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7 7 G e n e r a t i o n s t o J e s u s C h r i s t

Luke 3 1 Chronicles 1-3 Genesis 5 & 11 Ruth 4 Year Of Matthew 1

Genealogies By Law - Incomplete - - Incomplete - - Incomplete - Dynastic & Selective
Adam- David God the Father - Abram Perez - David Bloodline
- Complete - Genesis 21-46:
God the Father - Christ Abraham- Perez (Identical where
marked in yellow)

1 God the Father

2 Adam Adam Adam - 5554 -

3 Seth Seth Seth - 5324 -
4 Enosh Enosh Enosh - 5119 -
5 Cainan Cainan Cainan - 4929 -
6 Mahalaleel Mahalaleel Mahalaleel - 4759 -
7 Jared Jared Jared - 4594 -
8 Enoch Enoch Enoch - 4432 -
9 Methuselah Methuselah Methuselah - 4267 -
10 Lamech Lamech Lamech - 4080 -
11 Noah Noah Noah - 3898 -
12 Shem Shem Shem - 3396 -

13 Arphaxad Arphaxad Arphaxad - 3296 -

14 Cainan Cainan Cainan - 3161 -
15 Shelah Shelah Shelah - 3031 -
16 Eber Eber Eber - 2901 -
17 Peleg Peleg Peleg - 2767 -
18 Reu Reu Reu - 2637 -
19 Serug Serug Serug - 2505 -
20 Nahor Nahor Nahor - 2375 -
21 Terah Terah Terah - 2296 -
Abram Abram Abram - 2166 Abram
3 Patriarchs

(Abraham) (Abraham) (Abraham) (Abraham)

23 Isaac Isaac Isaac - 2066 Isaac

24 Jacob (Israel) Jacob (Israel) Jacob (Israel) - 2006 Jacob (Israel)
25 Judah Judah Judah - ~1919 Judah
26 Perez Perez Perez Perez ~1832 Perez
27 Hezron Hezron - Hezron ~1744 Hezron
28 Aram Aram - Aram ~1656 Aram

29 Amminadab Amminadab - Amminadab ~1568 Amminadab

30 Nahshon Nahshon - Nahshon ~1480 Nahshon
31 Sala Sala - Sala ~1392 Sala
32 Boaz Boaz - Boaz ~1304 Boaz
33 Obed Obed - Obed ~1216 Obed
34 Jesse Jesse - Jesse ~1128 Jesse
35 David David - David 1040 King David
Kings of U.K.

Nathan These were the - - ~1015 King Solomon

sons of David ...
Nathan [By Law],
and Solomon
37 Mattatha - - - ~993 King Rehoboam
38 Menna - - - ~971 King Abijah
39 Melea - - - ~949 King Asa
40 Eliakim - - - ~927 King Jehoshaphat
41 Jonam - - - ~905 King Joram
42 Joseph - - - ~883 King Uzziah
43 Judah - - - ~861 King Jotham
44 Simeon - - - ~839 King Ahaz
Kings of Judah

45 Levi - - - ~817
46 Matthat - - - ~795 King Hezekiah
47 Jorim - - - ~773
48 Eliezer - - - ~751 King Manasseh
49 Joshua (Jose) - - - ~729
50 Er - - - ~707 King Amon
51 Elmadam - - - ~685
52 Cosam - - - ~663
53 Addi - - - ~641 King Josiah
54 Melchi - - - ~619 King Jechoniah
55 Neri - - - ~597
56 Shealtiel - - - ~575 Shealtiel
57 Zerubbabel - - - ~564 Zerubbabel
58 Rhesa - - - ~536 -
59 Joanan - - - ~508 Abiud
60 Joda - - - ~480 -
61 Josech - - - ~452 Eliakim
62 Semein - - - ~424 -
63 Mattathias - - - ~396 Azor
64 Maath - - - ~368 -
65 Naggai - - - ~340 Zadok
66 Esli - - - ~312 -
67 Nahum - - - ~284 -
68 Amos - - - ~256 Achim
69 Mattathias - - - ~228 -
70 Joseph - - - ~200 Eliud
71 Jannai - - - ~172 -
72 Melchi - - - ~144 Eleazar
73 Levi - - - ~116 -
74 Matthat - - - ~88 Matthan
75 Eli - - - ~60 Jacob
76 Joseph - - - ~32 Joseph

77 Jesus Christ - - - 2 Jesus Christ

Fit For Faith - Ministries

All Rights Reserved.

7 7 G e n e r a t i o n s t o J e s u s C h r i s t

Luke 3 1 Chronicles Genesis 5-46 · Ruth 4 Begetting Ages Chronology Matthew 1

Genealogies By Law - Incomplete Genealogy - e

- Incomplete Genealogy - en
t icl
Adam (2)- David (35)
m r on s ew h ch
Genesis 5: God the Father (1) - Shem (12)
ta a) iu s ra tio
- Complete Genealogy -
e s Ch sa
l av nu e br o An
Genesis 11: Arphaxad (13) - Abraham (22)
n ae
,F ca nT us
God the Father (1) - Christ (77)
Genesis 21-46: Abraham (22) - Perez (26)
Ol d ria s (C s s fri nH ita hi
l Dynastic & Selective
an eb
iu er hu lee sA er ar op
Ruth 4: Perez (26) - David (35)
e ek ex s sh s ep bi liu B od m e Bloodline
Gr Al Eu Ja Jo Ju Ju LA M Sa Th
(Identical from Abram to David
LXX 5-6c. AD 4th
~623 BC
Year of Year of Lifeti and where marked in yellow)
~370-260 Historian Book Jewish Book Church Liber Anti- KJV, Pentatuch Church Birth Death me The sons listed in Genesis 5 and 11 are generally thought to
Greek Text (LXX) (Catholic) Historian Historian quitatum NIV, Historian be the firstborn sons, yet the evidence shows that this was
years before
Biblicarum NASB,
(BC) (BC) (Years)
the mani- not always the case because there was not always a
pulation of (Philo) NLT ...
Paleo Hebrew father-to- firstborn-son linkage (e.g. 1Chr 2:12: 'David the
texts) seventh') .

