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Original Research

Effects of Resistance Training Performed to Failure

or Not to Failure on Muscle Strength, Hypertrophy,
and Power Output: A Systematic Review
With Meta-Analysis
Alexandra F. Vieira,1 Daniel Umpierre,2,3,4 Juliana L. Teodoro,1 Salime C. Lisboa,1 Bruno M. Baroni,5
Mikel Izquierdo,6 and Eduardo L. Cadore1
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8KKGKV0Ymy+78= on 02/14/2021

Exercise Research Laboratory, School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul;
Department of Public Health, University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; 3National Institute of Science and Technology
for Health Technology Assessment (IATS/HCPA), Clinical Research Center, Clinicas Hospital of Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; 4Exercise
Pathophysiology Laboratory, Graduate Program in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto
Alegre, RS, Brazil; 5Graduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre,
RS, Brazil; and 6Navarrabiomed, Hospital Complex of Navarra (CHN)-Public University of Navarra (UPNA), IdiSNA, Pamplona, Spain

Vieira, AF, Umpierre, D, Teodoro, JL, Lisboa, SC, Baroni, BM, Izquierdo, M, and Cadore, EL. Effects of resistance training
performed to failure or not to failure on muscle strength, hypertrophy, and power output: A systematic review with meta-analysis. J
Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2021—The aim of this review was to summarize the evidence from longitudinal studies
assessing the effects induced by resistance training (RT) performed to failure (RTF) vs. not to failure (RTNF) on muscle strength,
hypertrophy, and power output in adults. Three electronic databases were searched using terms related to RTF and RTNF. Studies
were eligible if they met the following criteria: randomized and nonrandomized studies comparing the effects of RTF vs. RTNF on
muscle hypertrophy, maximal strength, and muscle power in adults, and RT intervention $6 weeks. Results were presented as
standardized mean differences (SMDs) between treatments with 95% confidence intervals, and calculations were performed using
random effects models. Significance was accepted when p , 0.05. Thirteen studies were included in this review. No difference was
found between RTF and RTNF on maximal strength in overall analysis (SMD: 20.08; p 5 0.642), but greater strength increase was
observed in RTNF considering nonequalized volumes (SMD: 20.34; p 5 0.048). Resistance training performed to failure showed a
greater increase in muscle hypertrophy than RTNF (SMD: 0.75; p 5 0.005), whereas no difference was observed considering
equalized RT volumes. No difference was found between RTF and RTNF on muscle power considering overall analysis (SMD: 2
0.20; p 5 0.239), whereas greater improvement was observed in RTNF considering nonequalized RT volumes (SMD: 20.61; p 5
0.025). Resistance training not to failure may induce comparable or even greater improvements in maximal dynamic strength and
power output, whereas no difference between RTF vs. RTNF is observed on muscle hypertrophy, considering equalized RT
Key Words: repetitions maximal, fatigue, strength training, muscle size, muscle power

Introduction adaptations to RT (59,60). This theory is based on the size

principle, suggesting that as consecutive repetitions are per-
It has been widely shown that resistance training (RT) improves
formed, the lower-threshold MUs (i.e., those composed of type I
maximal and explosive strength, and it is beneficial for sports
performance in athletes (25,26) and for functional capacity in muscle fibers) are fatigued and, consequently, high-threshold MU
nonathletes (14). One of the most popular approaches to pre- (i.e., those composed of type II muscle fibers) recruitment will be
scribing RT is establishing the load correspondent to a range of maximized (6,59,60). However, there are some controversial
maximal repetitions (RMs) (3,28,29), in which transient con- findings in studies investigating this issue using electromyography
centric failure is achieved at the end of performed sets signals (EMGs) because it has been demonstrated that a higher
(i.e., 4–6RMs or 10–12RMs). It has been argued that performing EMG signal is achieved and stabilized before the repetition cor-
RT sets to failure (RTF) would maximize motor unit (MU) re- responding to muscular failure (10,55). In addition, over several
cruitment and would, consequently, optimize neuromuscular sets of an exercise, such accumulated fatigue can result in a re-
duction in total overload (i.e., volume and load), compared with
Address correspondence to Dr. Eduardo L. Cadore, nonfailure sets (17,36). Based on the association between total
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear mechanical overload (i.e., sets 3 repetitions 3 load) and muscle
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on hypertrophy (27,51), a reduction in overload could impair the
the journal’s Web site ( hypertrophic responses.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 00(00)/1–11 In healthy people, RTF seems to result in marked neuromuscular
ª 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association gains (1,24,28,44), although evidence that training leading to

