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Caquetá Department

Institución Educativa Parroquial

Approval decretal No. 000528 – 06 – XI - 2007
DANE: 283094001244 NIT: 800059037-9
English Work Saturday - Fourth Cycle
Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination
«In science, credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not the man to whom the idea first occurs»
For many centuries, smallpox devastated humanity. Nowadays, we do not have to worry about it
thanks to Edward Jenner work and later developments from his research endeavors.
Edward Jenner is well known for his innovative contribution to immunization and the ultimate
eradication of smallpox. His work is widely regarded as the foundation of immunology—despite the
fact that he was neither the first to suggest that infection with cowpox conferred specific immunity
to smallpox nor the first to attempt cowpox inoculation for this purpose.
The smallpox come from in prehistory around 10,000BC in northwest of Africa and it seems plausible
that it spread from there to India by means of ancient Egyptian merchants, from there to rest of the
world, smallpox was introduced to Europe sometime between the fifth and seventh centuries and
was frequently epidemic during the Middle Ages.
Until 1757, an 8-year-old boy was inoculated with smallpox (from cows) in Gloucester; he was first
of thousands of children inoculated that year in England. The procedure was effective, as the boy
developed a mild case of smallpox and was subsequently immune to the disease. His name was Edward Jenner (1749-
When he was a kid, Jenner heard a dairymaid say, "I shall never have smallpox for I have had cowpox. I shall never have
an ugly pockmarked face." It fact, it was a common belief that dairymaids were in some way protected from smallpox.
Ended his studies at the age of 21, Jenner went to London and became his practical studies in St. George's Hospital in
In May 1796, Edward Jenner found a young dairymaid, Sarah Nelms, who had fresh cowpox lesions on her hands and arms.
On May 14, 1796, using matter from Nelms' lesions, he inoculated an 8-year-old boy, James Phipps. Subsequently, the boy
developed mild fever and discomfort in the axillae. Nine days after the procedure he felt cold and had lost his appetite,
but on the next day he was much better. In July 1796, Jenner inoculated the boy again, this time with matter from a fresh
smallpox lesion. No disease developed, and Jenner concluded that protection was complete.

In 1797, Jenner sent a short communication to the Royal Society describing his experiment and observations. Jenner
privately published a small booklet entitled "An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae", a disease
discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly Gloucestershire and Known by the Name of Cow
The Latin word for cow is vacca, and cowpox is vaccinia; Jenner decided to call this new procedure vaccination. The
1798 publication had three parts. In the first part, Jenner presented his view regarding the origin of cowpox as a disease
of horses transmitted to cows.

Some Questions about vaccination beginnings

What is a smallpox? - What is cowpox? - What is a milkmaid? – was milkmaid ill? - When Phipps was ill? – Why was Phipps
inoculated with the scabs of smallpox? - Why do they used a scab? - Why do the illness cows were used as medicine?
Caquetá Department
Institución Educativa Parroquial
Approval decretal No. 000528 – 06 – XI - 2007
DANE: 283094001244 NIT: 800059037-9
English Work Saturday - Fourth Cycle
Are you really sure this method of vaccine is safe for you? - Will you expose your kids to this?
How can we know about this method is really safe for humanity? Do you know that many people, all over the world,
reject the mass vaccination process? What do you think about Covid19 vaccines? Is safe the Covid19 Vaccination?
Sputnik V: How Russia's Covid vaccine is dividing Europe
By Kevin Connolly - BBC News, Brussels

It's no coincidence that Russia has christened its Covid vaccine Sputnik V. The first time the world learned the meaning of
the Russian Word Sputnik was in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite into
At the height of the Cold War, this startling evidence of Moscow's scientific and technical capabilities came as a huge shock
to Western powers, which had assumed they enjoyed a comfortable technological lead over the Soviets.
Critics of the Putin administration were skeptical when the vaccine was given regulatory approval in Moscow as early as
last August. That skepticism, though, has faded. Because once again Russian scientists have surprised the West.
A Russian "tool of soft power"
An Eastern European diplomat, from a country that regards Russia as a clear and
present threat, put it to me like this: "The search for vaccines in 2020 was rather
similar to the race for space flight in the 1950s. Once again many outsiders have
underestimated Russia. This is potentially the most powerful tool of soft power
that Moscow has had in its hands for generations."
That word "potentially" is important here.
Sputnik V has not yet been approved by the EU's European Medicines Agency.
But it's already been ordered by many different countries from Argentina and Mexico to Israel and the Philippines, and
Russian officials say they have signed deals to produce it in South Korea and India.
There has been an odd hiccup in the rollout.
Argentinian President Alberto Fernández tested positive for Covid-19 in April after receiving two doses of Sputnik in
January and February. That's a reminder that even if the Gamaleya Institute's claimed efficacy rate of 91.6% turns out to
be true, a small statistical risk remains among those who've been vaccinated.
1. Make an abstract from everyone last two texts using your own words
2. Underwrite using green color the sentences in present tense
3. Underwrite using blue colors the sentences in past tense
4. Put in a red oval all adjectives you can identify during your reading
5. Make a list of words which its ended is “–ing” with its according meaning.
6. Choose 5 sentences in the present tense and make them in the past tense
7. Choose 5 sentences in past tense and make them the changes to put in the present tense
8. Make new sentences using the adjectives and the “–ing” ended words at least 10, please
9. If any person in your family is dubbing about the vaccination, what will you say about it?
10. What do you think about the pharmaceutical industry? Are they good companies we should trust in them?
11. Are the vaccines totally safe and effectivity to fight affront the Covid19?

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