If the genealogies would not begin with the Father of

Adam (= God; see Luke 3:38 which is regularly being
neglected!), but only with Adam, then Abram would not
have come in the 22nd generation (letters of Hebrew
Luk ... Adam, the son alphabet), Jacob not in the 24th generation and Admin
1 3:38
- no beginning , eternal -
of God. has to be inserted in order to achieve 77 generations until
Christ. If God is not included as the first of all creation (Col
1:15-18), then the bloodline of Christ would only be
human, but not divine in its origin. He was divine, became
temporarily human and then returned to His divinity.

Luk ... Adam, the son 1Chr Adam, Seth, Enosh; Gen Birth Adam. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5554 4624 930 1 The timeline from Adam to the construction start of
2 3:38 1:1 2:7 Solomon's temple is specified in the Bible.
of God.
The timeline from the temple to the birth of Jesus Christ
Luk ... Seth, the son 1Chr Adam, Seth, Enosh; Gen ... Adam lived two hundred and thirty 230 230 230 130 230 130 230 na 130 130 230 5324 4412 912 -
3 3:38 1:1 5:3 is specified in quantity of continuous generations, but
of Adam ... years [Masoretic: 130], and begot ... Seth. the respective fatherhood dates are not given.
Luk ... Enosh, the son 1Chr Adam, Seth, Enosh; Gen Now Seth lived two hundred and five 205 205 205 105 205 105 205 105 105 105 205 5119 4214 905 - • from Adam to Abraham = 3388 years
4 3:38 1:1 5:6
of Seth ... years, and begot Enos. • from Abraham to Jacob = 160 years
• from Jacob to Exodus = 560 years
Luk ... Cainan [Kenan], 1Chr Kenan, Mahalalel, Gen And Enos lived an hundred and ninety 190 190 190 90 190 90 190 180 90 90 190 4929 4019 910 - • from Exodus to Temple = 480 years
5 3:37 1:2 5:9 • from Temple to Jesus = 964 years
the son of Enosh ... Jared; years, and begot Cainan.
total = 5552 years
Luk ... Mahalaleel, the 1Chr Kenan, Mahalalel, Gen And Cainan lived an hundred and 170 170 170 70 170 70 170 520 70 70 170 4759 3864 895 -
6 3:37 1:2 5:12 The total of 5552 years closely match the 5,500 years from
son of Cainan ... Jared; seventy years, and he begot Maleleel. Adam to Jesus Christ, mentioned in several non-canonical
resources (He comes "after 5500 years"; "on the 6th day";
Luk ... Jared, the son 1Chr Kenan, Mahalalel, Gen And Maleleel lived an hundred and sixty 165 165 165 65 165 66 165 165 65 65 165 4594 3632 962 - "within 6000 years"; Messianic Age; et al)
7 3:37 1:2 5:15
of Mahalaleel ... Jared; and five years, and he begot Jared.
Luk ... Enoch, the son 1Chr Enoch, Methuselah, Gen And Jared lived an hundred and sixty 162 162 162 62 162 61 162 172 162 62 162 4432 4067 365 -
8 3:37 1:3 5:18
of Jared ... Lamech; and two years, and begot Enoch. (162)
7 generations • Adam to Enoch

Luk ... Methuselah, the 1Chr Enoch, Methuselah, Gen And Enoch lived an hundred and sixty 165 165 165 65 165 65 165 165 65 65 165 4267 3298 969 - Jud 1:14 "And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, ..." [this does
9 3:37 1:3 5:21 harmonize with being the 8th from God]
son of Enoch ... Lamech; and five years, and begat Mathusala.

Luk ... Lamech, the son 1Chr Enoch, Methuselah, Gen And Mathusala lived an hundred and 187 187 187 87 187 65 187 187 187 67 187 4080 3327 753 - "167" is a scribal error, also found in the Samaritan.
3:36 1:3 5:25 "187" is the correct begetting age.
of Methuselah ... Lamech; sixty and seven years, and begot Lamech. (167) (167) (167) (187) (167) (167) (747)

Luk ... Noah, the son 1Chr Noah, Shem, (Ham, Gen And Lamech lived an hundred and eighty 182 188 182 180 182 49 188 182 182 53 188 3898 2948 950 - "188" is a scribal error.
11 3:36 1:4 5:28 "182" is shown by the autograph reading.
of Lamech ... and Japheth). and eight years, and begot ... Noe ... (188) (188)

