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“SWOT Analysis of Metro rail
project in Dhaka City.”

Course Title: Projectto:Management.

Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin
Associate Professor
Public Administration
Comilla University, Cumilla

Submitted by:
Mohammad Al-Amin
Class ID: 11803015
Public Administration
Comilla University

Submission Date: 09 January 2022

I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to my honorable course teacher
Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin, Associate professor of Public Administration, Comilla
University who encouraged me to complete the term paper and provided support
regarding the topic, “SWOT Analysis of Metro rail project in Dhaka City.”

I am grateful enough to the Almighty for making this term paper possible.
Moreover, I would like to give my cordial thanks and wholehearted gratitude to
all for facilitating me with guidance and advice to complete my challenging
MRTS: Mass Rapid Transit System.
SWOT: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat.
SDG: Sustainable Development Goal.
GoB: Government of Bangladesh.
GDP: Gross Domestic Product.
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency.
DTCA: Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority.
STP: Strategic Transport Plan.
ECNEC: Executive Committee of the National Economic Council.
DHUTS: Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Survey.
DMTCL: Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited.

List of Figures
Figure 01: Traffic Jam in Dhaka City.
Figure 02: Background of Metro Rail
Figure 03: Route Map of MRTS in Dhaka City.
Figure 04: Project Management.
Figure 05: Project Evaluation.
Figure 06: Organogram of MRTS project implementation.
Figure 07: Abbreviation of SWOT analysis.

iii iii
Dhaka Metrorail

Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat


SWOT Analysis of Metro rail project in Dhaka City

Summary: Bangladesh is still now an agrarian country. The country is being advanced
from underdeveloped to developing country. The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) declared
'Digital Bangladesh' in 2010 and vision- 21 for building nations and country widespread
through the improvement of technology, society, community, education, health, agriculture,
communication, commercial and industrial as well as infrastructural development such roads,
bridge, railways, etc. Sustainable city and community enhancement is the very crucial target
of SDGs which will be achieved by 2030 through implementing such kinds of megaprojects.
Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) or Dhaka Metrorail project is one of them which will
significantly contribute to country GDP, capital formation, and overall economic growth;
besides, it will be helpful to generate employment opportunities and rapid transition as well
as reduce heavy traffic jam. The Dhaka Metro Rail project is a large-scale project now under
development in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Its goal is to give a better alternative for reducing traffic
congestion and bottlenecks. The project is part of the Government Transportation
Coordination Authority's 20-year initiative.

Keywords: MRTS; Metro rail; SWOT; Project; Economic and Environment impact; Dhaka.

Table of Contents
History of Metro Rail........................................................................................................................7
Dhaka Metro Rail Project.................................................................................................................8
Route Map...................................................................................................................................10
Contractors for the Dhaka Metro Rail Project...........................................................................11
Key concepts definition.....................................................................................................................11
Project and Project Management...................................................................................................11
Project Evaluation..........................................................................................................................13
Metro Rail.......................................................................................................................................14
Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited..........................................................................................14
Financing of Project..........................................................................................................................14
Service provided by Metro Rail.......................................................................................................14
Implementation Mechanism.............................................................................................................15
SWOT analysis and its importance..................................................................................................15
Conclusion and Recommendation....................................................................................................22

Dhaka is one of the world's biggest and most extensively inhabited cities. This capital is
renowned as the state's financial, social, political, administrative, and tourist hotspot, where
overcrowding frequently obstructs a country's urban and technological progress, yet most of
the roads in Dhaka city stay static for lengthy periods owing to the lack of public
transportation. In a growing nation like Bangladesh, mass transit is critical for reducing
traffic congestion and improving mass transportation (Hossain et al., 2021). Many countries
throughout the world, like Thailand and India, have implemented mass rapid transit systems.
Metro Rail is a train-based mass transit system that requires grade separation to avoid
conflicts with other transportation networks; typically, just a small section of the rails is
installed beneath the earth, while the majority are installed above the ground (Hossain et al.,
2021). In light of these circumstances, our government has decided to build a metro rail
system in Dhaka to alleviate traffic congestion (Alam, 2010). In June 2013, the Government
of Bangladesh adopted a new Strategic Plan and established Dhaka Mass Transit Company
Limited to develop five Metro Rail Lines around the city.

