the
conventional dehydration process that aims to maximise the recovery of the wet gas loss
and the TEG loss rate while minimising the BTEX emission.
x Chapter 4 introduces a techno-economic framework to evaluate the net profit generated
by the stripping gas dehydration processes that consumes a portion of sale gas and uses
external injected nitrogen gas as stripping gas, respectively. The result are compared
against the conventional dehydration process.
x Chapter 5 extends the developed techno-economic framework to evaluate the performance
of the natural gas dehydration process using the volatile organic compound (i.e., BTEX
gases) as stripping gas (i.e., DRIZO process). This chapter also investigates three different
DRIZO configurations and compare the best DRIZO configuration against the other
dehydration processes from the previous chapters.
x Chapter 6 wraps up the thesis by highlighting the overall contributions of this work to the
knowledge body in this topic and providing the recommendations for future work.

Chapter 2. Literature review

This chapter provides an in-depth review on several alternative processes, which were developed
to overcome the glycol purity limit in the conventional absorption-based natural gas dehydration
process. The review focuses on the stripping gas injection using nitrogen, a portion of the dry
product gas, or volatile hydrocarbon (DRIZO process), stripping gas modified with Stahl column,
and Coldfinger technology. The mechanisms, process flow diagrams, advantages, drawbacks, and
current statuses of these aforementioned alternative processes are discussed. The review also
summarises the relevant works conducted from 1991 to 2017 and highlights the existing gaps in
these works to provide outlook for future work. I additionally include the relevant works that are
published in between 2018 until 2021 (i.e., the time this thesis is submitted) at the end of this

This chapter, which excludes those work published in between 2018 to 2021, was published as a
review paper in Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering:
Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2018. Revamping existing glycol technologies in
natural gas dehydration to improve the purity and absorption efficiencyௗ: Available methods and
recent developments. J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng. 56, 486–503. doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2018.06.008


Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering

journal homepage:

Review Article

Revamping existing glycol technologies in natural gas dehydration to

improve the purity and absorption efficiency: Available methods and recent
Zong Yang Konga, Ahmed Mahmouda, Shaomin Liub, Jaka Sunarsoa,∗
Research Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350, Kuching,
Sarawak, Malaysia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, WA 6845, Australia


Keywords: The glycol purity limit in conventional absorption-based natural gas dehydration process has led to the sig-
Absorption nificant water vapour presence in the supposedly dry product gas. Several alternative processes have been de-
Dehydration veloped to overcome this limitation that includes stripping gas injection using nitrogen, a portion of dry product
Glycol regeneration gas, or volatile hydrocarbon (DRIZO process), stripping gas modified with Stahl column, and Coldfinger tech-
Natural gas
nology. This review summarises these different processes and elaborates on their mechanisms, process flow
Tri-Ethylene Glycol
diagram, advantages, drawbacks, and current statuses. Relevant works from 1991 to 2017 were compiled and
the existing gaps were highlighted as recommendation for future work.

1. Introduction respect to the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), coal, and crude oil, re-
spectively. Moreover, the combustion of natural gas generally produces
Natural gas is an important fossil fuel commodity that was once substantially lower nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and
considered an unwanted by-product of crude oil production particulate matter relative to the combustion of coal and oil (Table 1)
(Rahimpour et al., 2013a,b). It has been widely applied as a fuel for (Liang et al., 2012). More essential is the fact that natural gas is also
cooking, heating, and electricity generation since 1885 when Robert cheaper than gasoline given its abundant supply on earth. In this con-
Bunsen first burnt it with air to create flame within his Bunsen burner. text, in 2012, United States (US) President, Barack Obama declared that
With the advancement of technology and distribution network infra- more than 100 years of natural gas supply was confirmed in the US
structure, natural gas has presently been utilised for residential, com- alone (Reuteman, 2012). This “100 years of supply” nonetheless are yet
mercial, industrial, and electricity power generation applications. to be scientifically or geologically confirmed (Behr, 2013). Significant
Natural gas can additionally be used as a raw materials for the pro- progress in natural gas processing technology has furthermore lowered
duction of important chemicals, such as hydrogen, fertilisers, and the natural gas price to a value significantly below the gasoline price;
plastics (Hayhoe et al., 2002). Today, natural gas accounts for ap- further driving the current trend to replace the gasoline-based vehicles
proximately 23.8% of the world primary energy consumption. This with the natural gas-based vehicles (NGV) (Congress, 1990).
figure is expected to grow by 1.6% per annum between 2015 and 2035
(Outlook, 2016). Natural gas exhibits a cleaner combustion nature re- 1.1. Natural gas purification
lative to other types of fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline, and diesel
(Hayhoe et al., 2002; Roy and Amin, 2012). This is because these other Natural gas that emerges from the wellhead of the reservoir is de-
fossil fuels are made up of at least six carbon molecules and thus, re- fined as “wet gas”. This “wet gas” obtained at different geographical
lease six carbon dioxide when they are oxidised. Natural gas, on the locations generally has different amount of gas constituents (composi-
other hand, contains mainly methane with one carbon atom. Relative to tion) (Liang et al., 2012). It normally contains methane, other hydro-
gasoline, natural gas in average generates 74% lower CO2 emission per carbons than methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, and water.
unit of energy produced (Klemow and Fetcher, 2011). Likewise, it Table 2 presents the typical compositions of several natural gas ob-
displays 85%, 56%, and 71% lower CO2 emissions per energy unit with tained from various countries. This “wet gas” should be subjected to

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (J. Sunarso).
Received 30 January 2018; Received in revised form 19 April 2018; Accepted 3 June 2018

Table 1

(Anyadiegwu et al., 2014; Elendu et al., 2015)

Pollutant emission from different fossil sources (Reproduced from (Liang et al.,

(Abdulrahman and Sebastine, 2013)

Pollutant (pounds per billion British Thermal Natural gas Oil Coal
Unit of energy input)

(Kasiri and Hormozdi, 2005)

(Neagu and Cursaru, 2017)

(El Mawgoud et al., 2015)
Carbon Dioxide 117,000 164,000 208,000

(Farahmand et al., 2011)

(Arubi and Duru, 2008)
Carbon Monoxide 0 33 208

(Piemonte et al., 2012)

Nitrogen Oxides 92 448 457

(Jokar et al., 2014)

Sulphur Dioxide 1 1122 2591

(Isa et al., 2013)

Particulates 7 84 2744
Mercury 0.000 0.007 0.016

several purification processes to become a clean, dry, gaseous fuel that
is suitable for transport through pipelines for distribution to the end

Other HCs
users (Anyadiegwu et al., 2014). In most natural gas processing facil-

ities, contaminants and heavy hydrocarbon are extracted from the





natural gas stream. In some special cases, heavy hydrocarbons are
added into the natural gas stream to increase natural gas heat content to





an acceptable British Thermal Unit (BTU) level (Roy and Amin, 2012).

The purification process generally involves processes that remove oil,

Rare gases
water, and other compounds such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), mercury

(Hg), and carbon dioxide (CO2) (Bahadori, 2014). Fig. 1 shows the


general sequence for gas purification processes in series, which include
phase separation followed by acid gas removal, mercury removal,

Hydrogen Sulphide H2S

natural gas dehydration, natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery, and lique-
faction and compression to pipelines (Alcheikhhamdon and Hoorfar,
2016). In addition to these processes, additional equipment such as
scrubbers and heaters are often required at or near the wellhead.

Scrubber is used to remove sand and other large particle impurities






while heater is used to prevent the temperature drop to the values

where the hydrate formation becomes favourable (Roy and Amin,
Nitrogen N2

2012). This review manuscript mainly focuses on the dehydration

process. The details on the other purification processes can be found





elsewhere (Alcheikhhamdon and Hoorfar, 2016; Faramawy et al.,


Oxygen O2





1.2. Natural gas dehydration

Carbon Dioxide CO2

Dehydration is a process that removes water from the natural gas.

This process is required since water vapour presence in the natural gas
stream provides safety issue during the subsequent transportation
process. For example, its presence may cause hydrate formation in the

Rare gases refer to Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), and Xenon (Xe).

transporting pipeline, which eventually leads to pipeline plugging and/






or corrosion (Carroll, 2014). Such issue was first reported by Ham-

merschmidt in 1934, following which significant resources were then
Butane C4H10

allocated by natural gas industry to understand and predict hydrate

formation and equilibria (Hubbard, 1991). The lifetime of the gas pi-


peline in particular is determined by the pipeline corrosion rate, which

in turn is directly related to the water content in natural gas (Elendu
Propane C3H8

et al., 2015). Furthermore, the presence of water vapour in the natural

Other HC refers to hydrocarbon of C5 and above.
Natural gas compositions from different sources.

gas stream also reduces natural gas combustion efficiency and may

induce the blockage of valves fittings, compression system, process



equipment, and instrumentation, particularly when CO2 and H2S are

present in the natural gas (Gong et al., 2010; Mokhatab et al., 2006).
Ethane C2H6

Such internal corrosion has become a regular issue in oil and gas in-



dustry that is accountable behind more than 29% of the global pipeline
Gas Composition (%)




corrosion accidents from 1998 to 2008 (Obanijesu et al., 2014). In the

event of pipeline rupture, the gas release to the environment may fur-
Methane CH4

ther lead to undesirable consequences such as fire break out, air quality
reduction, and gas exposure to the surroundings flora and fauna







(Sonibare et al., 2010). Thus, the water content in natural gas has been
strictly regulated; the limit of which varies for different countries. For

example, in the US and Canada, the water content in natural gas should
Table 2





not exceed 7 lb of water per million standard cubic feet of gas (lb
MMSCF−1) and 4 lb MMSCF−1, respectively. Country with colder


Fig. 1. General sequence for natural gas purification


climate like Alaska often has lower limits, which range between 1 and 2 can be used simultaneously to recover NGL and dehydrate natural gas
lb MMSCF−1 (Mokhatab et al., 2015). Another common way of in- (Netusil and Ditl, 2011).
dicating the water content in natural gas is by representing it in terms of
water dew point. It signifies the temperature where natural gas be-
comes saturated with water vapour at a particular pressure. A reduction 1.3. Natural gas dehydration via absorption using glycol
in temperature or an increase in pressure, at any given dew point leads
to the condensation of water. Lower water dew point generally signifies Among all mentioned processes, natural gas dehydration via ab-
sorption using glycol is the most economically attractive one since it
a lower water content (Bahadori, 2014). The specification of water dew
point is usually specified in sales gas contracts or determined by the requires lower energy relative to adsorption although both processes
can be used to obtain dry natural gas with identical dew point
requirements for transport, processing, or storage of dry product gas.
For example, the water dew point specification for natural gas trans- (Bahadori, 2014). The presence of hydroxyl groups in glycols leads to
the formation of hydrogen bonds, which are essentially the bonds that
ported through pipelines in Europe is typically 8 °C at 70 bar (Bahadori,
2014). Compliance with these specified values translates to protection are present in-between water molecules; thus making glycol a good
absorber for water (Paymooni et al., 2011). Tri-Ethylene Glycol (TEG)
against hydrate formation during winter. Lower water content is also
in particular is the most widely used glycol given its regeneration
recommended in cryogenic unit equipment (e.g., turbo-expander) case
capability, high water affinity, high chemical stability, high hygro-
to prevent hydrate (or ice) formation that may damage the equipment.
scopicity, low vapour pressure, low evaporation loss rate, and low
These aforementioned reasons highlight the importance of dehydration
thermal degradation rates in the regeneration system (Bahadori et al.,
in gas processing and conditioning.
2008; Rincón et al., 2016). The first commercial TEG dehydration unit
In the early days, line heaters were used to keep the temperature of
was developed and operated by a company in Texas, known as BS&B in
the gas above the water dew point to prevent formation of condensate
early 1950s (Hubbard, 1991). Some glycols other than TEG have also
since the pipelines were rather short and the gas for the heaters was
cheap. With significant increase in the length of the high-pressure gas been utilised for dehydration such as Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG), Di-
Ethylene Glycol (DEG), and Tetra-Ethylene Glycol (TREG). Several
transporting pipelines over time, a more economical method to dehy-
drate natural gas becomes desirable (Hubbard, 1991). At present, sev- dehydration units in Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, and
Oklahoma, for example, operate using MEG and DEG (Ebeling et al.,
eral dehydration processes are available such as absorption, adsorption,
and condensation (that is refrigeration). Absorption and adsorption 1998). These glycols nonetheless are seldom used due to the difficulty
to reach the water content specified for the natural gas in the pipeline
physically remove water from natural gas at low temperature and high
pressure (Bahadori, 2014). The former utilises hygroscopic liquid de- (Derawi et al., 2003). Anyadiegwu et al. (2014) nonetheless suggested
the use of glycol blending as a more economical alternative to the single
siccants that are loaded into trays or packed towers whereas the latter
applies solid desiccants that are loaded into dry-bed dehydrators glycol-based process, which is more widely used. Their suggestion
however has not been verified in any of the previous studies.
(Alcheikhhamdon and Hoorfar, 2016). Condensation, on the other
hand, employs gas cooling to condense water vapour into liquid phase In 1970s, gas processing industry began to realise that one of the
main challenges of the dehydration process using glycol (e.g., TEG) is
and remove it from the natural gas stream. A work by Netusil and Ditl
(2011) that provides a detailed discussion on the comparison between the maximum purity (that is concentration) of the regenerated glycol in
the regeneration column. For example, the purity for regenerated TEG
these three processes can be referred to. In addition to these conven-
tional processes, advanced technologies such as membrane and super- is limited up to 98.8% in the conventional dehydration process (Neagu
and Cursaru, 2017). This is because the operating temperature of the
sonic technology have recently emerged (Dalane et al., 2017; Haghighi
et al., 2015; Machado et al., 2012; Scholes et al., 2012). Each process reboiler should be kept below 204 °C, above which TEG thermally de-
grades (Steele et al., 1996). This limit makes the absorption process to
gives advantages that match particular natural gas condition. Adsorp-
tion, for example, is normally used when the gas contains a high con- remove water in the absorption column becomes less effective since
substantial water content remains present in the supposedly dry pro-
centration of H2S or when the gas product is required to have a very low
water content specification (Bahadori, 2014). Adsorption can also be duct gas coming out from the absorption process (M R Rahimpour et al.,
used as an additional processing step following absorption process 2013a,b). Thus, to achieve a more complete water removal, several
(Gandhidasan et al., 2001). Condensation, unlike the other processes, alternative options (processes) to enhance the glycol (e.g., TEG) purity
have been developed. Stripping gas injection, Stahl column, and

Table 3
Several alternative options (processes) to enhance the glycol (e.g., TEG) purity in the dehydration system.
Options Characteristic TEG purity, wt. % References

Stripping process using inert gas (e.g., N2) Stripping gas is injected into the reboiler 99.7 (Gad et al., 2016)
Stripping process using a portion of dry 99.6–99.7 (Darwish et al., 2004; Ebeling et al., 1998; Gad et al.,
product gas 2016; Hernandez-valencia et al., 1992; Neagu and
Cursaru, 2017)
Stripping process using volatile hydrocarbon 99.99 (Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016; Jokar et al.,
(e.g., BTEX gases) – also known as DRIZO 2014; Saidi et al., 2014)
Stripping process with Stahl column Stripping gas is injected into a new column 99.96 (Baktash et al., 2010; Behbahani et al., 2016; Braek
et al., 2001)
Coldfinger technology The water vapour from the TEG-water mixture in 99.92–99.96 (Piemonte et al., 2012; Rahimpour et al., 2013a,b)
the surge tank is condensed using the cooling coil
(that is Coldfinger)


Coldfinger technology are some of the well-known processes to improve (Alcheikhhamdon and Hoorfar, 2016; Baker, 2002; Dalane et al., 2017;
the purity limit on regenerated glycol (e.g., TEG) (Table 3) Faramawy et al., 2016; Haghighi et al., 2015; Hubbard, 1991; May-
(Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016; Rahimpour et al., 2013a,b). De- Britt, 1998; Netusil and Ditl, 2011; Scholes et al., 2012). Most of these
tails of these processes are to be covered in Section 2. reviews however focus on a series of natural gas purification processes.
Another drawback of absorption using glycol is the simultaneous Our manuscript here nonetheless covers the review articles that focus
absorption of aromatic compounds, abbreviated as “BTEX”, which entirely on natural gas dehydration. Hubbard (1991) overviews the
comprises of Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, and Xylene (Plisga, advancement in the commercial applications of natural gas dehydration
2004a). These compounds do not accumulate in the glycol circulation associated with phase equilibria from 1950 to 1990. Netusil and Ditl
loop and majority of these BTEX gases are emitted from the regenerator (2011) provides an overview on natural gas dehydration and compare
overhead while minor portion of them is released through the flash absorption, adsorption, and condensation in terms of their energy
vapour stream. These BTEX gases are hazardous and thus, cannot be consumption. They showed that absorption has the lowest energy de-
released directly to the environment. Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, mand. Recent review works are available that discuss the recent
and Xylene are classified as irritants with narcotic effects. Benzene is emerging technologies such as the latest development in supersonic
additionally regarded as a carcinogenic chemical compound (Braek technology (Haghighi et al., 2015) and membrane technology (Dalane
et al., 2001). The presence of BTEX gases in the dehydration process has et al., 2017) for dehydration. Although these aforementioned reviews
also been associated with severe foaming, flooding, higher glycol loss touch upon dehydration by absorption using glycol (e.g., TEG), none of
rate, low dehydration efficiency, and higher maintenance cost for the them discusses this process in detail and elaborates the available pro-
absorber (Yu et al., 2017). In the past, the solubility of these BTEX cesses to improve the glycol purity limit and the environmental issues
compounds in glycol was not a major concern due to the relatively low associated with the dehydration process. This review thus attempts to
natural gas production. Increasing production rate however has made present several different available processes to enhance the glycol
the emission of BTEX a major concern for natural gas industry. There- purity. To start with, the review discusses the process flow diagram for
fore, BTEX emission amount from the dehydration unit has been strictly the established dehydration process to provide complete understanding
monitored in several countries. For example, regulatory programs that of this process. Following this, the review then explains the available
were established by the US government under the Clean Air Act processes to improve the glycol purity such as the use of stripping gas
Amendments in 1990 have included BTEX in its list of 189 Hazardous injection, Stahl column, and Coldfinger technology. The advantages,
Air Pollutant (HAP). This Act limits BTEX emission to a maximum of 10 drawbacks, current statuses, and the associated process flow diagram
tons per year for any individual pollutant or a maximum of 25 tons per for each of these processes are also presented. Then, the review sum-
year for the total four pollutants (Ebeling et al., 1998). Today, several marises the relevant works published from 1991 to 2017. The last part
options (strategies) can be applied to minimise the BTEX emission such of this review introduces the recent emerging technologies such as
as incinerating the emitted BTEX gases (that is flaring), adding a con- membrane and supersonic technologies for dehydration. This review
densation unit to the regenerator overhead to recover the BTEX gases, however does not discuss on the latest development of these technol-
implementing a new process design, optimising the existing process, ogies to avoid presenting overlapped content to the existing reviews
and/or using another BTEX less-absorbing glycol as solvent. Table 4 (Dalane et al., 2017; Haghighi et al., 2015).
provides an overview on these five different strategies. Detailed dis-
cussion of these strategies are available elsewhere (Braek et al., 2001;
Grizzle, 1993). 1.5. Process flow diagram for absorption using glycol
Another issue associated with glycol dehydration is the safety con-
cern caused by the toxicity of glycols. For example, high level of glycol Fig. 2 shows the schematic process flow diagram for natural gas
exposure to human body can interfere with the ability of the blood to dehydration via absorption using glycol (e.g., TEG) (Øi and Tyvand
carry oxygen and causes headache, collapse, or even death. It may also Selstø, 2002). The overall process consists of two major process units;
affect the human nervous system and damage the red blood cells that the absorption of water in the absorber and the regeneration of TEG in
leads to anaemia (low blood count). Nevertheless, a few natural oc- the regenerator. TEG regeneration affects the water content in the re-
curring materials such as orange peel oils or non-toxic glycol extracted generated TEG and eventually, the quality of the dry product gas (sale
from Tricholoma matsutake (edible mushroom) have been found suitable gas) (Bahadori and Vuthaluru, 2009a).
to replace glycol for natural gas dehydration application. However, the Prior to the water absorption column unit, any other liquid content
usage of these glycols for commercial application has not been reported (e.g., hydrocarbon and/or water) within the natural gas should be re-
(Chhetri and Islam, 2008). moved beforehand. This is normally achieved by installing a two or
three phase separator before the column. Two different configurations
of separator units are depicted in Fig. 3. The phase separation can be
1.4. Objective provided by a separate individual unit (Fig. 3(a)) or within the ab-
sorption column, at the bottom section of the column, by a chimney
At present, our literature survey indicates that only a handful tray that lies between the column bottom and the separator vessel
amount of reviews are available for natural gas dehydration (Fig. 3(b)) (Abdulrahman and Sebastine, 2013). First configuration is

Table 4
Several options (strategies) to reduce BTEX emission (Reproduced from (Braek et al., 2001)).
Options Description

Incineration (that is flaring) Flaring the BTEX gases emitted could eliminate BTEX emission but it is not environmentally sustainable.
Condensation Adding additional condensation unit to the regenerator to recover the BTEX gases is an economical option and it is relatively easy to operate.
However, the disposal of water phase containing BTEX compounds must be properly considered.
New process design Recycling the BTEX gases and using it as stripping gas (DRIZO process) to enhance the purity on regenerated glycol is a good alternative to control
BTEX emission while meeting water dew point requirement.
Process optimisation Optimising operating conditions of the existing dehydration plant can significantly reduce the BTEX emission especially on the equipment such as
flash tank and regenerator where BTEX gases are directly emitted.
Alternative glycol Alternative glycol such as MEG and DEG can help to reduce the BTEX emission. They are also less costly and require less energy for regeneration
compared to TEG.


source of stripping gas comes externally, which in turn, increases the operating cost of deemed more economic since removing liquid content of the gas before

providing additional equilibrium stages that leads to extra water removal

few additional minor equipment is required such as a heat exchanger and an expansion

equipment is required such as three phase separator, pump, and heater.

environmental emission since the BTEX gases are recycled back to the regeneration
passing it into the column significantly decreases the volume of the
natural gas stream to be handled. This translates to the reduction in the

• Low capital cost since it only requires an additional surge tank with cooling coil.
source of stripping gas comes internally from the dehydration process itself.

source of stripping gas comes internally from the dehydration process itself.
absorption column size and the amount of TEG required (Abdulrahman
and Sebastine, 2013). An inlet cooler is often installed before the phase
separator to reduce the wet gas temperature to the desired temperature
(not shown in Fig. 2) (Øi and Tyvand Selstø, 2002).

new technologies that has not been extensively studied.

In the absorption column, the high-pressure wet natural gas enters
from the bottom and goes up in counter-current manner against the
water-lean (pure) TEG stream that enters from the top of the column.
capital cost since an extra column is required. During their contact, the water-lean TEG absorbs the water vapour of
the wet gas. The dehydrated natural gas (dry product gas) comes out
from the top of column whereas the water-rich TEG that typically
contains 3–7% of water comes out from the bottom of the column
(Baktash et al., 2010).
additional equipment is required.

Before entering the flash separator, the water-rich TEG passes

through an expansion valve that reduces the stream pressure to a de-
the water-rich TEG.

sired level. Then, the water-rich TEG is directed into a vertical two-
phase separator (flash separator), where its low pressure and high
the dehydration plant.

temperature facilitates the removal of light and soluble gas component

such as CO2 and BTEX gases (Fig. 2) (Braek et al., 2001). These gases
• AAnfewextraadditional
• steps fromcolumn
Main characteristic

can be recovered and used as a fuel in the reboiler or for other purposes
(Kohl and Nielsen, 1997). The water-rich TEG leaving the flash tank is
• Additional
• Relatively

then directed to a cartridge filters (not shown in Fig. 2), where solid
• Avalve.
• Low
• The
• The
• The

particles are filtered to prevent (or reduce) the corrosion, plugging, and
• No

deposits problems in the reboiler unit (Rincón et al., 2016). In larger

systems, activated charcoal and sock filter are generally used

(Gandhidasan, 2003).

After that, the water-rich TEG is pre-heated before entering the

Economical assessment

regeneration column. Two different heating configurations can be used

(Fig. 4). The most commonly reported configuration is the passing of
the water-rich TEG through the tubes in the overhead condenser at the
Ranking for each criteria are based on score of 1–3; 1 being the least preferred and 3 being the most preferred.

top of the regeneration column (Fig. 4(a)) (Carroll, 2014; Netusil and
Comparison overview for the different enhanced processes available to improve the glycol (e.g., TEG) purity.

Ditl, 2011; Øi and Tyvand Selstø, 2002; Rahimpour et al., 2013a,b). The
alternative configuration is the use of a glycol to glycol heat exchanger

where the water-rich TEG is passed through a separate shell and tube
BTEX emissions

heat exchanger to exchange heat with the water-lean TEG that comes
out from the regeneration column (Fig. 4(b)) (Anyadiegwu et al., 2014;
Neagu and Cursaru, 2017; Rincón et al., 2016).
In the regeneration column, the water-rich TEG enters from the top
of the column and flows downward while water vapour, hydrocarbon,

and traces of TEG are removed from the regenerator overhead. The
TEG purity

regenerated TEG (that is water-lean TEG) exiting the regeneration

column is then directed to the top of the absorption column by the use

of circulation pump. TEG portion that is lost during the absorption,

flash, and regeneration processes were compensated via an additional
make-up flow.
Stripping process using volatile hydrocarbon (e.g., BTEX gases) – also

Before entering the absorption column, the water-lean TEG should

be cooled down. Two different cooling configurations are possible
(Fig. 5). The most widely reported configuration is the cooling of the
water-lean TEG by heat exchange with the dry gas coming out from the
Stripping process using a portion of dry product gas

absorber (Fig. 5(a)) (Neagu and Cursaru, 2017; Netusil and Ditl, 2011;
Rahimpour et al., 2013a,b; Rincón et al., 2016). Another option is the
cooling of the water-lean TEG by an air cooler (Fig. 5(b)) (Carroll,
Stripping process using inert gas (e.g., N2)

2014; Øi and Tyvand Selstø, 2002).

Stripping process with Stahl column

2. Processes to improve glycol purity limit

known as DRIZO process

Coldfinger technology

This section discusses the different processes available to improve

the glycol purity limit. The advantages, drawbacks, current statuses,
and the associated process flow diagram for each of these processes are
presented. Notably, these processes are applicable to all glycols dehy-

dration application and for the sake of simplicity, TEG is used as an

Table 5

example to elaborate these enhanced processes.


Fig. 2. Process flow diagram for natural gas dehydration by absorption using glycol (e.g., TEG) (Reproduced from (Øi and Tyvand Selstø, 2002)).