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00

concentric failure is superior to RT not leading to failure (RTNF). Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Indeed, several studies have shown that RTF did not induce addi- Analyses (PRISMA) (32,52). This study was approved by the
tional muscle strength gains compared with RTNF in young trained Institutional Review Board of Universidade Federal do Rio
and untrained populations (12,13,25,26,35,48), whereas a smaller Grande do Sul (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul).
number of studies observed greater strength increase after RTF
(8,15,47). In addition, it seems that RTF does not induce further
muscle size enhancements in young (35,40,48) and older individuals Subjects
(53), although this outcome is less investigated. Regarding muscle
Three hundred eighty-four subjects from 13 studies were included
power output, it has been shown that RTF may compromise muscle
in the analysis. Ninety-two studies included only men and only
power improvements in highly trained athletes (25,26), whereas
women, respectively; and 2 studies included a mixed sample.
another study has shown similar muscle power adaptations between
Three hundred thirty-two subjects were young adults (mean age
RTF and RTNF in older adults (2). Therefore, there are controversial
range: 21.6–26.7 years old), while 52 were older adults (mean age
results regarding the influence of repetitions to failure in the RT
range: 65.6–66.7 years old). In addition, four studies were per-
adaptations. In this regard, a meta-analysis study could be useful to
formed with athletes (30.8%), eight with untrained individuals
provide more solid evidence, due to the controversial findings.
(61.5%) and one with recreationally resistance-trained individ-
In a previous meta-analysis by Davies et al. (6), who subsequently
uals (7.7%) (Table 1). All studies mentioned that written in-
published an article erratum (7), the authors demonstrated that there
formed consent documents were obtained for all subjects.
are no differences in strength gains after RTF and RTNF. Not-
withstanding, this study only addressed maximal strength, and
analyses on muscle hypertrophy and muscle power output adapta-
tions were not performed. In addition, since the publication of this
work (6), several other articles on this topic have been published, Eligibility Criteria. In this review, we considered longitudinal
providing more data on the comparison between failure and not to studies (randomized or nonrandomized) that compared the effects of
failure approaches during RT (2,12,35,40,53). RTF vs. RTNF for a period $6 weeks on muscle hypertrophy,
Although sets using repetitions to failure promote mechanical and muscle strength, and maximal power output in young and older
muscle function adaptations, it is also notable that a certain degree of trained and untrained adults. Studies were included if they assessed
fatigue may induce high levels of discomfort and physical exertion, at least one of the following outcomes: (a) muscle hypertrophy using
preventing the correct execution of the movement, particularly in ultrasound, magnetic resonance images, or computed tomography
nonexperienced practitioners (56,59). In this sense, it is believed that measurements; (b) dynamic muscle strength through isoinertial tests
the performance of RTF in the long term could increase the risk of (i.e., 1RM, 3, or 6RMs) in at least one exercise; or (c) maximal power
overuse injuries (6). Moreover, repetition to failure also implies a output using vertical jumps, free weights, or plated load RT exer-
longer time under tension, leading to greater increases in blood cises. In the case of studies with different publications related to the
pressure, heart rate, and rate-pressure product (16,34,39), which same outcome (i.e., short-term and long-term adaptations), only one
may increase the risk of cardiovascular complications in some pop- study was included. In this case, we chose to include studies with
ulations. In addition, RTF induces a greater metabolic impact at the training periods similar to those of the other studies included in this
cellular level (17,18), which may result in the need of a greater time of review.
recovery between exercise sessions.
Therefore, it seems relevant to determine whether there are addi- Search Strategy. The search was performed in October 2019 using
tional benefits of performing RTF or if its adaptations are comparable the electronic databases MEDLINE (PubMed), Web of Knowl-
with those observed when submaximal repetitions are performed, edge (Web of Science), and Cochrane. In addition, manual
taking into account the influence of total volume on these adaptations searches from the references of the included studies were per-
(i.e., compensating or not compensating the number of repetitions with formed. After starting the literature search, we excluded 2 data-
additional sets). Thus, the purpose of this study was to systematically bases previously described during the registration. These
review randomized and nonrandomized longitudinal studies on the exclusions were due to the high cost associated with the search in
effects of RT performed to concentric failure or not to failure on muscle these databases. In addition, we performed a search for gray lit-
strength, hypertrophy, and maximal power output in healthy young erature at There was no limitation on
subjects and in older adults. In addition, we also assessed if there was an the language or year of the study.
influence of RT volume (equalized or not equalized) in this comparison. The search comprised the following terms and MeSH terms
Our hypothesis was that RTF would not provide additional benefits on (and their respective related terms): “humans,” “adult,” “aged,”
muscle strength and power output. Moreover, we also hypothesized “resistance training,” “maximal repetitions,” “muscular failure,”
that no difference between RTF and RTNF would be observed on “muscular exhaustion,” “muscle fatigue,” “failure,” “repetition
muscle hypertrophy, considering equalized RT volumes. failure,” “repetition exhaustion,” and “repetition maximum.”
To optimize the capture of relevant references, such terms were
combined by boolean operators (OR and AND). The full search
Methods strategy performed in the PubMed database is available as Sup-
plemental Digital Content 1 (see Supplementary Material, http://
Experimental Approach to the Problem
To test the authors’ hypothesis, we performed a systematic review
with a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies investigating the ef- Selection of Studies. The selection of studies was based on the
fects of RT performed to failure vs. not to failure on eligibility criteria previously adopted and performed in-
muscle strength, hypertrophy, and power output. This review dependently and in duplicate. First, 2 pairs of researchers in-
was registered at as dependently evaluated the titles and abstracts of all studies found
CRD42020155608. The study has been reported according to in the search (A.F.V. and E.L.C., and J.L.T. and S.C.L.; each pair