The metro rail project offers certain tangible advantages in terms of energy consumption,
space occupancy, and the number of passengers conveyed. Furthermore, Metro Rail has the
potential to transport a large number of passengers and the ability to create high-volume
journeys at any time of day.
Figure 01: Traffic Jam in Dhaka City.
The establishment of this Metro rail in Dhaka is a significant step forward in the authority's
efforts to alleviate traffic congestion in the city. The country's first metro rail system, the
Mass Rapid Transit Line-6 or MRT-6, is being built at a cost of TK 21,985 crore from Uttara
to Motijheel in the capital Dhaka (JICA, 2018). The state-owned DMTCL is constructing the
Mass Rapid Transit Line-6 project, which is overseen by the Road Transport and Highway
Division of the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges of Bangladesh.

History of Metro Rail

The first electric-traction rapid transit railway, the city, and South London Railway opened in
1890 and was also fully underground; on the other hand, the technology quickly spread to
other cities in Europe, Canada, and the United States, with some railways being converted
from steam and others being designed to be electric from the start. 1 Many new systems were
launched in Southeast Asia and Latin America in the 1960s, with cities like Oslo and
Marseille opening major networks. In 1927, Japan became the first Asian country to construct
a subway system. In 1972, India began construction on its metro system in Kolkata;
following that, India built Metro Rail systems in several additional cities (Report, 2021). At
the moment, 180 subway systems are operational in 178 cities across 56 nations.

Bangladesh's government established the Dhaka Transport Coordination in 1998. They
suggested a Strategic Transport Plan (STP) for the greater Dhaka area. At peak periods,
Metro Rail has the potential to transport a large number of passengers. It is environmentally
benign, causing no air pollution and minimal noise pollution. The Dhaka Transport
Coordination Authority (DTCA) produced a 20-year strategic transport plan (STP) to design
Retrieved from
a modern transit system for Dhaka in 2005, which took into account the planning of
constructing Metro Rail in Bangladesh for the first time (Morshed, 2019). Bangladesh's
Metro Rail is a part of this strategy. The 'Dhaka mass rapid transit development project,' or
'Metro Rail,' was authorized by the National Economic Council's Executive Committee in
December 2012 (Hossain et al., 2021). MRT Lines 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are among the five route
lines that have been suggested for the project (Mannan, 2021). The Dhaka Urban Transport
Network Development Survey (DHUTS 1) was financed by the Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) to examine the project and choose the first MRT line for Metro
Rail, dubbed ‘MRT line-6’ (Report, 2021). Given the high volume of traffic that occurs
during the country's peak hours, a mass transportation system should be supplied; as an
alternate, the Rapid Transit System can be employed in which the establishment of a rail-
based transportation system is required if traffic density exceeds the permissible level
(Hossain et al., 2021).

Figure 02: Background of Metro Rail

Dhaka Metro Rail Project

Dhaka Metro Rail is a Dhaka-based authorized MRT system that is currently being built.
After the project is completed, the train will be able to transport 60,000 passengers per hour
with 16 stations, greatly reducing traffic congestion and allowing city dwellers to make the
most of their time (Morshed, 2019). The metro rail construction is now at a 68 percent
completion rate. For the 24 train sets that would travel on a 21-kilometer track from Uttara to
Kamalapur railway station, there will be 144 carriages. By 2022, the metro train will be
operational, and it is expected to make a significant contribution to enhancing Dhaka city and
the country as a whole (Report, 2021).


Line-6 is made up of 16 elevated stations that are each 180 meters long, as well as 20.1
kilometers of electricity-powered light rail lines. Except for the depot and portions of the
LRT that would run beside it, Line-6 will be elevated over present roadways, largely above
road medians, to allow traffic to pass beneath it, with stations likewise elevated. 4 By 2022,
the Dhaka Metro is expected to service over 60,000 people per hour. At a pace of 100 km/h,
the full course will take less than 40 minutes to complete (62 mph). Magnetic contactless
Integrated Circuit Ticketing will be used in the system. Trains of six air-conditioned roomy
carriages will arrive every four minutes at each of the 16 stops once the service is fully

The project is being supervised by the Communications Ministry's Dhaka Transport Co-
ordination Authority and the NKDM Association, a partnership of international and
Bangladeshi enterprises.

Native Name Dhaka Metro

Transit Type Mass and Light Rapid Transit
Location Dhaka, Bangladesh
Line no. MRT Line-6
Daily ridership 483,000
Operation will start December 2022
Operators Dhaka Mass Transit Company Ltd.
Source of picture: data: image/jpeg; base64, /9j.
Archived from
Archived from
Train length 6 coaches
System length 20.1 km
Stations number 16
Average speed 30 km/h
Electrification 1500V DC
Source: Wikipedia and SlideShare from the scribe.