2.1. Stripping gas processes elaborated in Section 2.1.6.

2.1.1. Overview 2.1.2. Stripping gas mechanism

Stripping gas processes is regarded as the simplest and the most Stripping gas is a physical separation process that works according
common route to obtain enhanced TEG regeneration performance. It to the thermodynamic principle of Raoult's law. It relies on the use of a
enables the original TEG purity limit of 98.8% in the default process vapour stream (e.g., dry product gas) to remove one or more compo-
(Fig. 2) to be increased up to 99.2–99.99%; depending on the different nent from the liquid stream (e.g., water from TEG). The Raoult's law of
types of stripping gas, thus leading to lower water content for the re- water is given as:
generated TEG (Neagu and Cursaru, 2017). This process was first in-
ywater P Water Partial Pressure
troduced in 1991 and relies on the injection of the stripping gas into the xwater = =
reboiler of the regeneration column (Kidnay et al., 2011; Piemonte P Sat
water Water Saturation Vapour Pressure (1)
et al., 2012). Introduction of such stripping gas generally reduces the
where xwater is the mole fraction of water in liquid phase, ywater is the
partial pressure of the water and leads to an increase in the final purity
mole fraction of water in vapour phase, P is the system pressure, and
on the regenerated TEG (Mokhatab et al., 2015). The mechanism of the P Sat
water is the saturated pressure of water.
stripping gas process is further discussed in Section 2.1.2. The stripping The fugacity and the activity coefficient are absent in Equation (1)
gas can be any inert gas such as nitrogen that is introduced externally, a because it was assumed that both the liquid and vapour phase are in
portion of dry product gas (sale gas), or volatile hydrocarbon (e.g., ideal state. This assumption is valid for the purpose of demonstrating
BTEX gases) that are supposedly emitted into the atmosphere in the the working principle of stripping gas mechanism although the mixture
default process (Fig. 2) (that is DRIZO process). Two different methods of water, TEG, and methane are non-ideal in reality. At a given pressure
are available for stripping gas injection into the dehydration system. and temperature in reboiler, the Raoult's law of water (Equation (1))
The first method relies on the injection of the stripping gas into the indicates the direct proportionality between the mole fraction of water
reboiler of the regeneration column. The second method involves the in liquid phase and the partial pressure of water (that is, xwater de-
injection of the stripping gas into an additional packed column (that is creases with reduction in ywater P or vice versa).
Stahl column). The differences of these two methods are further Next, the total pressure of the system (P) is given by the sum of

Fig. 3. Two different cooler-absorption-separator configurations; (a) Individual unit configuration; and (b) Separator integrated within the absorption column.


Fig. 4. Two different pre-heating configurations for the water-rich TEG; (a) Heating by an overhead condenser; and (b) Heating by a glycol to glycol heat exchanger.

partial pressure of all components, given as: TEG stream (Gad et al., 2016). This however was achieved at an ex-
pense of an increase in the utility cost and the energy consumption
P≈ ∑ yi P= (yTEGP) + (ywater P) + (ymethaneP) since the inert gas required comes externally, not from the default
i= 1 (2) process itself. The configuration for such stripping process (Fig. 6) is
identical to the default absorption process (Fig. 2) except for the in-
Equation (2) is valid for any gas mixture but only methane is used in
jection of the stripping gas (e.g., nitrogen gas) into the regeneration
this case for the sake of simplicity. The partial pressure of TEG (yTEGP )
can be neglected from Equation (2) due to higher water vapour pressure
relative to TEG. When heated, much more water will evaporate than
TEG (Anyadiegwu et al., 2014). Following this, Equation (2) reduces to 2.1.4. Stripping process using a portion of dry product gas
the following: Instead of using external inert gas as the stripping gas as in the
previous case (Section 2.1.3), a portion of dry product gas (sale gas) can
also be used as the stripping gas. The configuration for such stripping
P≈ ∑ yiP = (ywater P) + (ymethaneP)
i=1 (3) process (Fig. 7) is also identical to the default absorption process
(Fig. 2) except for the injection of a portion of the dry product gas into
At constant pressure P (e.g., reboiler condition), an increase in the the regeneration column. Such configuration (Fig. 7) is also analogous
partial pressure of methane leads to the decrease in the partial pressure to the stripping gas process using inert gas (Fig. 6), although the source
of water (Equation (3)). This translates to a lower mole fraction of of the stripping gas in the present case (that is dry product gas) is ob-
water in the liquid phase (since mole fraction of water is directly pro- tained within the dehydration system instead of being introduced ex-
portional to the partial pressure of water based on Raoult's law ternally (Compare Figs. 6 and 7). The stripping gas that comes from the
(Equation (1)). Thus, stripping gas injection (that is increasing methane absorption column in the present case is additionally directed to an
concentration) reduces the mole fraction of water in TEG and leads to a expansion valve followed by a heater to adjust its operating condition
higher purity of the regenerated TEG stream. (that is pressure and temperature) so that it matches the operating
condition of the regeneration column (Fig. 7). Such stripping process is
2.1.3. Stripping process using inert gas deemed more economic relative to the stripping process in the previous
Inert gas like nitrogen are good hydrate inhibitors, which can also case (Section 2.1.3) since the stripping gas is obtained internally. Such
be used as the stripping gas to improve the purity of the regenerated stripping process nonetheless requires negligible amount of additional

Fig. 5. Two different cooling configurations for the water-lean TEG prior entering to the absorber; (a) Cooling by heat exchange with dry product gas; and (b)
Cooling by an air cooler.


Fig. 6. Process flow diagram for natural gas dehydration by absorption using glycol (e.g., TEG) modified with the injection of inert stripping gas (e.g., nitrogen) into
the regeneration column.

investment since only a few supplementary equipment are required operating cost, and the energy consumption for the dehydration pro-
(e.g., heat exchanger and/or expansion valve). cess. DRIZO process can furthermore maximise profit better than the
previous two cases since it avoids the consumption of valuable sale gas
as stripping gas. Other than that, another important advantage of
2.1.5. Stripping process using volatile hydrocarbon (e.g., BTEX gases)
DRIZO process is the recovery of the volatile hydrocarbon from the
The volatile hydrocarbon (e.g., BTEX gases) that is supposedly
regenerator, which leads to a lower BTEX emission (Saidi et al., 2014).
emitted into the atmosphere in the default process (Fig. 2) can also be
The process flow diagram for DRIZO process is presented in Fig. 8.
used as stripping gas instead of using the inert gas or a portion of the
In comparison to the default process (Fig. 2), DRIZO process requires
dry product gas as in the previous two stripping gas cases (Section 2.1.3
additional equipment such as a cooler, heater, three-phase separator,
and Section 2.1.4). This process is known as DRIZO process, which was
and a pump (Fig. 8) (Øi and Tyvand Selstø, 2002). The BTEX-containing
first developed by Dow chemical company in 1970s (Ebeling et al.,
regenerator overhead stream, which was supposedly emitted to the
1998) and can be adopted to the default absorption process (Fig. 2) to
atmosphere in the default process (Fig. 2), is fed into the three-phase
achieve higher purity of up to 99.99% on the regenerated TEG (Elendu
separator after cooling. Due to their densities difference, the light va-
et al., 2015; Mokhatab et al., 2015). This is since the volatile hydro-
pour phase, aqueous phase, and the BTEX gases are separated in the
carbon gives better water-TEG separation efficiency compared to me-
three-phase separator (Saidi et al., 2014). The light vapour phase and
thane alone (Paymooni et al., 2011). In fact, higher regenerated TEG
aqueous phase leaves the three-phase separator via the top and the
purity of up to 99.999% using DRIZO process has been commercially
bottom stream, respectively. The BTEX-containing stream, on the other
reported (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997). The high purity of regenerated TEG
hand, is heated before returning to the reboiler as stripping gas via a
obtainable in DRIZO process leads to a lower TEG flowrate needed for
the dehydration process. This in turn reduces the BTEX emission, the

Fig. 7. Process flow diagram for natural gas dehydration by absorption using glycol (e.g., TEG) modified with the injection of a portion of dry product gas (sale gas)
as stripping gas into the regeneration column.


Fig. 8. Process flow diagram for DRIZO process.

2.1.6. Stripping processes using Stahl column from the reboiler of the regeneration column is fed into the top of Stahl
As stated in the overview section (Section 2.1.1), the stripping gas column while the lean TEG leaves through the bottom of Stahl column.
can alternatively be injected into an additional column that is located The overhead vapour from Stahl column can be directed into the
after the reboiler, defined as “Stahl column” (Fig. 9), instead of in- bottom section of the regeneration column (Fig. 10(a)) or into the re-
jecting it directly into the reboiler of the regeneration column. This boiler of the regeneration column (Fig. 10(b)) to evaporate the water
method essentially follows the identical mechanism explained in Sec- vapour removed from the lean-TEG stream (Protreat, 2015a, 2015b).
tion 2.1.2. The use of an additional column provides additional equi- The former configuration is deemed more effective to evaporate the
librium stages that leads to extra water removal steps from the water- water vapour, given the higher temperature in the reboiler compared to
rich TEG. This leads to an increase in purity on regenerated TEG up to the bottom of the regeneration column.
99.96% when a portion of dry product gas is used as stripping gas and
thus, giving drier product gas than the one obtained in the default 2.2. Coldfinger technology
process (Fig. 2) (Elendu et al., 2015; Protreat, 2015a). Unlike the other
stripping process (Figs. 6-8), the stripping gas in the present case is Coldfinger technology, which was developed in 1975, relies on the
injected into the bottom of Stahl column. The partially-stripped TEG condensation mechanism to further purify the lean TEG from the re-
boiler to a higher purity; reaching a maximum of 99.96% (Mokhatab
et al., 2015; Netusil and Ditl, 2011; Plisga, 2004b). This technology is
easy to install and does not require any stripping gas. It also has a short
payback period, which makes it attractive for industrial uses (Øi and
Tyvand Selstø, 2002).
In this process, the partially-stripped lean TEG from the reboiler is
directed to a separate vessel (that is surge tank) which is half-filled with
the partially-stripped lean TEG while the other half is occupied by a
vapour mixture consisting of mainly water and traces of TEG
(Fig. 11(a)). The water vapour comes from the lean TEG itself. The
cooling coil (that is Coldfinger technology) is installed in the vapour
space of the surge tank (Fig. 11(a)). It can alternatively be integrated
with the reboiler of the regeneration column (Fig. 11(b)) (Piemonte
et al., 2012). The cooling coil continuously condenses the vapour
mixture above the lean TEG. The water vapour (condensate) is then
discharged to the reboiler through a tray that is placed under the
cooling coil (not shown in (Fig. 11). Traces of TEG that are discharged
during the condensation process are recovered in the regenerator. As
the condensate continuously flows to the reboiler, the remaining liquid
phase in the surge tank naturally seeks to restore the vapour-liquid
equilibrium by producing vapour phase. By doing so, the traces of water
in the lean TEG stream is exhausted before it reaches the outlet nozzle
of the surge tank. Within a limited residence time, the water in the
liquid phase depletes while the residual liquid (lean TEG) concentration

2.3. Comparison overview

Fig. 9. Process flow diagram for the regeneration column portion of natural gas Table 5 presents a quantitative performance overview of the dif-
dehydration by absorption using TEG modified with the injection of stripping ferent enhanced processes available to improve the glycol (e.g., TEG)
gas into Stahl column. purity limit listed in Table 3. The performance criteria for each


Fig. 10. Two different overhead vapour configurations for Stahl column; (a) Vapour flows directly into the bottom of the regeneration column; and (b) Vapour flows
into reboiler of the regeneration column.

enhanced dehydration processes are the glycol (e.g., TEG) purity, BTEX the use of the volatile hydrocarbon component (e.g., BTEX gases) that is
emissions, and economical evaluation (that is the consideration be- originally released to the atmosphere in the default process (Fig. 2) as
tween profit, capital cost, and operating cost). The scoring in Table 5 stripping gas. DRIZO process generates substantially lower BTEX gas
however was categorised entirely based on the Authors’ opinion after emissions while removing larger amount of water or equivalently,
careful evaluation on the available literature with a score of 1–3; with 1 generating higher purity on regenerated TEG relative to the other two
being the least preferred and 3 being the most preferred score for each stripping processes that uses the inert gas and a portion of dry product
criteria. gas as presented earlier. This translates to a lower TEG circulation rate
Among these processes, the injection of stripping gas is the simplest (flowrate), which in turn, scale down the operating cost and energy
and the most common route to obtained enhanced TEG regeneration consumption for the dehydration system. Nevertheless, DRIZO process
performance. The injection of dry product gas in particular provides brings extra capital cost since it requires the presence of additional
lower capital cost, lower utility cost, and less energy consumption re- equipment such as a three-phase separator, a pump, and a heat ex-
lative to the injection of external stripping gas (e.g., nitrogen) although changer, relative to the other stripping gas processes (Compare Figs. 6-
both stripping processes can attain similar TEG regeneration perfor- 8). At present, the higher economic potential of DRIZO process com-
mance. However, the aforementioned advantages are achieved at a pared to the other stripping process (e.g., stripping process using a
lower profit margin on the dehydration process since a portion of dry portion of dry product gas) remains questionable. So far, no previous
product gas (sale gas) was consumed as stripping gas. Nevertheless, the study has ever evaluated on the economic analysis that compares
profit loss has never been discussed in detail in any of the previous DRIZO process against stripping processes using inert gas and/or a
studies. Accordingly, DRIZO process has been devised, which relies on portion of dry product gas.

Fig. 11. Two different ways to incorporate Coldfinger apparatus; (a) Separate system; and (b) Integration with reboiler.


Next, injection of the stripping gas into Stahl column provides ad- specific goal (e.g., estimating water content in dry product gas). Si-
ditional equilibrium stages to further purify the partially-stripped TEG mulation studies covers most of the works that are performed in col-
that comes from the reboiler to a higher purity; reaching as high as laboration with industrial plant that assess the dehydration perfor-
99.96%. This however was achieved at an expense of increase in the mance. New technologies such as membrane and supersonic
capital cost, the operating cost, and the energy consumption for the technologies are introduced at the last part of this review. Their latest
overall plant. As a result, it becomes unclear if Stahl column may development however will not be discussed since it has just been re-
generate a better profit relative to the conventional stripping processes. cently discussed in other reviews (Dalane et al., 2017; Haghighi et al.,
Very little literature information is available on Stahl column and fur- 2015).
ther comparison is required between the Stahl column process and the
conventional stripping process, especially in terms of techno-econom- 3.1. BTEX emission control
ical aspects. Furthermore, most studies associated to Stahl column only
focus on using a portion of the dry product gas to enhance the purity of As discussed in Section 1.3, several strategies are available that can
the regenerated TEG. What is not yet clear is the impact of injecting be adopted to the conventional dehydration process to control the BTEX
inert gas (e.g., nitrogen gas) or the volatile hydrocarbon gas (e.g., BTEX emission (Table 4). Notably, incineration has been widely applied to
gases) into the Stahl column. Future studies should also be performed to eliminate BTEX gases. Condensation can also recover the BTEX gases
investigate the effect of simultaneous injection of stripping gas into the but at the cost of post-treating BTEX-containing water effluent. There-
reboiler of the regeneration column and the Stahl column. fore, recent attempts have been focused more onto creating new process
Lastly, the purity of the regenerated TEG nonetheless can be en- design, optimising the existing process, and using alternative less-BTEX
hanced by using the Coldfinger technology instead of the stripping gas absorbing solvent.
processes. Coldfinger technology is easy to install and has a shorter One of these recent studies involves the implementation of a BTEX
payback period which makes it attractive for industrial uses. In com- stripper that is installed between the flash tank and the regenerator
parison to all the stripping processes, the Coldfinger technology is much (Fig. 12). The BTEX stripper, originated from a patented technology by
newer and has not been intensively studied (Piemonte et al., 2012; Latoka Engineering, employed the flash vapour combined with a por-
Rahimpour et al., 2013a,b). Further understanding about their me- tion of the dry product gas to strip off the BTEX gases in the rich TEG
chanisms and effectiveness is thus required (Saidi et al., 2014). stream coming from the absorber prior to the TEG regeneration process.
To this end, our comparison assessment demonstrates that DRIZO The overhead of the BTEX-containing stripper is subsequently used as a
process (Fig. 8) provides the highest purity on the regenerated TEG with fuel in the reboiler; further eliminating the BTEX emission problem
the least BTEX emission relative to all other enhanced processes. DRIZO while saving reboiler fuel cost (Ebeling et al., 1998). However, the
process is also the most economic option since it does not consume a BTEX stripper requires additional investment cost and higher energy
portion of dry product gas (sale gas) nor require any external stripping consumption cost. Following this, it may be more cost-effective to re-
gas that translates to saving in operating cost. It is followed by the duce the amount of BTEX absorbed initially since no additional
Coldfinger technology (Fig. 11) and the stripping gas process modified equipment (e.g., BTEX stripper) and lower energy consumption is
with Stahl column (Fig. 9). These two processes can provide almost needed. This can be accomplished by using the lowest glycol circulation
identical purity on regenerated TEG, close to about 99.96 wt %. How- rate possible or by using a less BTEX-absorbing glycol such as MEG and
ever, the stripping gas dehydration process modified with Stahl column DEG. However, MEG and DEG gave a higher glycol loss rate relative to
requires higher capital cost since it requires an additional column. TEG. MEG and DEG processes thus require higher additional glycol
Lastly, our comparison assessment reveals that the stripping processes make-up, which leads to a higher operational cost. Given the conflicting
using inert stripping gas (Fig. 6) or a portion of dry product gas (Fig. 7) nature between the cost associated to the additional glycol make-up
are the least preferred options because they provide the lowest purity and the cost needed to post-treating the BTEX gases emitted, it would
on regenerated TEG and generally produce high amount of BTEX be interesting to further re-assess the dehydration system using dif-
emission. As mentioned in Section 2.5, these two aforementioned pro- ferent glycols in terms of technical and economic aspects. The effect of
cesses are also not economically favourable since they have high op- different glycols on the treated gas quality should additionally be
erating cost due to the consumption of inert stripping gas that comes considered. Other than the types of glycol and the circulation rate as-
externally or the profit generated is lower because of the consumption sociated, another process parameter that significantly affects the BTEX
of a portion of dry product gas (that is, sale gas). emission is the regenerator pressure. A higher regenerator pressure will
reduce the BTEX emission, as demonstrated in the work of Collie et al.
3. Recent studies on natural gas dehydration (1998). However, they highlighted that increasing the regenerator
pressure increases the water content in the solvent, which profoundly
Following the enhanced regeneration processes that improves the affect the water specification in the dry product gas. Therefore, it is not
glycol (e.g., TEG) purity limit, we summarise next the recent studies on viable to increase the regenerator pressure since it may exceeds the
natural gas dehydration that is carried out from 1991 to 2017. Notably, pipeline design requirements.
due to the strong opposition in the natural gas industry towards im- Braek et al. (2001) optimised the process parameters of the major
plementing new technologies, most of these recent studies were di- equipment (e.g., regenerator) on a dehydration plant located in Abu
rected towards optimising the existing processes rather than developing Dhabi to reduce the BTEX emission. Their optimisation study revealed
the new ones. These studies can mainly be categorised into: that optimising the temperature and pressure of the flash tank does not
affect the BTEX emission intensely because most of the BTEX gases exist
• BTEX emission control as liquid within the rich glycol stream. Other process parameters that
• Correlation studies has strong influence on the BTEX emission rate are the wet gas tem-
• Simulation studies perature and the original BTEX composition in the wet gas. Never-
• New technologies (e.g., membrane and supersonic technology) theless, these parameters are difficult to be controlled and is therefore
not a feasible emission control option. Eight years later on the same
These studies are selectively summarised in Table 6. BTEX emission plant located in Abu Dhabi, Darwish and Hilal (2008) performed sen-
control involves studies performed in response to the environmental sitivity analysis on several input parameters (e.g., stripping gas flow-
concern. Correlation studies includes the selection of appropriate rate) and operating conditions (e.g., absorber temperature) that influ-
thermodynamic model or the use of conservation principles (mass and ence the absorber and regenerator performance. They found that the
energy balance) to develop mathematical equations to achieve a stripping gas flowrate and the inlet TEG temperature exhibit a strong


Table 6
Summaries of simulation data from recent studies.
Absorber specification Regenerator specification References

Pressure (kPa), Wet gas flowrate Pressure (kPa), Agent type Agent flowrate Regenerator type
Temperature (°C) (MMSCFD) Reboiler temperature (m3 hr−1)

68951, 491 47 1011, 1601 & 2041 DEG, TEG 42 Conventional (Collie et al., 1998)
21031, 211 29.2 2141, 1791 MEG, 0.531 Stripping gas using dry product (Ebeling et al., 1998)
58611, 491 22 2141,1401 DEG, TEG 0.961 gas
3800-43001, 56-61 17.5 1101, 204 TEG 2 Stripping gas with Stahl column (Braek et al., 2001)
73201, 40 48.251 N/A TEG 12.781 Stripping gas (Kasiri and Hormozdi, 2005)
42611, 58–641 11 121, 2041 TEG 2.11 N/A (Darwish and Hilal, 2008)
3555, 40 250 N/A MEG, N/A Stripping gas (Abdulrahman and Sebastine, 2013)
6760-70601, 40-45 151 N/A TEG 13.58 Coldfinger (Rahimpour et al., 2013a,b)
42611, 58–641 11 101.31, 2041 TEG 2.11 Stripping gas with Stahl column (Darwish and Hilal, 2008;
Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016;
Isa et al., 2013)
92001, 30 10 N/A TEG 3.5–25.47 Conventional (Anyadiegwu et al., 2014)
12748-127801, 51-60 2391 N/A, 200 TEG 4.91 Stripping gas (Jokar et al., 2014)
127481, 33-42 2371 N/A, 200 TEG 4.7961
3800-72301, 50–69.6 4911 1201, 133.5 DEG 9.10 Conventional (Rouzbahani et al., 2014)
12748-127801, 51-60 238.71 1201, 199 TEG 5.541 Stripping gas using dry product (Saidi et al., 2014)
gas and DRIZO modified with
Stahl column
62001, 30 10 N/A TEG 0.053–0.07 Conventional (Elendu et al., 2015)
7000, 54 201 6950, 60 TEG 21 N/A (El Mawgoud et al., 2015)
7000, 54 201 6950, 60 TEG 71
7000, 54 201 6950, 153 TEG 21
100001, 50 230 1011, 194 TEG 5.21 Stripping gas (Ranjbar et al., 2015)
6780, 58.2 1251 120, 165 TEG 71 Stripping with inert gas (Gad et al., 2016)
4080-4100,30 37.321 102, 175-204 TEG 32 Conventional and stripping gas (Neagu and Cursaru, 2017)
using dry product gas
101.31, 20 0.96201 51, 140 ILs 41 Conventional (Yu et al., 2017)
101.31, 20 0.96201 101.31, 204 TEG 41

Unit converted from other form (e.g., bar, psia, oF).
Unit reported in the form of gal of solvent per pound of water (gal solvent lb−1 water).
N/A refers to Not Available.

