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Mariela Rojas Alcántara. 602 CELe.

“Smartphones – A great invention?”
Many people today don’t just have a mobile phone, they have smartphone like an
iPhone or a Blackberry. But is it a great invention? I think there are both
advantages and disadvantages.
The first advantage of having a smartphone is that you stay in communication,
because you can write and call your friends and family, no matter where you are.
Second, your smartphone has a GPS included, which is used to obtain a location
of another person. Smartphones determine their location from the radio signals
they receive from satellite navigation systems. Thirdly, the smartphone has
become the main source of entertainment, especially the younger generation. You
can download different applications to read, listen to music, watch videos, social
networks, among others.
However, there are also disadvantages. The first is social isolation, because many
people and especially young people can suffer isolation from society due to
excessive use of mobile phones, that is, they stop living with other people. The
second disadvantage is that you have little privacy because there is a lot of
personal information such as photos, accounts, among others, on a smartphone
that must be adequately protected. The third is that you can download many
viruses, both the use of applications and the internet can cause the installation of
computer viruses causing vulnerability in our phone.
In conclusion, I think it is good to have a smartphone as long as you use it within
time limits. Communication is not only on a smartphone, it is also with your family
and friends.

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