Route Map
Here is an image of the Dhaka Metro Rail map that will help you make out the complete
route a well, as you will be able to get a clear conception of the whole project (Hasan, 2021).
Foremost, I want to inform you that Metro rail has already been inaugurated in many phases.
It will run within 16 stations, a landmark for improving the Dhaka city and city men.
Figure 03: Route Map of MRTS in Dhaka City.

Contractors for the Dhaka Metro Rail Project

The Dhaka Mess Transit Company manages the whole Metro rail project (DMTC). Because
it is a joint venture, multiple firms are participating in the project's completion. The project's
civil work was completed by the Italian-Thai Development Public Company Ltd. and Sino
Hydro Corporation Ltd. The property surrounding the depot is being developed by a joint
venture with a Tokyo-based construction business. Larsen & Toubro, an Indian construction
business, is responsible for track installation, overhead power supply, and signaling (H &
Uaxia, 2021). The project is managed by the Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority,
which is part of the Communications Ministry. General Consultants are Bangladeshi
businesses known as NKDM Association (GC). DMTCL will run the metro rail when the
project is completed.

Key concepts definition

Project and Project Management
The term ‘Project’ is an “English” word which was derived from the “Latin” word ‘Projicere’
that means ‘throw forward’ which was first used in the 16th century as related to “Architect.”
The term "project" refers to something that occurs before another event in time. The term
project derives from the Latin word project, which comes from the verb price, which means

"before an action," and is derived from pro-, which means "precedence" or "a long chain of

The US Department of Defense (DoD) defines strategic planning as "a series of operations,
with a distinct beginning and ending points, conducted by an agency or organization to fulfill
particular objectives within the established time, cost, and performance criteria." According
to the Project Management Institute (PMI) point out that “to any short-time effort which has
definite beginning and end.” As PMI of USA outlined that ‘a project is a one-attempt, time-
bounded, goal set out and major undertaking requiring the commitment of varied skills as
well as resources in a temporary organization.’ “A project is a not permanent endeavor
undertaken to produce a unique product, service or outcome to achieve a result” as noted by
the Australian Institute of Project Management. A project is a well-defined and well-
organized activity that is driven by a recognized opportunity. It aims to create one-of-a-kind
or novel delivery, such as a product or service. Some initiatives result in formal
documentation, deliverables, and impacts, which can be beneficial or bad.8

Figure 04: Project Management.

Project Management can be defined as the application of knowledge, skills, tools, techniques,
and requirements to maintain a broad area project. PMI UK (2007), pointed that PM is
interacted with the whole planning and collaboration of projects from initiation to
completion, aiming at meeting clients’ requirements and ensuring completion on time within
cost to ensure quality standards. It is built around the project management's 4ps of marketing:
plan, process, people, and power. The three limitations of project management are the
calendar, budgets, and quality standards.10
The text retrieved from
The quote retrieved from Mesly, Olivier (2016). Project Feasibility: Tools for Uncovering Points of
Vulnerability. Systems Innovation Book Series. New York: CRC Press (published 2017). p. 52.
This source was retrieved from
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Project Evaluation
The goal of project evaluation is to establish the relevance and level of achievement of
project objectives, as well as the development effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of a
current or finished project.11 Managing for impact entails guiding project interventions
toward long-term sustainability through a logically connected chain of outcomes: inputs yield
outcomes that add to impact. Design, monitoring, and evaluation are all aspects of results-
based project management, which attempts to assist managers in improving development
outcomes on a long-term to short-term scale (Of & Evaluation, n.d.).


Figure 05: Project Evaluation.

Project evaluation is a systematic approach for gathering, evaluating, and applying data about
projects, policies, and programs. Stakeholders in both the public and private sectors
frequently want to know if the initiatives they support, execute, vote for, receive, or protest to
are having the desired effect.13

MRTS (Mass Rapid Transit System) is a word that refers to means of urban transportation
(both road and rail) that transfer large numbers of people fast. They usually run along well-
defined corridors that connect suburbs to city centers, and they usually have reserved right-
of-way for part or all of their route length.14

Metro Rail
It is a convenient, fast, efficient, reliable, modern, user-friendly, comfortable, and affordable
mode of urban transport that is safe and eco-friendly (JICA, 2018). In another way, it is

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generic document/wcms_172679.pdf.
This image was retrieved from
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electric and needs only 1/5th of energy per passenger-km compared to a road-based transport

Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited

It is a public transportation company based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The DMTCL was founded
in 2013 by an Association of Agreements in compliance with Bangladesh's Company Act of
1994 (Future et al., 2018). Through the Secretary of Road Division, Ministry of Road
Transport, and Bridges, the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) owns
100% of the DMTCL (MORTB). The DMTCL is administered by a dynamic board of
directors that includes a representation from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology (BUET) and the president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Bangladesh (ICAB). The DMTCL is led by a Managing Director and employs a total of 41
people who operate in Pius set up for various metro lines.

