David Van Hees's Application David Van Hees's Application

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David van Hees's Application

Personal info Emergency Contact

Student number 10971386 First name Lieke
First name David Last name van Hees
Last name van Hees Relationship Mother
Email davidvhees@live.nl Address Mesdagstraat 53
N ationality Dutch Postal code 2596XV
Gender Male City The Hague
Date of birth 02-05-1997 Country Netherlands
Country of birth Netherlands Mobile phone number 0031646859075
Address Mesdagstraat 53
Postal code 2596XV
City The Hague
Country Netherlands
Phone number 0031628142529

Current study Second study
Type of Enrolment Fulltime Type of Enrolment Parttime
Study Law Study Spanish Language and
Institution University of Amsterdam Culture
Institution University of Amsterdam
Level Research-oriented education
(WO-Bachelor) Level Research-oriented education
Average grade 7.14 (WO-Bachelor)
Average grade 7.18
Obtained ECTS 72
Obtained ECTS 24
Application Details
University Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC)
Period of Exchange (UvA semester system) Full year (sm1 + sm2)
Requested level of study Bachelor
Requested area of study Law and Spanish/Latin America Language and Culture
Other study or research plans

Course 1 : Introducción a los Derechos Humanos (Introduction to Human Rights Law)
Course 2 : Seguridad humana y sus amenazas (human security and its potential threats)
Course 3 : Introducción a la política ambiental global (Global environmental politics)
Course 4 : Corrupción Política en America Latina (Corruption in Latin America)
Course 5 : Derecho Economico II (Economy and Law II)
Course 6 : Derechos Fundamentales y Derechos Humanos (Constitutional fundamental rights and human rights)
Course 7 : Literatura Espanola III (Spanish Literature III)
Course 8 : Histórica de América Contemporanea (Contemporary Latin America History)

Language Proficiency
First language at host university Spanish
Speaking Good
Writing Good
Reading Native
Listening Native
Second language at host university English
Speaking Good
Writing Good
Reading Good
Listening Good
Motivational Letter
Please introduce yourself
I am an open minded, socially skilled, hard working young man with wide interests. These interests are for example in the area of
culture, musea, playing cello. I easily adapt to new situations and welcome new opportunities.
As a child I longed for discovering the world outside the Netherlands. It is this longing that, after a visit to various countries, made me
want to study the Spanish language and culture at the Uva. I embrace other cultures and I am eager to get acquainted to people from all
over the world. I speak, apart from English and Dutch, French and Spanish which allows me to connect easily with other people. My
choice for a Law-study is caused by my interest in social structures, human rights, justice and politics.

What do you expect to be the influence (academically) of a study abroad experience on you as a university
I expect that a study in Chile will enlarge my frame of reference because I will get to know certain, possibly different and innovating,
methods of thinking. Especially the political courses I'll be following at the UC (universidad católica) will make me able to develop an
analytic, creative way of thinking which can serve to resolve certain problems concerning, for example, human rights that threaten
Latin America. Since I study Law as well and all the law-subjects are given in Spanish at the UC, studying in Chile will give me the
opportunity to combine my Spanish language skills and the knowledge I have acquired in Law at the UvA. This will save two birds with
one stone.

Please explain the relationship between the (content of the) chosen exchange programme and your current
study programme at the UvA?
Since I will be doing, apart from Spanish language acquisition courses, 'Latin American literature' and 'Spanish Language and Society',
this year at the UvA, the courses 'Spanish and Latin American literature' and 'History of Latin America' I will be following at the UC will
make me able to profound and enlarge my knowledge about the subjects I will have done at the UvA this year. Furthermore the
historical and political subjects at the UC will make my able to get a better idea of the influences on the writers from Hispanic América
and their literature. As I study law as well at the UvA, the courses concerning human rights law at the UC will give me a better insight
into the applicable international fundamental rights in the world since the courses at the UvA are focussed on Dutch society only.

What will be the value for you personally if you compare studying abroad with staying at home?
Studying abroad will confront me with a life full of uncertainties: I have no family or friends to rely on, the social structures are
unknown to me. If I succeed in overcoming these and other unforeseen obstacles by integrating in Chilean life, my self-confidence will
be enlarged. This will help me to face bigger challenges later in life.
Another value for me personally is that an exchange to Chile gives me the opportunity to bring my Spanish language skills at a higher
level than reached after 4 semesters Spanish(C1/B2 level) at the UvA at the end of this year.
By studying in Chile I get to know another culture, new people and a beautiful country.

How will you prepare yourself for cultural differences?

My Spanish teacher at the UvA and an exchange student from Chile I met, are willing to inform me about the possible cultural
differences between both countries. Furthermore I have a friend living in Chile who will help me with all my cultural struggles.
Apart from that, I will be reading books about Chile, visit websites and read the Chilean news.
Furthermore, the subject ' Literature from Latin America' at the UvA that I will be doing this year possibly gives me an insight in the
Chilean culture.

