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Coordinate System

8 October, 2021 12:04 AM

Try to understand all values of a homogenous transformation matrix

Pesuacademy Questions
1. What are Homogenous coordinates
Answer: A 4 dimentional system that can unambiguosly represent vectors and points in a affine
2. Why is it required to convert objects from one vector space to another
Answer: A graphical view points keeps changing from object coordinates to screen coordinates,
camera coordinates to world coordinates and so on. To accomodate all the coordinate spaces within
one system a conversion mechanism is essential.
3. How do you represent a point and vector in homogenous coordinate space.
Answer: Point P = transpose of (a) * v + initial point (p0)
where a is a column matrix of scalar values and v is a comulm matrix that forms the basis and p0 is
the initial reference point for the vector space that is v
Vector can be represented as
w = transpose of (a) * v + 0
where a is a column matrix of scalar values and v is a comulm matrix that forms the basis


U2 - Geometric Obj^J Transform Page 1

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