Dhaka, also known as Dacca, is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh. It is located in the
south-central section of the nation, just north of the Buriganga River, a branch of the
Dhaleswari River. Dhaka is the most populated city in Bangladesh and one of the major cities
in South Asia.15

Financing of Project
The government has requested a concessional loan of $33.26 million from ADB’s ordinary
capital resources (OCR) to help finance the project. ADB will finance the expenditures about
consulting services, contingencies, and finance charges during implementation. The
government will finance taxes and duties and recurrent costs for a total of $11.32 million
(Project Readiness Financing Project Administration Manual People’s Republic of
Bangladesh : Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project Readiness Financing ( Line 5,
Southern Route ), 2019).

Service provided by Metro Rail

 Metrorail’s route-6, from Uttara to Motijheel’s would carry 60,000 passengers both
ways every hour;
 In the first phase, the trains will go up to Agargaon in 2019, while the extension to
Motijheel will be completed by 2020;
 The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is providing TK 165.95 billion of
TK 220 billion projects covering a distance of 20km;
The source of data from
 Route-1 will run from Gazipur to Keraniganj project;
 The first phase of the construction will extend from the airport to Kamalapur, and
from Khilkhet to Purbachal;
 The plan for route-5 has been finalized to connect the metropolis from east to west.

Implementation Mechanism
To carry out the project, the Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited (DMTCL) would form a
project implementation unit (PIU).

1 Project

5 Additional Finance &

Directors Admin

Project Mngt. and

Supporting Staff Civil Works

Electrical and

Figure 06: Organogram of MRTS project implementation.

SWOT analysis and its importance

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning and strategic management approach for identifying
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats incorporating competitiveness or project
planning that is also known as scenario analysis or situational evaluation. 16 A SWOT analysis
evaluates internal and external elements, as well as existing and future possibilities, to
provide a realistic, fact-based, data-driven assessment of an organization's, initiative's, or
industry's strengths and weaknesses (Morshed, 2019). The organization must maintain the
accuracy of the study by avoiding preconceived notions or gray zones and instead focusing
on real-world scenarios. It should be used as a recommendation rather than a prescription by
The data retrieved from
businesses.17 According to Investopedia, it is a strategy for evaluating a company's
performance, competitiveness, risk, and opportunity, as well as parts of an enterprise like a
product line or division, an industry, or another organization.


Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat

It discusses the It provides Environmental Environmental
advantages of the disadvantaged factors that the factors that might
project. information about new project might wreak havoc on the
the project. take advantage of. project or business.
Strengths indicate
what a company Weaknesses External elements Threats are
excels at and how it prevent an that may provide a circumstances that
differentiates itself organization from competitive edge have the potential
from the competition reaching its full to a company are to cause harm to a
such as a strong potential. referred to as corporation.
brand, a dedicated opportunities.
client base, a solid
financial position, and


The information derived from
The image derived from data: image/png; base64.
Figure 07: Abbreviation of SWOT analysis.

Robert F. Stewart, Otis J. Benepe, and Arnold Mitchell, three Stanford Research Institute
colleagues, authored a technical study titled Formal Planning: The Staff Planner's Role at
Start-Up in 1965 (Browne et al., 1999). The report outlined how a company's staff planner
would gather information from managers by categorizing operational issues into four
categories, each of which is represented by the acronym SOFT: "satisfactory" in current
operations, "opportunities" in future operations, "faults" in current operations, and "threats" to
future operations.19 Stewart et al. concentrated on internal operational assessment and
separated the four components into the present (satisfactory and fault) and future (opportunity
and threat), rather than internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunity and
threat), as would later become prevalent in SWOT analysis (opportunities and threats)
(Hossain et al., 2021).