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00 |

evaluated half of the studies). Articles whose abstracts did not body and upper-body maximal dynamic strength, muscle power
provide sufficient information as per the inclusion and exclusion output, and muscle hypertrophy. Moreover, sensitivity analyses
criteria were assessed separately in full. Subsequently, each study on maximal strength and maximal power were also performed for
selected in the previous phase was fully evaluated and selected by sports athletes and nonathletes, as well as single-joint and mul-
the reviewers independently. Disagreements were resolved by tijoint exercises for the upper and lower body. Furthermore, in
consensus, and in cases of persistence, a third investigator re- each analysis, we removed studies individually, one after the
solved the disagreement between the other pair of researchers other. This strategy (known as “leave-one-out”) is recommended
(E.L.C. and J.L.T.). To avoid inclusion of duplicate studies (dif- for further exploring between-study heterogeneity (beyond the I-
ferent publications using identical study groups), we screened the squared calculation) because it allows for the identification of any
period and place of recruitment, and the authors were contacted substantial change in the direction of results whenever a single
for clarification when necessary. study is removed from the analysis. This exploratory procedure is
a recommended practice, particularly for meta-analyses with a
Data Extraction. Standardized forms were adopted for data ex- limited number of studies (58). In all comparisons, we considered
traction, and the data extraction was performed independently by only analyses including at least 3 studies. Thus, to include at least
2 pairs of reviewers (A.F.V. and E.L.C., and J.L.T. and S.C.L.; 3 studies in each sensitivity or subgroup analysis, we pooled data
each pair extracted data from half of the studies). Eventual dis- from exercises composed of similar muscle groups. For example,
agreements were resolved by consensus or by a third investigator for the analysis of lower-body muscles, we pooled data regarding
from another pair (E.L.C. and J.L.T.). In this phase, the main the leg press and squat exercises, whereas for upper-body anal-
characteristics of the selected studies, such as sample size and ysis, we pooled data from bench row and biceps curl exercises.
sample characterization, variables related to interventions, and The results are presented as standardized mean differences
results of the outcomes of interest, were detailed. Missing data (SMDs) between treatments with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
were requested from the researcher of the study in question. In The calculations were performed using random effects models.
case of no answer, denying provision, or data loss, the article or The statistical heterogeneity of treatment effects between studies
outcome was excluded. For data presented only graphically, the was assessed using the I2 inconsistency test, considering that
results were extracted using DigitizeIt software. values higher than 50% indicated high heterogeneity (21). Values
The extracted outcomes were the absolute deltas of the values of a # 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
referring to muscle hypertrophy, maximal strength, and maximal Publication bias was verified through visual observation of the
power output. When not available, the delta was calculated from funnel graph of the analyzed variable. Asymmetry was tested
the values obtained before and after the intervention, and the using the Begg and Egger test and was considered to be significant
delta SD was imputed by the equation proposed by Higgins and when p , 0.10. In case of publication bias, the trim-and-fill test
Green (20). was used to estimate the publication bias effects on interpreting
In studies comparing RTF with 2 or more RTNF groups using the results. All analyses were performed using Stata version 15.1.
different training approaches, we chose the most similar com-
parator group in terms of training variables (i.e., same number of
exercises and more similar contraction speed in the concentric Results
and eccentric phases). However, studies in which the RTF group Study Selection
was compared with RTNF groups using equalized and non-
equalized volumes (2,35,53), both comparisons were included in The search of MEDLINE (PubMed), Web of Knowledge (Web of
the analysis. In these cases, the sample of the RTF group was Science), and Cochrane databases provided a total of 4,150 ci-
divided in half in each comparison to avoid overestimating the tations. In addition, 3 studies were identified through manual
study weight and the sample size in the analyses (19). searches from the references of the included studies, and 271
studies were found through the search for gray literature. After
Risk of Bias Assessment. The assessment of risk of bias in the duplicates were removed, 4,096 studies remained. Of these, 4,080
individual studies included adequate random sequence genera- studies were discarded after reviewing the titles and abstracts.
tion, allocation concealment, blinding of subjects and personnel, Thus, the full texts of the remaining 16 citations were examined in
blinding of outcome assessment, description of losses and exclu- more detail (none of the gray literature). After integral reading, 13
sions, and intention-to-treat analysis, as proposed by the studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the quan-
Cochrane Collaboration (20). When these characteristics were titative analysis (Figure 1).
described in the published document, it was considered that the
criteria were met and they were classified as “low risk” or “high
Description of the Studies
risk.” Studies that did not describe these data were classified as
“unclear risk.” This evaluation was performed independently by The 13 studies included in this review contributed to the analysis
2 pairs of reviewers (A.F.V. and E.L.C., and J.L.T. and S.C.L.). and comprised 384 subjects. Of these, 171 individuals partici-
pated in RTF interventions, whereas 213 participated in RTNF.
Regarding the sexes in study samples, 9 and 2 studies included
Statistical Analyses only men and only women, respectively, and 2 studies included a
Statistical analyses was performed through a meta-analysis mixed sample. Most subjects included were young adults
comprising the comparison of RTF with RTNF on muscle hy- (86.5%), whereas only 52 (13.5%) were older adults. Further-
pertrophy, maximal dynamic strength, and maximal power out- more, 4 studies were performed with sport athletes (30.8%), 8
put. Subgroup analyses included comparisons between RTF and with untrained individuals (61.5%), and 1 with recreationally
RTNF with and without equalized volumes, as well as overall resistance-trained individuals (7.7%) (Table 1).
analysis (i.e., considering both cases within the same compari- The interventions consisted of RT performed with 1–40 sets of
son). In addition, sensitivity analyses were performed for lower- 1–22 repetitions at intensities ranging between 65% 1RM and

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00

Figure 1. Flowchart of studies included. RM 5 repetition maximum.