Luk ... Shem, the son 1Chr Noah, Shem, (Ham, Gen And Noe was five hundred years old, and 502 502 502 502 502 513 502 303 502 502 502 3396 2796 600 - The flood waters had disappeared in the very last days of
3:36 1:4 5:32 the 600th life year of Noah. Therefore the second year after
12 of Noah ... and Japheth). he begot three sons, Sem, Cham, and (500) (500) (500) (500) (500) (300) (500) (500) (500)
the flood equals 602 years (3296 BC; Gen 8:13; Gen 9:28-
Japheth. 29); minus 100 years (Gen 11:10) making Noah beget Sem
2159 1356 2159 1214 ~2209 1559 1210
at the age of 502. Japheth was firstborn when Noah was
500 years old.
Luk ... Arphaxad, the son 1Chr The sons of Shem: Gen ... Sem was a hundred years old when he 100 101 - 110 97 - - 100 100 100 3296 2731 565 -
3:36 1:17 11:10
13 of Shem ... Elam, Asshur and begot Arphaxad, the second year after the
Arphaxad ... flood.
Luk ... Cainan, the son 1Chr And Arphaxad Gen And Arphaxad lived a hundred and 135 135 135 - 135 64 135 - 35 135 135 3161 2701 460 - Cainan: Missing verse in Masoretic OT text, included in the
14 3:36 1:18 11:12 Greek Old Testament and the New Testament.
of Arphaxad ... procreated Cainan, thirty-five years, and begot Cainan.
1. The Alexandrian World Chronicle states: "And Arpha-
Luk ... Shelah [Sala], the 1Chr and Cainan Gen And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty 130 130 removed removed 57 removed - removed removed removed 3031 2571 460 - xad begat Cainan, whence come, from the east, the
3:35 1:18 11:13 from OT
son of Cainan ... procreated Shelah, years and begot Sala ... Samaritans. Cainan begat Salathee (i.e., Sala), when come
15 -
included the Salathians. And Salatheee begat Heber, whence come
in NT the Hebrews".

Luk ... Eber [Heber], the 1Chr and Shelah Gen And Sala lived an hundred and thirty 130 130 130 - 130 71 130 - 30 130 130 2901 2397 504 - The fact that the Samaritans came from Cainan and even
16 3:35 1:18 11:14 have an older heritage than the Hebrews (Cainan was
son of Shelah ... procreated Eber. years, and begot Heber. born 2 generations before Eber, the father of the Hebrews),
provides an overwhelming justification for Jewish
Luk ... Peleg [Phalec], 1Chr ... to Eber were pro- Gen And Heber lived an hundred and thirty- 134 134 134 - 134 64 134 - 34 134 134 2767 2428 339 - scholars having excluded precisely his name. It is well
3:35 1:19 11:16
the son of Eber ... created two sons. The four years, and begot Phaleg. known and described in the biblical account that the Jews
17 had a deep aversion of the Samaritans (Joh 4:9). The
name to the one was
inclusion of Cainan in their own writing must have been
Peleg, thorn for centuries.
Luk ... Reu [Ragau], the 1Chr Eber, Peleg, Reu; Gen And Phaleg lived and hundred and thirty 130 100 130 - 130 ~60 130 - 30 130 130 2637 2298 339 -
18 3:35 1:25 11:18 2. Removed probably also in order to have not exactly 77
son of Peleg ... years, and begot Ragau. generations pointing to Jesus, who brought forgiveness
(see also Mat 18:22 where we ought to forgive 77 times;
Luk ... Serug [Saruch], 1Chr Serug, Nahor, Terah; Gen And Ragau lived and hundred thirty and 132 132 135 - 130 ~60 - - 32 132 132 2505 2175 330 - see also the flood when the raven returned after exactly 77
19 3:35 1:26 11:20
the son of Reu ... two years, and begot Seruch. flipped days, meaning that tangible forgiveness occured).

Luk ... Nahor [Nachor], 1Chr Serug, Nahor, Terah; Gen And Seruch lived a hundred and thirty 130 132 130 - 132 57 - - 30 130 130 2375 2167 208 -
20 3:34 1:26 11:22
the son of Serug ... years, and begot Nachor. flipped

14 generations • Abraham to David (Mat 1:17)

Luk ... Terah [Thara], 1Chr Serug, Nahor, Terah; Gen And Nachor lived a seventy-nine years, 79 79 79 - - 62 - - 29 79 75 2296 2091 205 - 14 generations • David to Babylon (Josiah)
21 3:34 1:26 11:24
the son of Nahor ... and begot Tharrha. 14 generations • Babylon (Jechoniah) to Jesus

Luk ... Abraham, the son 1Chr Abram, that is, Gen And Tharrha lived seventy years, and 130 130 130 130 130 130 - - 130 130 130 2166 1991 175 It is commonly agreed that Abraham was born in 2166 BC
22 3:34 1:27 11:26 Abraham 1 (70 refers to firstborn). He left Haran at age 75 after Terah
of Terah ... Abraham. begot Abram, and Nachor, and Arrhan. (70) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70)
died at age 205 (Gen 11:32; Gen 12:4; Act 7:4)
1230 722 450 1100