Fig. 12. BTEX stripper to reduce BTEX gases emission (Reproduced from (Ebeling et al., 1998)).

influence on the regenerator performance. The absorber performance, gas, DEG loss rate, and the total process duty. Their analysis revealed
on the other hand, is sensitive to the disturbance in operating pressure that the VOC emission is extremely sensitive to the DEG flowrate fol-
and wet gas flowrate. Rouzbahani et al. (2014) presented an analogous lowed by the DEG purity. Moreover, the variation in the wet gas
sensitivity analysis on the natural gas dehydration unit using DEG in flowrate and the water content in natural gas influence the DEG loss
Iran. They examined the variations of wet gas flowrate, DEG flowrate, rate more severely compared to the water dew point in dry product gas
DEG purity, and the water content in natural gas that affect the volatile and the total process duty. At the end of their study, they attempt to
organic compounds (VOC) emission, water dew point in dry product optimise the whole dehydration process by taking the water dew point


in natural gas as a main factor. Their optimisation result suggests that a correlation for sizing the regenerator. Further studies can be carried out
10% increase in the DEG flowrate further reduces the water dew point that take these gaps into account.
in dry product gas by another 6%, without substantial increase in the Apart from Bahadori's group, other researchers also developed a few
dehydration unit's total energy consumption and VOC emission. mathematical models that are worth mentioning. For instance, Akpa
Saidi et al. (2014) investigated the possibility of replacing the three et al. (2013) performed material and energy balance on the absorber
dehydration units originally operated by using stripping gas injection unit to predict the water content in natural gas across the absorber and
with DRIZO process in the Farashband gas processing plant. The first the temperature variance between the natural gas and the TEG across
part of their study evaluates the effect of different stripping gases used the packing height of the absorber. Their proposed model was solved by
for DRIZO process on the dehydration performance. Among the strip- applying Laplace transform technique to obtain an analytical solution.
ping gases studied are N-Heptane, Iso-Octane, BTEX gases, and an Their proposed model was applied on an industrial dehydration unit
equimolar mixture of N-Heptane and Iso-Octane. They showed that N- located in Nigeria and the results validation revealed that the proposed
Heptane alone gives the best dehydration performance with the lowest model accurately predicted the amount of water in the natural gas
BTEX emission rate. However, it is not clear how they have obtained the stream with a deviation of 0%. In the following year, Dagde and Akpa
N-heptane or the Iso-Octane solely from the gas mixture and used it as (2014) solved an analogous model by integrating it numerically using
stripping gas. They evaluated the dehydration performance based on the finite divided difference scheme method that is incorporated into
two different DRIZO configurations. The first configuration involves the the MATLAB code. Identical to their previous work, the accuracy of
application of a single DRIZO process to each of the dehydration unit their numerical model was verified by applying the model onto an in-
whereas the second configuration integrates a complex DRIZO process dustrial TEG unit located in Nigeria. Their simulation results reveal that
that combines the three dehydration units together. The former con- the proposed model accurately predicts the amount of water content in
figuration provides significant improvement in both the water dew natural gas with a deviation of 8.65%, albeit to a slightly larger extent
point and BTEX emission. This nonetheless was achieved at a higher relative to their previous work.
capital investment cost in comparison to the latter configuration. Other studies that involve the development of new correlation in-
Eldemerdash and Kamarudin (2016) demonstrated the usage of cludes the work of Gandhidasan (2003) where they proposed new
chemically modified Mono-Ethylene Glycol (mMEG) that leads to al- mathematical equations to estimate the TEG circulation rate, the ab-
most zero BTEX emission while significantly improves the dehydration sorber inner diameter, and the number of trays required by the absorber
performance. The application of mMEG requires no additional equip- to achieve the required sale gas (dry product gas) specifications. Re-
ment and the low temperature in the reboiler decreases the energy cost. lative to the conventional use of charts and table which can be very
Nevertheless, the usage of mMEG leads to higher glycol loss rate, which time-consuming, the proposed mathematical equations can be written
is the similar disadvantage of using MEG and DEG as solvent. Further into computer program to minimise the calculation time. Twu et al.
studies that takes the glycol loss rate into account are therefore re- (2005) developed a methodology that employs the Twu-Sim-Tassone
commended. (abbreviated as TST) cubic equation of state to determine the water dew
point and the water content in the natural gas stream.
3.2. Correlations Jokar et al. (2014) investigated the possibility to replace the existing
trays in the absorption column by structured packing through simu-
One of the most productive research groups that has been actively lating the Farashand gas dehydration unit located in Iran. Their simu-
working to develop new correlation on the area of natural gas dehy- lation results revealed that structured packing not only lower the water
dration is Bahadori's group. Their group has published a few works on dew point in dry product gas but also give significant improvement to
the past decade, some of which are cited within this paper (Bahadori the other parameters on the dehydration performance. They also show
et al., 2008; Bahadori and Vuthaluru, 2009a, 2009b). For example, in that it is economically justifiable to revamp the existing tray column
2008, Bahadori's group proposed a new correlation for determining the with structured packing in the Farashband gas processing plant. No-
solubility of light alkanes (e.g., Methane, Ethane, and Propane) and tably, structured packing also proves more superior over the conven-
acid gases (e.g., H2S) in TEG. They showed that an increase in the ab- tional random packing given its better mass transfer control, higher gas
sorber pressure and the TEG flowrate or a decrease in the absorber capacity, and lower pressure drop (Dagde and Akpa, 2014; Elsarrag,
temperature increases the solubility of light alkanes and acid gases in 2006; Kean et al., 1991; Olujić et al., 2015; Shilkin and Kenig, 2006).
TEG (Bahadori et al., 2008). The following year, Bahadori and More essential is the fact that structured packing can achieve a specific
Vuthaluru (2009b) formulated a simple algebraic equations for sizing of TEG purity at a lower reboiler temperature, thereby eliminating the fuel
the absorber at a wide range of operating conditions. Their proposed cost associated to increase the reboiler temperature (Farahmand et al.,
methodology correlates the TEG circulation rate, TEG purity, water 2011).
removal efficiency, number of equilibrium stages, and diameter of the
absorber. Such unique expression is simple to use compared to the 3.3. Simulation studies
conventional simulation approaches which involve rigorous and time-
consuming calculations and plotting of graphs. On the same year, Kasiri and Hormozdi (2005) probed the influential factors such as
Bahadori and Vuthaluru (2009a) devised another simple-to-use corre- the temperature and flowrate of TEG entering the absorber and the
lation that can rapidly estimate the equilibrium dew point of water in number of stages in absorber that affect the effectiveness of the water-
natural gas stream based on the operating temperature and TEG purity. absorption performance. Their study demonstrate that increasing the
Their proposed correlation involves no complex expression with temperature and the flowrate of TEG entering the absorber and/or in-
transparent calculations, which allows process engineer to do quick creasing the number of stages in the absorber increase the water ab-
check on equilibrium water dew point of natural gas. In 2014, Baha- sorption rate. Their result was verified later by an analogous study
dori's group developed an intelligent model to predict the TEG purity as presented by Arubi and Duru (2008) where they additionally in-
a function of reboiler pressure and temperature by means of the well- vestigated the effect of the reboiler temperature and the stripping gas
proven standard feed-forward back-propagation neural network (Ghiasi flowrate on the dehydration performance. Their result indicated that it
et al., 2014). Their proposed technique reproduces the literature data is possible to use a lower reboiler temperature (e.g., 190 °C) to re-
with average absolute deviation of about 0.30%, which highlights the generate the TEG up to a similar purity to that being regenerated using
accuracy and the capability of their presented neural-based model to a standard reboiler temperature (that is 200 °C). This however requires
estimate the TEG purity. Nevertheless, they have not investigated the additional stages in the absorber. At present, it is not clear if the re-
solubility of BTEX gases in different glycols and to formulate a duction in the operating cost associated to the lower reboiler


temperature is traded-off by an increase in the capital cost from in- DEG and MEG; leading to a higher hydrocarbon loss rate. In view of
stalling additional stages in the absorber. Thus, future study that maximising the water removal rate while minimising the hydrocarbon
evaluates the economic aspect of the plant is warranted. loss rate, they suggest DEG as the best solvent candidates. Anyadiegwu
Baktash et al. (2010) employed the use of volatile hydrocarbon li- et al. (2014) utilised operational data from a natural gas dehydration
quid (that is Toluene & Iso-Octane) as stripping agent to improve the plant in Nigeria to probe the amount of water removed by absorption
TEG purity on Farashband gas dehydration plant located in Iran. Their using different TEG flowrates. They found an optimum TEG flowrate,
simulation was compared against the conventional dehydration process beyond which no significant additional profit can be generated from the
using stripping gas and their simulation results demonstrate that using dry product gas but leads to the absorber flooding and the liquid carry-
hydrocarbon liquid as stripping gas enables the enhancement of the over. They also performed hydrate formation analysis on all TEG
TEG purity while reducing the TEG loss rate to the environment. They flowrate simulated and ruled out the possibility of hydrate formation.
have however not demonstrated how to separate Toluene and/or Iso- This is since the hydrate formation temperature is well below the dry
Octane from the volatile hydrocarbon mixture (e.g., mixture of To- gas temperature. However, their hydrate formation analysis was
luene + Iso-octane + BTEX gases). Additional cost associated to the nonetheless based on the operating condition of the plant. Other op-
separation may add burden to the operational cost in dehydration plant. erating condition scenarios (e.g., higher pressure) may influence their
Among the two solvents studied, Iso-octane displayed a better TEG deduction on hydrate formation. Elendu et al. (2015) presented an
regeneration performance in comparison to Toluene. They additionally analogous study that examined the effect of different TEG flowrates on
validated their simulation with the previous experimental studies, the dehydration performance that is sourced from SPDC in South-South
which highlight the accuracy of their results (Mostafazadeh et al., 2009; Nigeria.
Paymooni et al., 2011). Ranjbar et al. (2015) presented an interesting paper that determines
Isa et al. (2013) simulated three natural gas dehydration processes the optimum values for the TEG flowrate and the absorber temperature
based on an industrial dehydration unit located in United Arab Emirates by means of relative sensitivity function (RSF). The determined op-
(UAE). The dehydration processes are the conventional dehydration timum values were implemented into a simulation model to optimise
process, the stripping gas dehydration process modified with Stahl the entire dehydration process. Their optimisation results demonstrated
column, and DRIZO process. They assessed the performance of these that RSF is a very effective methodology that can be applied to mini-
dehydration units based on the water dew point and the water content mise the reboiler duty, TEG flowrate, and the water content in dry
in dry product gas. They additionally constructed the phase envelope product gas. In fact, only a few studies have been conducted on natural
diagram to investigate the behaviour of water dew point curve. Their gas dehydration by means of sensitivity analysis (Darwish and Hilal,
simulation results revealed that DRIZO process shows the most sig- 2008; Ranjbar et al., 2015; Rouzbahani et al., 2014) and there is still an
nificant improvement on the water dew point and water content in dry abundant room for further progress in this area.
product gas, followed by the stripping gas dehydration process mod- Gad et al. (2016) replaced nitrogen with a portion of dry product
ified with Stahl column and the conventional dehydration process. This gas as stripping gas for TEG regeneration. Their techno-economic
is since the purity of the regenerated TEG in the DRIZO process is the analysis shows that using a portion of dry product gas as stripping gas
highest in comparison to the other two employed processes. At the end leads to significant savings in operational cost because no external
of their study, they proposed the addition of Potassium Formate into the stripping gas is required. Nevertheless, they have not demonstrated the
TEG solution as a new method to improve the absorption capacity of profit comparison for the two systems. Since they utilise a portion of the
TEG and subsequently enhance the water vapour removal rate in the dry product gas as the stripping gas, less dry product gas becomes
dehydration process. However, they have not explained the reason available for sale. This most likely leads to the reduction of the profit in
behind selecting Potassium Formate. Their simulation results reveal such dehydration system. Neagu and Cursaru (2017) presented an
that the addition of Potassium Formate improves the TEG-water ab- analogous study where they performed techno-economic analysis on
sorption capacity by 2–3 times. Such improvement nonetheless was the dehydration process using a portion of dry product gas as stripping
achieved at an expense of an increase in the BTEX-absorption rate. Also, gas against the conventional dehydration process. They reported that
the addition of Potassium Formate further leads to an increase in the the dehydration process using stripping gas can increase the TEG purity
operational cost since it has to be introduced externally. At this point, it without imposing substantial additional capital cost. They have how-
is still unclear if the addition of Potassium Formate is more superior ever neglected the profit evaluation in their economic analysis. No-
over the well-established dehydration process (e.g., DRIZO process). tably, other stripping gases alternative are available (e.g., BTEX gases)
Further efforts must be directed towards solving the BTEX absorption as presented in Section 2.1.5. Instead of using the dry product gas as
issues and to assess the economic impact of such proposed metho- stripping gas, these BTEX gases can also be exploited to minimise the
dology. Experimental work to further validate the present simulation profit reduction.
works is also warranted. In the recent years, Ionic Liquids (abbreviated as ILs) have become
Rahimpour et al. (2013a,b) simulated a Coldfinger unit for TEG increasingly popular for dehydration applications given its dis-
regeneration and assessed the influence of stripping gas flowrate, tinguished physicochemical properties such as high thermal and che-
stripping gas temperature, and the Coldfinger pressure on the TEG re- mical stability, high hygroscopicity, non-flammability, and low melting
generation performance. Their simulation results indicate that an in- point (Yu et al., 2017). More essential is the fact that ILs have higher
crease in stripping gas flowrate and temperature and/or a decrease in water affinity relative to the conventional TEG. Likewise, ILs have a
Coldfinger pressure favours the TEG regeneration performance. Our better regeneration capability given its negligible vapour pressure at
literature survey indicates that only a handful of studies have been room temperature, which simplifies the regeneration process such that
performed to simulate the Coldfinger unit for natural gas dehydration almost pure ILs can be obtained simply by using a flash tank. ILs also
(Øi and Tyvand Selstø, 2002; Piemonte et al., 2012; Rahimpour et al., provide negligible solvent loss and savings in energy consumption, as
2013a,b). This is due to the lack of Coldfinger unit in the steady state reported in a previous study (Yu et al., 2017). Furthermore, no foaming
simulation software, which makes the simulation difficult. Further ex- problems have so far been reported on the use of ILs. For these reasons,
ploration in this area is therefore recommended. many researchers propose the use of ILs as a promising green solvent to
Abdulrahman and Sebastine (2013) assessed the use of different replace traditional solvent used in conventional dehydration processes
glycols to dehydrate natural gas that comes from Khurmala gas dome in (Bowman, 2000; Heym et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2017). However, further
the Southwest Erbil-Kurdistan region. Their simulation results demon- work in this area is required to further support the beneficial solidity of
strate that TEG removes the largest amount of water followed by DEG using ILs and to overturn the present market preference on the current
and MEG. Likewise, TEG also absorbs more hydrocarbon relative to well-established conventional dehydration process using TEG.


3.4. New technologies 2001). However, it is less likely that membrane technologies will
dominate the market share in the near future due to the well-estab-
3.4.1. Membrane technologies lished TEG dehydration process that are too cheap for membrane
Membrane technologies has gained its significant foothold in nat- technologies to compete in all but the most marginal situations. Further
ural gas industry ever since it was first used to remove carbon dioxide in research and development on process design is needed, especially on
the 1980s. Today, it is widely used in the natural gas processing facil- the hybrid systems to generate a more competitive process.
ities such as for the natural gas sweetening and heavy hydrocarbon Membrane technologies can optionally be applied on the glycol
recovery (Hubbard, 1991). A few natural gas dehydration units oper- regeneration section alone instead of the entire natural gas dehydration
ating using membrane technologies has also been reported (May-Britt, process. It regenerates the glycol following the pervaporation process
1998). In comparison to the conventional dehydration process using (that is combination of evaporation and permeation process) where the
TEG, membrane technologies is more environmental friendly and en- rich TEG that flows through the membrane will exit the retentate side as
ergy-efficient since it does not requires any additional solvents and/or the lean TEG and the water evaporate and permeate through the
chemicals (Liu et al., 2001). More essential is the fact that it requires membrane (Bowen et al., 2004). This process essentially follows the
much less space and can be operated continuously without the need for identical membrane mechanism that was explained earlier except that
regeneration; making it suitable for unmanned operation (that is off- there is a phase change involved when the water travel across the
shore) (Lin et al., 2013; Ohlrogge and Brinkmann, 2003). However, the membrane and leaves as permeate. The driving force, that is the dif-
bottleneck of membrane technologies is the methane loss rate, which ference in partial pressure over the membrane, can be maximised by
cannot be avoided due to the pressure ratio limitations which restricts using a sweep gas on the permeate side to achieve lower vapour pres-
the membrane ability to compete with the well-established TEG dehy- sure, a vacuum pump, and/or by condensation (Shao and Huang,
dration units (Koros and Mahajan, 2000). The pressure ratio in the 2007). The use of water-selective membrane maximises the separation
separation of gas mixtures can be explained by considering two dif- (that is regeneration) efficiency. Pervaporation process also requires
ferent gas component with concentration of m and n at a feed pressure less energy in comparison to the regeneration column in conventional
of p. The flow of one gas component (e.g., n) across the membrane will dehydration process (that is distillation column) because the phase
only occur if the partial pressure of the component on the feed side change in pervaporation only involves minor component in the liquid
(e.g., nopo) is greater than the partial pressure of gas component on the mixture (e.g., water in TEG). As a result, pervaporation process has
permeate side (e.g., nipi) of the membrane, as shown in Equation (4). been considered as one of the most cost-effective liquid separation
n o po > ni pi (4) technologies (Baker, 2000). Today, commercial pervaporation process
are available such as the removal of water from organic solvent and
From Equation (4), it follows that the maximum separation of gas volatile organic compounds from water (Baker, 2000; Bowen et al.,
component n can be expressed as 2004; Shao and Huang, 2007). The membranes used for pervaporation
po n technique can be polymeric or inorganic. Polymeric membrane is
> i usually preferred due to its low cost and simple production method.
pi no (5)
Alternatively, mixed matrix membranes can also be considered as they
Following this, the gas separation can never exceed the pressure combine the advantages of both polymeric and inorganic membranes
ratio of po , regardless of the membrane selectivity. This bottleneck has (Scholes et al., 2012).
restricted the membrane technologies ability to compete with the well- There is still an abundant room for further progress to incorporate
established TEG dehydration units (Koros and Mahajan, 2000). pervaporation technique into natural gas dehydration application. For
Various membrane materials have been studied for natural gas de- example, since pervaporation technique has been used to remove vo-
hydration application such as polymeric membrane and inorganic latile organic compounds from water, it may be used to post-treat the
membrane. Polymeric membrane provides high H2O permeability and BTEX-containing effluent from natural gas dehydration plant.
H2O/CH4 selectivity relative to the other compounds (e.g., CO2) that
are present in the natural gas stream. Therefore, when the natural gas 3.4.2. Supersonic separator
stream passes through the membrane, water vapour is removed along Supersonic separator is another relatively new technology that has
with some of the other compounds (e.g., CO2) (Liu et al., 2001). In- recently gained its popularity in natural gas dehydration application
organic membrane material also demonstrates similar advantages but (Karimi and Abdi, 2009; Niknam et al., 2017; Wen et al., 2011). It
only under laboratory condition. Its fabrication cost is significantly couples both condensation and separation process in a simple device,
higher than that of the polymeric membrane. which is concurrently used to achieve water and hydrocarbon dew
Fig. 13(a) shows a simple process flow diagram for a one-stage point control along with enhanced Natural-Gas-Liquid (NGL) extraction
membrane dehydration system that removes 90% of the water in the (Machado et al., 2012). The mechanism behind supersonic separator is
wet gas; producing a permeate gas that accounts for 4–5% of the initial very similar to that of turbo expander, which combines expansion, gas/
wet gas flow. Notably, the methane loss rate through the permeate liquid cyclone separation, and gas re-compression in a compact tubular
cannot be avoided due to the pressure ratio limitation as explained device (Fig. 14). The supersonic separator nonetheless transforms
earlier. Therefore, several other configurations have been devised such pressure to kinetic energy (that is supersonic velocity) to achieve a
as using a compressor to recompress the permeate gas (Fig. 13(b)). temperature drop instead of transforming the pressure to shaft power as
However, this will increase the capital cost of the membrane-dehy- in the turbo expander case (Brouwer and Epsom, n.d.). In comparison to
dration system. Another alternative is to use a portion of the dry pro- the conventional dehydration plant, supersonic separator is smaller,
duct gas as sweep gas (Fig. 13(c)). The sweep gas essentially reduces the lighter, cheaper, and more environmental friendly. It also contains no
membrane area and the methane loss rate to 1–2% of the wet gas. rotating part; making it a simple facility suitable for unmanned op-
Accordingly, a secondary methane drying loop can also be considered eration (that is offshore) (Wen et al., 2011).
to produce a clean and dry methane to be used as sweep gas In the past two decades, a number of researches have been per-
(Fig. 13(d)). This reduces the methane loss rate down to 1%. However, formed on the use of supersonic separator for natural gas dehydration
the complexity of such customised system limits its application to re- application. A review work by Haghighi et al. (2015) that provides a
latively large dehydration plants. detailed discussion on these latest development can be referred to. They
In the recent years, tremendous efforts have been directed towards compiled about 88 papers, of which 15 papers are associated with ex-
exploring the potential of membrane for natural gas dehydration perimental works, 33 papers are works related to numerical modelling,
(Basafa and Pourafshari Chenar, 2014; Lin et al., 2013, 2012; Liu et al., 9 papers deal with mathematical modelling of the supersonic separator


Fig. 13. Four different membrane-dehydration process configuration; (a) Single stage membrane process; (b) Single stage membrane process modified with recycled
permeate; (c) Single stage membrane process modified with sweep gas; and (d) Single stage membrane process modified with secondary methane drying loop
(Reproduced from (Baker, 2002)).

Fig. 14. Schematic diagram for supersonic separator (Reproduced from (Brouwer and Epsom, n.d.)).


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Despite being a relatively new technology, extensive operating ex- Bahadori, A., Vuthaluru, H.B., 2009b. Simple methodology for sizing of absorbers for TEG
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conditioning to typical pipeline specification especially for unmanned Baktash, M.S., Khorramirad, R., Abbasi, M., Paymooni, K., Rahimpour, M.R., 2010.
Improvement of TEG Regeneration in Natural Gas Dehydration Using a Hydrocarbon
operations (Brouwer and Epsom, n.d.). However, further investigation
must be made to understand the characteristics of natural gas under Basafa, M., Pourafshari Chenar, M., 2014. Modeling, simulation, and economic assess-
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Equil. 209, 163–184.
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As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, several additional works of interest that are published
between 2018 and 2021 are discussed here for completeness sake. Most of these work focus on
techno-economic analysis for the natural gas dehydration via absorption using TEG.

Salman et al. (2020) analysed the conventional dehydration process and the stripping gas
dehydration process using a portion of the dry product gas. They attempted to optimise both
processes by evaluating the sensitivity of the water content in the dry product gas, the reboiler duty,
and the TEG loss rate against the TEG circulation rate and the stripping gas flowrate. After that,
both optimised processes were compared based on their performance to meet a specified value of
water content in the dry product gas. The stripping gas dehydration process was found to require
42% lower TEG flowrate and the associated reboiler duty was also lower by about 42%, which
subsequently leads to the sharp decrease in the annual operating cost by about 38%. Although the
stripping gas dehydration process consumed a portion of the dry product gas, they pointed out that
the cost associated to the stripping gas is very minimal in comparison to the reduction in the annual
operating cost. In terms of the total capital cost, there is no significant difference between the two
dehydration processes, in agreement with previous finding (Neagu and Cursaru, 2017). Other
than the conventional techno-economic analysis available in the existing literature, Li et al. (2019)
presented an interesting work that accounts for the environmental assessment for shale gas
dehydration. They proposed a framework for evaluating the conventional dehydration process and
stripping gas dehydration process from economic and environmental perspective. The
environmental assessment here involves a hybrid life cycle inventory (LCI) model to evaluate the
environmental impacts on shale gas dehydration. It was found that the dehydration process with
lower TEG purity ranging in between 99.00% to 99.05% and greater number of trays (e.g., more
than 7 stages) will result in a fewer pollutant and lower environmental index. Overall, an optimum
dehydration process with 7 theoretical stages and a TEG purity of 99.05% was found to balance
the economic and environmental performance. Another interesting work was presented by
Affandy et al. (2020) where they attempt to improve the conventional dehydration process by
recycling the flash vapour into the reboiler of the TEG regeneration column and used it as a
stripping gas. They reported that consuming the flash vapour as a stripping gas reduces the overall
TEG flowrate needed for the dehydration plant and reduces the reboiler duty by about 36.2%. This
translates to a significant reduction in the Total Annual Cost (TAC) by about 20% for the whole

dehydration process. However, the improvement in the TEG purity from 98.6% to 98.8%, in my
opinion, is not significant and other stripping gases such as BTEX gases or a portion of the dry
product gas should be considered especially in countries that specify a lower water content limit.

Petropoulou et al. (2019) targeted to minimise the energy consumption of the dehydration plant
by performing sensitivity analysis on several operational parameters such as the stripping gas
flowrate, the reboiler temperature, the regenerator pressure, the water-rich TEG temperature that
enters the regenerator, the surge drum temperature, and the operating temperature and pressure of
the absorber. They found that increasing the surge drum operating temperature and pre-heating the
rich TEG to a higher temperature prior to entering the regeneration column, leads to a lower water
content in the dry product gas while significantly reduces the reboiler duty of the regeneration
column. This translates to a lower operating cost for the overall dehydration process. Other than
sensitivity analysis, they also additionally investigated two thermodynamic models, i.e., the UMR-
PRU and the TST/NRTL model and reported that both models predicted similar effect on the
operational parameters variation considered. It is worth noting that UMR-PRU model in particular
can predict higher water and TEG solubility in methane vapour phase, which is closer to the
experimental data, relative to the TST/NRTL model. However, further simulation studies are
recommended to further validate the UMR-PRU model since my literature survey has indicated
that this is the only existing study that employed the UMR-PRU thermodynamic model for natural
gas dehydration. Chebbi et al. (2019) performed optimisation using Aspen HYSYS to minimise
both capital and operating cost by manipulating the TEG circulation rate, numbers of theoretical
trays in both absorber and regeneration column, wet gas inlet pressure and temperature, wet gas
flow rate, stripping gas flowrate, and two different gas price levels. Three different configurations
were investigated, i.e., conventional dehydration process, stripping gas dehydration process using
a portion of the dry product gas injected directly into the reboiler, and stripping gas dehydration
process using a portion of dry product gas injected into the regeneration column. Overall, they did
not recommend operating the absorber at extremely high pressure unless the wet gas feed pressure
is high. When the wet gas feed pressure is low, it will require additional compression and cooling,
which translates to a higher capital and operating cost. They also highlighted that absorber should
be operated at low temperature, similar to the temperature of the wet gas inlet, otherwise cooling
may be necessary prior to the absorption process, which may increase the overall cost of the

dehydration process. Ani et al. (2021) propose the use of multi objective optimisation (MOO) for
reducing the CO2 emission while minimising the overall energy consumption of the natural gas
dehydration plant. They considered 2 different bi-objective (i.e., 2 objectives) and 1 tri-objective
(i.e., 3 objectives) cases, i.e., minimise the CO2 emission and water content in the dry product gas,
minimise the energy consumption and the water content in the dry product gas, and minimise the
CO2 emission, the water content in the dry product gas, and the energy consumption of the overall
dehydration plant. They highlighted the conflict between the water content in the dry product gas
and the energy consumption caused by the reboiler temperature. For instance, when the reboiler
temperature of case (ii) presented in their study increases, the water content in the dry product
gases decreases, but at an expense of an increase in the reboiler duty. Such finding is in agreement
with previous study (Neagu and Cursaru, 2017). The most interesting part of their study is the
additional column placed after the TEG regeneration column, known as the “polishing column”.
Such column is otherwise known as the “Stahl column” I presented in my review paper, although
is not commonly presented in the existing literature. The addition of such column reduces water
content in dry product gas in all the three cases considered while lowering the CO2 emission and
overall reboiler duty.

In summary, several research gaps were identified to provide insights for future work that focuses
mainly on techno-economic analysis for natural gas dehydration via absorption:

1. Existing studies have shown that the injection of two different stripping gases (e.g.,
nitrogen or a portion of dry product gas) into the regeneration column helps to improve the
TEG regeneration performance. However, no existing studies, at the time this thesis was
written, have taken into consideration the cost incurred for the injection of stripping gas.
For instance, the consumption of nitrogen gas as stripping gas requires the nitrogen gas to
be purchased externally, further imposing additional operational cost. The use of a portion
of dry product gas, on the other hand, reduces the revenue (i.e., gross profit) of the
dehydration plant since less amount of dry product gas becomes available for sale. So far,
no study have attempted to compare all the stripping gas dehydration processes using
different stripping gas sources from techno-economic perspective and taken into account

the cost incurred for using the stripping gas. Such problem can be addressed by adding the
net profit factor into the techno-economic analysis.
2. As described in the literature review, DRIZO process is another suitable alternative for
obtaining enhanced TEG regeneration performance without consuming the externally
injected nitrogen gas or a portion of dry product gas as stripping gas. Nevertheless, DRIZO
process requires extra capital cost due to the additional equipment required such as a three-
phase separator, a pump, and a heat exchanger, relative to the other stripping gas processes.
Therefore, it is not clear whether DRIZO process has higher economic potential in
comparison to the other types of stripping processes. To date, no previous study has ever
performed the economic analysis that compares DRIZO process against stripping processes
using inert gas and/or a portion of dry product gas.
3. My literature survey also indicated that there is very limited literature information available
on Stahl column. Further comparison is required between the Stahl column process and the
conventional stripping processes, especially in terms of techno-economical aspects. Most
of the studies on Stahl column focus on using a portion of the dry product gas to improve
the purity of the regenerated TEG. It is also not clear what are the impact of injecting other
types of stripping gases (e.g., inert gas like nitrogen or the volatile hydrocarbon gases like
BTEX gases) into the Stahl column.

Chapter 3. Parametric study of different recycling configurations on
conventional natural gas dehydration process

This chapter has two research contributions, both of which focus on the conventional dehydration
process via absorption using TEG. The first contribution is the effect of TEG flowrate against the
water content in the dry product gas, the TEG loss rate, and the BTEX (i.e., benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene, and xylene) emission. My literature survey in Chapter 2 has indicated that the
existing simulation works focus on either the relationship between the water content in the dry
product gas and the TEG loss rate or the relationship between the water content in the dry product
gas and the BTEX emission. Therefore, this chapter aims to consider all these three parameters
simultaneously and determine an optimum TEG flowrate that provides minimum water content in
the dry product gas with minimum TEG loss rate and BTEX emission.