92% 1RM. The weekly frequency of RT protocols ranged from 2 CI: 20.42, 0.26; p 5 0.642; I2: 67.3%) (Figure 2). We also did not
(46.2%) to 3 times (53.8%), and RT periods ranged from 6 to 14 observe publication bias in this analysis (Egger’s regression, p 5
weeks of follow-up. Of the 13 studies included, 5 studies used 0.786) (see Figure S1, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://
comparator groups with a nonequalized RT volume, 5 with an
equalized RT volume, and 3 with both comparisons. In addition, The results of the subgroup analysis based on RT volumes
4 studies assessed muscle hypertrophy, 12 assessed maximal (i.e., equalized or not equalized) showed an advantage in maximal
strength, and 5 assessed maximal power output (Table 2). strength gains in favor of the nonfailure approach, considering
nonequalized RT volumes (SMD: 20.34; 95% CI: 20.67,
20.003; p 5 0.048; I2: 31.5%) (Figure 2). On the contrary, no
Risk of Bias significant difference was found between RTF and RTNF when
Among the studies included, 15.4% (2/13) clearly reported ran- considering equalized RT volumes (SMD: 0.16; 95% CI: 20.38,
dom sequence generation, 15.4% (2/13) reported allocation 0.69; p 5 0.566; I2: 75.3%) (Figure 2).
concealment, none (0/13) implemented blinding or masking Each study included in this analysis was removed individually.
procedures to subjects or personnel, 15.4% (2/13) blinded the Therefore, when we removed 5 of the 12 studies included
assessors to the outcomes, 38.5% (5/13) described sample losses (26,30,40,48,49), this difference in favor of RTNF when con-
and exclusions, and none (0/13) performed intention-to-treat sidering nonequalized volumes disappeared.
analyses (see Table S1, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http:// Sensitivity Analyses. Owing to the heterogeneity between the
studies, sensitivity analyses were performed in the interventions
for the following (see Figures S2–S7, Supplemental Digital Con-
tent 1, lower-body exercises
Effects of Interventions in which a significant difference was observed in favor of RTNF
Maximal Dynamic Strength: Meta-Analysis and Subgroup (SMD: 20.38; 95% CI: 20.69, 20.07; p 5 0.015; I2: 23.1%);
Analysis. Data on maximal strength were obtained from 12 lower-body exercises (comparator, nonequalized volume) (SMD:
studies (8,9,13,25,26,30,35,40,47–49,53) comprising a total of 20.37; 95% CI: 20.91, 0.17; p 5 0.179; I2: 54.6%); lower-body
384 individuals. In the overall analysis, no difference was found exercises (comparator, equalized volume) in which there was a
between changes induced by RTF and RTNF (SMD: 20.08; 95% difference in favor of RTNF (SMD: 20.41; 95% CI: 20.82,

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00 |

Table 1
Characteristics of subjects.*
Studies Groups Subjects (n) Sex (M/F) Age (y)† Body mass (kg)† BMI (kg·m22)† Training status
Cadore et al. (2),‡,§ Failure‡,§ 17 17/0 66.1 6 5.0 79.4 6 10.6 27.1 6 3.2 UT
Nonfailure‡ 20 20/0 66.7 6 6.1 80.3 6 10.6 27.7 6 2.8 UT
Nonfailure§ 15 15/0 65.6 6 3.4 87.9 6 0.1 30.9 6 4.8 UT
da Silva et al. (53),‡,§ Failure‡,§ 17 17/0 66.1 6 5.0 79.4 6 10.6 27.1 6 3.2 UT
Nonfailure‡ 20 20/0 66.7 6 6.1 80.3 6 10.6 27.7 6 2.8 UT
Nonfailure§ 15 15/0 65.6 6 3.4 87.9 6 0.1 30.9 6 4.8 UT
Drinkwater et al. (8) Failure 15 15/0 NR NR NR SA
Nonfailure 11 11/0 NR NR NR SA
Drinkwater et al. (9) Failure 7 7/0 NR NR NR SA
Nonfailure 7 7/0 NR NR NR SA
Folland et al. (13) Failure 12 8/4 22.0 6 2.0 70.0 6 3.0 NR UT
Nonfailure 11 7/4 20.0 6 1.0 68.0 6 7.0 NR UT
Izquierdo et al. (25) Failure 14 14/0 24.8 6 2.9 81.1 6 4.2 24.9 6 2.5 SA
Nonfailure 15 15/0 23.9 6 1.9 80.5 6 7.4 24.6 6 1.9 SA
Izquierdo-Gabarren et al. (26) Failure 14 14/0 25.4 6 4.2 79.8 6 5.3 NR SA
Nonfailure 15 15/0 26.7 6 5.7 83.2 6 6.3 NR SA
Kramer et al. (30) Failure 16 16/0 NR 78.4 6 8.4 NR T
Nonfailure 14 14/0 NR 76.8 6 10.1 NR T
Martorelli et al. (35),‡,§ Failure‡,§ 30 0/30 22.3 6 3.8 63.7 6 22.5 NR UT
Nonfailure‡ 27 0/27 21.6 6 3.3 62.5 6 14.1 NR UT
Nonfailure§ 32 0/32 21.7 6 2.8 60.2 6 13.5 NR UT
Nóbrega et al. (40) Failure 14 14/0 NR NR NR UT
Nonfailure 14 14/0 NR NR NR UT
Rooney et al. (47) Failure 13 NR NR NR NR UT
Nonfailure 14 NR NR NR NR UT
Sampson and Groeller, (48) Failure 10 10/0 23.4 6 6.6 76.9 6 0.2 NR UT
Nonfailure 10 10/0 23.7 6 6.2 85.0 6 13.7 NR UT
Sanborn et al. (49) Failure 9 0/9 NR 62.8 6 9.2 NR UT
Nonfailure 8 0/8 NR 70.9 6 12.1 NR UT
*M 5 males; F 5 females; BMI 5 body mass index; T 5 trained; UT 5 untrained; SA 5 sports athletes; NR 5 not reported.
†Mean 6 SD.