Luk ... Isaac, the son 1Chr And Abraham Gen Abraham was one hundred years old 100 100 100 102 - 112 - - 100 100 100 2066 1886 180 Mat Abraham became the father of
23 3:34 1:34 21:5 1:2 2
of Abraham ... procreated Isaac. when Isaac his son was born to him. Isaac ...
Luk ... Jacob, the son 1Chr The sons of Isaac - Ge ... was called Jacob. And Isaac was sixty 60 60 60 60 - 58 - - 60 60 60 2006 1859 147 Mat ... Isaac became the father of Jacob was born exactly 560 years before the Exodus.
24 3:34 1:34 25:26 1:2 3
of Isaac ... Esau and Israel. years old at their birth. Jacob ....
He was 130 years old when he came to Egypt.
Gen 47:9 "And Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The days of the
years of my sojourning are one 130 years."
Luk ... Judah, the son 1Chr These were the sons Gen And she (Leah) conceived again and gave 83-Levi ~1919 Mat ... Jacob became the father of
3:33 2:1 29:35 1:2
25 of Jacob ... of Israel - Reuben, birth to ... Judah. - 45-Kohath - - - - - - - - - Judah and his brothers ... 4 The Israelites stayed 430 years.
Simeon, Levi, Judah ... Exo 12:40 "... at the end of 430 years, on this exact day, all
of Yahweh’s divisions went out from the land of Egypt.
Luk ... Perez [Phares], the 1Chr And Tamar his Gen And may your house be like the house of - - - - - - - - - - ~1832 Mat ... Judah became the father of
3:33 2:4 46:12 1:3 [2006 BC - 130 - 430 = 1446 BC = Start of Exodus]
26 son of Judah ... daughter-in-law Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah ... Perez and Zerah by Tamar ... 5
bore to him Pharez ... Rut

Luk ... Hezron [Esrom], 1Chr Sons of Pharez - Rut ... Perez fathered Hezron ... - - - - - - - - - - ~1744 Mat ... Perez became the father of
27 3:33 2:5 4:18 1:3 6
the son of Perez ... Hezron ... Hezron ...
Luk ... Arni [Aram], the 1Chr And sons of Hezron, Rut ... Hezron fathered Ram ... ~1656 Mat Hezron became the father of
3:33 2:9 4:19 1:3
28 son of Hezron ... the ones who were - - - - - - - - - - Aram ... 7
born to him [...] Ram
Hezron's fourth son Aram/Arran died, and his brother Ram
The name 'Admin' is not found in any Old Testament text and is inserted in Luk 3:33 in the Amplified Bible, Berean Study Bible, English Standard Version, International Standard Version,
acted as his kinsman-redeemer and had a son in his place
Nestle-Aland (NA28; usually considered having the most authority by most modern scholars), New American Standard Version, New English Translation, New Living Translation, New Revised Standard and Weymouth's New Testament.
for him. Therefore, Ruth, Matthew, and the LXX of
It is neither included in the Greek Old Testament (Alfred Rahlfs, Apostolic Bible Polyglot, HS Augsburg, Kata Biblon, NETS Bible, the 2001 Translation), nor in the Modern Hebrew Old Testament (American Standard Version, Christian Standard Bible, Darby Translation,
1Chronicles used the legal lineage, while the Hebrew
Geneva Bible (1587), King James Version (1611), Lexham English Bible, Literal Translation, Miles Coverdale Bible (1535), New King James Version, New International Version, Wesley's New Testament (1755) and Young's Literal Translation).
version of 1Chr listed Amminadab's actual father.
Luk ... Amminadab, the 1Chr An Ram procreated Rut ... Ram fathered Amminadab ... ~1568 Mat ... Aram became the father of
29 3:33 2:10 4:19 - - - - - - - - - - 1:4 8
son of Admin ... Amminadab ... Amminadab ...
Luk ... Nahshon, the son 1Chr And Amminadab Rut ... Amminadab fathered Nahshon ... ~1480 Mat ... Amminadab became the father of
30 3:32 2:10 4:20 - - - - - - - - - - 1:4 9
of Amminadab ... procreated Nahson ... Nahshon ... ~ Exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC

Luk ... Sala [Salmon], the 1Chr And Nahson Rut ... Nahshon fathered Salmon ... ~1392 Mat ... Nahshon became the father of
31 3:32 2:11 4:20 - - - - - - - - - - 1:4 10
son of Nahshon ... procreated Salma ... Salmon ...
Luk ... Boaz, the son 1Chr And Salma Rut ... Salmon fathered Boaz ... ~1304 Mat ... Salmon became the father of
32 3:32 2:11 4:21 - - - - - - - - - - 1:5 11
of Sala ... procreated Boaz ... Boaz by Rahab ...
Luk ... Obed, the son 1Chr And Boaz procreated Rut ... Boaz fathered Obed ... ~1216 Mat ... Boaz became the father of
33 3:32 2:12 4:21 - - - - - - - - - - 1:5 12
of Boaz ... Obed ... Obed by Ruth ...
Luk ... Jesse, the son 1Chr ... and Obed Rut ... Obed fathered Jesse ... ~1128 Mat ... Obed became the father of
34 3:32 2:12 4:22 - - - - - - - - - - 1:5 13
of Obed ... procreated Jesse ... Jesse ...
Luk ... David, 1Chr ... and Jesse procrea- Rut ... Jesse fathered David ... 1040 Mat ... Jesse became the father of 14 14 generations • Abraham to David
3:31 2:12 4:22 1:6
35 the son of Jesse ... ted [...] David the - - - - - - - - - - David the king.
seventh ... 1 14 generations • David (Solomon) to Babylon
Kings of U.K.

Luk ... Nathan, the son 1Chr These were the sons ~1015 Mat ... David became the father of 1Kin 6:1 "It happened in the 480th year (LXX: 440th)
3:31 3:1-5 1:6 after the Israelites went out from the land of Egypt,
of David ... of David ... Nathan Solomon ...
in the fourth year of Solomon’s rule over Israel ...
36 [By Law], and - - - - - - - - - - - 2 that he began to build the house for Yahweh."
Solomon [Dynastic & [1446 BC - 481 = 965 BC]
Selective Bloodline], Solomon was born in ~990 BC,
David being 50 years of age.
Jesus' royal bloodline was far from being perfect, the
Luk ... Mattatha, the son ~993 Mat ... Solomon became the father of
37 3:31 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:7 3 Perfect was "born" into a sinful world:
of Nathan ... Rehoboam ... Rehoboam did evil in God's eyes.