The second research contribution in this chapter is the effect of recycling the flash vapour and the
regenerator overhead into the absorber, using the optimum flowrate determined earlier. Such
recycling configuration was first mentioned in the work of Neagu & Cursaru (2017) where they
performed techno-economic analysis on natural gas dehydration process by absorption using TEG.
Nonetheless, they have not demonstrated the recycling configuration simulation in their work.
Such recycling configuration is perhaps aimed to attain more sustainable design through reducing
waste (i.e., recovering the wet gas loss and the TEG loss rate) and lowering the environmental
pollution (i.e., minimising the BTEX emission).

This chapter was published as a research paper in Process Integration and Optimization for
Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2018. A parametric study of different recycling
configurations for the natural gas dehydration process via absorption using triethylene glycol.
Process Integr Optim Sustain. 1. doi:10.1007/s41660-018-0058-x

Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability


A Parametric Study of Different Recycling Configurations for the Natural

Gas Dehydration Process Via Absorption Using Triethylene Glycol
Zong Yang Kong 1 & Ahmed Mahmoud 1 & Shaomin Liu 2 & Jaka Sunarso 1

Received: 9 April 2018 / Revised: 30 May 2018 / Accepted: 5 July 2018

# Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018

In this work, the effect of triethylene glycol (TEG) flowrate on the water content in dry product gas, the TEG loss rate, and the
BTEX (i.e. benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) emission of a conventional natural gas dehydration process via absorp-
tion using TEG were evaluated. Given the conflicting nature of decreasing water content against increasing BTEX emission and
TEG loss rate with increasing TEG flowrate, an optimum TEG flowrate was determined that gives the minimum water content in
dry product gas with minimum TEG loss rate and BTEX emission. The possibility of improving the dehydration process
performance was additionally investigated through recycling the flash vapour or the regenerator overhead or both the flash
vapour and the regenerator overhead into the absorber. The aforementioned recycling configurations aim towards sustainable
design for a natural gas dehydration process that provides a lower BTEX emission and TEG loss rate (i.e. plant’s wastage). These
recycling configurations were also evaluated based on economic analysis. Our simulation results however revealed that the TEG
loss rate is only reduced by 0.4% in all three different configurations. The reduction in water content, on the other hand, is always
traded-off by the increase in the total BTEX emission and vice versa, by marginal amount, relative to the base case scenario.
Therefore, applying such configuration does not contribute towards sustainable design and significant process performance
improvement despite requiring substantial additional capital and operational costs.

Keywords Aspen-Hysys . BTEX emissions . Dehydration . Glycol regeneration . Natural gas . Triethylene glycol

Introduction corrosion, and possibly pipeline rupture (Kidnay et al. 2011).

Such event is undesirable given the resultant environmental
Dehydration has been widely used to remove water from raw consequences such as fire break out, air quality reduction, and
natural gas (wet gas) that emerges from the wellhead since it gas exposure to the surroundings flora and fauna (Sonibare et
contains water that can cause hydrate formation in the al. 2010). Moreover, water vapour presence in natural gas prod-
transporting pipelines (Piemonte et al. 2012). Hydrate forma- uct may also reduce the combustion efficiency and induce the
tion in these pipelines may lead to pipeline plugging and/or blockage of valve fittings, compression system, process equip-
ment and instrumentation, especially when CO2 and H2S are
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article also present in the gas (Gong et al. 2010). Therefore, the water
( contains supplementary content in natural gas has been strictly regulated, the limit of
material, which is available to authorized users.
which differs from country to country. For example, the water
content in natural gas in the USA should not exceed 7 lb of
* Ahmed Mahmoud; water per million standard cubic feet of gas (lb MMSCF−1). In a
colder place like Alaska, a lower water content limit is speci-
* Jaka Sunarso; fied, i.e. between 1 and 2 lb MMSCF−1 (Mokhatab et al. 2015).
The water content in natural gas can also be indicated in terms
Research Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of of the water dew point, i.e., the temperature at which water
Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of begins to condense. Europe, for example, applies a water dew
Technology, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak,
point requirement of 8 °C at 70 bar for its pipeline-transported
natural gas (Bahadori 2014). Compliance with these specified
Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University,
limits provides assurance against hydrate formation during
Perth, WA 6845, Australia
Process Integr Optim Sustain

winter. As such, dehydration has become one of the most im- benzene, and xylene gases (abbreviated as BBTEX^) (Plisga
portant processes in the natural gas purification facility. 2004). A major portion of these BTEX gases are emitted from
Several conventional processes can be used to dehydrate the regenerator overhead while a minor portion of them is re-
natural gas such as absorption, adsorption, and refrigeration; leased from the flash vapour stream. The presence of these
the detailed discussion of which are given elsewhere (Netusil BTEX gases in the dehydration process has also been associat-
and Ditl 2011). Advanced technology-based dehydration pro- ed with severe foaming, flooding, low dehydration efficiency,
cesses that employ membrane and supersonic gas processing and higher maintenance cost for the absorber (Yu et al. 2017).
are also available (Dalane et al. 2017; Haghighi et al. 2015; Notably, these BTEX gases are irritants or carcinogens that may
Machado et al. 2012; Scholes et al. 2012). Among these pro- cause serious environmental impact when released directly to
cesses, absorption using glycol is the most established one, the atmosphere (Braek et al. 2001). Accordingly, BTEX emis-
which has been used in the industry for decades (Bahadori sion amount from the dehydration unit has been restricted in
2014). TEG in particular has become the glycol of choice given several countries. For example, the USA, being one of the top
its regeneration capability, high water affinity, high chemical countries with a strong national law for environmental democ-
stability, hygroscopicity, low vapour pressure, low evaporation racy, has established regulatory programs under the Clean Air
loss rate and low thermal degradation rate in the regeneration Act Amendments in 1990 that included BTEX within its list of
column (i.e. water removal unit) (Bahadori et al. 2008). 189 HAP. This Act limits BTEX emission to a maximum of 10
Over the past decade, several important simulation studies tons per year for any individual pollutant or a maximum of 25
have been performed on natural gas dehydration by absorption tons per year for the total four pollutants (Ebeling et al. 1998).
using TEG. Abdulrahman and Sebastine (2013) evaluated the As such, most of the previous studies employed this Act as a
suitability of using different glycols to dehydrate natural gas benchmark to assess the amount of BTEX emission that comes
that comes from Khurmala gas dome in the Southwest Erbil- from the natural gas dehydration plant (Braek et al. 2001; Collie
Kurdistan region. Their simulation results showed that TEG et al. 1998; Ebeling et al. 1998; Eldemerdash and Kamarudin
removes the largest amount of water followed by di-ethylene 2016). To minimise BTEX emission, several strategies can be
glycol (DEG), and mono-ethylene glycol (MEG). TEG also applied such as flaring the emitted BTEX gases (incineration),
absorbs more hydrocarbon compared to DEG and MEG, thus adding a condensation unit to the regenerator overhead to re-
providing the highest hydrocarbon loss rate. In the perspective cover the BTEX compounds, implementing a new process de-
of maximising the water removal rate while minimising the sign, optimising the existing process, and/or using another
hydrocarbon loss rate, DEG is the best solvent candidate. BTEX-less absorbing glycol. At the moment, incineration is
Anyadiegwu et al. (2014) determined the amount of water the most widely applied process to eliminate BTEX gases.
removed in the natural gas dehydration by absorption using Condensation can recover BTEX compounds but at the cost
different TEG flowrates. Their simulation utilised operational of post-treating BTEX-containing water effluent. Recent at-
data from a gas treatment plant in Nigeria. They highlighted tempts have nevertheless been focused more into creating a
the existence of an optimum TEG flowrate, beyond which no new process design (Ebeling et al. 1998), optimising the
significant additional profit can manifest from the dry product existing process (Braek et al. 2001; Collie et al. 1998;
gas and leads to absorber flooding and liquid carry-over. They Darwish and Hilal 2008), and utilising an alternative solvent
also analysed the hydrate formation possibility and ruled out (Bowman 2000; Ebeling et al. 1998; Eldemerdash and
the hydrate formation for all simulated TEG flowrates since Kamarudin 2016).
the hydrate formation temperature is well below the dry gas Our literature survey indicates that although numerous
temperature. It is worth noting that their hydrate formation simulation works have evaluated the effect of different
analysis was nonetheless based on the operating condition of TEG flowrates on the dehydration process performance,
the plant. Other operating condition scenarios (i.e., higher all of them assess either the relationship between the wa-
pressure) may alter the validity of their deduction on hydrate ter content in the dry product gas and the TEG loss rate or
formation. Elendu et al. (2015) presented an analogous study the relationship between the water content in the dry
on the effect of different TEG flowrates into the dehydration product gas and the BTEX emission. To this end, our
of natural gas that is sourced from Shell Petroleum work aims to consider these three parameters
Development Company (SPDC) in South-South Nigeria. simultaneously in the assessment of the dehydration
Besides these aforementioned works that mainly assess the process performance towards sustainable design. Hydrate
dehydration process performance, several simulation studies formation analysis, which is often overlooked in most of
have also been conducted to address the sustainability issues the existing works, is additionally presented to obtain an
(e.g., environmental impact) that come from conventional ab- accurate prediction on the possibility of hydrate
sorption using TEG. One of the main hazardous air pollutants formation. The first part of this work evaluates the effect
(HAPs) coming out of this absorption process is a group of of different TEG flowrates on the dehydration process
aromatic compounds known as benzene, toluene, ethyl performance. Here, the best TEG flowrate is determined
Process Integr Optim Sustain

that provides the minimum water content in dry product Methodology

gas with minimum TEG loss rate and BTEX emission.
The second part of this work then probes the effect of Figure 2 shows the proposed methodology framework
recycling the flash vapour and regenerator overhead into that comprises of two steps. First, the conventional
the absorber using the optimum TEG flowrate that was dehydration process (Fig. 1) was simulated and the
determined in the first part. Such recycling configuration best TEG flowrate was determined based on four
was first mentioned by Neagu and Cursaru (2017) in their criteria: least water content in dry product gas, least
techno-economic analysis of dehydration process by ab- BTEX emission, least TEG loss rate, and least
sorption using TEG. Their suggestion in the author’s possibility for hydrate formation. Next, the effect of
opinion was possibly aimed towards sustainable design the three different recycle configuration mentioned by
through recovering the wet gas loss, TEG loss rate (i.e., Neagu and Cursaru (2017) to further improve the de-
reduce wastage), and minimise the BTEX emission (i.e., hydration process performance towards sustainable de-
lower environmental pollution). sign was investigated. Finally, economic analysis was
performed on the three different recycling configura-
tions following the methodology used in the previous
Process Description work of Neagu and Cursaru (2017).
Figures 3, 4, and 5 schematically show the process
Figure 1 shows the schematic process flow diagram for flow diagrams for the dehydration processes with dif-
the conventional dehydration process using TEG. Prior ferent recycling configurations of interest in this work.
to the absorption process, excess liquid content that is In the following, only the new units and the major
present in the wet gas such as liquid hydrocarbon and modifications in the operating modes over the conven-
water are first removed by using a two-phase separator. tional process flow diagram will be discussed (Fig. 1).
Then, the wet gas enters the absorption column from These major changes are reflected by dashed lines as
the bottom and goes up in a counter-current manner shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. In all three cases, the
against the water-lean TEG stream that enters from recycled stream must pass through a compressor
the top of the column. During their contacts, the lean followed by a cooling process prior to entering the
TEG absorbs the water vapour from the wet gas. The absorber. This is to adjust the operating condition of
dry product gas (dehydrated natural gas) leaves from the recycled stream so that it matches the operating
the top of the column. The water-rich TEG, on the condition of the absorber. When the regenerator over-
other hand, exits from the bottom of the column and head is recycled nonetheless (Fig. 3), an additional
is passed through the expansion valve to reduce the cooler and a vertical two-phase separator must be
pressure. Then, the water-rich TEG is directed into a installed after the regenerator to separate the wet gas
vertical two-phase separator (flash separator) where stream and the traces of water and TEG. Then, the
low pressure and high temperature facilitates the re- operating condition of the wet gas stream should also
moval of light and soluble gas components such as be adjusted before entering the absorber. This wet gas
CO2. A minor amount of BTEX gases are also emitted stream can alternatively be recycled together with the
through the flash tank. The water-rich TEG leaving the flash vapour that comes from the flash tank into the
flash separator is then pre-heated using a glycol to absorber (Fig. 5). This can be performed by mixing the
glycol heat exchanger (shell and tube heat exchanger) two streams together using a mixer, prior to passing
to exchange heat with the water-lean TEG that comes through the compressor and the cooler.
out of the regeneration column. Finally, the water-rich In the present study, the dehydration process was sim-
TEG enters the regenerator and flows downward while ulated using the Aspen Hysys software (v8.8). The Peng-
water vapour, hydrocarbon and traces of TEG are re- Robinson fluid package was used because it has a higher
moved from the regenerator overhead. A major portion level of accuracy over a wide range of operating condi-
of the regenerated TEG (or the water-lean TEG) tions as reflected by its usage in numerous other simu-
exiting the bottom of the regeneration column is then lation studies on natural gas dehydration (Arubi and
directed to the top of the absorption column using the Duru 2008; Baktash et al. 2010; Behbahani et al. 2016;
circulation pump. Some TEG that was lost during the El Mawgoud et al. 2015; Eldemerdash and Kamarudin
absorption, flash and regeneration processes is compen- 2016; Isa et al. 2013; Neagu and Cursaru 2017; Øi and
sated via an additional make-up flow. Before entering Tyvand Selstø 2002). Peng-Robinson is also reliable and
the absorption column, the regenerated TEG is cooled efficient for a hydrocarbon system at temperature greater
by heat exchange with the dry product gas exiting the than − 271 °C and pressure less than 100 MPa, applica-
top of the absorber. ble to our operating conditions. Furthermore, our present
Process Integr Optim Sustain

Fig. 1 Process flow diagram for

the conventional dehydration
process using TEG

study intends to evaluate the effect of different recycling (Gandhidasan 2003), given as:
configuration that was first mentioned by Neagu and  
Cursaru (2017) in their techno-economic analysis of the T dew;eq ¼ 18:228  ln 0:001685  W out  P0:81462
g ð1Þ
dehydration process by absorption using TEG.
Therefore, operating conditions and property package where Tdew, eq is the equilibrium dew point temperature
(i.e., Peng-Robinson) similar to the work of Neagu and (°C), Wout is the water content that remain in dry product gas
Cursaru (2017) was used. The wet gas composition and (kg MMSCM−1) and Pg is the pressure of the stream (MPa).
operating condition are presented in Table 1 and Table 2, The actual water dew point is about 5 to 10 °C higher than
respectively. the equilibrium dew point. Therefore, a 7 °C approach to the
The results obtained in the present study were validated equilibrium dew point was assumed in the present study
against literature data in terms of the water dew point (Gandhidasan 2003).

Fig. 2 Simulation methodology

Process Integr Optim Sustain

Fig. 3 Process flow diagram for

the conventional dehydration
process using TEG with recycling
flash vapour into the absorber

Results and Discussion achieved at the higher TEG flowrate. For all simulated TEG
flowrates, the water content in dry product gas is well below
This section discussed the simulation results that probes the best 7 lb MMSCF−1, which is the upper safety limit for the allow-
TEG flowrate in the conventional dehydration process and ad- able water content in pipelines for most countries.
dresses the effect of different recycling configurations (Figs. 3, Nevertheless, these values are still considerably high if such
4, and 5) to improve the dehydration process performance. dry product gas is to be transported in colder-climate places
like Alaska, whose pipeline specification is in the range of 1–
Conventional Dehydration Process 2 lb MMSCF−1. To further lower the water content via the
absorption route, other enhanced processes such as stripping
Water Content in Dry Product Gas gas injection, DRIZO process and Coldfinger technology
should be utilised (Rahimpour et al. 2013; Saidi et al. 2014).
Water content in dry product gas at different TEG flowrates Figure 6b displays an analogous representation of water
from base case (Fig. 1) is presented in Fig. 6a. Larger extent of content in terms of water dew point as a function of TEG
water removal or equivalently, the drier product gas was flowrate. Reducing water content in dry product gas clearly

Fig. 4 Process flow diagram for

the conventional dehydration
process using TEG with recycling
regenerator overhead into the
Process Integr Optim Sustain

Fig. 5 Process flow diagram for

the conventional dehydration
process using TEG with recycling
mixture of flash vapour and
regenerator overhead into the

leads to water dew point depression (Compare Fig. 6a and Next, the effects of water content in dry product gas on the
Fig. 6b). Greater depression was achieved at the higher TEG water dew point and the hydrate formation temperature at
flowrate. Such proportional relationship between water dew different pressures were evaluated. Figure 8 shows the water
point depression and water content in natural gas is a well- dew point (WDP) curve and hydrate formation temperature
known fact (Hernandez-valencia et al. 1992). The decreasing (HFT) curve of wet gas before dehydration that overlap at a
trend of water dew point shown in Fig. 6b is consistent with single pressure point (1282 kPa). The WDP curve lies on the
those reported elsewhere (Arubi and Duru 2008; Hernandez- left side of the HFT curve only for pressures below 1282 kPa.
valencia et al. 1992). Our water dew point data at different In this case, since the gas is thermodynamically unstable
TEG flowrates were validated against the literature data (meta-stable equilibrium) and undersaturated with water, a
Gandhidasan (2003); the results of which are shown in free aqueous phase is not likely to form. For pressure above
Fig. 7. An error of less than 10% was obtained, which high-
lights the accuracy of our simulation results. Table 2 Input parameters to the absorption and regeneration column
(reproduced from (Neagu and Cursaru 2017))

Parameter Value
Table 1 Feed gas
composition (reproduced Components Mass fraction (%)
from (Jokar et al. 2014))
Carbon dioxide 1.91 Wet gas flowrate 1,000,000 Nm3 day−1
Nitrogen 11.12 TEG circulation rate 25 L TEG Kg−1 water
Water 0.07 Equation of state Peng Robinson
Methane 80.26 Absorber
Ethane 2.58 Top pressure 4080 kPa
Propane 0.87 Total pressure drop 8 kPa
i-Butane 0.04 Number of stages 14
n-Butane 0.48 Overall stage efficiency 0.3
i-Pentane 0.28 Regenerator
n-Pentane 0.24 Condenser Full reflux
n-Hexane 0.28 Top pressure 102 kPa
n-Heptane 0.33 Total pressure drop 18 kPa
Benzene 0.04 Feed temperature 100 °C
Toluene 0.05 Number of stages 10
Ethyl benzene 1.00 Reflux ratio 0.01
O-Xylene 0.45 Reboiler temperature 200 °C
Process Integr Optim Sustain

Fig. 6 a Water content of dry product gas and b water dew point of dry product gas

1282 kPa, however, the WDP curve is on the right side of the that majority of the BTEX gases release comes from the re-
HFT curve, which suggests that the water content is above generator overhead. For example, at TEG flowrate of
saturation so that free water and hydrate may form. 855 kg h−1, approximately 325 ton year−1 of BTEX is emitted
Following the base case dehydration using the lowest simu- from the regenerator overhead, which is 150 times that of
lated TEG flowrate of 855 kg h−1 (Fig. 1), only a minor amount BTEX emitted from the flash separator (of approximately
of water remains in dry product gas. Therefore, the WDT curve is 2.1 ton year−1). This is attributed to the fact that most of the
shifted to the left of the HFT curve (Fig. 9). At all simulated BTEX gases remain in the liquid phase within the rich-TEG
pressures, this dry product gas is undersaturated with water. stream during the flash separation process (Braek et al. 2001).
Figure 10a–d) shows similar behaviour for base case dehydra- Moreover, BTEX emission, whether total or individual, also
tions at the larger TEG flowrates of 1069, 1283, 1497, and increases almost linearly with an increase in TEG flowrate
1711 kg hr.−1, respectively (Fig. 1). It becomes clear that follow- (Fig. 11 and Fig. 12) and such trend is in agreement with the
ing our base case natural gas dehydration scenario, free water and previous reports (Eldemerdash and Kamarudin 2016; Braek et
hydrates have very low possibility to form in the dry product gas. al. 2001; Ebeling et al. 1998; Collie et al. 1998). As a result, a
lower TEG flowrate is desirable in cases where BTEX emis-
BTEX Emission sion (i.e., environmental regulations) becomes the greatest
The total BTEX emission from the base case scenario (Fig. 1)
at various TEG flowrates is shown in Fig. 11. Such emission TEG Loss Rate
comprises of BTEX emitted from the flash vapour stream and
BTEX emitted from the regenerator overhead, the individual Figure 13 shows the total TEG loss rate from base case
amounts of which are shown in Fig. 12a and Fig. 12b, respec- scenario (Fig. 1) as a function of TEG flowrate. The
tively. Upon comparing these two figures, it becomes apparent total TEG loss rate is made up of the loss rate from

Fig. 7 Water dew point data comparison between our simulation and Fig. 8 Water dew point curve and hydrate formation temperature curve of
Gandhidasan (2003) wet gas before dehydration
Process Integr Optim Sustain

of the TEG loss rate takes place in the regenerator,

which contributes up to about 85% of the overall loss
rate. TEG loss rate from the flash separation process, in
contrast, is considered negligible since it contributes less
than 0.05% to the overall loss rate. In general, the in-
dividual and the total TEG loss rate increases almost
linearly with an increase in TEG flowrate (Fig. 13 and
Fig. 14). To minimise TEG loss rate (i.e., plant wast-
age), the lowest possible TEG flowrate should be used.

Optimum Glycol Flowrate for Conventional Dehydration


Fig. 9 Water dew point curve and hydrate formation curve of dry product
Determination of the optimum TEG flowrate should take into
gas after dehydration using the lowest simulated TEG flowrate of consideration the trade-off between water content, total BTEX
855 kg h−1 emission, and total TEG loss rate. This is since increasing the
TEG flowrate leads to decreasing water content but increasing
the absorber, the flash tank, and the regenerator over- BTEX emission and TEG loss rate (Fig. 15). The optimum
head; the individual amounts of which are depicted in TEG flowrate is therefore 1241 kg h−1. At this flowrate, the
Fig. 14a, Fig. 14b, and Fig. 14c, respectively. The TEG water content is 5.08 lb MMSCF−1, which is within the ac-
loss rate due to thermal degradation, however, was not ceptable limit for pipeline specification in most countries. The
taken into consideration since the reboiler temperature respective total BTEX emission and total TEG loss rate are
in the present study was operated at 200 °C, which is 509 and 3.14 ton year−1, respectively. Such BTEX emission
a few degrees lower than the thermal degradation tem- nonetheless far exceeds the limit set under the Clean Air Act
perature of TEG (i.e. 204 °C). From Fig. 14, majority Amendments (1990), which specifies a maximum of

Fig. 10 Water dew point curves and hydrate formation curves of dry product gas using TEG flowrate of a 1069 kg h−1, b 1283 kg h−1, c 1497 kg h−1, and
d 1711 kg h−1
Process Integr Optim Sustain

countries where BTEX emission is of greatest concern, lower

TEG flowrate should be used).

The Different Recycling Configurations Applied

to the Conventional Dehydration Process

Case (I): Effect of Recycling Flash Vapour into the Absorber

Table 3 summarises the main results from our simulation sce-

nario where the flash vapour is recycled into the absorber in
comparison to the base case scenario. The water content in the
dry product gas increases marginally compared to the base
case, which also leads to a marginal increase in water dew
Fig. 11 Total BTEX emission from the whole base case process point (Table 3). Such increase can be attributed to the minor
amount of water that is present in the recycled flash vapour
stream (Fig. 3). The results of case (i) were validated using the
25 ton year−1. These BTEX emission and TEG loss rate could literature data Gandhidasan (2003), where a percentage error
possibly be minimised by applying the several different of less than 2% was obtained.
recycling configurations (Figs. 3, 4x, and 5) that aim towards The total TEG loss rate also decreases by 0.01 ton year−1
sustainable design for natural gas dehydration process. compared to the base case (Table 3), which does not represent
In countries where environmental regulations are strictly a significant reduction. This is since only a minor amount of
regulated, the lowest TEG flowrate is preferred to minimise TEG was lost during the flash separation into the flash vapour
the total BTEX emission. At a minimum TEG flowrate of about stream, which is then returned back to the absorber via the wet
855 kg h−1, the total BTEX emission and the total TEG loss rate gas stream in our case (i) scenario (Fig. 3).
become minimum, i.e., 325 and 2.7 ton year−1, respectively. No BTEX emission comes out from the flash vapour stream
The water content, however, reaches its highest, i.e., since the BTEX gases that is released during the flash separa-
5.68 lb MMSCF−1. This value, however, is still below the limit tion into the flash vapour stream is recycled back to the ab-
of 7 lb MMSCF−1. In countries where lower water content is sorber (Table 3 and Fig. 3). However, such reduction only
required, on the other hand, the highest flowrate of about accounts for 0.6% reduction of the total BTEX emission rela-
1710 kg h−1 should be adopted, which leads to a minimum tive to the base case scenario (Table 3). This is because only a
water content of 4.65 lb MMSCF−1 but the highest total marginal amount of the BTEX gases is present within the flash
BTEX emission of 678 ton year−1 and the highest total TEG vapour stream (Fig. 3). Following the flash separation, major-
loss rate of 3.87 ton year−1. ity of the BTEX gases remains in the liquid phase within the
The approach demonstrated in this sub-section that deter- rich TEG stream (Braek et al. 2001). These BTEX gases are
mined the optimum TEG flowrate is particularly useful for later released from the regenerator overhead, i.e., the only other
personnel working in a natural gas dehydration processing remaining route for the BTEX gases to be emitted (Table 3).
plant. This approach can additionally be used to determine Relative to the base case scenario, recycling the flash vapour
the suitable TEG flowrate based on different criteria (e.g., in stream in fact leads to the increase in the BTEX emission from

Fig. 12 BTEX emission from a flash tank and b regenerator overhead

Process Integr Optim Sustain

Case (ii): Effect of Recycling Regenerator Overhead

into the Absorber

Table 4 summarises the main results from our simulation sce-

nario where the regenerator overhead is recycled into the ab-
sorber in comparison to the base case scenario. The water
content in dry product gas decreases marginally compared to
the base case, which brings about a marginal decrease in water
dew point (Table 4). Such decrease is to be anticipated since
water is almost absent in the regenerator overhead stream, i.e.,
almost all water is removed from the regenerator overhead by
an additional two-phase separator before recycled back into
the absorber (Fig. 4). Case (ii) results were also validated
using the literature data, Gandhidasan (2003), where a per-
Fig. 13 Total TEG loss rate from the whole base case process centage error of less than 2% was obtained.
Relative to the base case scenario, the total TEG loss rate
also decreases by about 0.008 ton year−1 (Table 4). Such mar-
the regenerator overhead by about 1.7 ton year−1 (Table 3). The ginal decrease can be explained by the small amount of TEG
total BTEX emission in the case (i) scenario is essentially equal that remains in the regenerator overhead stream following the
to the BTEX emission from the regenerator overhead, which is two-phase separation process, which is returned back to the
reduced by approximately 0.3% with respect to the total BTEX absorber via the wet gas stream in our case (ii) scenario
emission in the base case scenario, which comes from both the (Fig. 4). This is consistent with the negligible changes in
flash vapour stream and the regenerator overhead (Table 3). TEG loss rate from the absorber and the flash vapour stream
Overall, recycling the flash vapour into the absorber does relative to the base case scenario (Table 4).
not bring significant improvement to the conventional dehy- Table 4 also shows that recycling the regenerator overhead
dration process. into the absorber does not reduce the total BTEX emission

Fig. 14 TEG loss rate from a absorber, b flash tank, and c regenerator overhead
Process Integr Optim Sustain

Fig. 15 Trade-off relationship of

the water content and the total
BTEX emission and total TEG
loss rate with increasing TEG

(Table 4). One of the possible explanations is that in our case water content and the water dew point increase marginally
(ii) scenario, the BTEX gases are released from the flash va- relative to the base case, albeit to a slightly larger extent
pour stream and the bottom separator stream from the regen- (Table 5). The majority of the additional water was contribut-
erator overhead unlike in case (i) scenario where the BTEX ed by the flash vapour stream (Fig. 5). Our validation of case
gases are only released from the regenerator overhead stream (iii) results against the literature data, Gandhidasan (2003),
(compare Fig. 4 to Fig. 3). again, yields a percentage error of less than 2%.
In essence, recycling the regenerator overhead into the ab- The total TEG loss rate is reduced by 0.01 ton year−1, iden-
sorber only leads to a marginal reduction of the water content tical to the case (i) result since only a minor of TEG was lost to
in dry product gas and the total TEG loss rate. This, however, the flash vapour stream and the regenerator overhead, which
was achieved at the expense of increase of the total BTEX are recycled back to the absorber (Fig. 5).
emission by 0.04%. Analogous to case (i) results, the BTEX emission from the
flash vapour stream is absent (compare Table 5 to Table 3). As
Case (iii): Effect of Recycling Mixture of Flash Vapour a result, the bottom separator stream from the regenerator
and Regenerator Overhead into the Absorber overhead becomes the only possible route for the release of
BTEX gases. This leads to an increase in the BTEX emission
Table 5 summarises the main results from our simulation sce- from the regenerator overhead by about 1.4 ton year−1. The
nario where both the flash vapour and the regenerator over- total BTEX emission nonetheless is reduced by about
head are mixed and recycled into the absorber in comparison 1.7 ton year−1 with respect to the base case scenario, which
to the base case scenario. Identical to the case (i) scenario, the translates to only 0.3% reduction in the total BTEX emission.