20.00; p 5 0.049; I2: 0.0%); multijoint lower-body exercises and RTNF when considering equalized RT volumes (SMD: 0.59;
(SMD: 20.43; 95% CI: 20.93, 0.07; p 5 0.089; I2: 45.3%); 95% CI: 20.39, 1.58; p 5 0.239; I2: 70.4%) (Figure 3).
single-joint lower-body exercises (SMD: 20.34; 95% CI: 20.74, Each study included in this analysis was removed individually.
0.07; p 5 0.105; I2: 0.7%); upper-body exercises (SMD: 0.25; Therefore, when we removed 3 of the 4 studies included
95% CI: 20.30, 0.81; p 5 0.367; I2: 76.0%); upper-body exer- (35,48,53), there were changes in these results.
cises (comparator, nonequalized volume) (SMD: 20.30; 95% CI:
20.72, 0.13; p 5 0.168; I2: 0.0%); upper-body exercises (com- Sensitivity Analyses. Owing to the heterogeneity found between
parator, equalized volume) (SMD: 0.57; 95% CI: 20.20, 1.33; p the studies, sensitivity analyses were performed in the interven-
5 0.146; I2: 79.1%); multijoint upper-body exercises (SMD: tions for the following (see Figures S9 and S10, Supplemental
0.34; 95% CI: 20.43, 1.10; p 5 0.387; I2: 64.1%); single-joint Digital Content 1, lower-
upper-body exercises (SMD: 0.21; 95% CI: 20.61, 1.03; p 5 body muscles (SMD: 0.34; 95% CI: 20.31, 0.99; p 5 0.302; I2:
0.615; I2: 83.1%); sport athletes (SMD: 0.08; 95% CI: 20.50, 48.6%) and upper-body muscles (SMD: 1.15; 95% CI: 0.60,
0.66; p 5 0.783; I2: 64.5%); and nonathletes (SMD: 20.16; 95% 1.70; p 5 0.000; I2: 38.3%). Because of the low number of studies
CI: 20.58, 0.26; p 5 0.465; I2: 70.0%). (i.e., ,3), we did not perform sensitivity analysis considering the
subgroups (i.e., equalized and nonequalized RT volumes).
Muscle Hypertrophy: Meta-Analysis and Subgroup Analysis.
Data on muscle hypertrophy were obtained from 4 studies Muscle Power Output: Meta-Analysis and Subgroup Analysis.
(35,40,48,53) comprising a total of 189 individuals. Resistance Data on maximal muscle power output were obtained from 5
training performed to failure was associated with a greater in- studies (2,8,9,25,26) comprising a total of 150 individuals. No
crease in muscle size compared with RTNF (SMD: 0.75; 95% CI: significant effect was found between RTF and RTNF (SMD:
0.22, 1.28; p 5 0.005; I2: 63.8%) (Figure 3). We did not observe 20.20; 95% CI: 20.53, 0.13; p 5 0.239; I2: 32.7%) (Figure 4).
publication bias in this analysis (Egger’s regression, p 5 0.457) There was no evidence of publication bias in this analysis (Egger’s
(see Figure S8, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww. regression, p 5 0.945) (see Figure S11, Supplemental Digital
com/JSCR/A251). Content 1,
The results of the subgroup analysis on the influence of RT vol- The results of the subgroup analysis on the influence of RT
ume (equalized or not equalized) showed an advantage in favor of volume (equalized or not equalized) showed an advantage in fa-
the failure approach when considering nonequalized RT volumes vor of the RTNF approach when considering nonequalized RT
(SMD: 0.82; 95% CI: 0.09, 1.56; p 5 0.028; I2: 70.7%) (Figure 3). volumes (SMD: 20.61; 95% CI: 21.15, 20.08; p 5 0.025; I2:
On the contrary, no significant difference was found between RTF 27.5%) (Figure 4). On the contrary, no significant difference was

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00

Table 2
Training characteristics of studies.*
Rest† Frequency (days Duration Hypertrophy Strength Power
Studies Groups Sets Repetitions Intensity (s) Volume‡ per week) (wk) test test output test
Cadore et al. (2),§,‖ Failure§,‖ 2 to ;7.7–;22.2 65–75% 120 Nonequalized 2 12 NE NE SJ and CMJ
3 1RM
Nonfailure§ 2 to 4–10 65–75% 120 Equalized
3 1RM
Nonfailure‖ 4 to 4–10 65–75% 120
6 1RM
da Silva et al. Failure§,‖ 2 to ;7.7–;22.2 65–75% 120 Nonequalized 2 12 Ultrasound QF 1RM LP NE
(53),§,‖ 3 1RM and KE
Nonfailure§ 2 to 4–10 65–75% 120 Equalized
3 1RM
Nonfailure‖ 4 to 4–10 65–75% 120
6 1RM
Drinkwater et al. (8) Failure 4 6 80–105% 230 Equalized 3 6 NE 6RM BP 40 kg BP
Nonfailure 8 3 80–105% 100
Drinkwater et al. (9) Failure 4 6 90–100% 165 Equalized 3 6 NE 3RM and 40 kg BP
Nonfailure 8 3 90–100% 73
Folland et al. (13) Failure 4 10 75% 1RM 30 Equalized 3 9 NE 1RM KE NE
Nonfailure 40 1 75% 1RM 30
Izquierdo et al. (25) Failure 3 5–10 80–100% 120 Equalized 2 11 NE 1RM BP 60% 1RM BP
6-10RM and SQ and SQ
Nonfailure 6 3–5 80–100% 120
Izquierdo-Gabarren Failure 3 to 4–10 75–92% NR Nonequalized 2 8 NE 1RM BR BR at different
et al. (26) 4 1RM loads
Nonfailure 3 to 2–5 75–92% NR
4 1RM
Kramer et al. (30) Failure 1 8–12 75–81% 120 to Nonequalized 3 14 NE 1RM SQ NE
1RM 180
Nonfailure 3 10 66–75% 120 to
1RM 180
Martorelli et al. Failure§,‖ 3 NR 70% 1RM 120 Nonequalized 2 10 Ultrasound EF 1RM BC NE
(35),§,‖ Nonfailure§ 3 7 70% 1RM 120 Equalized
Nonfailure‖ 4 7 70% 1RM 120
Nóbrega et al. (40) Failure 3 Not clear 80% 1RM 120 Nonequalized 2 12 Ultrasound VL 1RM KE NE
Nonfailure 3 Not clear 80% 1RM 120
Rooney et al. (47) Failure 1 6 6RM No rest Equalized 3 6 NE 1RM BC NE
Nonfailure 6 1 6RM 30
Sampson and Failure 4 ;6.1 85% 1RM 180 Nonequalized 3 12 Magnetic 1RM BC NE
Groeller (48) resonance EF
Nonfailure 4 ;4.2 85% 1RM 180
Sanborn et al. (49) Failure 1 8–12 8 to 12RM NR Nonequalized 3 8 NE 1RM SQ NE
Nonfailure 3 2–10 2 to 10RM NR
*RM 5 repetition maximum; QF 5 quadriceps femoris; EF 5 elbow flexors; VL 5 vastus lateralis; LP 5 leg press; KE 5 knee extension; BP 5 bench press; SQ 5 squat; BR 5 bench row; BC 5 biceps curl;
SJ 5 squat jump; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; NR 5 not reported; NE 5 not evaluated.
†Between sets.
‡Between intervention and comparator groups.