Luk ... Menna, the son ~971 Mat ... Rehoboam became the father of
38 3:31 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:7 4 Abijam did evil in God's eyes.
of Mattatha ... Abijah ...
Luk ... Melea, the son ~949 Mat ... Abijah became the father of
39 3:31 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:7 5 Asa did right in God's eyes.
of Menna ... Asa ...
Luk ... Eliakim, the son ~927 Mat ... Asa became the father of
40 3:30 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:8 6 Jehoshaphat did right in God's eyes.
of Melea ... Jehoshaphat ...
Luk ... Jonam, the son ~905 Mat ... Jehoshaphat became the father of
41 3:30 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:8 7 Jehoram did evil in God's eyes.
of Eliakim ... Joram ...
Luk ... Joseph, the son ~883 Mat ... Joram became the father of
42 3:30 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:8 8 Uzziah did good and bad in God's eyes.
of Jonam ... Uzziah ...
Luk ... Judah, the son ~861 Mat ... Uzziah became the father of
43 3:30 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:9 9 Jotham did good and bad in God's eyes.
of Joseph ... Jotham ...
Luk ... Simeon, the son ~839 Mat ... Jotham became the father of
44 3:30 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:9 10 Ahaz did evil in God's eyes.
of Judah ... Ahaz ...
Luk ... Levi, the son ~817
45 3:29 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Simeon ...
Kings of Judah

Luk ... Matthat, the son ~795 Mat ... Ahaz became the father of
46 3:29 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:9 11 Hezekiah did right in God's eyes.
of Levi ... Hezekiah ...
Luk ... Jorim, the son ~773
47 3:29 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Matthat ...
Luk ... Eliezer, the son ~751 Mat ... Hezekiah became the father of
48 3:29 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:10 12 Manasseh did evil in God's eyes.
of Jorim ... Manasseh ...
Luk ... Joshua [Jose], ~729
49 3:29 - - - - - - - - - - - -
the son of Eliezer ...
Luk ... Er, the son ~707 Mat ... Manasseh became the father of
50 3:28 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:10 13 Amon did evil in God's eyes.
of Joshua ... Amon ...
Luk ... Elmadam, the son ~685
51 3:28 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Er ...
Luk ... Cosam, the son ~663
52 3:28 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Elmadam ... Josiah did right in God's eyes.

Luk ... Addi, the son ~641 Mat ... Amon became the father of 14 generations • David to Babylon (~605 - 535 BC)
3:28 1:10 The count of those 14 generations does not start after,
of Cosam ... Josiah ...
53 - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 but with David, as it must include Josiah as the 14th
generation, because his son Jechoniah was born at the
time of the exile to Babylon.

Luk ... Melchi, the son ~619 Mat ... Josiah became the father of 14 generations • Babylon (Jechoniah) to Jesus
3:28 1:11
54 of Addi ... - - - - - - - - - - - - Jechoniah and his brothers, at the 1
Jechoniah died in Babylon.
time of the deportation to Babylon. He did evil in God's eyes.

Luk ... Neri, the son ~597

55 of Melchi ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luk ... Shealtiel, the son ~575 Mat After the deportation to Babylon,
3:27 1:12
58 of Neri ... - - - - - - - - - - - - ... Jechoniah became the father of 2
Shealtiel ...
Luk ... Zerubbabel, the Hag And Yahweh stirred up the spirit of ~564 Mat ... Shealtiel became the father of
3:27 1:14 1:12
57 son of Shealtiel .... - Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of - - - - - - - - - - Zerubbabel ... 3
Ezr Judah ...

Luk ... Rhesa, the son ~536 -

58 3:27 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Zerubbabel ...
Luk ... Joanan [Joannan], ~508 Mat ... Zerubbabel became the father of
59 3:27 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:13 4
the son of Rhesa ... Abiud ...
Luk ... Joda [Juda], ~480 -
60 3:26 - - - - - - - - - - - -
the son of Joanan ...
Luk ... Josech [Joseph], ~452 Mat ... Abiud became the father of
61 3:26 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:13 5
the son of Joda ... Eliakim ...
Luk ... Semein [Semei], ~424 -
62 3:26 - - - - - - - - - - - -
the son of Josech ...
Luk ... Mattathias, the ~396 Mat ... Eliakim became the father of
63 3:26 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:13 6
son of Semein ... Azor ...

Luk ... Maath, the son ~368 -

64 3:26 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Mattathias ...
Luk ... Naggai [Nagge], ~340 Mat ... Azor became the father of
65 3:25 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:14 7
the son of Maath ... Zadok ...
Luk ... Esli, the son ~312 -
66 3:25 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Naggai ...
Luk ... Nahum [Naum], ~284 -
67 3:25 - - - - - - - - - - - -
the son of Esli ...
Luk ... Amos, the son ~256 Mat ... Zadok became the father of
68 3:25 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:14 8
of Nahum ... Achim ...
Luk ... Mattathias, the ~228 -
69 3:25 - - - - - - - - - - - -
son of Amos ...
Luk ... Joseph, the son ~200 Mat ... Achim became the father of
70 3:24 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:14 9
of Mattathias ... Eliud ...