Table 3 Effect of recycling flash

vapour into the absorber Parameters Base case Recycling flash vapour

Water content (lb water MMSCF−1 gas) 5.1337 5.1351

Simulated water dew point (°C) − 8.2424 − 8.2386
Literature water dew point (°C) − 8.1128 − 8.1040
Percentage error between simulated and literature water dew point (%) 1.57 1.63
TEG loss rate (ton year−1)
Absorber 0.5576 0.5575
Flash tank 0.0017 0
Regenerator overhead 2.5600 2.5486
Total 3.1193 3.1061
BTEX emission (ton year−1)
Flash tank 3.1267 0
Regenerator overhead 505.7745 507.4860
Total 508.9012 507.486
Process Integr Optim Sustain

Table 4 Effect of recycling

regenerator overhead into the Parameters Base Recycling regenerator
absorber case overhead

Water content (lb water MMSCF−1 gas) 5.1337 5.1335

Simulated water dew point (°C) − 8.2424 − 8.2434
Literature water dew point (°C) − 8.1128 − 8.1147
Percentage error between simulated and literature water dew point 1.57 1.56
TEG loss rate (ton year−1)
Absorber 0.5576 0.5576
Flash tank 0.0017 0.0017
Regenerator overhead 2.5600 2.5520
Total 3.1193 3.1113
BTEX emission (ton year−1)
Flash tank 3.1267 3.1315
Regenerator overhead 505.7745 505.9521
Total 508.9012 509.0835

Overall, recycling both the flash vapour stream and the vapour and regenerator overhead into the absorber (case (iii))
regenerator overhead into the absorber decrease the TEG loss nonetheless produces identical results to the case (i) scenario
rate and the BTEX emission at the cost of increase in the water where the BTEX emission is reduced by 0.3%. This is, how-
content; closely reproducing case (i) scenario results. ever, achieved at the expense of increasing the water content
in dry product gas by 0.05%. For all the three different con-
Results Summary figuration cases, the TEG loss rate was reduced by 0.4%.

Table 6 summarises the results of the three different recycling

configurations in comparison to the base case scenario. Economic Analysis
Recycling the flash vapour into the absorber (case (i)) reduced
the BTEX emission by 0.3% but at the cost of the increase of In this section, we performed economic analysis that assesses
the water content in dry product gas by 0.03%, relative to the the total cost of production (TCOP) for the base case and the
base case. Recycling the regenerator overhead into the absorb- three different recycling configurations. The TCOP takes into
er (case (ii)), on the other hand, reduced the water content in consideration the sum of the annual capital cost (ACC) and the
dry product gas by 0.004%, which is traded-off by an increase cost of production (COP) that were estimated based on the
in the BTEX emission by 0.04%. Recycling a mixture of flash methodology used in the previous work (Neagu and Cursaru

Table 5 Effect of recycling

mixture of flash vapour and Parameters Base Recycling mixture of flash vapour and
regenerator overhead into the case regenerator overhead
Water content (lb water MMSCF−1 gas) 5.1337 5.1362
Simulated water dew point (°C) − 8.2424 − 8.2356
Literature water dew point (°C) − 8.1128 − 8.1040
Percentage error between simulated and literature 1.57 1.60
water dew point (%)
TEG loss rate (ton year−1)
Absorber 0.5576 0.5576
Flash tank 0.0017 0
Regenerator overhead 2.5600 2.5484
Total 3.1193 3.1062
BTEX emission (ton year−1)
Flash tank 3.1267 0
Regenerator overhead 505.7745 507.1638
Total 508.9012 507.1638
Process Integr Optim Sustain

Table 6 Result summary for

different recycling configurations Case Result summary
relative to the base case
Water TEG loss BTEX
content (%) rate (%) Emission (%)

Case (i): Recycling the flash vapour + 0.03 − 0.4 − 0.3

Case (ii): Recycling the regenerator overhead − 0.004 − 0.3 + 0.04
Case (iii): Recycling the mixture of the flash vapour and the + 0.05 − 0.4 − 0.3
regenerator overhead

2017). Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the cost analysis evaluated the economics of these different recycling configu-
presented here are different, by a marginal amount, to the ration based on their TCOP. Our results demonstrated that
previous work given the different number of equipment used. applying such configurations does not contribute towards the
Table 7 summarises the TCOPs for different recycling con- significant reduction in the water content and does not sustain-
figurations relative to the base case. The detailed methodology ably reduce the total BTEX emission while requiring extra
and result for the TCOP are available in the work of Neagu major capital and operation costs. In all three cases, the mar-
and Cursaru (2017) and Appendix B, respectively. All differ- ginal reduction in the total BTEX emission is always accom-
ent recycling configurations resulted into substantial addition- panied by the marginal increase in the water content in dry
al capital and operation costs (Table 7). These additional costs, product gas and vice versa. The total TEG loss rate, on the
however, appear not to contribute significantly to the variation other hand, is consistently reduced in all three recycling con-
in TCOP among the three recycling configurations. Relative figuration cases, up to 0.4%, relative to the base case.
to the base case, recycling the flash vapour (case (i)) requires
an additional cost of about 0.55% of the TCOP (i.e. $18,000). Acknowledgements Zong Yang Kong gratefully acknowledges the Full
Fee-Waiver Studentship provided by Swinburne University of
Likewise, an additional cost of about $19,000 and $22,000 is
Technology Sarawak Campus.
required in the cases of recycling the regenerator overhead
(case (ii)) and recycling the mixture of flash vapour and re-
Compliance with Ethical Standards
generator overhead (case (iii)), respectively.
Conflict of Interest Statement The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest.

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Supplementary materials
Appendix A – Flowsheet for different dehydration configuration

Figure A1. Flowsheet for conventional dehydration process.

Figure A2. Flowsheet for conventional dehydration process using TEG with recycling flash vapour into the absorber.

Figure A3. Flowsheet for conventional dehydration process using TEG with recycling regenerator overhead into the absorber.

Figure A4. Flowsheet for conventional dehydration process using TEG with recycling mixture of flash vapour and regenerator overhead
into the absorber.

Appendix B – Cost estimation
Table B1. Fixed capital cost comparison between the three dehydration processes.
Equipment Type Base case Case (i) Case (ii) Case (iii)
Equipment Fixed capital Equipment Fixed capital Equipment Fixed capital Equipment Fixed capital
cost Ce, $ cost C, $ cost Ce, $ cost C, $ cost Ce, $ cost C, $ cost Ce, $ cost C, $
Absorber 209,318 837,274 209,318 837,274 209,318 837,274 209,318 837,274
Regenerator 14,562 58,249 14,562 58,249 14,562 58,249 14,562 58,249
Flash separator 10,047 40,190 10,047 40,190 10,047 40,190 10,047 40,190
Lean/Rich heat
exchanger 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504
Lean/Dry gas
heat exchanger 14,659 51,306 14,659 51,306 14,659 51,306 14,659 51,306
Reboiler 18,837 65,928 18,837 65,928 18,837 65,928 18,837 65,928
Condenser 2,652 9,282 2,652 9,282 2,652 9,282 2,652 9,282
Mixer 1,045 2,613 1,045 2,613 1,045 2,613 1,045 2,613
Pump with
motor 12,260 30,651 12,260 30,651 12,260 30,651 12,260 30,651
with motor 12,137 30,342 10,711 26,777 12,509 31,272
Cooler 2,080 7,280 2,080 7,280 2,080 7,280
Separator 2,266 9,065 2,266 9,065
Total 1,144,997 1,182,619 1,188,119 1,192,614

Table B2. The fixed capital investment (FCI) for the three dehydration processes.
Cost, $ Base case Case (i) Case (ii) Case (iii)
Inside battery limits investment (ISBL) 1,144,997 1,182,619 1,188,119 1,192,614
Offsite cost (OSBL) 343,499 354,786 356,436 357,784
Engineering cost (EC) 446,549 461,221 463,366 465,119
Contingency charges (CO) 148,850 153,740 154,455 155,040
FCI (2006 prices) 2,083,894 2,152,367 2,162,377 2,1770,557
FCI (2017 prices) 2,470,978 2,552,169 2,564,038 2,573,738
ACC* 394,767 407,738 409,635 411,184
*ACC was calculated based on interest rate of 15% and the plant lifetime is taken as 20 years, following the assumption of Neagu & Cursaru

Table B3. Annual cost of production (COP) estimation for the three dehydration processes.
Cost, $ Base case Case (i) Case (ii) Case (iii)
Variable cost of production (VCOP)
TEG cost (including TEG loss) 10,950 10,950 10,950 10,950
Steam cost 18,806 18,806 18,806 18,806
Electrical cost 800,000 801,096 800,098 801,344
Miscellaneous cost 16,934 16,956 16,936 16,961
Annual VCOP 846,690 847,809 846,790 948,061

Fixed cost of production (FCOP)
Operating labour (OL) 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000
Supervision (S) 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Direct salary overhead (DSO) 375,000 375,000 375,000 375,000
Maintenance (M) 34,350 35,479 35,644 35,778
Property taxes and insurance 22,900 23,652 23,762 23,852
Rent of land 14,885 15,374 15,446 15,504
General plant overhead 753,577 754,311 754,418 754,506
Environmental charges 14,885 15,374 15,446 15,504
Annual FCOP 1,965,597 1,969,190 1,969,715 1,970,145
Cost of production (COP) 2,812,287 2,816,199 2,816,505 2,818,206

Additional information for Chapter 3.

Table 3A1. Main stream summary for the conventional dehydration process in Chapter 3.
Name Wet gas to abs Sale gas Lean TEG recycle Dry overhead vap
Temperature (oC) 30 33.68 34 111.3
Pressure (kPa) 4100 4080 4100 102
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 34719 34653 855 60.60

Table 3A2. Main stream summary for the case (i) in Chapter 3.
Name Wet gas to abs Sale gas Lean TEG recycle Dry overhead vap Flash vapour recycle
Temperature (oC) 30 33.68 34 110.6 34
Pressure (kPa) 4100 4080 4100 102 4090
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 34719 34653 855 84.41 7.814

Table 3A3. Main stream summary for the case (ii) in Chapter 3.
Name Wet gas to abs Sale gas Lean TEG recycle Dry overhead vapour
Temperature ( C) 30 33.68 34 34
Pressure (kPa) 4100 4080 4100 4090
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 34719 34627 855 0.7999

Table 3A4. Main stream summary for the case (iii) in Chapter 3.
Name Wet gas to abs Sale gas Lean TEG recycle Mixed vapour recycle
Temperature (oC) 30 35.17 34 34
Pressure (kPa) 4100 4080 4100 4090
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 34719 34627 855 8.614

Chapter 4. Development of techno-economic framework

The aim of this chapter is to develop a techno-economic framework to determine the net profit
generated from different dehydration processes and subsequently, selecting the most profitable
dehydration process that meets the maximum water dew point requirement specified by local
authority (i.e., Malaysia) for pipeline-transported natural gas. The developed framework addresses
the limitation of the existing techno-economic studies available in literature that do not take into
account the net profit assessment as described in Chapter 2.

In this chapter, three different dehydration processes are considered: (i) the conventional
dehydration process, (ii) the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of sale gas
as stripping gas, and (iii) the stripping gas dehydration process that relies on externally injected
nitrogen gas as stripping gas. The different recycling configurations on conventional dehydration
process presented in Chapter 3 are not considered because it does not contribute towards
significant process performance improvement while requiring substantial additional capital and
operational costs.

The technical evaluation in this chapter involves the assessment of different dehydration processes
in meeting the water dew point specification specified by local authority for pipeline-transported
natural gas. The economic evaluation, on the other hand, was performed based on the net profit
generated from the different dehydration processes. Here, the revenue of the sale gas is calculated
using its higher heating value since pipeline-transported natural gas is normally bought or sold on
the basis of its higher heating value (HHV). This has never been considered in any of the techno-
economic analysis for natural gas dehydration via absorption using TEG.

This chapter was published as a research paper in Journal of Chemical Technology and
Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2019. Development of a techno-economic framework
for natural gas dehydration via absorption using tri-ethylene glycolௗ: A comparative study on
conventional and stripping gas dehydration processes. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol, 94, 955–963.

Research Article
Received: 14 August 2018 Revised: 1 October 2018 Accepted article published: 8 October 2018 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 4 December 2018

( DOI 10.1002/jctb.5844

Development of a techno-economic framework

for natural gas dehydration via absorption
using Tri-Ethylene Glycol: a comparative study
on conventional and stripping gas
dehydration processes
Zong Yang Kong,a Ahmed Mahmoud,a* Shaomin Liub
and Jaka Sunarsoa

BACKGROUND: To date, none of the existing techno-economic analyses on natural gas dehydration via absorption using
triethylene glycol takes into consideration the profit assessment. This work addresses this shortcoming by developing a
techno-economic framework that evaluates the economic feasibility of three different dehydration processes, i.e., conventional
dehydration process, stripping gas dehydration process using sale gas, and stripping gas dehydration process using nitrogen,
which can meet the maximum water dew point requirement set by local authorities (e.g., Malaysia) for pipeline-transported
natural gas.

RESULTS: Our techno-economic analyses reveal that the maximum water dew point specification of −25 ∘ C can only be achieved
by using a stripping gas dehydration process that consumes more than 260 Nm3 h−1 of sale gas or 435 Nm3 h−1 of nitrogen.
In particular, the use of sale gas as stripping gas with an optimum flow rate of 260 Nm3 h−1 generates the highest annual net
profit margin, of about $29 million. Such a profit margin is higher with respect to the use of nitrogen as stripping gas and the
conventional dehydration process by about $1.6 million and $300 000, respectively. The minimum water dew point specification
of 5 ∘ C, on the other hand, can be achieved by all three analysed dehydration processes.

CONCLUSION: The use of sale gas as stripping gas becomes more justifiable economically relative to the conventional
dehydration process and the other alternative (the use of nitrogen as stripping gas) and when a low water dew point specification
of −25 ∘ C is required for natural gas.
© 2018 Society of Chemical Industry

Supporting information may be found in the online version of this article.

Keywords: absorption; Aspen HYSYS; dehydration; glycol regeneration; natural gas; triethylene glycol

INTRODUCTION of water dew point (i.e., the temperature at which natural gas
Dehydration is a process that removes water vapour from nat- becomes saturated with water vapour at a particular pressure). At
ural gas. This process is required since water vapour presence any given dew point, a reduction in temperature or an increase in
in the natural gas stream may cause hydrate formation in trans- pressure leads to water condensation. Lower water dew point gen-
porting pipelines, which in turn leads to pipeline plugging and/or erally signifies a lower water content.4 The water dew point specifi-
corrosion.1 Its presence also reduces the natural gas combustion cation is usually indicated in the sale gas contract or determined by
efficiency and may induce blockage of valve fittings, compression
system, process equipment and instrumentation, especially when
the natural gas composition is rich in CO2 and H2 S.2 Water con- ∗ Correspondence to: A Mahmoud, Research Centre for Sustainable
tent in the natural gas stream has therefore been strictly regulated, Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne
with limits that differ according to geographical location. The USA University of Technology, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak,
and Canada, for example, specify a water content limit of 7 lb of Malaysia. E-mail:;
water per million standard cubic feet of gas (lb MMSCF−1 ) and 4 lb
a Research Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Comput-
MMSCF−1 , respectively. Places with a colder climate such as Alaska ing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Kuching, Malaysia
often have lower limits, which vary between 1 and 2 lb MMSCF−1 .3

The water content in natural gas can also be represented in terms b Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963 © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry ZY Kong et al.

the requirements set for pipeline-transported natural gas, which processes, i.e., conventional dehydration process, stripping gas
differ according to geographical location. Malaysia, for example, dehydration process using sale gas and stripping dehydration
applies a water dew point specification between +5 and −25 ∘ C process using nitrogen, to meet the water dew point requirement
for its pipeline-transported natural gas.5 specified by the local authority (i.e., Malaysia). To our knowledge,
Several dehydration processes are available such as absorp- such a techno-economic framework that takes into consideration
tion, adsorption, and condensation (i.e., refrigeration). A study the profit assessment has never been performed in any previous
by Netusil and Ditl that provides a detailed discussion on the studies. The detailed methodology framework of this work is
comparison between these three processes can be referred to.6 presented below.
Among the three mentioned processes, natural gas dehydration
via absorption using tri-ethylene glycol (TEG) is the most eco-
nomically attractive, and has been widely used in natural gas PROCESS DESCRIPTION
dehydration applications. This is because TEG has better regener- Conventional dehydration processes
ation capability, high water affinity, high chemical stability, high The schematic process flow diagram for the conventional dehy-
hygroscopicity, low vapour pressure, low evaporation loss rate, and dration process using TEG is shown in Fig. 1. Prior to the absorp-
low thermal degradation rates in the regeneration system.7,8 Nev- tion process, the wet gas first enters a two-phase separator to
ertheless, the drawback of absorption using TEG is the maximum remove the excess liquid content present in the wet gas, such
purity (i.e., concentration) of the regenerated TEG, which is limited as liquid water. The wet gas is then directed into the absorption
to 98.8%.9 This is since the operating temperature of the reboiler column from the bottom and flows up in a counter-current man-
should be kept below 204 ∘ C to avoid the thermal degradation ner against the water-lean TEG stream that enters from the top
of TEG.10 This limit has lowered the absorption process efficiency, of the column. During contact, the water-lean TEG absorbs water
causing a substantial amount of water content to remain in the vapour from the wet gas. The dehydrated natural gas (i.e., dry
supposedly dry product gas (i.e., sale gas).11 Therefore, to achieve product gas) leaves from the top of the column. The water-rich
a more complete water removal, alternative processes to enhance TEG, on the other hand, exits from the bottom of the column and
the TEG purity limit have been developed, such as stripping gas passes through an expansion valve, so its pressure is reduced. Next,
injection, Stahl column, and Coldfinger technology.11,12 the water-rich TEG is directed into a vertical two-phase separa-
Among the enhanced processes mentioned, stripping gas injec- tor (flash separator), where low pressure and high temperature
tion is regarded as the simplest and most common route to obtain facilitate the removal of light and soluble gas components. The
enhanced TEG regeneration performance. The introduction of a water-rich TEG leaving the flash tank is then pre-heated using a
stripping gas is intended to reduce the partial pressure of the glycol-to-glycol heat exchanger (shell and tube heat exchanger)
water, which should lead to an increase in the final purity of the to exchange heat with the water-lean TEG exiting from the regen-
regenerated TEG.3 Details of the stripping gas mechanism can be erator. Finally, the water-rich TEG enters the regenerator and flows
found in our review paper.13 It enables the original TEG purity limit downward, whereas water vapour, hydrocarbon, and traces of TEG
of 98.8% in the conventional process to be increased up to 99.7%. are removed from the regenerator overhead. A major portion of
The stripping gas can be any inert gas, such as nitrogen, which the regenerated TEG (i.e., water-lean TEG) that exits from the bot-
is introduced externally, or a portion of sale gas (i.e., dry product tom of the regenerator is recycled back to the top of the absorption
gas). The latter has been reported to provide lower capital cost, column using the circulation pump. Some TEG that was lost during
lower utility cost, and lower energy consumption in comparison to the absorption, flash, and regeneration processes is compensated
the former.14 However, these aforementioned advantages are nor- via an additional make-up flow. Before entering the absorption col-
mally achieved at a lower profit margin since a portion of sale gas umn, the regenerated TEG is cooled by heat exchange with the sale
is utilized as stripping gas. gas that exits from the top of the absorber.
Over the past decade, our literature survey indicates that only
a handful of techno-economic analyses have been performed Stripping gas process
on natural gas dehydration via absorption using TEG.13 Gad et al. The configuration for the stripping gas dehydration process that
techno-economically evaluated the potential of replacing nitro- utilised external stripping gas (Fig. 2) is identical to the conven-
gen with a portion of sale gas as stripping gas.14 They found that tional absorption process (Fig. 1), except for the injection of the
using a portion of sale gas as stripping gas leads to significant external stripping gas (e.g., nitrogen) into the regenerator. The
savings in operational cost, since no external stripping gas (i.e., amount of equipment for such a configuration, however, is anal-
nitrogen) is required. They did, not, however, assess the profit com- ogous to the conventional absorption process.
parison between the stripping gas dehydration processes using a Figure 3 shows the schematic process flow diagram for the
portion of sale gas and nitrogen. Since they utilised a portion of stripping gas dehydration process using a portion of sale gas. The
the sale gas as the stripping gas, less sale gas is made available configuration for such a stripping process (Fig. 3) is also identical
for sale. An analogous study was presented by Neagu and Cur- to the conventional absorption process (Fig. 1), except for the
saru, in which they performed a techno-economic analysis that injection of a portion of the sale gas into the regenerator. Such
compared the stripping gas dehydration process using a portion a configuration, however, requires some additional equipment
of sale gas against the conventional dehydration process.15 They such as an expansion valve and a heater to adjust the operating
demonstrated that the stripping gas dehydration process can conditions (e.g., pressure and temperature) of the stripping gas
improve TEG regeneration performance. This leads to an increase (i.e., a portion of the sale gas) so that it matches the operating
in the purity of regenerated TEG without imposing substantial conditions of the regenerator (Fig. 3).
additional capital cost. They have, however, excluded a profit com-
parison between the two dehydration processes. Therefore, our Methodology
work addressed this limitation by developing a techno-economic This work is sequenced as follows. First, we reproduced the two

framework to determine the suitability of different dehydration dehydration processes based on the work of Neagu and Cursaru:15 © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963
Development of a techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration

Figure 1. Process flow diagram for natural gas dehydration by absorption using TEG.

Figure 2. Process flow diagram for natural gas dehydration by absorption using TEG modified with the injection of external stripping gas (e.g., nitrogen)
into the regenerator.

Case I – the conventional dehydration process at a reboiler tem- consideration the gross profit and the total cost of production
perature of 200 ∘ C; Case II – the stripping gas dehydration process, (TCOP), given as follows:
with stripping gas flow rate varying from 0.1% to 0.5% of the total
sale gas flow rate. We additionally simulated an additional Case Net profit = Gross profit − TCOP (1)
III – the stripping gas dehydration process, which employed nitro-
It is worth noting that the sale gas exiting from the dehydra-
gen as stripping gas with a flow rate equivalent to that of Case (II).
tion process has to undergo several other purification processes
Next, we developed a techno-economic framework that evaluates (e.g., Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) recovery). However, for the sake
the performance of all dehydration processes (Fig. 4). of simplicity, we assumed the sale gas that exiting from the
The technical investigation involves the assessment of differ- dehydration process is ready for sale. This assumption was made
ent dehydration processes to meet the water dew point specifica- because our work here aims to compare the performance of the
tion set by the local authority for pipeline-transported natural gas. different dehydration processes only. The gross profit estimated
Notably, the water dew point specification employed in this study here was based on the heating value of the sale gas (Eqn (2)); the
is based on Malaysian requirements, but our techno-economic detail calculations of which was made available in Appendix B as
framework can also be used to assess the water dew point spec- supporting information. This is because the pipeline-transported
ification set by other regulatory authorities (e.g., Europe). natural gas is normally bought or sold on the basis of its higher
Economic assessment, on the other hand, was evaluated based heating value (HHV):16
on the net profit that can be obtained from different dehy-

dration processes. The net profit we estimated here takes into Gross profit = annual HHV × cost of sale gas (2)

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963 © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry ZY Kong et al.

Figure 3. Process flow diagram for natural gas dehydration by absorption using TEG modified with the injection of a portion of sale gas (i.e., dry product
gas) as stripping gas into the regenerator.

Figure 4. Techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration process.

The TCOP was estimated following the methodology with ref- The dehydration processes in the present study was simulated
erence to previous work.15 However, it is worth noting that the using Aspen HYSYS software (v8.8). The wet gas composition and
cost estimation presented in this study is different, by a marginal operating condition are obtained from the work of Neagu and
amount, relative to the previous work due to the different amount Cursaru,15 as presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
of equipment used. In addition, the cost estimation for the strip- The results obtained in the present study were validated against
ping gas dehydration process that employs nitrogen as stripping literature data in terms of HHV of the sale gas,16 given as follows:
gas is not included in the previous study. A detailed estimation for
the TCOP is made available in Appendices A and C with Table S1 to ( )∑
Hvid (sat) = 1 − xw xi Hviid (3)

S5 as supporting Informations. i=1 © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963
Development of a techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration

different stripping gas flow rates for the stripping gas dehydration
Table 1. Feed gas composition (reproduced from Neagu and
Cursaru15 ) process.