Which benefits do you expect from this study abroad experience in relation to your future study and/or future
I would like to work in a field that concerns human rights and governance in a Spanish speaking country. I would like to do my master
in Spain (probably at the UAM 'Gobernanza y Derechos Humanos').
This exchange to Chile allows me to get a proper idea of what to expect in the future concerning Human Rights Law. The courses I have
chosen at the UC concerning history, politics and law have a great deal in common with my ambition to work for an international
organization engaged in human & fundamental rights. Therefore I think an exchange to Chile will be an excellent step towards this
plan. Furthermore, there are a lot of cultural similarities between Spain and Chile. Consequently, it will take little time to get used to the
customs in Spain when I will be studying there after my stay in Chile.

Personal Remarks
As I'm studying at two faculties, I have the academic approval from the Faculty of Law and from the Faculty of Humanities.
Dec 2015

Resume (CV)
Please use this format for the Global Exchange Programme Application Resume:

Personal Data
First name David van Hees
Last name (Family name) van Hees
Date of Birth 02-05-1997
E-mail address davidvhees@live.nl

Educational Background:
- List of education from present to past.
- Cum Laude, Honours programme needs to be mentioned.
- Previous Exchange Programmes need to be mentioned separately:

Start date – End date Name School/University, name of Discipline, Diploma obtained

2015-present - University of Amsterdam, Law, No Diploma obtained.

2015-present - University of Amsterdam, Spanish Language and Culture, No Diploma

2015-2016 - University of Amsterdam, Participated in the Amsterdam Law Firm-

program, No Diploma obtained.

Academic History
List the obtained credits per academic year. Please list all credits obtained in Higher

Year Amount of credits obtained UvA/other

2016/2017 12 UvA
2015/2016 84 UvA

Extracurricular Activities:
Student assistent (study related); board member of university related organisation;
student mentor/coach, etc.
These activities can only be judged if references are included (name, e-mail/telephone).
In case of board functions in a university related organisation please indicate if a
scholarship was rewarded.
Dec 2015

Start date – End date Name organisation, function, main activities


D.J.J.M. van Hees

Mesdagstraat 53

Student number: I 0971386
Examination results from 01-09-2015 to 07-12-2016 inclusive

Catalogue Course description Credits Examination Grade

-number · date
134111016Y Spanish Language Proficiency I a 6 19-10-2015 6.9
30 I I INL I WY r ntroduction to Law 9 22-10-2015 7.0
3011 ACA I WY Academic Skills 3 26-10-2015 AVV
I 091 I 0005Y Diagnostic test Dutch 0 05-11-2015 AVV
3011 CNS7WY Constitutional Law 6 15-12-2015 6.0
301 IAAN6WY Tort Law 6 17-12-2015 8.0
134111026Y Spanish Language Proficiency I b 6 29-01-2016 6.0
30 I I EUR4 VY European Law 9 24-03-2016 7.0
30 I I COR6VY Contract Law 9 24-05-2016 6.0
3011 SP I 8WY Criminal Law r - Procedure 6 25-05-2016 7.0
3011 ERG I WY European Legal History 6 27-05-2016 7.5
30 I I TPO I VY Theory and Practice of Research Methods 6 20-06-2016 AVV
134111032Y Spanish Language Proficiency 2 12 24-06-2016 7.9
30 I 2SRF8WY Criminal Law rr - Procedural 6 25-10-2016 7.5
30 I 2GOE6WY Property Law 6 28-10-2016 9.0

The total earned credits conform ECTS: 96

Letters instead of a mark indicate the following:
A VY Sufficient; Student met all objectives
NAV = Insufficient; Student has not met all objectives

Generated 07-12-2016
. D.J.J.M. van Hees
page I of I

Faculty of Humanities
International Office Humanities

Spuistraat 134
1012 VB Amsterdam
Given name(s) The Netherlands

Family name
'Jkoh '(}iwid<;
~ar,c,_, T 020 525 3094
E international-fgw@uva.nl

t£ I/av
Student number


Academic Approval Form

Dear Student,

• On behalfofthe Faculty of Humanities I hereby declare that the above-mentioned student has the
approval of the programme/institute to apply for:

Erasmus programme, coordinated by the International Office Humanities

Global Exchange Programme, coordinated by the Office of International Student Affairs (BI$)

Additional remarks:

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappe,
Moderne Vreemde Talen en Culturen

Arabisch - Hebreeuws · Frans - Spaans

Nieuwgrieks - Scandinavische Talen

Spuistraat 134 - 1012 VB Amsterdam



Faculty of Law Kamer A016, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6

1000 BA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T 020-525 3421
E m.m.oosterom@uva.nl

Student number

Date Contact Telephone

Ms Johanna Vogel 020-525 3421
Subject Email
Academic Approval Form aexp-fdr@uva.nl

Dear Student,

On behalf of the Faculty of Law I hereby declare that the above-mentioned student has the approval
of the programme/institute to apply for a university wide exchange programme of the University of
Amsterdam, coordinated by the Office of International Student Affairs (BIS). Please upload this
document as part of your online BIS exchange application.

You can apply only for an exchange if:

An exchange within a one-year legal master is not possible.

L _
a. You are enrolled in the Bachelor of Law and able to finish the Bachelor within max. 4 years.
b. You are enrolled in the Research Master Information Law or the Research Master Public
International Law and able to finish the master within max. 2 years.

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Yours faithfully,

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Additional remarks:


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