Luk ... Jannai, the son ~172 -

71 3:24 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Joseph ...
Luk ... Melchi, the son ~144 Mat ... Eliud became the father of
72 3:24 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:15 10
of Jannai ... Eleazar ...
Luk ... Levi, the son ~116 -
73 3:24 - - - - - - - - - - - -
of Melchi ...
Luk ... Matthat, the son ~88 Mat ... Eleazar became the father of Matthan died and left behind his child Jacob and his
74 3:24 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:15 11 widow Estha, who married Matthat and begot Heli.
of Levi ... Matthan ...
Luk ... Eli [Heli], the son ~60 Mat ... Matthan became the father of
75 3:23 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:15 12 Heli died childless; brother of Jacob.
of Matthat ... Jacob ...

Luk ... Joseph, the son ~32 Mat ... Jacob became the father of
76 3:23 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:16 13
of Eli ... Joseph ...

Luk And Jesus, ..., being Heb For to which of the angels did He ever 2 Mat ... Joseph, the husband of
3:23 1:5-6 1:16
the son of Joseph ... say, “You are my son, today I have Mary by whom was born Jesus ...
begotten you,” and again, “I will be his
77 - father, and He will be my son”? And - - - - - - - - - - 14
again, when He brings the firstborn into
the world, He says, “And let all the angels
of God worship Him.” 14 generations • Babylon to Jesus

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7 7 G e n e r a t i o n s t o J e s u s C h r i s t · S E P T U A G I N T

3388 Years 5629 Years 7634 Years

Biblical Calendar · 360 Day/Year · Start in 5508 BC > 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Until Abram >
3500 4000 4500 5000 < Until Christ
6000 6500 7000 Until 2022 >

Gregorian Calendar · 365 Day/Year · Start in 5554 BC > 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000

BC (Before Christ) AD (Anno Domini · In The Year Of The Lord)

1 1. Yahweh, God

2 The timeline from Adam to Solomon is 2. Adam 230 700 930 years • 5554 - 4624 BC Flood Tower of Babel Joseph in Egypt Exodus Temple Captivity Jesus Christ
specified in Genesis 5 & 11, Luke 3; et al
3 3. Seth 205 707 912 years • 5324 - 4412 BC 3298 BC ~ 2841 BC 1898 BC 1446 - 1406 BC 966 - 959 BC ~ 600 BC 2 BC
The timeline from Solomon to Jesus Christ is
4 4. Enosh 190 715 905 years • 5119 - 4214 BC
specified in quantity of generations, but the
5 respective begetting ages are not given. 5. Kainan 170 740 910 years • 4929 - 4019 BC
6 6. Mahalalel 165 730 895 years • 4759 - 3864 BC
• from Adam to Abraham = 3388 years
7 • from Abraham to Jacob = 160 years 7. Jared 162 800 962 years • 4594 - 3632 BC
• from Jacob to Exodus = 560 years
8 8. Enoch ("the 7th from Adam") 165 200 taken to heaven 365 years • 4432 - 4067 BC
• from Exodus to Temple = 480 years
9 • from Solomon to Jesus = 964 years 9. Methuselah 187 782 969 years • 4267 - 3298 BC
total = 5552 years
10 10. Lamech 182 565 753 (747) years • 4080 - 3327 BC
11 Lamech died 29 years before- and Methuselah 11. Noah 502 448 950 years • 3898 - 2948 BC
died in (the year of) the flood.
12 12. Shem 100 500 600 years • 3396 - 2796 BC
13 The flood waters had disappeared in the very 13. Arphaxad 135 430 565 years • 3296 - 2731 BC
last days of the 600th life year of Noah.
14 Therefore the second year after the flood 14. Cainan 130 330 460 years • 3161 - 2701 BC
equals 602 years (3296 BC; Gen 8:13; Gen 9:
15 15. Shelah 130 330 460 years • 3031 - 2571 BC
28-29); minus 100 years (Gen 11:10) making
16 Noah beget Sem at the age of 502. Japheth was 16. Eber 134 370 504 years • 2901 - 2397 BC
firstborn when Noah was 500 years old.
17 17. Peleg 130 209 339 years • 2767 - 2428 BC
18 18. Reu 132 207 339 years • 2637 - 2298 BC
19 19. Serug 130 200 330 years • 2505 - 2175 BC
20 Matthew 1:17 20. Nahor 79 129 208 years • 2375 - 2167 BC
42 (14 x 3) Generations
21 Dynastic & Selective Bloodline 21. Terah 130 75 205 years • 2296 - 2091 BC
22 14 Dynastic Generations • Abraham to David 22. Abraham 100 75 175 years • 2166 - 1991 BC
23 Jacob born 560 years before the Exodus. 23. Isaac 60 120 180 years • 2066 - 1886 BC
24 He was 130 years old when he came to Egypt. 24. Jacob 87 60 147 years • 2006 - 1859 BC
Gen 47:9 "And Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The
25 days of the years of my sojourning are one 130 25. Judah 87 33 placeholder • 120 years • 1919 - 1799 BC
26 years." 26. Perez 87 33 placeholder • 120 years • 1832 - 1712 BC
27 The Israelites stayed 430 years in Egypt. 27. Hezron 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1744 - 1624 BC
Exo 12:40 "... at the end of 430 years, on this
28 28. Arni 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1656 - 1536 BC