found between failure and nonfailure training when considering exercises (SMD: 20.23; 95% CI: 20.59, 0.13; p 5 0.211; I2:
equalized RT volumes (SMD: 0.03; 95% CI: 20.31, 0.36; p 5 0.0%); lower-body exercises (comparator, nonequalized volume)
0.881; I2: 0.0%) (Figure 4). (SMD: 20.36; 95% CI: 20.92, 0.20; p 5 0.207; I2: 0.0%); lower-
Each study included in this analysis was removed individually. body exercises (comparator, equalized volume) (SMD: 20.14;
Therefore, when we removed 2 of the 5 studies included (8,26), 95% CI: 20.61, 0.33; p 5 0.563; I2: 0.0%); upper-body exercises
there were changes in these results. (SMD: 20.16; 95% CI: 20.92, 0.61; p 5 0.690; I2: 70.7%);
upper-body exercises (comparator, equalized volume) (SMD:
Sensitivity Analyses. Owing to the heterogeneity found between 0.19; 95% CI: 20.35, 0.74; p 5 0.486; I2: 21.0%); jump power
studies, sensitivity analyses were performed in the interventions output (SMD: 20.28; 95% CI: 20.69, 0.14; p 5 0.188; I2:
for the following (see Figures S12–S17, Supplemental Digital 0.0%); bench press power output (SMD: 0.19; 95% CI: 20.35,
Content 1, lower-body 0.74; p 5 0.486; I2: 21.0%); sports athletes (SMD: 20.14; 95%

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00 |

Figure 2. Forest plot of the maximal strength promoted by resistance training (RT) performed to concentric failure vs.
RT performed not to failure. The estimation for each subgroup (1: nonequalized volume and 2: equalized volume) and
the combined effect (overall) are detailed. The squares and error bars signify the standardized mean differences
(SMDs) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) values; the diamonds represent the pooled estimates of random
effects meta-analyses.

CI: 20.72, 0.44; p 5 0.636; I2: 61.0%); and nonathletes (SMD: 2 equalize the total volume, an advantage in favor of RTNF when
0.28; 95% CI: 20.69, 0.14; p 5 0.188; I2: 0.0%). considering nonequalized RT volumes was observed. One pos-
sible explanation could be that RTF induced greater load decrease
across the sets due to transient muscle fatigue (17,18), and a RT
This systematic review with meta-analyses summarized the evi- load is determinant of strength improvements (27,51). Among the
dence induced by RTF or RTNF on maximal strength, muscle studies that did not equalize RT volumes, some of them used the
hypertrophy, and maximal power output in adults. Overall anal- same number of sets and lower numbers of repetitions in the
yses indicated no differences between RTF and RTNF with regard nonfailure RT (i.e., a lower RT volume in the nonfailure groups)
to training-induced gains in maximal strength and power output (26,35,40,53), whereas 2 of them used 3 sets not to failure com-
outcomes. When considering studies that consisted of non- pared with one set to failure (i.e., a greater RT volume in the
equalized volume in RT, we observed an association between nonfailure groups) (30,49). Therefore, although RT intensity
RTNF with greater maximal strength and muscle power increase, seems to be a stronger determinant of strength increase than RT
in comparison with RTF. Furthermore, we observed an association volume (27,51), the influence of RT volume on this outcome
between RTF with greater muscle hypertrophy when compared cannot be ruled out. In fact, some previous studies have found
with RTNF, considering nonequalized RT volumes; however, this greater strength improvement after RT regimes composed of
difference was not found in the analyses when taking into account more sets (31,38), although this is controversial (45).
only studies that equalized the total training volume. A sensitivity analysis provided insights into this comparison
Some authors have argued that RTF could optimize neuro- (i.e., RTF vs. RTNF): when considering only lower-body exer-
muscular improvement compared with RTNF based on size prin- cises, there was a statistically significant greater strength in-
ciple of motor unit recruitment (11,54,59). Notwithstanding, only crease in favor of the nonfailure approach in equalized RT
few studies have confirmed the superiority of RTF in isoinertial volume studies (see Figures S7 and S8, Supplemental Digital
strength outcomes (8,47), whereas most studies have not found Content 1, By contrast, no
differences between the RTF and RTNF approaches on strength differences were observed between the failure and nonfailure
increase (9,13,25,35,53). In addition, a meta-analysis by Davies approaches in upper-body strength. Although some physiolog-
et al. (6), who subsequently published erratum (7), did not confirm ical responses in different muscle groups could affect adaptation
differences between RTF and RTNF on strength enhancement. induced by the failure or nonfailure strategies, our synthesis was
Our meta-analysis agrees with most of the aforementioned limited and could not explore such factors in depth. Based on
studies because no differences were observed in the strength in- our findings, it seems that there is an influence of the muscle
crease on overall analysis. However, when we examined the group assessed, and our data suggest that RTNF may be more
subgroup analyses splitting studies that either equalized or did not beneficial to lower-body muscles, whereas no differences were