Component Mass fraction (%)

Carbon dioxide 0.70
Technical analysis
Nitrogen 1.60
The first part of our work reproduced the conventional and strip-
Oxygen 0.02
ping gas dehydration processes from the work of Neagu
Methane 94.90
and Cursaru.15 The detail flow sheet and stream information
Ethane 2.50
of the two dehydration processes are made in Figure S1 to S2, and
Propane 0.20
Table S9 to S10, respectively. We validated the accuracy of our
i-Butane 0.003
reproduced model based on the TEG purity at different reboiler
n-Butane 0.003
temperatures for the conventional dehydration process (Fig. 5(a))
i-Pentane 0.001
and at different stripping gas flow rates for the stripping gas
n-Pentane 0.001
dehydration process (Fig. 5(b)). An average error of 0.01% was
n-Hexane 0.001
obtained for both dehydration processes, which highlights the
accuracy of our reproduced model.
Next, we simulated the stripping gas dehydration process that
Table 2. Input parameters to the absorber and the regenerator utilised nitrogen; the flow sheet and stream information of which
(reproduced from Neagu and Cursaru15 ) are made available in Figure S3 and Table S11. We compared the
resultant TEG purity against the two dehydration processes that
Parameter Value
we reproduced from the work of Neagu and Cursaru15 (Fig. 5).
General Upon scrupulous comparison, it becomes apparent that the sale
Property package Peng–Robinson (PR) gas can regenerate TEG to a higher purity relative to the nitrogen,
Wet gas flow rate (Nm3 d−1 ) 1 000 000 regardless of the stripping gas flow rate (Fig. 5). This is because
Absorber the sale gas contains mainly methane. Its use therefore increases
Top pressure 4080 kPa the partial pressure of methane and lowers the partial pressure
Total pressure drop 8 kPa of water. A reduction in partial pressure of water translates to
Number of stages 14 a decrease in mole fraction of water, which increases the purity
Overall stage efficiency 0.3 of regenerated TEG. Figure 6 shows the water dew point of sale
Tray size utility Bubble cap gas that can be obtained from the all dehydration processes
Number of flow paths 2 simulated. As anticipated, an increase in stripping gas flow rate (i.e.,
Tray spacing 0.6096 m higher purity on regenerated TEG) reduces the water dew point in
Max. flooding 85% sale gas.
Sieve tray flooding method Minimum Csb We next evaluated the suitability of the different dehydration
Regenerator processes to meet the water dew point specification (i.e., require-
Condenser Full reflux ment) set by the Malaysian requirement, which normally lies
Top pressure 102 kPa between +5 and −25 ∘ C. Our performance assessment was eval-
Total pressure drop 18 kPa uated based on the maximum water dew point limit of −25 ∘ C.
Feed temperature 100 ∘ C Figure 6 reveals that the maximum water dew point of −25 ∘ C
Number of stages 10 cannot be achieved using the range of stripping gas flow rate (i.e.
Reflux ratio 0.01 0.1% to 0.5% of the total sale gas flow rate) we reproduced from
Reboiler temperature 200 the work of Neagu and Cursaru.15 Therefore, in our evaluation, we
Packing column utility: have modified the stripping gas flow rate to cover from 0.1% to 1%
Raschig rings 1/16 in. wall, CSteel, 1 & of the total sale gas flow rate (Fig. 7).
1/2 in. The maximum water dew point specification of −25 ∘ C clearly
Packing column sections Section 1: stage 1 to stage 3 cannot be met using the conventional dehydration process (Fig. 7).
Section 2: stage 4 to stage 6 The specification, however, can be met using the stripping gas
Section 2: stage 7 to stage 10 dehydration process that consumed at least 260 Nm3 h−1 of sale
HETP 0.3048 m gas or, equivalently, 0.6% of the total sale gas flow rate. It can,
Section spacing 0.4 m alternatively, be achieved using a stripping gas dehydration pro-
Max. flooding 70% cess that relies on at least 435 Nm3 h−1 nitrogen (i.e., equivalent to
Packing correlation Robins 0.9% of the total sale gas flow rate). Apparently, using a portion
of sale gas as stripping gas can provide a more complete water
removal, thus requiring a lesser amount of stripping gas in com-
where Hvid (sat) is the HHV of the sale gas, x w is the mole fraction parison to nitrogen (Fig. 7). Nevertheless, it is worth noting that
of water when the gas is saturated under the specific conditions, the water dew point generated by all the dehydration processes
and x i and Hviid are the mole fraction and its respective HHV exceeds the minimum specification of +5 ∘ C.
for an individual component that is present in the natural gas Further, we examined the HHV of the sale gas (i.e., dry prod-
(e.g., methane). We additionally validated the accuracy of our uct gas) at different reboiler temperatures for the conventional
reproduced model based on the TEG purity at different reboiler dehydration process and at different stripping gas flow rates

temperatures for the conventional dehydration process and at for the stripping gas dehydration processes (Fig. 8). For the

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963 © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry ZY Kong et al.

Figure 5. TEG purity comparison between our data and Neagu and Cursaru15 for (a) the conventional dehydration process and (b) the stripping gas
dehydration process using a portion of sale gas.

Figure 7. Water dew point assessment for all the dehydration processes
Figure 6. Water dew point comparison between the two stripping dehy-
dration processes against the conventional dehydration process.

the highest HHV. The HHV obtained from our simulation stud-
conventional dehydration process (Fig. 8(a)), the HHV increases
ies were validated against the literature data,21 and an average
with an increase in reboiler temperature. This is because a higher
percentage error of less than 3% was obtained for all the three
reboiler temperature can generate a higher purity on regener-
dehydration processes simulated, which highlights the accuracy
ated TEG, as demonstrated in previous studies.15,17 For the two
of our results.
stripping gas dehydration processes (Fig. 8(b)), using a portion of
sale gas generally produces higher HHV relative to nitrogen. This
is because using a portion of sale gas gives better TEG regenera- Economic analysis
tion performance in comparison to nitrogen (Fig. 9). The HHV of In this section we performed an economic analysis that assesses
the sale gas also increases with an increase in the stripping gas the net profit comparison for all the dehydration processes stud-
flow rate, regardless of the type of stripping gas, in accord with ied, which has never been evaluated in any of the previous study.15
previous studies.18–20 The detailed calculations are made available in Appendix D and
Table 3 compares the HHV of sale gas that can be obtained also in Table S6 to S8 as supporting informations. The net profit
from all the dehydration processes at a fixed reboiler tempera- takes into consideration the difference between the gross profit
ture (i.e., 200 ∘ C). In comparison to the conventional dehydration and the TCOP, as explained above.
process, stripping gas dehydration processes generally pro- The annual gross profit that can be obtained from different
duce higher HHV, regardless of the stripping gas used. This is as dehydration processes are presented in Fig. 10. In most cases, the
expected, because stripping gas dehydration processes improve stripping gas dehydration processes can generate higher annual
the TEG regeneration performance, resulting in more water being gross profits in comparison to the conventional dehydration pro-
removed from the dry product gas. A drier product gas leads to cess. For example, at a stripping gas flow rate of 83 Nm3 h−1 , the
higher HHV. Among the three dehydration processes studied, annual gross profit that can be realised from the stripping gas

the stripping gas dehydration process using sale gas produced dehydration processes using a portion of sale gas and nitrogen © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963
Development of a techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration

Figure 8. HHV of sale gas (a) at different reboiler temperatures for the conventional dehydration process and (b) at different stripping gas flow rates for
the two stripping gas dehydration processes.

that becomes available for sale because a portion of it was used

as stripping gas. The annual gross profit for the stripping gas
dehydration process using nitrogen, on the other hand, increases
marginally with an increase in stripping gas flow rate. This is
because the sale gas was not consumed as stripping gas as in
the previous stripping process. As a result, the stripping gas dehy-
dration process using nitrogen generates the highest amount of
gross profit among all dehydration processes. Notably, the annual
gross profit for the stripping gas dehydration process that con-
sumes a portion of sale gas becomes the lowest when the stripping
gas flow rate exceeds 350 Nm3 h−1 . This is attributed to the large
amount of profit loss due to the high consumption of sale gas as
stripping gas. Our technical analysis in the previous section (Fig. 7)
reveals that using a stripping gas flow rate of 260 Nm3 h−1 of sale
gas can sufficiently meet the maximum water dew point specifica-
tion (i.e., −25 ∘ C) in Malaysia. Therefore, it is not necessary to use
a stripping gas flow rate above 350 Nm3 h−1 , which would lead to
Figure 9. TEG purity comparison between stripping gas dehydration economic loss.
process using nitrogen against the two dehydration processes, reproduced Figure 11 presents the total cost of production (TCOP), which
from the work of Neagu and Cursaru.15 takes into consideration the sum of the annual capital cost (ACC)
and the COP to meet the maximum water dew point specification
in Malaysia. The detailed calculations for the TCOP are made
is about $32 543 013 and $32 609 717, respectively. On the other available in the Appendices A and C (Supporting Information).
hand, the annual gross profit for the conventional dehydration The stripping gas dehydration process that employed a portion
process is only about $32 359 924. It was observed that the annual of sale gas has the lowest TCOP of about $3 211 410 (Fig. 11). This
gross profit for the stripping gas dehydration process using a por- was mainly attributed to the savings in the annual COP since
tion of sale gas decreases with an increase in stripping gas flow the required stripping gas (i.e., sale gas) was obtained from the
rate (Fig. 10). This was attributed to the lower amount of sale gas dehydration process itself. The stripping gas dehydration process

Table 3. HHV comparison between conventional dehydration process and stripping gas dehydration process

Stripping gas dehydration process

Stripping gas Sale gas Nitrogen Conventional dehydration process
Stripping gas flow rate (% of sale gas flow rate) HHV (kJ kmol−1 ) HHV (kJ kmol−1 )

83 Nm3 h−1 (0.2) 890 467 890 460

167 Nm3 h−1 (0.4) 890 483 890 474
280 Nm3 h−1 (0.6) 890 490 890 482 883 640
374 Nm3 h−1 (0.8) 890 494 890 485
467 Nm3 h−1 (1) 890 495 890 486

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963 © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry ZY Kong et al.

Figure 10. Annual gross profit that can be generated from different Figure 12. Net profit comparison for the three dehydration processes.
dehydration processes at a reboiler temperature of 200 ∘ C.

dew point specification, the stripping gas dehydration process

requires either 260 Nm3 h−1 of sale gas or 435 Nm3 h−1 of nitro-
gen as stripping gas. This translates to an annual net profit of
about $29 399 269 and $27 804 430 for the stripping gas that con-
sumes sale gas and nitrogen, respectively. Notably, the net profit
generated from the stripping gas dehydration process, which
consumes a portion of sale gas, is about $1.6 million higher
than the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes nitro-
gen. Likewise, the net profit is about $300 000 higher relative
to the conventional dehydration process. Therefore, it is recom-
mended to use the stripping gas dehydration process that con-
sumes a portion of sale gas to simultaneously maximize the
net profit margin and to meet the maximum water dew point

Figure 11. Total cost of production estimation for the three dehydration CONCLUSION
processes. We have developed a techno-economic framework to determine
the most economic dehydration process that meets the maxi-
that employs nitrogen, on the other hand, has the highest TCOP, of mum water dew point requirement set by local authorities (e.g.
about $4 806 196, among the three dehydration processes studied. Malaysia) for pipeline-transported natural gas. The dehydration
This was mainly attributed to the high annual COP since the processes investigated here includes the conventional dehydra-
required nitrogen comes externally. It is worth noting that the ACC tion process and stripping gas dehydration processes using a
for all the three dehydration processes is approximately 12% of portion of sale gas or nitrogen. Our techno-economic analysis
the TCOP, which is typical for chemical processes, as suggested by demonstrates that all three dehydration processes can suitably
Towler and Sinnott.22 meet the minimum water dew point specification (i.e. +5 ∘ C)
Figure 12 shows the net profit comparison for the three dehydra- in Malaysia. However, the maximum water dew point specifica-
tion processes that take into consideration the difference between tion (i.e. −25 ∘ C) can only be achieved by using the stripping gas
gross profit and TCOP. The stripping gas dehydration process that dehydration process, which consumes more than 260 Nm3 h−1 of
employed a portion of sale gas generates the highest net profit sale gas or 435 Nm3 h−1 of nitrogen. Our techno-economic anal-
among the three dehydration processes for all stripping gas flow ysis further reveals that using the stripping gas dehydration pro-
rates simulated (Fig. 12). The stripping gas dehydration process cess that consumes 260 Nm3 h−1 of sale gas can generate the
that employed nitrogen nonetheless generates the lowest amount highest annual net profit margin, of about $29 399 269. Such
of net profit, mainly due to the high TCOP that comes from the a profit margin is higher than with the stripping gas dehydra-
external injection of nitrogen. tion process using nitrogen and the conventional dehydration
Figure 13 summarizes the techno-economic analysis for the process by about $1.6 million and $300 000, respectively. It is
three dehydration processes to meet the maximum water dew hypothetically possible to further maximize the net profit mar-
point specification (i.e. −25 ∘ C) set by the regulatory authority for gin by using the volatile hydrocarbon emitted from the over-
pipeline-transported natural gas in Malaysia. Although the con- head vapour of the flash tank or regenerator (i.e. DRIZO process)
ventional dehydration process cannot meet the maximum water instead of using a portion of sale gas as stripping gas. There-
dew point specification, it can still be of use since the water fore, our next study is intended to perform a techno-economic
dew point obtained exceeds the minimum (i.e. lower limit) water analysis on the DRIZO process that could potentially minimize
dew point specification of +5 ∘ C. To meet the maximum water

profit loss. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2019; 94: 955–963
Development of a techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration

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Supplementary Materials
Appendix A – Steps involved for cost estimation

The total cost of production (TCOP) is given as:

 ൌ  ൅  (1)
where COP and ACC represents cost of production and annual capital cost, respectively. Notably,
the ACC was converted from the fixed capital investment (FCI) of the plant into a constant series
of payment for every year of the plant’s life, given as:
ሺ‹ሺͳ ൅ ‹ሻ୬ ሻ (2)
 ൌ  ή
ሺሺͳ ൅ ‹ሻ୬ െ ͳሻ
where i is the interest rate and n is the project life time. The FCI is given as:
 ൌ  ൅  ൅  ൅  (3)
where ISBL represent the inside battery limits investment that includes the direct field cost (e.g.,
costs of major equipment, bulk items, and civil work) and the indirect field cost (e.g., temporary
construction costs, field expenses, and miscellaneous overhead items), OSBL is the offsite cost,
EC is the engineering cost (e.g., contractor charges), and CO is the contingency sum. The ISBL in
the present study includes only the direct field cost and it was reduced to the fixed capital cost
(FCC). The FCC is mainly estimated based on the purchase cost of the major equipment required
for the process. Other cost associated to the major equipment such as foundation and structural
work are estimated based on factors of each equipment cost. The Hand factor proposes a formula
for the FCC estimation of a plant, given as:
୧ୀ୑ (4)
 ൌ  ෍ሺ ή ୣ ሻ

where Ce is the cost of each major equipment and F is the Hand’s installation factor for each major
equipment type as specified in Appendix C.
The cost of each major equipment (Ce) can be estimated as:
ୣ ൌ ƒ ൅ „ ή  ୬ (5)
where a and b are cost constant, S is the size parameter of the equipment, and n is the exponent for
that type of equipment. These constants are also made available in Appendix C. Notably, the cost
of major equipment (Ce) estimated here are based on carbon steel. Equipment made from other
material must be correlated with the appropriate material factor as recommended by (22). Also, it

is worth noting that these purchased cost are calculated based on the Chemical Engineering Plant
Cost Index (CEPCI) for January 2006 of 478.6. This CEPCI must be updated with the latest value
available using the following equation:
‘•–‹†‡š‹›‡ƒ” (6)
‘•–‹›‡ƒ” ൌ ‘•–‹›‡ƒ” ή
where cost in year A represent the cost for which latest CEPCI is available (i.e., 2017), cost in year
B is the cost for the year 2006. The latest CEPCI is 567.5 as of 2017 and all monetary values are
done in US dollars.
The cost of production (COP) can be estimated as:
 ൌ  ൅  (7)
where VCOP and FCOP are variable and fixed cost of production, respectively. The VCOP are
sum of all the variable cost of production that are proportional to the plant’s output or operation
rate. The FCOP are sum of all the fixed cost of production that are covered regardless of the plant
operation. The VCOP and FCOP are direct calculation that are estimated from either the operating
plant data or as factors, as shown in Table S1. It was assumed that the plant will operate 8000 hr

Table S1. Components for VCOP and FCOP estimation (15).
Variable cost of production (VCOP)
TEG cost 2513.28 $ ton-1 TEG
Nitrogen gas cost 0.45 $ m-3
Steam cost 12 $ ton-1
Electricity cost 0.10 $ kWh-1
Miscellaneous (e.g., waste water treatment) 2% of VCOP
Fixed cost of production (FCOP)
Operating labour (OL) 25,000 $ yr-1 for each operator
Supervision (S) 25% of OL
Direct salary overhead (DSO) 50% of (OL + S)
Maintenance (M) 3% of ISBL
Property taxes and insurance 2% of ISBL
Rental of land and buildings 1% of ISBL + OSBL
General plant overhead 65% of (OL+S+DSO+M)
Environmental charges 1% of ISBL + OSBL

Appendix B – Example for profit estimation (16)

The gross profit is estimated based on the higher heating value as follows:

”‘••’”‘ˆ‹– ൌ ƒ—ƒŽ  ൈ …‘•–‘ˆ•ƒŽ‡‰ƒ• (8)
The value of annual HHV can be obtained from Aspen Hysys. For example, the annual HHV for
the conventional dehydration process at 200 oC is 12,446,124 MMBTU per annum. The cost of
the sale gas is taken as $2.60 per MMBTU. Therefore, using Equation 8, the gross profit was
found to be $32,359,923 per annum. This gross profit can be further used to estimate the net profit
after deducting the TCOP using Equation 1 in the manuscript.

Appendix C – Data for cost estimation (15)

Table S2. Cost of vessels in 2006 (15).

Equipment Size parameter Constant and exponent in Equipment cost,
type Equation 5 Ce, $
S Value a b n
Absorber Shell mass, 17,919.18 -10000 600 0.6 214,429
Bubble cap Diameter, m 1.52 200 240 2.0
Regenerator Shell mass, 423.4 -10000 600 0.6 13,330
304 Raschig Volume, m3 0.196 0 3700 1.0
Flash separator Shell mass, 316.9 -10000 600 0.6 8999

Table S3. Cost of heat exchangers in 2006 (15).

Equipment type Size parameter Constant and exponent in Equipment
Equation 5 cost, Ce, $
S Value a b n
Lean/Rich heat Area, m2 5.2 10,000 88 1.0 14,144
exchanger (10*)
Lean/Dry gas heat Area, m2 16 10,000 88 1.2 14,830
Reboiler Area, m2 10.3 14,000 83 1.0 19,311
Condenser Area, m2 0.1 (1*) 500 1100 1.0 2,080
*Minimum area needed to be used as size parameter for which a, b, n constants are available.

Table S4. Cost of pumps and other miscellaneous items at year 2006 (15).
Equipment type Size parameter Constant and exponent in Equipment cost,
Equation 5 Ce, $
S Value a b n
Mixer Flow, l s-1 0.265 780 62 0.8 1042
Pump Flow, l s-1 0.265 3300 48 1.2 8605
Electrical motors for Power, 1.55 920 600 0.7 3471
pump kW

Table S5. Installation F factors for Hand factor (15).

Equipment type Installation factor F
Absorber and Regenerator 4
Flash separator 4
All heat exchangers including condenser and reboiler 3.5
Pump 4
Miscellaneous (e.g., mixer) 2.5

Appendix D – Results for cost estimation

Table S6 shows the comparison for the fixed capital cost between the three dehydration processes.
In the conventional dehydration process (Figure 1 in the manuscript), the main equipment that
were included in the plant cost calculations are the absorber, the regenerator, flash separator, two
heat exchangers, one static mixer, and one centrifugal pump with one electrical motor. A spare
centrifugal pump with its electrical motor that is kept in the warehouse was also included in the
FCC of the plant. For the absorber and regenerator, Equation 5 was applied separately for the
column shell and for the internal trays or packing. For the stripping gas dehydration process using
a portion of sale gas, two additional equipment that were included in the FCC are a heater and a
splitter (Figure 3 in manuscript). The FCC for the stripping gas dehydration process that utilises
external nitrogen gas is similar to the conventional dehydration process since it does not require
any additional equipment.

The overall FCI for the three dehydration processes understudied are shown in Table S7.
The FCI was calculated as the sum of the cost for ISBL, OSBL, EC, and CO (Equation 3). The
OSBL cost was assumed to be 30% of the ISBL whereas the CO was assumed to be 10% of the
sum of ISBL and OSBL (22). It is worth noting that the FCI estimation for Equation 3 to Equation
5 were estimated based on CEPCI of 2006. Therefore, the FCI estimation was updated to the
CEPIC of 2017 using Equation 6. From Table S7, it was observed that the FCI for stripping gas
dehydration process that employed a portion of sale gas is about 1% higher than the conventional
dehydration process. Such minor incremental in FCI was obviously attributed to the two
supplementary equipment (i.e., a heater and a splitter) required. An analogous FCI was observed
between the stripping gas dehydration process that employs nitrogen gas and the conventional
dehydration process. This result is expected since both processes have the same number of

Table S6. Fixed capital cost comparison between the three dehydration processes.
Equipment Conventional dehydration process Stripping gas dehydration process Stripping gas dehydration process
Type using sale gas using nitrogen
Equipment cost Fixed capital Equipment cost Fixed capital Equipment cost Fixed capital
Ce, $ cost C, $ Ce, $ cost C, $ Ce, $ cost C, $
Absorber 214,429 857,717 214,429 857,717 214,429 857,717
Regenerator 13,330 53,320 13,330 53,320 13,330 53,320
Flash separator 8,999 35,996 8,999 35,996 8,999 35,996
Lean/Rich heat
exchanger 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504
Lean/Dry gas
heat exchanger 14,830 51,905 14,825 51,905 14,825 51,905
Reboiler 19,311 67,589 19,279 67,589 19,279 67,589
Condenser 2,080 7,280 2,080 7,280 2,080 7,280
Mixer 1,042 2,605 1,042 2,605 1,042 2,605
Pump with
motor 8,605 30,190 8,605 30,190 8,605 30,190
Splitter 2,169 5,423
Heater 2,080 7,280
Total 1,156,105 1,168,808 1,156,105

Table S7. The fixed capital investment (FCI) for the three dehydration processes.
Cost, $ Conventional dehydration Stripping gas dehydration Stripping gas dehydration
process process using sale gas process using nitrogen
ISBL 1,156,105 1,168,808 1,156,105
OSBL 346,831 350,642 346,831
EC 450,881 455,835 450,881
CO 150,294 151,945 150,294
FCI (2006 prices) 2,104,111 2,127,230 2,104,111
FCI (2017 prices) 2,494,950 2,522,364 2,494,950

The estimated annual cost of production (COP) for the three dehydration processes understudied
are presented in Table S8. The individual component for the variable and fixed cost of production
(i.e., VCOP and FCOP) were estimated based on their respective correlation obtained from
literature, given in Table S1. The stripping gas dehydration process that consumes nitrogen has
the highest annual VCOP (Table S8). This is as expected because the required nitrogen gas comes
from external injection. Then, all the three dehydration processes have similar FCOP mainly
because most of the FCOP component depends on the ISBL and/or OSBL and all the three
dehydration processes has marginal ISBL and/or OSBL.

Table S8. Annual cost of production (COP) estimation for the three dehydration processes.
Cost, $ Conventional dehydration Stripping gas dehydration Stripping gas dehydration
process process using sale gas process using nitrogen
Variable cost of production (VCOP)
TEG cost (including TEG loss) 18,739 4,973 1,864
Steam cost 18,806 18,778 18,778
Electrical cost 800,000 800,000 800,000
Miscellaneous cost 17,093 16,811 48,707
Nitrogen cost - - 1,566,000
Annual VCOP 854,958 840,562 2,435,349
Fixed cost of production (FCOP)
Operating labour (OL) 600,000 600,000 600,000
Supervision (S) 150,000 150,000 150,000
Direct salary overhead (DSO) 375,000 375,000 375,000
Maintenance (M) 34,683 35,064 35,064
Property taxes and insurance 23,122 23,376 23,376
Rent of land 15,029 15,195 15,195
General plant overhead 753,794 754,042 754,042
Environmental charges 15,029 15,194 15,195
Annual FCOP 1,966,658 1,967,871 1,967,871
Cost of production (COP) 2,821,616 2,808,433 4,403,220

Appendix E – Detailed Results for cost estimation

Figure S1. Flowsheet for the conventional dehydration process

Table S9. Stream data for the conventional dehydration process
Wet gas to absorber TEG feed Sale gas HC Regenerator feed Overhead vapour
Vapour fraction 1 0 1 1 0 1
Temperature (oC) 29 34 34 33 100 124
Pressure (kPa) 4100 4100 4080 130 120 102
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 31352 1069 31315 3 1104 36

Figure S2. Flowsheet for the stripping gas dehydration process using a portion of sale gas

Table S10. Stream data for the stripping gas dehydration process using a portion of sale gas
Wet gas to absorber TEG feed Sale gas HC Regenerator feed Overhead vapour
Vapour fraction 1 0 1 1 0 1
Temperature (oC) 29 34 34 33 100 96
Pressure (kPa) 4100 4100 4080 130 120 102
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 31352 1105 31315 3 1105 67

Figure S3. Flowsheet for the stripping gas dehydration process using nitrogen gas

Table S11. Stream data for the stripping gas dehydration process using nitrogen gas
Wet gas to absorber TEG feed Sale gas HC Regenerator feed Overhead vapour
Vapour fraction 1 0 1 1 0 1
Temperature (oC) 29 34 34 33 100 70
Pressure (kPa) 4100 4100 4080 130 120 102
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 31352 1148 31315 3 1184 236

Chapter 5. Extension of the developed techno-economic framework

This chapter extends the previously developed techno-economic framework in Chapter 4 to

evaluate the performance of DRIZO process from techno-economic perspective. As described in
Chapter 4, it is theoretically possible to further improve the dehydration process performance and
net profit by using the volatile hydrocarbon as stripping gas, which is supposedly emitted from the
flash tank or regenerator overhead (i.e., DRIZO process) instead of using a portion of sale gas as
stripping gas.