exact day, all of Yahweh’s divisions went out
29 from the land of Egypt. 29. Amminadab 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1568 - 1448 BC
30 [2006 BC - 130 - 430 = 1446 BC = Start of 30. Nahson (sister married to Aaron, brother of Moses) 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1480 - 1360 BC
31 31. Sala 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1392 - 1272 BC
32 32. Boaz 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1304 - 1184 BC
33 33. Obed 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1216 - 1096 BC
34 34. Jesse 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1128 - 1008 BC
35 14 Dynastic Generations • Abraham to David 35. David 50 20 70 years • 1040 - 970 BC Psalm 90:10 "... for the days of our years, within them
36 14 Dynastic Generations • David to Babylon 36. Nathan (brother of Solomon) 25 50 placeholder • 70 years • 1015 - 945 BC are seventy years or if by strength eighty years ..."
37 Temple construction 480 years after Exodus. 37. Mattatha 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 993 - 923 BC
38 1Kin 6:1 "It happened in the 480th year 38. Menna 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 971 - 901 BC
39 after the Israelites went out from the land of 39. Melea 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 949 - 879 BC
Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s rule over
40 Israel ... that he began to build the house for 40. Eliakim 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 927 - 857 BC
41 41. Jonam 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 905 - 835 BC
42 [1446 BC - 480 = 966 BC] 42. Joseph 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 883 - 813 BC
43 43. Judah 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 861 - 791 BC
44 44. Simeon 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 839 - 769 BC
45 45. Levi 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 817 - 747 BC
46 46. Matthat 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 795 - 725 BC
47 47. Jorim 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 773 - 703 BC
48 48. Eliezer 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 751 - 681 BC
49 49. Joshua 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 729 - 659 BC
50 50. Er 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 707 - 637 BC
51 51. Elmadam 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 685 - 615 BC
52 52. Cosam 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 663 - 593 BC
53 14 Dynastic Generations • David to Babylon (Josiah) 53. Addi 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 641 - 571 BC
54 14 Dynastic Generations • Babylon (Jechoniah) to Jesus 54. Melchi 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 619 - 549 BC
55 55. Neri 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 597 - 527 BC
56 56. Shealtiel 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 575 - 505 BC
57 57. Zerubbabel 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 564 - 494 BC
58 58. Rhesa 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 536 - 466 BC
59 59. Joanan 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 508 - 438 BC
60 60. Joda 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 480 - 410 BC
61 61. Josech 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 452 - 382 BC
62 62. Semein 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 424 - 354 BC
63 63. Mattathias 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 396 - 326 BC
64 64. Maath 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 368 - 298 BC
65 65. Naggai 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 340 - 270 BC
66 66. Esli 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 312 - 242 BC
67 67. Nahum 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 284 - 214 BC
68 68. Amos 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 256 - 186 BC
69 69. Mattathias 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 228 - 158 BC
70 70. Joseph 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 200 - 130 BC
71 71. Jannai 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 172 - 102 BC
72 72. Melchi 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 144 - 74 BC
73 73. Levi 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 116 - 46 BC
74 74. Matthat 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 88 - 18 BC
75 75. Eli 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 60 BC - 11 AD
76 76. Joseph (begetting age >12 years) 30 30 placeholder • 60 years • 32 BC - 29 AD
77 14 Dynastic Generations • Babylon (Jechoniah) to Jesus 77. Jesus 35 years • 2 BC - 33 AD