A SWOT analysis allows businesses to get visibility into their current situation, allowing
them to better understand and analyze overall business performance. It allows a company to
assess its strengths, which may assist them in better penetrating the market and achieving its

Strengths Weakness
Sound Environment Particular areas will enjoy traffic jam-free
Ease transit. trips.
Traffic jams will be reduced. Lack of space for good station management.
Impacts on Local Economies. Air pollution during construction.
Air Pollution will be reduced. Dust Generation.
Safety and Mobility. Generation of Exhaust.
Land Use and Local Resource Utilization. Soil and Water Pollution.
The accident rate will be below. Solid Waste.
Noise and vibration.

Opportunity Threat

The text taken from
The quote is retrieved from
Financial benefit. Ineffective Planning.
In response to the growing popularity of Hydrology.
ride-sharing. Users are very biased in favor of the metro.
Global Warming and Climate Change. Lack of passengers will make the metro
Improvement of living Standard. unsustainable anywhere.
Factors Market. Huge Capital Outlay.
The competition will be increased.

 Sound Environment: The MRT will be noise-free, attributable to resonance lines and
carts composed of chromium aluminum alloys alloy.
 Ease transit: Convenient transit for the city's 15 million residents.
 Traffic jams will be reduced: City inhabitants would welcome the much-anticipated
easing in traffic flow and the end of the gridlock.
 Impacts on Local Economics: Because of the project's development and operation,
new jobs will be created. The project would create a lot of direct jobs, and it would
also create a lot of indirect jobs in related industries and crafts. Near the depot site, a
new business opportunity will be built that will benefit the local economy and
 The projected Metro Rail Line 1 project's maximum path would be underground, and
the train will be powered by electricity. There will be no diesel or other fuel utilized.
On the other hand, a big number of passengers will go by metro rail rather than by
other modes of transportation. As a result, the number of diesel-powered vehicles on
the road will decrease. As a result, once the MRT line-1 is built, air pollution will be
 The proposed development project will shorten the passenger's trip time. The
initiative will also increase passenger safety by reducing the number of fatalities and
injuries caused by accidents.
 The modal shift, which will facilitate the transition from vehicle to MRT, would
reduce traffic accidents.
 Dhaka Metro will be a world-class metro and Bangladesh's very first metro.
 It is outfitted with the most up-to-date communication and train control framework to
provide unshakable quality and security in train activities. It contributes to the city of
Dhaka's fast urbanization trend.
 It features air-conditioned carriages in good working order. The Automatic Fewer
Collection System was used for ticketing and passenger control.
 Folding entryways controlled by smart cards and contactless tokens will restrict
passages and exits to Metro stations.
 The Dhaka Metro's combination with other modes of public transportation is a unique
feature, allowing suburbanites to easily transition from one mode to the next. In short,
the Dhaka Metro is a trailblazer for similar systems in other cities across the country
and in South Asia.
 The Dhaka metro rail project's strengths are its expertise and resources, which it can
combine to create a long-term competitive edge in the marketplace. Positive
characteristics of five important resources and competencies - physical resources such
as land, buildings, activities and processes, previous experiences and
accomplishments, people resources, and financial resources - contribute to strengths.
 Rights to Intellectual Property Through invention and the purchase of patents and
copyrights from the producers, the Dhaka metro rail has amassed a large number of
patents and copyrights. This might aid Dhaka Metro in fending off competition in a
variety of businesses. Project management, organizational culture, and strategy

 Only those traveling from a specific distance to the commercial district (Motijheel)
will be able to go without being stuck in traffic.
 Due to a lack of room for proper station management, metro train passengers are
frequently forced to disembark on pavements.
 During construction, the air can be contaminated in a variety of ways due to the large
number of debris produced by earthworks such as excavation and tunnel digging.
 The process of metro rail construction can also produce a lot of dust, which can have
a negative influence on the environment.
 Air exhausts will be produced by the building machine. CO2 emissions (a greenhouse
gas) are produced when fossil fuels are burned, resulting in global warming.
 Solid and liquid waste created from the depot area, construction site, construction
yard, and construction camp influence the surrounding soil and water quality. Solid
trash generated from various areas during construction sites has an impact on the
surrounding soil and water quality.
 Heavy machinery and transportation of equipment manufacture, materials handling
equipment, pile driving, and other activities cause a lot of noise.
 Metrorail may have a negative influence on other modes of transportation.
 Project management is too focused on internal delivery rather than taking into account
all external stakeholders' interests.

