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The story of the church and me

Ten year ago, my life was changed by verses.

This sentence comes from Matthew 6, Verses 25-33. Please allow me
to share the verses for you.
Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life,what you will
eat, or what you will drink, nor yet for your body, what you shall put on.
Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the
fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into
barns; yet your heavenly father feedeth them. Are you not much better
than they? ...... But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matthew 6;
verses 25-33)
These verses explain my long-standing confusion. What is the
meaning of my life? I don't think that I only have responsibility for
myself. Instead, a person born in the world should have his or her mission
and responsibility. Through this sentence, I feel that it is worthwhile to
find the kingdom of God's gospel and bring gospel to the world. At that
time, I didn't know these verses came from The Bible and The Book of
Mormon. I think these verses are inspiration of my life. Perhaps at that
time, I will join the church of Jesus Christ the last day saints. At that time
my destiny with the Book of Mormon had already begun
After I was in junior high school, I sometimes prayed in bed at night.
One day I suddenly got a call, a voice in my mind told me that when I
went to the United States, I could get the power and ability I desired.
Then I can help more people who need me.
But after I came to the United States, my heart was closed. Every
day in my school, I can see the missionaries of other churches standing
there, smiling at people coming and going, and wishing to introduce the
gospel to everyone. At that time, I didn't have to try to get close to the
church and understand gospel. Instead, I will go around far to avoid
embarrassment. On the other hand, I encountered a lot of difficulties and
obstacles, such as, language test, culture shock, the loneliness. All of
these makes me doubt that it is really good to study in the United States?
After I have not past the TOEFL test many times, which has made me
deeply depressed . Sometimes I even want to escape the world or return
to God. Fortunately My life was redeemed Until one day, I met two
people on the road. That day was a very bad day for me. The two people
were the best people I met on that day, They are Elder Ann and Elder
Xiao. They came to introduce the gospel to me. It was very smooth. I
have not much resistance and joined the church very quickly. I want to
share a sentence which can explain my situation.

And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I
give uoto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is
sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they
humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make
weak things become strong unto them Ether 12 verse 27
About my testimony
I want to say that after joining the church, I obviously found that my
mood has become more stable. Before that, I often felt uneasy and
troubled. After joining the church, I pray everyday to the god, and I often
feel precious peace and happiness.

I could not recognize the road before baptism. In the first month
when I went to Boston, I might spend 1 hour to find ways. For me, the
road I walked every day is brand new. Even if it is a street that I walked
five minutes ago. If I walked again, it was completely different in my
eyes. After I baptized I can recognize the road. This is an incredible thing
for me. I believe it is a gift from the Holy ghost. I have also witnessed
many unthinkable things which happened to me. I will be happy to share
more my testimony with you in the future. What I want to say is that I
joined the church because I know our church is true and my testimonies
are incredible but often happen. If you remember anything from my talk
remember this: I hope the people who still have doubts about our church
can open their hearts and experience the gospel firsthand, and they will
also know of the power and truth that lies in the church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day saints. I know of this power and truth myself. You can know
this too.
旁边迷路了 2 个小时。对于我而言,每天走过的路都是全新的,哪怕

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