see also page 2 - comparison with the Masoretic texts

Fit For Faith - Ministries

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7 6 G e n e r a t i o n s t o J e s u s C h r i s t · M A S O R E T I C

3388 Years 5629 Years 7634 Years

Biblical Calendar · 360 Day/Year · Start in 5508 BC > 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Until Abram >
3500 4000 4500 5000 < Until Christ
6000 6500 7000 Until 2022 >

Gregorian Calendar · 365 Day/Year · Start in 5554 BC > 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000

BC (Before Christ) AD (Anno Domini · In The Year Of The Lord)

1 1. Yahweh, God

2 The timeline from Adam to Solomon is Adam 130 800 930 years • 4174 - 3264 BC Flood Tower Babel Joseph in Egypt Exodus Temple Captivity Jesus Christ
specified in Genesis 5 & 11, Luke 3; et al
3 Seth 105 807 912 years • 4044 - 3132 BC 2518 BC ~ 2275 BC 1898 BC 1446 - 1406 BC 966 - 959 BC ~ 600 BC 2 BC
The timeline from Solomon to Jesus Christ is
4 Enosh 90 815 905 years • 3939 - 3034 BC
specified in quantity of generations, but the
5 respective begetting ages are not given. Kainan 70 840 910 years • 3849 - 2939 BC
6 Mahalalel 65 830 895 years • 3779 - 2884 BC
• from Adam to Abraham = 2008 years
7 • from Abraham to Jacob = 160 years Jared 162 800 962 years • 3714 - 2752 BC
• from Jacob to Exodus = 560 years
8 Enoch 65 300 taken to heaven 365 years • 3552 - 3187 BC
• from Exodus to Temple = 480 years
9 • from Solomon to Jesus = 964 years Methuselah 187 782 969 years • 3487 - 2518 BC
total = 4172 years
10 Lamech 182 565 777 years • 3300 - 2523 BC
11 Lamech died 5 years - and Methuselah died Noah 502 448 950 years • 3118 - 2168 BC
in the year of the flood.
12 Shem 100 500 600 years • 2616 - 2016 BC
The flood waters had disappeared in the very
13 Arphaxad 35 403 438 years • 2516 - 2078 BC
last days of the 600th life year of Noah. The k gu in t e M re g e gi :
14 Therefore the second year after the flood Cainan completely removed = Jesus would not come in the 77th generation !
equals 602 years (2518 BC; Gen 8:13; Gen 9:28-
14 29); minus 100 years (Gen 11:10) making Noah Shelah 30 403 433 years • 2481 - 2048 BC 1. She l av u v is t-g e -g e -g e -g e -g e g d o (8t ) !!!
15 beget Sem at the age of 502. Japheth was Eber 430 464 years • 2451 - 1987 BC
2. Ar ax ul v o ve s at-g e -g e -g e -g e g d o (7t ) !!!
firstborn when Noah was 500 years old.
16 Peleg 30 209 239 years • 2417 - 2178 BC
17 Reu 32 207 239 years • 2387 - 2147 BC 3. She w u h o l e h r a -g e -g e -g e g d o (6t ) !!!
18 Serug 30 200 230 years • 2355 - 2125 BC 4. Ebe l av u v is t-g e -g e -g e g d o (6t ) Ab a m,
Matthew 1:17
42 (14 x 3) Generations
Nahor 29 119 148 years • 2325 - 2177 BC bu n en ed h A ah co n !!!
20 Dynastic & Selective Bloodline Terah 130 75 205 years • 2296 - 2091 BC
21 14 Dynastic Generations • Abraham to David Abraham 100 75 175 years • 2166 - 1991 BC 5. The r s o E y wo h e n ut he of f o !!!
22 Jacob born 560 years before the Exodus. Isaac 60 120 180 years • 2066 - 1886 BC
23 He was 130 years old when he came to Egypt. Jacob 87 60 147 years • 2006 - 1859 BC
Gen 47:9 "And Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The
24 days of the years of my sojourning are one 130 Judah 87 33 placeholder • 120 years • 1919 - 1799 BC
25 years." Perez 87 33 placeholder • 120 years • 1832 - 1712 BC
26 The Israelites stayed 430 years in Egypt. Hezron 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1744 - 1624 BC
Exo 12:40 "... at the end of 430 years, on this
27 Arni 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1656 - 1536 BC
exact day, all of Yahweh’s divisions went out
28 from the land of Egypt. Amminadab 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1568 - 1448 BC
29 [2006 BC - 130 - 430 = 1446 BC = Start of Nahson (sister married to Aaron, brother of Moses) 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1480 - 1360 BC
30 Sala 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1392 - 1272 BC
31 Boaz 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1304 - 1184 BC
32 Obed 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1216 - 1096 BC
33 Jesse 88 32 placeholder • 120 years • 1128 - 1008 BC
34 14 Dynastic Generations • Abraham to David 35. David 50 20 70 years • 1040 - 970 BC Psalm 90:10 "... for the days of our years, within them
35 14 Dynastic Generations • David to Babylon 36. Nathan (brother of Solomon) 25 50 placeholder • 70 years • 1015 - 945 BC are seventy years or if by strength eighty years ..."
36 Temple construction 480 years after Exodus. 37. Mattatha 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 993 - 923 BC
37 1Kin 6:1 "It happened in the 480th year 38. Menna 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 971 - 901 BC
38 after the Israelites went out from the land of 39. Melea 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 949 - 879 BC
Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s rule over
39 Israel ... that he began to build the house for 40. Eliakim 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 927 - 857 BC
40 41. Jonam 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 905 - 835 BC
41 [1446 BC - 480 = 966 BC] 42. Joseph 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 883 - 813 BC
42 43. Judah 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 861 - 791 BC
43 44. Simeon 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 839 - 769 BC
44 45. Levi 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 817 - 747 BC
45 46. Matthat 22 48 placeholder • 70 years • 795 - 725 BC
46 47. Jorim 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 773 - 703 BC
47 48. Eliezer 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 751 - 681 BC
48 49. Joshua 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 729 - 659 BC
49 50. Er 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 707 - 637 BC
50 51. Elmadam 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 685 - 615 BC
51 52. Cosam 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 663 - 593 BC
52 14 Dynastic Generations • David to Babylon (Josiah) 53. Addi 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 641 - 571 BC
53 14 Dynastic Generations • Babylon (Jechoniah) to Jesus 54. Melchi 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 619 - 549 BC
54 55. Neri 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 597 - 527 BC
55 56. Shealtiel 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 575 - 505 BC
56 57. Zerubbabel 21 49 placeholder • 70 years • 564 - 494 BC
57 58. Rhesa 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 536 - 466 BC
58 59. Joanan 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 508 - 438 BC
59 60. Joda 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 480 - 410 BC
60 61. Josech 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 452 - 382 BC
61 62. Semein 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 424 - 354 BC
62 63. Mattathias 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 396 - 326 BC
63 64. Maath 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 368 - 298 BC
64 65. Naggai 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 340 - 270 BC
65 66. Esli 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 312 - 242 BC
66 67. Nahum 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 284 - 214 BC
67 68. Amos 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 256 - 186 BC
68 69. Mattathias 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 228 - 158 BC
69 70. Joseph 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 200 - 130 BC
70 71. Jannai 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 172 - 102 BC
71 72. Melchi 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 144 - 74 BC
72 73. Levi 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 116 - 46 BC
73 74. Matthat 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 88 - 18 BC
74 75. Eli 28 42 placeholder • 70 years • 60 BC - 11 AD
75 76. Joseph (begetting age >12 years) 30 30 placeholder • 60 years • 32 BC - 29 AD
76 14 Dynastic Generations • Babylon (Jechoniah) to Jesus Jesus 35 years • 2 BC - 33 AD

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