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00

Figure 3. Forest plot of the muscle hypertrophy promoted by resistance training (RT) performed to concentric
failure vs. RT performed not to failure. The estimation for each subgroup (1: nonequalized volume and 2:
equalized volume) and the combined effect (overall) are detailed. The squares and error bars signify the
standardized mean differences (SMDs) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) values; the diamonds represent
the pooled estimates of random effects meta-analyses.

observed for upper-body muscles. It should be mentioned, results because, in some cases, different exercises may provide
however, that sensitivity analyses on lower- and upper-body different stimuli.
muscles combined different exercises (i.e., squat and leg press or Few studies have compared the effects of RTF with RTNF on
bench row and biceps curl) to achieve at least 3 studies per muscle hypertrophy (40,48), particularly after controlling for
analysis. Therefore, caution is needed when considering these equalization of the RT volume (35,53). Our synthesis has shown

Figure 4. Forest plot of the maximal power output promoted by resistance training (RT) performed to concentric
failure vs. RT performed not to failure. The estimation for each subgroup (1: nonequalized volume and 2:
equalized volume) and the combined effect (overall) are detailed. The squares and error bars signify the
standardized mean differences (SMDs) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) values; the diamonds represent
the pooled estimates of random effects meta-analyses.

Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00 |

greater muscle size increase after repetitions to failure both in the showed greater gains after RTNF (26). These findings might be
nonequalized RT volume studies (i.e., a greater RT volume in the relevant to highly trained athletes, considering the efficiency of the
RTF groups), as well as in the overall analysis (considering nonfailure approach, because RTF induces a greater metabolic
equalized and nonequalized RT volumes). Nevertheless, consid- impact at the cellular level (17,18), which may result in longer
ering only equalized volume comparisons, no differences were recovery periods between exercise sessions. In addition, it has been
observed between RTF and RTNF interventions. Likewise, suggested that the use of repetitions to failure for long-term training
Martorelli et al. (35) and Da Silva et al. (53) observed greater could increase the risk of overuse injuries and overtraining poten-
muscle thickness increases in RTF compared with RTNF per- tial (6), although no direct evidence has been provided. Because
formed with 50% of the possible maximal repetitions, but these athletes need to combine the RT with their specific sports training,
differences did not occur when equalizing RT volumes between it seems rational to use a low volume of repetitions during RT
groups. Indeed, the literature has shown that muscle hypertrophy (i.e., training not to failure), considering that this approach will
is highly associated with the total RT volume, which determines promote similar or even greater muscle strength and power im-
the total mechanical overload applied on muscles (27,51). provement than training to failure. Analyses of maximal strength
Therefore, it seems that the advantage of performing repetitions and power output when considering nonequalized RT volumes, as
to failure in the muscle hypertrophy is due to a greater training well as sensitivity analysis of lower-body strength, indicated that
volume rather than a fatigue stimulus. In this way, it does not RTNF could be particularly beneficial for athletes who experience
seem possible to compare the effects of the RTF and RTNF ap- high demands of specific training and competition (41).
proaches on muscle hypertrophy with no volume equalization. If we consider improvement in neuromuscular function and
Our sensitivity analysis indicated that RTF and RTNF induced promotion of health, the same premise is useful for nonathletes
comparable increases in the lower-body muscles size, whereas because our findings suggest that RTNF can optimize strength
RTF has shown superiority in upper-body muscle size gains. Be- enhancements and, at the same time, reduce high levels of dis-
cause of the small number of comparisons, we did not perform a comfort and physical exertion, preventing the incorrect execution
sensitivity analysis for lower-body and upper-body muscle split- of the movement (59). Moreover, RTF also implies a longer time
ting for equalized and nonequalized RT volumes in muscle hy- under tension, leading to greater increases in blood pressure,
pertrophy. Thus, based on the influence of the total RT volume in heart rate, and rate-pressure product (16,34,39), which may in-
muscle size gains, it is important to carefully consider the in- crease the risk of complications in populations at higher cardio-
fluence of repetitions to failure or not to failure in different muscle vascular risk.
groups because of the small number of studies assessed in this There are a number of limitations that should be acknowledged.
article. The risk of biases of the included studies was high or unclear for
Muscle power output is associated with high performance in assessed aspects in most of the studies. In addition, we observed a
athletes (22,23,33) and with functional capacity in nonathletes high heterogeneity in the maximal strength and muscle hypertro-
across their life span (4,5,46). The present meta-analytic results phy outcomes, and this heterogeneity remained moderate after
do not show differences in muscle power increase after RTF and sensitivity analyses for muscle hypertrophy and was low to high for
RTNF, either with equalized volume or in the overall analysis maximal strength analyses. Moreover, although the RTF approach
(considering equalized and nonequalized RT volumes). However, can be similar among studies, the same is not observed among
when considering the comparisons for RTF vs. RTNF with no RTNF approaches, thereby leading to possible influence in com-
volume compensation (i.e., a lower RT volume in the RTNF parability between trials. For example, in the study by Nóbrega
groups), there was a difference in favor of RTNF. These results et al. (40), the RTNF group performed a volitional number of
may be explained by the current evidence that shows marked repetitions (before failure), whereas in other studies, the number of
decreases in maximal muscle action velocity and, consequently, repetitions was controlled and ranged from 50 to 70% of the
muscle power after RTF sets (17,50). These characteristics maximal repetitions possible (2,25,26,35,53), and these differences
(i.e., velocity and power) are determinants of muscle power in- can confound the results. Likewise, to control the influence of RT
creases after RT intervention (42). Moreover, it has been shown volume on neuromuscular adaptations, some trials created a
that RT composed of shorter sets, higher mean velocity, and less nonfailure group after equalizing the RT volume doubling the sets.
fatigue induces greater improvements in muscle power out- Although it addresses an interesting aspect (i.e., RT volume in-
put (43). fluence), it may also generate others biases. One of them is creating
However, there is one aspect that may limit the failure vs. RT groups with an unrealistic number of sets and training session
nonfailure comparison in the muscle power outcome in the pre- durations. Another problem is adding a third training group in the
sent meta-analysis, i.e., not all interventions were designed as comparison, thereby possibly increasing the probability of type II
power-type RT and used at the intended maximal velocity across error. Furthermore, interventions ranged from 6 to 12 weeks; thus,
the sets. Therefore, it is possible that even greater differences in the present findings cannot be extrapolated to long-term adapta-
favor of RTNF would be observed if the included studies had used tions. In the study by Izquierdo et al. (25), the total duration of the
maximal velocity in their training groups, as observed in the study intervention was 16 weeks, but the last 4 weeks of the intervention
by Izquierdo-Gabárren et al. (26) investigating elite rowers. Dif- were similar between RTF and RTNF (i.e., tapering time). There-
ferent to maximal strength, sensitivity analyses did not show fore, we included only the results concerning the first 11 weeks.
distinct patterns of differences between RTF and RTNF in upper- Interestingly, differences in muscle power output in favor of the
body and lower-body limbs regarding muscle power gains, in- RTNF approach arose after the tapering period. The longer in-
cluding in the analysis of only jump power output. tervention study (i.e., 20 weeks) found in our literature search (57)
When considering separately the studies that assessed athletes was excluded because the data were from the same research as
and nonathletes, no differences between RTF and RTNF on other included study (53). In this study, no differences in muscle
maximal strength and power output gains were observed. Among strength and muscle size between the failure and nonfailure inter-
the 4 trials investigating sports athletes, 2 did not show differences ventions were observed after 20 weeks, regardless of the RT vol-
between RTF and RTNF in power output increase (9,25), and one ume (57). The low number of included studies in the muscle