In this chapter, three different DRIZO configurations based on the injection of stripping gas using
(i) regenerator overhead, (ii) flash vapour, and (iii) both regenerator overhead and flash vapour,
are evaluated. The performance comparison between these different configurations has never been
explored in the existing literature. Here, the best DRIZO configuration obtained is compared
against the other dehydration processes from Chapter 4 to further verify the hypothesis if DRIZO
process can provide better performance in comparison to the stripping gas dehydration process
from techno-economic perspective.

This chapter was published as a research paper in South African Journal of Chemical Engineering:
Kong, Z.Y., Wee, X.J.M., Ahmed, M., Yu, A., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2020, Development of a techno-
economic framework for natural gas dehydration via absorption using tri-ethylene glycol: A
comparative study between DRIZO and other dehydration processes. S. Afr. J. Chem. Eng. 31, 17-
24. doi:10.1016/j.sajce.2019.11.001


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South African Journal of Chemical Engineering

journal homepage:

Development of a techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration

via absorption using tri-ethylene glycol: A comparative study between
DRIZO and other dehydration processes
Zong Yang Konga, Xin Jie Melvin Weea, Ahmed Mahmouda, Aimin Yub, Shaomin Liuc,
Jaka Sunarsoa,∗
Research Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350, Kuching,
Sarawak, Malaysia
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122, Australia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, WA, 6845, Australia


Keywords: In this work, the previously developed techno-economic framework in Kong et al. (2018) is extended to evaluate
Dehydration three different configurations of DRIZO process for natural gas dehydration: Case (i) – recycling of the re-
Glycol regeneration generator overhead, Case (ii) – recycling of the flash vapour, and Case (iii) – recycling of both the flash vapour
Natural gas and the regenerator overhead into the dehydration system. The best configuration of DRIZO process is Case (iii),
Tri-ethylene glycol
which is used as a representative case for subsequent comparison against other dehydration processes evaluated
in our previous work. Our techno-economic analysis reveals that Case (iii) can regenerate tri-ethylene glycol
Techno-economic analysis
(TEG) with the highest purity and the lowest TEG loss rate and volatile organic compound (VOC) emission. This
translates to the lower water content in the dry product gas and also the higher HHV relative to Case (i) and Case
(ii). A higher HHV generally signifies a higher gross profit margin. Nevertheless, DRIZO process is not eco-
nomically feasible in comparison to the other dehydration processes from our previous work, mainly because of
the high capital expenditure and the associated operating cost. Relative to the other dehydration processes,
although the gross profit margin for DRIZO process is about $100,000 higher, it is not sufficient to compensate
the high capital and operating expenses due to the high TCOP of about $500,000 to $600,000. Therefore, our
analysis recommends the use of stripping gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of dry product gas to
achieve the desired water dew point specification for its highest gross profit margin.

1. Introduction amount of water content leftover in the supposedly dry product gas
(sale gas) (Rahimpour et al., 2013). To attain a more complete water
Absorption using TEG is a widely used technology for the dehy- removal, other suitable processes have been developed to improve the
dration of natural gas (Piemonte et al., 2012). Such process is manda- TEG purity limit such as the injection of stripping gas, Stahl column,
tory because the presence of water vapour in natural gas stream can Coldfinger, and supersonic separation technologies (Kong et al., 2018a;
cause formation of hydrate in the transporting pipelines that leads to Niknam et al., 2017).
pipeline corrosion (Carroll, 2014). The presence of water vapour fur- A recent work by Neagu and Cursaru (2017) has suggested the
ther reduces the natural gas combustion efficiency and may induce the techno-economic feasibility of the enhanced natural gas dehydration
blockage of process equipment and instrumentation, particularly when process that employs stripping gas injection using the dry product gas.
the natural gas has high content of CO2 and H2S (Gong et al., 2010). They assessed such process with respect to the conventional dehydra-
However, one of the main limitations of the conventional absorption tion process and reported that such enhanced process can increase the
process using TEG is the maximum purity of the regenerated TEG that is TEG purity without imposing much additional capital cost. In their
confined to 98.8 wt % (Neagu and Cursaru, 2017). This limitation work however, they have not evaluated the profits for these two de-
lowers the absorption process efficiency; resulting in substantial hydration processes. Since they have consumed a portion of the dry

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (J. Sunarso).
Received 18 June 2019; Received in revised form 4 November 2019; Accepted 4 November 2019

Table 1
TEG regeneration in two different stripping gas dehydration processes relative to conventional dehydration process.
Conventional dehydration Stripping gas dehydration using nitrogen Stripping gas dehydration using a portion of dry product gas

No injection of stripping gas Injection of stripping gas into the reboiler of the regeneration column

product gas (sale gas) as the stripping gas, lower amount of the dry
product gas would be available for sale, which may lead to profit re-
duction for their proposed process. Following their work, we developed
a techno-economic framework that takes into account the profit com-
parison for these dehydration processes in our previous study (Kong
et al., 2018c). In our previous work, we examined the techno-economic
feasibility of the conventional dehydration process and the enhanced
stripping gas dehydration processes using a portion of dry product gas
and nitrogen gas, to meet the maximum water dew point requirement
of −25 °C as specified by the Malaysian local authority for pipeline-
transported natural gas. The main difference between these dehydra-
tion processes is the TEG regeneration section as explained in Table 1. A
detailed explanation on the stripping gas mechanism are available in
our review paper (Kong et al., 2018a).
Our previous work indicates that the maximum water dew point
specification of −25 °C can be achieved by either using stripping gas
dehydration process that consumes at least 260 Nm3 hr−1 of sale gas or
435 Nm3 hr−1 of nitrogen (Fig. 1). Relative to the use of nitrogen gas,
the consumption of sale gas as stripping gas can generate a higher net
profit margin. For instance, an optimum stripping gas flowrate of 260
Nm3 hr−1 using the sale gas generates the highest annual net profit
margin of about $29 million. This net profit margin is about $1.6 mil-
lion higher than the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes
nitrogen. Likewise, the net profit is about $300,000 higher in com-
parison to the conventional dehydration process. Therefore, our pre-
vious work recommends the use of sale gas as stripping gas to maximise
the net profit margin and to meet the maximum water dew point spe-
cification concomitantly. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the
consumption of sale gas as stripping gas reduces the amount of product
gas for sale, thus restraining the dehydration process from achieving
greater profit.
To maximise the net profit for the dehydration plant, other types of
stripping gas alternatives are available such as volatile hydrocarbons Fig. 1. Net profit for the different dehydration processes (Reproduced from
(e.g., C5+) and/or BTEX gases (i.e., Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, (Kong et al., 2018c)).
and Xylene), which can actually be obtained from the dehydration
process itself (DRIZO process). Rather than using the dry product gas as 2014; Saidi et al., 2014). Most of the existing studies indicate the po-
the stripping gas, these volatile hydrocarbon gases can be exploited, tential of DRIZO process to generate the highest purity on regenerated
which could possibly minimise the profit reduction. Our literature TEG. Nevertheless, these studies also suggest that DRIZO process re-
survey reveals that only several studies have evaluated the DRIZO quires higher capital expenditure due to the presence of additional
process performance (Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016; Jokar et al., equipment such as a three-phase separator, a pump, and a heat


Fig. 2. Process flow diagram for the conventional DRIZO process (Case (i)).

exchanger, relative to the other dehydration processes. At present, the overhead in Case (iii) however is altered following the identical me-
economic potential of DRIZO process compared to the other dehydra- chanism as Case (i) to match the operating conditions of the re-
tion processes remains unclear. No previous studies have ever per- generator.
formed economic analyses on DRIZO process in comparison to the other Following this, the best DRIZO configuration was determined based
dehydration processes (Kong et al., 2018a). Therefore, this work aims to on four criteria: least water content in the dry product gas, least volatile
determine the techno-economic feasibility of DRIZO process to comply organic compound (VOC) emission, least TEG loss rate, and highest
with the water dew point requirement specified by the Malaysian local higher heating value (HHV) for the dry product gas. Note that this study
authority. applies the water dew point specification that are based on Malaysian
local authority requirement but our techno-economic analysis is also
applicable to determine the water dew point specification stipulated by
2. DRIZO process description
other regulatory authority (e.g., Alaska). The VOC emission in this work
are made up of i-Pentane, n-Pentane, and n-Hexane instead of the
The process flow diagram for the DRIZO process is presented in
conventional BTEX gases as reported in most of the previous works
Fig. 2. Such process is similar to the conventional dehydration process
(Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016; Jokar et al., 2014; Saidi et al.,
as explained in our previous study except for the TEG regeneration
2014). This is since the inlet gas composition (i.e., natural gas com-
section (Kong et al., 2018a, 2018b; 2018c). Here, the water vapour,
position) used in the present work does not contain any BTEX gases.
volatile hydrocarbons, and very minor amount of TEG that are removed
Further, this work is a continuation of our previous work and therefore,
from the regenerator overhead are further condensed using a cooler
we use the same natural gas composition to enable accurate comparison
before it is fed into a three-phase separator for further separation (Øi
between our current and previous work (Kong et al., 2018c). The total
and Tyvand Selstø, 2002). The volatile hydrocarbons are separated in
TEG loss rate here, on the other hand, is made up of the loss rate from
the three-phase separator and heated before returned to the reboiler as
the absorber, the flash tank, and the regenerator overhead. The TEG
the stripping gas via a pump.
loss rate due to thermal degradation nonetheless is not taken into
consideration because the reboiler in this work operates at 200 °C,
3. Methodology which is a few degree lower than the thermal degradation temperature
of TEG (i.e., 204 °C).
The techno-economic analysis in this study was performed fol- Accordingly, the best DRIZO configuration is compared against
lowing the identical framework we developed in our previous work other dehydration processes from our previous work in terms of tech-
(Kong et al., 2018c). Here, three different configurations for DRIZO nical and economic performances (Kong et al., 2018c). Here, it is worth
processes are simulated. Case (i) follows the exact conventional DRIZO mentioning that the stripping gas dehydration processes in our previous
configuration as explained in Section 2 (Fig. 2). Case (ii) relies on the work can achieve the maximum water dew point specification of
use of flash vapour stream as the stripping gas instead of the volatile −25 °C stipulated by the Malaysian local authority. Our DRIZO con-
hydrocarbons stream from the regenerator overhead (Fig. 3). This figuration in the present work nonetheless can only achieve a maximum
configuration does not require any additional equipment because the water dew point of −20 °C due to the limited flowrate in the present
operating conditions of the stripping gas and the regenerator remain DRIZO configuration since it relies solely on the materials recycle
unchanged. Therefore, the stripping gas in Case (ii) is injected directly within the process itself. Therefore, we have set the water dew point in
into the reboiler. Case (iii) makes use of both the volatile hydrocarbons the present work to be −20 °C for all dehydration processes to make
stream from the regenerator overhead and the flash vapour stream as fair comparison.
the stripping gas (Fig. 4). The operating conditions of the regenerator


Fig. 3. Case (ii) Taking flash vapour as the stripping gas.

Then, we perform economic analysis on the best DRIZO configura- comes out from the dehydration process has to be subjected to several
tion that were evaluated based on the net profit obtained from the other purification processes (e.g., NGL recovery) before being sold. The
different dehydration processes. It is worth noting that the net profit gross profit here is estimated based on the HHV of the sale gas while the
here takes into account the gross profit and the total cost of production TCOP is estimated following the identical steps used in our previous
(TCOP), given as: work (Kong et al., 2018c). The result summary for the cost estimation is
given in Appendix A.
Net profit = Gross profit − TCOP (1) Fig. 5 displays the framework of our present work, which are
modified from our previous techno-economic analysis (Kong et al.,
Here, for the sake of comparison, we assume that the sale gas that 2018c). All simulations in this work were performed using Aspen
comes out from the dehydration process are available for sale. HYSYS software (v8.8) with Peng-Robinson fluid package. This is since
However, in actual condition, it is worth noting that the sale gas that

Fig. 4. Case (iii) Blending regenerator overhead and flash vapour as the stripping gas.


Fig. 5. Techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration process using DRIZO.

Peng-Robinson fluid package has a high level of accuracy over a wide previous work (Kong et al., 2018c). It can also be improved by using a
range of operating conditions as evidenced by its usage in several other stripping gas with higher volatile hydrocarbon content (e.g., natural gas
simulations studies on natural gas dehydration (Arubi and Duru, 2008; with BTEX composition) as demonstrated in other works (Eldemerdash
Baktash et al., 2010; Behbahani et al., 2016; El Mawgoud et al., 2015; and Kamarudin, 2016; Jokar et al., 2014; Saidi et al., 2014).
Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016; Isa et al., 2013; Neagu and The TEG loss rates for Cases (i) and (ii) however are lower with
Cursaru, 2017; Øi and Tyvand Selstø, 2002). This work uses the same respect to the conventional dehydration process. This is because the
wet gas composition and operating condition as per our previous work majority of these TEG losses come from the regenerator overhead and
(Kong et al., 2018c) that are given in Appendix B. the flash vapour stream. The recycle of these two streams back to the
dehydration system, which occurs in Case (iii), results into an even
lower TEG loss rate. The TEG loss rate for Case (i) in particular, is
4. Results and discussion
significantly lower in comparison to Case (ii) given the higher TEG
composition present in the regenerator overhead, which is recycled
4.1. Technical analysis
back as the stripping gas. This is in agreement with our previous study,
which demonstrates that TEG loss rate in the regenerator can contribute
Table 2 summarises the simulation results for the three DRIZO
up to 85% of the overall TEG loss rate (Kong et al., 2018b).
processes. The regenerated TEG purities for both Cases (i) and (ii) are
Table 2 also shows the VOC emission from the three DRIZO pro-
not enhanced significantly with respect to the conventional dehydration
cesses with respect to the conventional dehydration process. The VOC
process (Table 2). This is mainly due to the limited amount of stripping
emission for Case (i) is reduced significantly relative to the conven-
gas (i.e., volatile hydrocarbon) available from both the regenerator
tional case (Table 2). This is because the regenerator overhead that
overhead and the flash vapour stream in the present work. The TEG
contains the highest VOC emission is recycled back to the dehydration
purity can be further improved by using higher amount of stripping gas
system as the stripping gas. Such finding is in agreement with previous
flowrate (e.g., higher regenerator overhead flowrate) as shown in our

Table 2
Result summary for the three DRIZO processes relative to the conventional dehydration process.
Parameters Conventional dehydration process Case (i) Case (ii) Case (iii)

Lean TEG purity, wt. % 98.73 98.90 98.74 99.77

TEG loss rate, kg hr−1 0.26 0.13 0.23 0.03
VOC emissions, ton yr−1 0.071 0.0087 0.070 0.000011
Sale gas water content, lb MMSCF−1 3.92 2.58 3.88 1.72
Sale gas water dew point, °C −6.55 −7.87 −6.55 −20.02
Sale gas HHV, kJ kmol−1 883,655 890,446 890,439 890,485


studies (Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016; Jokar et al., 2014; Saidi

et al., 2014). The VOC emission for Case (ii) remains identical relative
to the conventional case. This is attributed to the fact that most of the
VOC gases remain present in the liquid phase within the rich-TEG
stream during the flash separation process (Braek et al., 2001). As a
result, the recycle of flash vapour stream does not contribute sig-
nificantly towards the dehydration process performance.
In Cases (i) and (ii), the water content in the dry product gas is not
reduced significantly relative to the conventional case. It only decreases
by about 1.4 lb MMSCF−1 and 0.05 lb MMSCF−1 for Case (i) and Case
(ii), respectively. The water dew point in dry product gas, accordingly,
decreases by about 1 °C for Case (i) and remains identical for Case (ii).
As anticipated, a minor improvement in the regenerated TEG purity
generally translates to a low reduction in water dew point of the dry
product gas.
Table 2 additionally displays the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of the Fig. 7. Water content in the dry product gas and water dew point at different
dry product gas for the three simulated DRIZO processes. In comparison regenerator overhead recycle ratios for DRIZO Case (iii).
to the conventional dehydration process, the DRIZO processes generate
a higher HHV, regardless of the source of the stripping gas. As antici- into the lowest TEG loss rate (Figs. 6 and 7). This is since more TEG are
pated, the use of stripping gas improves the TEG regeneration perfor- recycled back into the dehydration system instead of released into the
mance; leading to more water being removed from the dry product gas. atmosphere as in the stripping gas dehydration processes in our pre-
A drier product gas resulted in a higher HHV. This result is in agree- vious work (Kong et al., 2018c). This subsequently leads to a higher
ment with previous studies (Kong et al., 2018c). purity on the regenerated TEG as reflected in Fig. 6 for a regenerator
Overall, it is observed that both Cases (i) and (ii) do not bring sig- overhead recycle ratio of 1. In general, an increase in the regenerator
nificant improvement to the dehydration processes (Table 2). There- overhead recycle ratio raises the purity of the regenerated TEG and
fore, we investigate an additional Case (iii) whereby the stripping gas is reduces the TEG loss rate.
made up of a combination of the flash vapour stream and the re- The water content in the dry product gas at different regenerator
generator overhead. To our knowledge, this configuration has never overhead recycle ratio is presented in Fig. 7. Larger extent of water
been considered in the existing literature. Such recycling configuration removal or equivalently, the drier product gas is achieved at the higher
enables an increase in the TEG purity limit up to 99.77 wt % and a regenerator overhead recycle ratio. For all simulated recycle ratios, the
reduction in the TEG loss rate by about 10 times relative to the con- water content in the dry product gas lies well below 7 lb MMSCF−1,
ventional case, to about 0.03 kg h−1. The VOC emission for Case (iii) is which is the upper safety limit for the allowable water content in pi-
also reduced by about 100% in comparison to the conventional case; pelines for most countries. However, a recycle ratio of 1 is needed if the
giving the lowest VOC emission among the three DRIZO processes. The dry product gas is to be transported in colder climate places like Alaska,
water content in the dry product gas is additionally reduced sig- whose pipeline specification lies in the range of 1–2 lb MMSCF−1. Fig. 7
nificantly by about 2 lb MMSCF−1, which results into further reduction also displays an analogous representation of water content in terms of
in water dew point of the dry product gas by about 66%. Case (iii) water dew point on the right side of the y-axis. Reducing water content
furthermore provides the highest HHV for the dry product gas com- in the dry product gas clearly leads to water dew point depression. Such
pared to the rest of the dehydration processes. proportional relationship between water dew point depression and
Following this, we further investigate the effect of different com- water content in natural gas is a well-known fact, which is consistent
bination ratio for the regenerator overhead and the flash vapour stream. with the results reported elsewhere (Arubi and Duru, 2008; Hernandez-
The flash vapour stream is recycled completely (i.e., fixed flowrate) in valencia et al., 1992).
all cases given its very low flowrate. The flowrate of the regenerator is The data shown in Figs. 6 and 7 essentially reveal that a complete
recycled in various ratio between 0 and 1, with the remaining purged combination between the regenerator overhead and flash vapour (i.e.,
out of the dehydration process. regenerator overhead recycle ratio of 1) provides the best dehydration
Fig. 6 shows the regenerated TEG purity and the TEG loss rate at performance.
different regenerator overhead recycle ratio. The use of a recycle ratio Table 3 shows the result comparison between our best DRIZO
of 1 (i.e., a complete recycle of the regenerator overhead stream) results configuration (Case (iii)) against the other dehydration processes stu-
died in our previous work (Kong et al., 2018c). Here, we only compare
Case (iii) with the previous work since Case (iii) is established here as
the best DRIZO configuration. Prior to the comparison, note that both
stripping gas dehydration processes in our previous work can achieve a
water dew point specification of −25 °C, which is the maximum water
dew point set by the Malaysian local authority. Our DRIZO process Case
(iii) in the present work however can only achieve a maximum water
dew point of −20 °C. As mentioned earlier, this is attributed to the
limited amount of stripping gas flowrate available in the present work,
which comes from the regenerator overhead and the flash vapour
stream. In our previous work, much larger amount of stripping gas is
available since the stripping gas comes either from the dry product gas
(sale gas) or from externally injected nitrogen gas. For fair comparison,
we have set the water dew point in the present work to be −20 °C for
the all the dehydration processes (Table 3).
The DRIZO process Case (iii) provides a higher purity on the re-
Fig. 6. TEG purity and TEG loss rate at different regenerator overhead recycle
generated TEG relative to the other dehydration processes studied in
ratio for DRIZO Case (iii).


Table 3
Result comparison between Case (iii) and the other stripping gas dehydration processes.
Parameters Conventional Stripping gas dehydration processes DRIZO process Case (iii)

Dry product gas Nitrogen gas

Lean TEG purity, wt. % 98.73 99.71 99.68 99.77

TEG loss rate, kg hr−1 0.26 0.14 0.13 0.03
VOC emissions, ton yr−1 0.071 0.044 0.002 0.000011
Sale gas water content, lb MMSCF−1' 3.92 1.72 1.72 1.72
Sale gas water dew point, °C −6.55 −20.02 −20.02 −20.02
Sale gas HHV, kJ kmol−1 883,655 890,480 890,472 890,485

our previous work (Table 3) (Kong et al., 2018c). A higher purity on the The total cost of production (TCOP) that takes into account the sum
regenerated TEG generally translates to a lower water content in the of the annual capital cost (ACC) and the cost of production (COP) are
dry product gas and subsequently leads to a lower water dew point in presented in Table 4. Appendix A in Supplementary Materials provides
the dry product gas. In addition, DRIZO process also provides a lower more details on the calculations for the TCOP. Conventional dehydra-
TEG loss rate since most of the regenerator overhead and the flash tion process generates the lowest TCOP of about $3,220,213 per annum
vapour that are recycled back to the dehydration system are used as the relative to the other dehydration processes (Table 4). The DRIZO pro-
stripping gas. Most importantly, DRIZO process generates the lowest cess Case (iii), on the other hand, provides the highest TCOP of about
VOC emission among all the considered dehydration processes. All $3,949,685 per annum. This is mainly due to the high fixed cost of
these aforementioned findings are in agreement with the previous re- production (FCOP) that is highly dependent on the fixed capital in-
ports (Eldemerdash and Kamarudin, 2016; Jokar et al., 2014; Saidi vestment (FCI). It was revealed from Table A2 that the FCI for the
et al., 2014). DRIZO process is higher than the other dehydration processes by ap-
Other than that, results shown in Table 3 also reveal that DRIZO proximately 17%. Other than the FCOP, it is worth noting that the
process Case (iii) can provide a higher HHV for the dry product gas in variable cost of production (VCOP) for DRIZO process Case (iii) is also
comparison to the other dehydration processes. As anticipated, a drier very high mainly because of the sharp increase in the electricity con-
product gas translates to a higher HHV, which is in agreement with our sumption. For all considered dehydration processes, the ACC is about
previous finding (Kong et al., 2018c). We had validated the HHV of our 12% of the TCOP, which is common for chemical processes as com-
simulation works against the literature results (Kidnay et al., 2011) and mented by Towler and Sinnott (2008).
obtained an average percentage error of less than 3%, which reflects The net profit comparison for all the dehydration processes are also
our results’ accuracy. displayed in Table 4. Our economic analysis revealed that the stripping
gas dehydration process using sale gas provides the highest net profit
margin among all the studied dehydration processes. This is mainly due
4.2. Economic analysis
to lower TCOP where the TCOP difference is about $500,000 to
$600,000 lower than the stripping gas dehydration process using ni-
This section features the economic analysis of the DRIZO process
trogen gas and DRIZO process Case (iii). Obviously, the difference in
Case (iii) and compares it against other dehydration processes from our
gross profit margin for the stripping gas dehydration process using sale
previous work (Kong et al., 2018c). The economic assessments are
gas relative to the stripping gas dehydration process using nitrogen gas
performed in terms of net profit (i.e., the difference between the gross
and DRIZO process Case (iii) is about $100,000 only, which is not en-
profit and the total cost of production (TCOP)), following the identical
ough to compensate the difference in TCOP.
framework we developed in our previous work (Kong et al., 2018c).
As a result, our techno-economic analysis concludes that the strip-
Table 4 shows the annual gross profit that was obtained from dif-
ping gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of dry product
ferent dehydration processes. The highest annual gross profit is gener-
gas is more techno-economically feasible in comparison to the other
ated from DRIZO process Case (iii) in our present work. This is because
dehydration processes. It can achieve the desired water dew point
the DRIZO process Case (iii) generates the highest HHV among all de-
specification while generating the highest gross profit margin relative
hydration processes and the gross profit is calculated using HHV. In
to the conventional dehydration process, stripping gas dehydration
addition, DRIZO process relies on the regenerator overhead and the
process using nitrogen gas, and DRIZO process Case (iii).
flash vapour as the stripping gas rather than consuming a portion of dry
product gas as the stripping gas. As a result, no profit is lost from the
consumption of the dry product gas. The stripping gas process using 5. Conclusion
nitrogen gas also creates identical annual gross profit relative to the
DRIZO process, albeit to a slightly lower extent. This is attributed to the Our present work evaluates the techno-economic performance of
difference in HHV of the dry product gas (Table 2). three different DRIZO process configurations for natural gas dehydra-
tion; Case (i) – recycling of the regenerator overhead, Case (ii) – re-
Table 4 cycling of the flash vapour, and Case (iii) – recycling of both the flash
Economic analysis between the dehydration processes. vapour and the regenerator overhead into the dehydration system.
Parameters Conventional Stripping gas dehydration DRIZO process Among all three configurations, Case (iii) provides the best dehydration
processes Case (iii) process performance. Relative to our previous conventional dehydra-
tion process and the other two stripping gas (sale gas and nitrogen)
Dry product Nitrogen gas
dehydration processes, Case (iii) generates the highest purity on the
regenerated TEG; leading to a lower water content in the dry product
Gross profit ($ 32,359,924 32,502,219 32,608,042 32,608,218 gas. Case (iii) further provides the lowest TEG loss rate and VOC
yr−1) emission while generates the highest HHV of the dry product gas. No
TCOP ($ yr−1) 3,220,213 3,256,000 3,804,381 3,949,685
profit is lost in Case (iii) since no sale gas is consumed as the stripping
Net profit ($ 29,139,711 29,246,219 28,803,661 28,658,533
yr−1) gas. As a result, Case (iii) generates the highest gross profit margin.
Such advantage however is traded-off by a higher capital expenditure.