 Financial benefit: The scheme will save $2.4 billion (200 billion takas) each year, or
1.5 percent of Bangladesh's GDP and 17% of its overall tax collection. Dhaka's traffic
congestion costs the country $4.4 billion a year, or 11% of the national budget.
Bangladesh might have saved $2.6 billion if traffic congestion in Dhaka had been
reduced by 60%.
 It's also rising because ride-sharing allows consumers to effortlessly go from one area
to another. It is quite difficult to shift such a large number of people to metro rail.
 t is the largest employer with more than millions of staff employed.
 The increased traffic and occupants are thought to be the cause of the expended gas.
The modal change and increased travel speed, on the other hand, are predicted to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
 Residents around the building sites had to be evacuated, and a considerable number of
locals were transferred to resettlement camps.
 Mass rapid transit is thought to be environmentally benign since it releases less
carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds than private automobiles.
 It will provide Bangladesh and Japan plenty of room to grow their friendship.
 When the project is finished, it will be able to carry 60000 passengers, and the
journey time from one end to the other would be between 36 and 2 hours.
 The initiative will increase transit safety and prevent unintentional deaths, so there
will be no need for passengers to be wounded.
 Increase Employment Rate Managing a railway company requires many workers to
make it a success.
 Technology Improvement Since technology around the world is improving, it can also
help to improve the technology applied on the train.
 Traveling by other modes of transportation, such as bus or cab, was often difficult for
those with disabilities. As a result, using rail transportation, a railway company may
construct a station that is accessible to people with disabilities and provide a dedicated
area for people with disabilities to board the train.

 The project is being implemented as part of the government's traffic management
system, although it should have been done as part of urban development management.
The idea will benefit some individuals on short travels between stations, but it will do
nothing to enhance Dhaka's overall traffic infrastructure.
 Flooding might disrupt metro train service, particularly in subterranean tunnels.
 It will elicit a variety of mixed reactions from the general people.
 In general, everyone is predisposed in favor of the metro, which may or may not
operate in practice. Because rickshaw and vehicle users are confined by nature, they
may have fewer opportunities to use the metro. Furthermore, users, in general, are less
concerned with the value of time, therefore a large number of people may continue to
use the present mode rather than pay a higher fee in exchange for saving time by
taking the metro.
 Heavy investment in the metro to improve accessibility and efficient people mobility
appears to have a high risk of backfiring on the whole economy. Metro will be
unsustainable anyplace if there aren't enough passengers.
 Construction, maintenance, and administration costs are quite high as compared to
other means of transportation. Furthermore, the investments are fixed and unmovable.
If there isn't enough traffic, the investments might end up being a waste of money.
 Competition Other modes of public transportation, such as taxis and buses, are
available in urban areas. Keeping up with the competition is a major challenge.

Conclusion and Recommendation

To rescue the city, a long-term planning aim, policy integration, and a focus on spatial
planning should be considered, rather than relying solely on a supply-driven strategy. The
current debatable option may prove to be completely futile, as there is no effective planning
control over the population, developing centers, land usage, city size, and so on. As a result
of the increased or decreased population and the emergence of new urban areas, the metro
project may be forced to close. Heavy investment in the metro to improve accessibility and
efficient people mobility appears to have a high risk of backfiring on the whole economy.
The possibilities for prospective alternatives, such as different demand control strategies and
simple, low-cost solutions, must be explored. The Dhaka metro rail is a government-
approved metro rail system that is now being built in Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital and largest
city. It has long been advocated for, along with a separate BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system,
to alleviate the severe traffic congestion that plagues the city daily (Westwood, 2013). The
Dhaka metro rail, if completed, will be Bangladesh's most time-efficient, reliable, safe,
pleasant, and environmentally friendly option, transforming Dhaka into a more active,
commutable, sustainable, and pollution-free metropolis (Alam, 2010).

Some ways out to overcome

 Controlling air pollution necessitates taking the necessary steps. Periodic water
spraying was used to decrease dust, and there must be restrictions in place at the
building site regarding garbage that is not to be burned.
 Reduce contamination of the water to avoid spills and provide non-permanent sanitary
services, concrete pouring, and road paving must be closely monitored.
 Spoil soil should be disposed of at an approved dumping location, and soil quality
monitoring should be done regularly.
 The contractor will be responsible for supporting an appropriate recycling and
disposal strategy, as well as the management of trash from construction sites and
excavated spoil soil from tunnel digging.1
 Unwanted tree cutting must be stopped at the building site, and natural vegetation
should be done at a ratio of 1 (cut): 4 (afforestation).

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