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Meta-analysis on RT to Failure or Not (2021) 00:00

hypertrophy outcome is another limitation that should be men-

tioned. Another characteristic of this study that is worthy of will promote similar, or even greater (i.e., considering overall
mentioning is the training status of the study subjects. Except for analyses in nonequalized RT volumes), muscle strength and
studies assessing athletes, most of the studies addressed untrained power gains compared with RTF. Along with a possible ad-
subjects, and only one study assessed recreationally resistance- vantage in power and strength development, RTNF may al-
trained individuals. For muscle hypertrophy, e.g., all included low for a faster recovery after RT sessions and even prevent
studies enrolled untrained subjects. Therefore, care should be taken overuse injuries and overtraining potential in the long term.
when extrapolating our findings to well–resistance-trained indi- Considering nonathletes individuals, the approach should
viduals. Finally, some included studies assessed muscle power consider cardiovascular and injuries risks, time to train, and
output through vertical jump tests, and there is a substantial personal preference (i.e., some people may be more susceptible
problem with assessing power through vertical jump because to discomfort associated with muscle fatigue and can even
simply changing the jump strategy may induce changes in muscle worsen their exercise execution). Finally, RTF and RTNF
power (37). It is important to note that none of the aforementioned adaptations may be different after upper-body and lower-
limitations could be controlled by the authors of the current study. body exercises, and this should also be considered when pre-
This study also has its strengths. We implemented a rigorous scribing RT.
process to adhere to recommended practices in systematic reviews,
which included duplicate and independent procedures in all review
stages (except meta-analyses) and taking extra care to avoid du- Acknowledgments
plicating data generated by common study samples (a unit-of-
The authors thank the National Council for Scientific and
analysis error). Besides an update in the maximal dynamic strength
Technological Development (CNPq), the Coordination for the
outcomes, this is the first meta-analysis comparing the effects of
Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), and Research
RTF with RTNF on muscle hypertrophy and muscle power output.
Support Foundation of State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS). In
In addition, the consideration of RT volume (i.e., equalized and
addition, the authors thank the authors of the included manuscripts
nonequalized) allowed us to summarize the influence of RT volume
who answered our messages to provide additional data. Authors
on the adaptations because it is not feasible to determine possible
disclose that no funding was received for this work from any of the
differences between RTF and RTNF without considering the in-
following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Well-
fluence of RT volume. Moreover, many sensitivity analyses
come Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and
allowed us to assess some potential confounders, such as training
other(s). E.L. Cadore, A.F. Vieira, M. Izquierdo, and B.M. Baroni
status (i.e., athletes and nonathletes) and different muscle groups
conceived the research. A.F. Vieira and E.L. Cadore designed the
(i.e., upper-body and lower-body muscles).
study and performed the literature search. A.F. Vieira, E.L. Cadore,
In summary, RT performed until concentric failure did not
J.L. Teodoro, and S.C. Lisboa performed the selection of studies and
provide additional gains in maximal dynamic strength and
data extraction. A.F. Vieira, E.L. Cadore, and D. Umpierre worked
maximal power output, regardless of the training volume
on the data analyses. E.L. Cadore, A.F. Vieira, B.M. Baroni, J.L.
(i.e., equalized and nonequalized). In addition, there were sig-
Teodoro, S.C. Lisboa, D. Umpierre, and M. Izquierdo contributed in
nificant greater muscle strength and muscle power improvements
the manuscript writing and approved the manuscript.
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