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English Activity #1

Mario Alejandro Cuellar Herrera

Wilson Riaño Sanchez



8 de mayo de 2022Introducción


1. Watch the following video and answer the question:

What animals are mentioned in the video? Why are they endangered. Answer in a text.

2. Write a one-page reflection on how endangered species could be saved – use vocabulary for

animals, be able to, could and couldn’t

3. Record a video in which you show yourself talking about your favorite wild animal, describe it,

say what it is able to do and, talk about its habitat and what it eats, and propose ideas on how endangered

animals could be protected.

4. Upload your recorded video on youtube, google drive, vimeo, vidyard or the platform you

prefer and copy the link to share (make sure the link is not private and does not have any kind of

restriction for your teacher to visualize it)

5. Put everything in a doc. or ppt. (word or powerpoint) document (meaning, all the texts and the

video link) and upload it in the corresponding area on CUN digital.

1. The armor leopard, Black Rhino, Hawksbill sea turtle, Mountain gorilla, Pangolin, Polar

Bear, red Panda and The giant Panda

2. This is a really important topic, must of the time we learn about how to protect the

environment, the things that we could and couldn’t. I thing that on this important moment of our lives

we have to take care about it and being sure of making a difference in our world wild.

Nowadays our environment has suffered significant threats in the last few decades. The ever

increasing vehicles and pollution have transformed our environment into a mass of smoky mess and we

couldn’t still damage this world like that.

If you think about the things that we are doing for helping our environment, it could be a way to

improve new ways and ideas to impact not only the natural aspect, also our wild too.

Today I’m going to make an invite for all the people how is going to read this reflection, I am a

men who think that all the people are able to help taking care about the wild and the environment, for that

the first thing is that you could do, Is disconnect all your technological devices onces you are going to

sleep each day, also another form is that you are able to put some different trash bags, one for all the

organic waste, another for all the paper and all the reusable waste just to make a different form to impact

our natural system.

If we do that and take care about it we could do a change, trying to decrease the innumerable

birds and sea animals who die from the pollution at sea. At the moment marine life is in grave danger as

we have allegedly deposited trash and filth on seashores and into the ocean itself. Marine animals have

died due to consuming plastic. An excellent way to protect the environment could be a way to minimize

or, rather, completely stop using plastic. We are able to use cloth or paper bags to carry or dispose of

things, that could be an excellent remedy. Disposing garbage properly, in garbage cans, and separating the

biodegradable waste from the non-biodegradable wastes is an excellent way to decrease pollution levels.

Worn-out substances must be recycled so that they can be reused.


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