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Kong, Z.Y., Mahmoud, A., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., Mahmoud, A., 2018b. A parametric study of
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Kong, Z.Y., Mahmoud, A., Sunarso, J., 2018c. Development of a Techno-Economic
Framework for Natural Gas Dehydration via Absorption Using Tri-ethylene Glycol : a
Zong Yang Kong gratefully acknowledges Full Fee-Waiver
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Supplementary Materials
Appendix A – Steps involved for cost estimation

Table A1 shows the fixed capital cost (FCC) comparison for the DRIZO process case (iii) and the
other dehydration processes from our previous work (Kong et al., 2018c). It is worth mentioning
that the fixed capital cost will remained the same for the dehydration processes from our previous
work since there are no changes to the main equipment. For the DRIZO process Case (iii) in the
present study, four additional equipment were included in the FCC calculation such as a cooler,
three phase separator, centrifugal pump and a heater. These FCC are converted to annualised
capital cost (ACC) based on 20 years of plant life with an interest rate of 15%.
Table A2 revealed the overall fixed capital investment (FCI) for all the dehydration
processes which were calculated following the exact methodology as our previous work (Kong et
al., 2018c). The FCI here were estimated based on Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index of 2017
following our previous work in order to demonstrate a fair comparison. From Table A2, it was
observed that the FCI for the DRIZO process is the higher than the other dehydration processes by
approximately 17%. Such incremental was attributed to the additional equipment required by the
DRIZO proces

Table A1. Fixed capital cost comparison between the three dehydration processes.
Equipment Type Conventional dehydration Stripping gas dehydration Stripping gas dehydration DRIZO process Case (iii)
process process using sale gas process using nitrogen
Equipment Fixed capital Equipment Fixed capital Equipment Fixed capital Equipment Fixed capital
cost Ce, $ cost C, $ cost Ce, $ cost C, $ cost Ce, $ cost C, $ cost Ce, $ cost C, $
Absorber 214,429 857,717 214,429 857,717 214,429 857,717 214,429 857,717
Regenerator 13,330 53,320 13,330 53,320 13,330 53,320 13,330 53,320
Flash separator 8,999 35,996 8,999 35,996 8,999 35,996 8,999 35,996
Lean/Rich heat 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504 14,144 49,504
Lean/Dry gas heat 14,830 51,905 14,825 51,905 14,825 51,905 14,825 51,905
Reboiler 19,311 67,589 19,279 67,589 19,279 67,589 19,279 67,589
Condenser 2,080 7,280 2,080 7,280 2,080 7,280 2,080 7,280
Mixer 1,042 2,605 1,042 2,605 1,042 2,605 1,042 2,605
Pump with motor 8,605 30,190 8,605 30,190 8,605 30,190 8,605 30,190
Splitter - - 2,169 5,423 - - - -
Heater - - 2,080 7,280 - - - -
Heat Exchanger - - - - - - 15,860 55,510
Cooler - - - - - - 9,935 39,741
Three phase separator - - - - - - 30,146 84,658
Compressor with - - - - - - 3,717
Heater - - - - - - 13,343 46,701.2
Total 1,156,105 1,168,808 1,156,105 1,395,418

Table A2. The fixed capital investment (FCI) for the three dehydration processes.
Cost, $ Conventional Stripping gas dehydration Stripping gas dehydration DRIZO process
dehydration process process using sale gas process using nitrogen Case (iii)
Inside battery limit 1,156,105 1,168,808 1,156,105 1,395,418
investment (ISBL)
Off-site cost 346,831 350,642 346,831 418,625
Engineering Cost 450,881 455,835 450,881 544,213
Contingency Cost 150,294 151,945 150,294 181,404
FCI (2006 prices) 2,104,111 2,127,230 2,104,111 2,539,661
FCI (2017 prices) 2,494,950 2,522,364 2,494,950 3,011,404

Table A3 presents the estimated annual cost of production (COP) for the DRIZO process in our
current work and compared it against the other dehydration processes in our previous study. The
COP were calculated following the identical methodology presented in our previous work (Kong
et al., 2018c). However, it is worth noting that the COP for the two stripping gas dehydration
processes is different from our previous work, due to some adjustment made to the TEG and
stripping gas flowrate. As mentioned earlier, we have adjusted our stripping gas flowrate of our
previous study so that we could achieved similar water dew point of -20oC as the DRIZO process
in the present study (Table 3 in Manuscript). Therefore, the amount of stripping gas directly
affects the purity of regenerated TEG, which in turn, affects the amount of TEG flowrate required
in the dehydration system. This leads to a minor difference in the TEG cost for the two stripping
gas dehydration process and subsequently leads to different COP for the two dehydration processes
between our present study and previous study.
From Table A3, it was demonstrated that the DRIZO process has the lowest variable cost
of production (VCOP). This was attributed to the high purity on regenerated TEG in the DRIZO
process and subsequently reduce the amount of TEG flowrate needed in the dehydration system.
Such advantages however was traded off at an expense of high fixed cost of production (FCOP)
because most of the FCOP are highly dependent on the FCI and it was revealed earlier in Table
A2 that the FCI for the DRIZO process is the higher than the other dehydration processes by
approximately 17%. Overall, the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes nitrogen has the
highest annual COP mainly because the nitrogen stripping gas comes from external injection.

Table A3. Annual cost of production (COP) estimation for the three dehydration processes.
Cost, $ Conventional Stripping gas dehydration Stripping gas dehydration DRIZO Process
dehydration process process using sale gas process using nitrogen Case (iii)
Variable cost of production (VCOP)
TEG cost (including TEG loss) 19,053 5552 5,657 3,507
Steam cost 18,806 18,778 18,778 18,778
Electrical cost 800,000 844,000 864,000 1,440,000
Miscellaneous cost 17,099 16,823 27,478 16,781
Nitrogen cost - - 522,000 -
Annual VCOP 854,958 885,153 1,437,913 1,479,067
Fixed cost of production (FCOP)
Operating labour (OL) 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000
Supervision (S) 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Direct salary overhead (DSO) 375,000 375,000 375,000 375,000
Maintenance (M) 34,683 35,064 35,064 41,863
Property taxes and insurance 23,122 23,376 23,376 27,908
Rent of land 15,029 15,195 15,195 18,140
General plant overhead 753,794 754,042 754,042 75,8461
Environmental charges 15,029 15,194 15,195 18,140
Annual FCOP 1,966,658 1,967,871 1,967,871 1,989,512
Cost of production (COP) 2,821,616 2,853,024 3,405,784 3,468,579

Figure A1. Flowsheet for the DRIZO process Case (i): recycling the regenerator overhead.

Name Wet gas to abs Sale gas Lean_TEG_rcy Dry overhead vap
Temperature (oC) 29.6 34.8 34.0 12.1
Pressure (kPa) 4100.0 4070.0 4080.0 120.0
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 31327.0 31293.0 1078.0 16.1

Figure A2. Flowsheet for the DRIZO process Case (ii): recycling the flash vapour.

Name Wet gas to abs Sale gas Lean_TEG_rcy

Temperature (oC) 29.0 34.8 34.0
Pressure (kPa) 4100.0 4070.0 4080.0
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 31327.0 312930.0 1070.0

Figure A3. Flowsheet for the DRIZO process Case (iii): recycling the regenerator overhead and flash vapour.

Name Wet gas to abs Sale gas Lean_TEG_rcy Dry overhead vap split
Temperature (oC) 29.6 35.2 34.0 14.0
Pressure (kPa) 4100.0 4070.0 4080.0 120.00
Mass flow (kg hr-1) 31327.0 31290.0 1165.0 336.9

Appendix B – Wet gas composition and operating condition of the dehydration plant

Table B1. Feed gas composition (Reproduced from (Kong et al., 2018c)).
Components Mass fraction (%)
Carbon dioxide 0.70
Nitrogen 1.60
Oxygen 0.02
Methane 94.90
Ethane 2.50
Propane 0.20
i-Butane 0.003
n-Butane 0.003
i-Pentane 0.001
n-Pentane 0.001
n-Hexane 0.001

Table B2. Input parameters to the absorber and the regenerator (Reproduced from (Kong et
al., 2018c)).
Parameter Value
Property package Peng-Robinson (PR)
Wet gas flowrate (Nm3 day-1) 1,000,000
Top pressure 4080 kPa
Total pressure drop 8 kPa
Number of stages 14
Overall stage efficiency 0.3
Tray size utility Bubble cap
Number of flow paths 2
Tray spacing 0.6096 m
Max. flooding 85%
Sieve tray flooding method Minimum Csb
Condenser Full reflux
Top pressure 102 kPa
Total pressure drop 18 kPa
Feed temperature 100 oC
Number of stages 10
Reflux ratio 0.01
Reboiler temperature 200
Packing column utility:
Raschig rings 1/16 in. wall, CSteel, 1 & 1/2 in.
Packing column sections Section 1: stage 1 to stage 3
Section 2: stage 4 to stage 6
Section 3: stage 7 to stage 10
HETP 0.3048 m
Section spacing 0.4 m
Max. flooding 70%
Packing correlation Robins

Chapter 6. Conclusion and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusion
This thesis addresses the limitations of the previous studies where marginal analysis (i.e., net profit
assessment) has not been considered in any of the existing techno-economic analysis on natural
gas dehydration process via absorption using TEG. Here, a novel techno-economic framework was
developed to assess and compare the different dehydration processes with the consideration of net
profit assessment. The performances of the conventional dehydration process, the stripping gas
dehydration processes, and the DRIZO dehydration process were evaluated from technical and
economical perspective. The most economic dehydration process was selected that can achieve the
maximum water dew point of –25 oC as stipulated by the local Malaysian authority for pipeline-
transported natural gas. Although the water dew point requirement specified in this thesis was set
based on Malaysian requirement, the techno-economic framework can also be applied to evaluate
the water dew point requirement set by other regulatory authority (e.g., Europe).

The first contribution of this thesis is the parametric study of the conventional dehydration process
via absorption using TEG. From the parametric study, an optimum TEG flowrate of 1241 kg hr -1
was obtained, which provides the minimum water content of 5.08 lb MMSCF-1 in the dry product
gas with the total TEG loss rate and the total BTEX emissions of about 3.14 ton yr-1 and 509 ton
yr-1, respectively. Using this optimum TEG flowrate, several different recycling configurations
applied to the conventional dehydration process were investigated that aims to maximise the
recovery of the wet gas loss and the TEG loss rate while minimising the BTEX emission. However,
it was found that applying all these three recycling configurations does not contribute towards
significant process performance improvement while imposing both additional capital and
operational costs. In all three cases, the marginal reduction in the total BTEX emission is always
traded-off by the marginal increase in the water content in the dry product gas and vice versa. In
addition, the total TEG loss rate is consistently reduced by up to 0.4% only relative to the base
case, in all the three recycling configuration cases, which does not represent a significant reduction.
Therefore, the performance of the conventional dehydration process can only be optimised using
the optimum TEG flowrate found, which provides a balance between water content in dry product
gas, BTEX emission, and TEG loss rate.

The second contribution is the development of the novel techno-economic framework to examine
the performance of the different dehydration processes with consideration of net profit margin.
The techno-economic analyses were conducted for the conventional dehydration process, the
stripping gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of sale gas as stripping gas, and the
stripping gas dehydration process that relies on the externally injected nitrogen gas as stripping
gas. It was demonstrated that all the three dehydration processes can easily meet the minimum
water dew point specification of +5 oC as specified by the local authority for pipeline transported
natural gas in Malaysia. Nevertheless, the maximum water dew point specification of –25 oC can
only be achieved by using stripping gas dehydration process that consumes more than 260 Nm3
hr-1 of sale gas or 435 Nm3 hr-1 of nitrogen gas. The techno-economic analysis further indicated
that the stripping gas dehydration process that consumes 260 Nm3 hr-1 sale gas as stripping gas
gives the highest annual net profit margin of about $29 million. Such profit margin is higher by
about $1.6 million and $300,000 relative to the stripping gas dehydration process using nitrogen
and the conventional dehydration process, respectively. In summary, it was found that the stripping
gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of sale gas can provide a higher net profit margin
while able to meet the maximum water dew point specification relative to the conventional
dehydration process and the stripping gas dehydration process using external injected nitrogen gas.

The last contribution from this thesis is the extension of the developed techno-economic
framework to examine the performance of the stripping gas dehydration process using VOC gases
as stripping gas (i.e., DRIZO process). Three different DRIZO configurations were first evaluated,
i.e., using regenerator overhead, using flash vapour, and using both regenerator overhead and flash
vapour, as stripping gas. Among all three configurations, using both regenerator overhead and
flash vapour as stripping gas provides the best dehydration process performance. Then, the best
DRIZO process was compared against conventional dehydration process and the stripping gas
dehydration processes that consume sale gas and nitrogen gas as stripping gas. The techno-
economic analyses indicated that DRIZO process provides the highest purity on regenerated TEG
up to 99.77% while maximising the TEG recovery rate with minimum VOC emission. Further,
there is no profit loss associated to the DRIZO process since it does not consume a portion of sale
gas as stripping gas. However, after taking into consideration the gross profit margin and the TCOP,

the techno-economic analysis reveals that the DRIZO process is not economically feasible mainly
because of the high capital expenditure required for additional equipment investment and its high
electricity cost. The difference in gross profit margin for DRIZO process in comparison to other
cases is only about $100,000 per annum, which is not enough to cover the difference in high TCOP
of about $500,000 to $600,000. Thus, the use of stripping gas dehydration process using a portion
of sale gas is recommended since it provides a higher net profit margin relative to the DRIZO

In conclusion, a novel techno-economic framework was developed in this thesis to select the best
natural gas dehydration process via absorption using TEG. The conventional dehydration process
and the stripping gas dehydration processes using various stripping gases (e.g., sale gas, externally
injected nitrogen gas, and VOC gases (DRIZO)) were analysed. My study revealed that the
stripping gas dehydration process that consumes a portion of dry product gas is superior relative
to other dehydration processes because it can achieve the desired water dew point specification
while generating the highest gross profit margin. In the event where it is not possible to revamp
the conventional dehydration plant onto the enhanced dehydration process due to various
limitations (e.g., land spacing constraint), such conventional plant may consider the technique
employed in the parametric study to improve the economics and performance of their dehydration

The specific contributions to knowledge from this thesis are listed as follows:
x Overview of the existing literature studies on natural gas dehydration process via
absorption using TEG, the alternative methods available to enhance TEG regeneration
performance, their working mechanisms, process flow diagrams, advantages, drawbacks,
current statuses, existing gaps, and future directions.
x Parametric study to obtain optimum TEG flowrate that considers the water content in the
dry product gas, TEG loss rate, and BTEX emission on the conventional dehydration
process. Such optimum TEG flowrate improves the overall performance for the
conventional dehydration process, especially in lowering down the BTEX emission to
reduce environmental impact.
x Showed that the different recycling configurations applied to the conventional dehydration

process are unable to significantly minimise the TEG loss rate and the BTEX emission.
x Development of a novel techno-economic framework to evaluate the net profit generated
by different dehydration processes.
x Techno-economic analyses on conventional dehydration process, stripping gas dehydration
process using sale gas and nitrogen, and DRIZO process with the consideration of net profit,
which has never been considered in any of the existing studies.
x Demonstrated the importance of net profit as an important factor to be considered during
techno-economic analyses for enhanced natural gas dehydration processes.
x Investigation of the effects of three different DRIZO recycling configurations on the
performance of natural gas dehydration process.
x Concluded that the stripping gas dehydration process using the dry product gas generates
the highest net profit margin while meeting the desired water dew point specification.

Several limitations were identified for this thesis, which are outlined as follows:
x The optimum TEG flowrate determined in Chapter 2 that provides trade-off between water
content in the dry product gas, BTEX emission, and TEG loss rate was obtained graphically
by combining all three parameters in one graph at various TEG flowrate. The effect of
changes due to multiple parameters was not considered. Therefore, a better alternative
option would be to consider the effect of changes due to different parameters
simultaneously and address the problem from multi-objective optimisation perspective.
x The parametric study in Chapter 3 was carried out using specific range of manipulated
variable (i.e., TEG flowrate varies between 855 kg hr-1 to 1710 kg hr-1). Therefore, the
results are only reliable within the range of operating parameters considered. Further
simulation and result validation are required so that the results can be applied to a wider
range of applications.
x The cost model employed in the techno-economic analyses were fixed at specific value.
Fluctuation in market prices (i.e., fluctuation in natural gas price) that may affect the result
of the techno-economic analyses was not considered.
x The techno-economic analysis Part I was conducted at a fixed TEG flowrate while
manipulating the stripping gas flowrate. The trade-off between the consumption of TEG

flowrate and stripping gas flowrate was not considered (i.e., whether it is more economical
to use more TEG flowrate and lower amount of sale gas).

6.2 Recommendations for Future Work

This thesis presented a novel techno-economic framework that accounts for net profit assessment
to select the best natural gas dehydration process via absorption using TEG. Several areas for
future work arisen from this thesis are as follows:

1. Extension of techno-economic framework to Stahl column process

The present novel techno-economic framework can be extended to evaluate the
performance of the natural gas dehydration process using Stahl column. My literature
review in Chapter 2 suggested that very little information is known for Stahl column and
further comparison is required between the Stahl column process and the conventional
stripping process, particularly from techno-economic aspects. Furthermore, my literature
survey also indicates that most of the existing studies on Stahl column only focuses on
using a portion of the dry product gas. The effect of injecting other stripping gases such as
the inert gas (e.g., nitrogen) or the volatile hydrocarbon gas (e.g., BTEX gases) into the
Stahl column remains unclear. To date, no existing studies has investigated the impact of
simultaneous injection of stripping gas into the reboiler of the regeneration column and the
Stahl column. Therefore, further techno-economic analysis is warranted on Stahl column
process to address these aforementioned gaps.

2. Perform Multi-Objective Optimisation to the natural gas dehydration plant

As discussed in my literature review in Chapter 2, there is a conflicting nature between
water content in the dry product gas, BTEX emission, and TEG loss rate, with increasing
TEG flowrate. Although this gap has been addressed by determining an optimum TEG
flowrate that provides the minimum water content in the dry product gas with least amount
of BTEX emission and TEG loss rate simultaneously, such optimum TEG flowrate was
obtained graphically through combining all three parameters in one graph with various
TEG flowrate. A better alternative option would be to address this as a multi-objective
optimisation problem. For instance, different objectives can be defined such as minimising

the water content in the dry product gas, the BTEX emission, and the TEG loss rate. Several
constraints can also be added to the optimisation such as maintaining the reboiler
temperature below 204 oC and keeping the minimum purity of the regenerated TEG at
above 98.8%. In addition, maximising the net profit assessment that was not considered in
my parametric study in Chapter 3, can also be added into the objectives, which makes the
whole problem set becomes a more complex multi-objective optimisation problem. The
solution obtained from the multi-objective optimisation can resolve the trade-off between
different conflicting objectives more accurately.

3. Integration of heat exchanger network for the best dehydration process

Heat integration can additionally be performed on the best dehydration process after
techno-economic analysis to maximise the heat recovery between the processing units.
This is since the dehydration process contains multiple heat exchangers, coolers, and
heaters. Several different heat exchanger configurations have been reported in the existing
literature as covered in Chapter 2. However, it remains unclear which heat exchanger
configuration can further enhance the dehydration process performance and contribute
towards significant reduction in operating cost.

4. Techno-economic analyses on the advanced natural gas dehydration processes

My literature survey in Chapter 2 has indicated that several advanced technologies for
natural gas dehydration have recently emerged such as membrane and supersonic
technologies. These advanced technologies have numerous advantages over absorption
using TEG such as they require much lesser space and can be operated continuously
without the need for regeneration; making them suitable for unmanned operation (e.g., for
offshore applications). More essential is the fact that they are more environmentally
friendly and energy-efficient since they do not require any additional solvents and/or
chemicals. However, several drawbacks are also identified for these advanced technologies.
Membrane technology, for example, demonstrates very high methane loss rate, resulting
in lower amount of dry product gas becomes available for sale. This limitation restricts the
membrane ability to compete with the well-established TEG dehydration units. Although
tremendous efforts have been directed towards exploring the potential replacement of

membrane over the conventional dehydration process in the recent years, there is no
detailed techno-economic analyses reported that compare these advanced technologies
with the conventional dehydration process, at the time this thesis was written. Therefore, a
detailed techno-economic analyses that compare the advanced and conventional
dehydration processes are warranted, especially those that take into consideration the net
profit assessment.
Other than targeting these relatively new technologies for dehydration application,
research focus can also be directed towards the conventional absorption dehydration
process using ionic liquids (abbreviated as ILs) as solvent. My literature survey has
indicated that ILs have become increasingly popular in the recent years for dehydration
applications given its distinguished physicochemical properties as discussed in Chapter 2.
Therefore, it may be interesting to conduct techno-economic analyses to further support
the ILs and to overturn the present market preference on the current well-established
conventional dehydration process using TEG.

In summary, several areas for future work stemming from this thesis have been outlined above.
Here, the first three recommendations cover the immediate future work, which can be completed
by the extension of this thesis. These recommendations aim to further improve the performance of
the natural gas dehydration process via absorption using TEG. The last recommendation, on the
other hand, focuses more on the major possible advancement arises from this thesis. Here,
emphasis is put on a wider range of applications where the techno-economic analyses can be
extended to different types of natural gas dehydration technologies such as membrane and
supersonic applications.

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Appendix. Signed Authorship Indication Forms

The Authorship Indication Forms are included for the following publications incorporated in
this thesis:

1. Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2018. Revamping existing glycol
technologies in natural gas dehydration to improve the purity and absorption efficiencyௗ:
Available methods and recent developments. J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng. 56, 486–503.
2. Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2018. A parametric study of different
recycling configurations for the natural gas dehydration process via absorption using
triethylene glycol. Process Integr Optim Sustain. 1. doi:10.1007/s41660-018-0058-x
3. Kong, Z.Y., Ahmed, M., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2019. Development of a techno-economic
framework for natural gas dehydration via absorption using tri-ethylene glycolௗ: A
comparative study on conventional and stripping gas dehydration processes. J. Chem.
Technol. Biotechnol, 94, 955–963. doi:10.1002/jctb.5844
4. Kong, Z.Y., Wee, X.J.M., Ahmed, M., Yu, A., Liu, S., Sunarso, J., 2020, Development
of a techno-economic framework for natural gas dehydration via absorption using tri-
ethylene glycol: A comparative study between DRIZO and other dehydration processes.
S. Afr. J. Chem. Eng. 31, 17-24. doi:10.1016/j.sajce.2019.11.00

S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m
F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

T hi s A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n f or m i s a st at e m e nt d et aili n g t h e p er c e nt a g e of t h e c o ntri b uti o n of e a c h a ut h or i n e a c h a s s oci at e d
p a p er . T hi s f or m m u st b e si g n e d by e a c h c o- a ut h or a n d t h e Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p er vi s or. T hi s f or m m u st b e a d d e d t o t h e
p u bli c ati o n of y o ur fi n al t h e si s a s a n a p p e n di x. Pl e a s e fill o ut a s e p ar at e f or m f or e a c h a s s o ci at e d p a p er t o b e i n cl u d e d i n y o ur
t h e si s.

W e h er e b y d e cl ar e o ur c o ntri b uti o n t o t h e p u bli c ati o n of t h e p a p er e ntitl e d:

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Fir st A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of r e s p o n si biliti e s/r ol e o n pr oj ect:

S e c o n d A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

T hir d A ut h or

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P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

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P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p ervi s or: N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

I n t h e c a s e of m or e t h a n f o ur a ut h or s pl e a s e att a c h a n ot h er s h e et wit h t h e n a m e s, si g n at ur e s a n d c o ntri b uti o n of t h e a ut h or s.

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m 1 of
S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

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F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

F A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m of
S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m
F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

T hi s A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n f or m i s a st at e m e nt d et aili n g t h e p er c e nt a g e of t h e c o ntri b uti o n of e a c h a ut h or i n e a c h a s s oci at e d
p a p er . T hi s f or m m u st b e si g n e d by e a c h c o- a ut h or a n d t h e Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p er vi s or. T hi s f or m m u st b e a d d e d t o t h e
p u bli c ati o n of y o ur fi n al t h e si s a s a n a p p e n di x. Pl e a s e fill o ut a s e p ar at e f or m f or e a c h a s s o ci at e d p a p er t o b e i n cl u d e d i n y o ur
t h e si s.

W e h er e b y d e cl ar e o ur c o ntri b uti o n t o t h e p u bli c ati o n of t h e p a p er e ntitl e d:

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __

Fir st A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of r e s p o n si biliti e s/r ol e o n pr oj ect:

S e c o n d A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

T hir d A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

F o urt h A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p ervi s or: N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

I n t h e c a s e of m or e t h a n f o ur a ut h or s pl e a s e att a c h a n ot h er s h e et wit h t h e n a m e s, si g n at ur e s a n d c o ntri b uti o n of t h e a ut h or s.

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m 1 of
S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m
F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

F A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m of
S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m
F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

T hi s A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n f or m i s a st at e m e nt d et aili n g t h e p er c e nt a g e of t h e c o ntri b uti o n of e a c h a ut h or i n e a c h a s s oci at e d
p a p er . T hi s f or m m u st b e si g n e d by e a c h c o- a ut h or a n d t h e Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p er vi s or. T hi s f or m m u st b e a d d e d t o t h e
p u bli c ati o n of y o ur fi n al t h e si s a s a n a p p e n di x. Pl e a s e fill o ut a s e p ar at e f or m f or e a c h a s s o ci at e d p a p er t o b e i n cl u d e d i n y o ur
t h e si s.

W e h er e b y d e cl ar e o ur c o ntri b uti o n t o t h e p u bli c ati o n of t h e p a p er e ntitl e d:

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __

Fir st A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of r e s p o n si biliti e s/r ol e o n pr oj ect:

S e c o n d A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

T hir d A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

F o urt h A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p ervi s or: N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

I n t h e c a s e of m or e t h a n f o ur a ut h or s pl e a s e att a c h a n ot h er s h e et wit h t h e n a m e s, si g n at ur e s a n d c o ntri b uti o n of t h e a ut h or s.

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m 1 of
S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m
F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

F A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m of
S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m
F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

T hi s A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n f or m i s a st at e m e nt d et aili n g t h e p er c e nt a g e of t h e c o ntri b uti o n of e a c h a ut h or i n e a c h a s s oci at e d
p a p er . T hi s f or m m u st b e si g n e d by e a c h c o- a ut h or a n d t h e Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p er vi s or. T hi s f or m m u st b e a d d e d t o t h e
p u bli c ati o n of y o ur fi n al t h e si s a s a n a p p e n di x. Pl e a s e fill o ut a s e p ar at e f or m f or e a c h a s s o ci at e d p a p er t o b e i n cl u d e d i n y o ur
t h e si s.

W e h er e b y d e cl ar e o ur c o ntri b uti o n t o t h e p u bli c ati o n of t h e p a p er e ntitl e d:

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __

Fir st A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of r e s p o n si biliti e s/r ol e o n pr oj ect:

S e c o n d A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

T hir d A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

F o urt h A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

Pri n ci p al C o or di n ati n g S u p ervi s or: N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

I n t h e c a s e of m or e t h a n f o ur a ut h or s pl e a s e att a c h a n ot h er s h e et wit h t h e n a m e s, si g n at ur e s a n d c o ntri b uti o n of t h e a ut h or s.

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m 1 of
S wi n b ur n e R e s e ar c h

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m
F or P h D (i n cl u di n g a s s o ci at e d p a p e r s) c a n di d at e s

F A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or

N a m e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g n at ur e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P er c e nt a g e of c o ntri b uti o n: _ _ _ _ % D at e: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

Bri ef d es cri pti o n of :

A ut h or s hi p I n di c ati o n F or m of

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