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English 9- Week 2

Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: _______________________

Activity Number : _______1_____________ Date:__________________________________

Directions: Choose the correct modal verb for each sentence. Write your answers on a piece of pad
pad paper.

1. I think you (should, can, must) go out more and meet new people.

2. You (can’t, mustn’t, don’t have to) come with us if you don’t want to.

3. This is a secret between you and me, so we (can’t, must, mustn’t) tell anyone.

4. I feel miserable, so I (can, must, have to) stay at home tonight.

5. Drivers (can, should, must) fasten their seat belts and (don’t have to, can’t, mustn’t) use their mobile

phones while driving.

6. (Should, Can, Must) you please phone me in the evening?

7. To get a driving license, you (must, should, have to) be over 18 years old.

8. You (can, must, should) wear uniform when you’re in the army or else you will be

mistaken as NPA.

9. You (can’t, mustn’t, don’t have to) forget your sun cream. It’s going to be very hot!

10. I’m sorry but you (mustn’t, can’t, don’t have to) bring your dog in here. It’s forbidden.

English 9- Week 2

Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: _______________________

Activity Number : _______2 _____________ Date:___________________________________

Directions : Fill in the sentences with the correct modal verbs. Choose from CAN, MUST, HAVE TO,
SHOULD, OUGHT TO, CAN’T and MUSTN’T. Write your answers on the same answer

1. You _______________ look after your old parents.

2. He ________________ have studied more for the final exam and spend less time playing with the


3. _______________ I have a cup of tea, please?

4. You __________________ be polite to others.

5. Challenges _____________________ not keep us from achieving our dreams.

6. Before one talks about an issue, he/she _____________________ read about it first.

7. ________________ I stay with the group?

8. You ________________ park here ma’am. The parking lot is full.

9. You ________________ use Mandela’s speech to inspire the youth.

10. You __________________ make noise while the session is on-going.

English 9- Week 2

Name: _____________________________ Grade and Section: _______________________

Activity Number : _______3___________ Date:___________________________________

Directions : Which of the following modal verbs fit in the gaps below? Choose your answer from must or
mustn’t. Write your answers on the same answer sheet.

1. When you have a child in the house, you ___________ leave small objects lying around. You ________

always secure the place clean and free from clutters.

2. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. You ______ water them twice a day. You

_______ let them dry or else they will die.

3. Vegetables are important sources of nutrients including potassium, dietary fiber, folic acid and vitamins A

and C. Hence, you ________ eat vegetables daily. You _______ eat junk foods

4. Smoking is bad for one’s health. One _______ smoke. Smoking ______ be completely banned in our


5. Kindness is good for your heart as it releases feel-good hormones. Thus, we _______ be kind to others.

We _______ do anything that could hurt the feelings of others

English 9- Week 2

Name: _____________________________ Grade and Section: _______________________

Activity Number : _______4___________ Date:___________________________________

Directions: Look at these signs below and write down the rules, regulations or advice they give. Use any of
the modal verbs. The first one is done for you.

Sample Answers:

1. We mustn’t enter the construction area without permission, perhaps it’s dangerous. They only allow
authorized personnel to enter the area.

2. We can’t enter a site or a building which has a sign like this. It means that any person who is not
authorized personnel is not allowed to enter the area





2. _________________________________________




3. ________________________________________

English 9- Week 2

Name: ___________________________ Grade and Section: _______________________

Activity Number : _______5 __________ Date:___________________________________

Directions: Determine the function of the following modal verbs used in the sentences. Write your
answers on the same answer sheet.

A. Permission B. Obligation C. Prohibition

____________________1. We should pay taxes to the government.

____________________2. You ought to do your duty honestly.

____________________3. Can I go early today?

____________________4. You can’t smoke here.

____________________5. You can borrow my book if you want, Fiona.

____________________6. You can’t go to the beach dressed like that young lady!

____________________7. Mom, can I go with Henry to the school play?

____________________8. You mustn’t use a cell phone while inside the library.

____________________9. You must take the medicine daily.

____________________10. He should give up smoking if he wants to live longer.

English 9- Week 2

Name: ___________________________ Grade and Section: _______________________

Activity Number : _______6__________ Date:___________________________________

Directions: A. Choose the correct modal verbs for each sentence. Write your answers
on the same answer sheet.

1. We ___________ find life on another planet.

a. can b. can’t c. must d. mustn’t

2. In playing football, you ___________________ wear a helmet.

a. must b. can c. have to d. should

3. You ______________ be careful while driving.

a. can b. must c. should d. have to

4. He ___________________ be fluent in English to get the position.

a. should b. ought to c. can d. must

5. People with high cholesterol ________________ eat low-fat foods.

a. should b. ought to c. must d. have to

6. She ___________ be faithful to her husband.

a. should b. have to c. must d. ought to

7. We ________ complain the matter to the police.

a. must b. should c. have to d. ought to

8. She _________ to read four books for her literature class.

a. must b. ought to c. has to d. have to

9. We ________ drive too fast.

a. have to b. can’t c. mustn’t d. should

10. Ken and Liz ________ learn English words.

a. has to b. have to c. should d. ought to

B. Fill in the sentences using CAN’T or MUSTN’T. Write your answers on the same answer sheet.

1. I _______________ go out because my mother told me to clean up my room.

2. You _______________ pick up these flowers. Otherwise, my mother will get angry with you.

3. We ________________ drive over the speed limit to avoid accidents.

4. Doctors _______________ make mistakes or else they’ll face consequences.

5. I’m sorry but you ______________ stay here right now.

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