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Chapter 15

Performance Based Seismic Engineering

Farzad Naeim, Ph.D., S.E.

Vice President and Director ofResearch and Development, John A. Martin & Associates, Inc., Los Angeles, California

Hussain Bhatia, Ph.D., P.E.

Senior Research Engineer, John A. Martin & Associates, Inc., Los Angeles, California

Roy M. Lobo, Ph.D., P.E.

Senior Research Engineer, John A. Martin & Associates, Inc., Los Angeles, California

Key words: Seismic Performance; Performance Based Design; Seismic Demand; Capacity; ADRS Spectrum; Target
Displacement; Performance Objectives; Push-over Analysis; Capacity Spectrum; Static Analysis; Nonlinear
Analysis; Damage Control; Life safety. Collapse Prevention; Immediate Occupancy

Abstract: Performance based seismic engineering is the modern approach to earthquake resistant design. Rather than
being based on prescriptive mostly empirical code formulations. performance based design is an attempt to
predict buildings with predictable seismic performance. Therefore, performance objectives such as life-
safety, collapse prevention, or immediate occupancy are used to define the state of the building following a
design earthquake. In one sense, performance based seismic design is limit-states design extended to cover
the complex range of issues faced by earthquake engineers. This chapter provides a basic understanding of
the promises and limitations of performance based seismic engineering. The state-of-the-art methodologies
and techniques embodied in the two leading guidelines on this subject (ATC-40 and FEMA 273/274) are
introduced and discussed. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the practical applications of the
methods discussed.

F. Naeim (ed.), The Seismic Design Handbook

© Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 759

15.1 INTRODUCTION uncertainties involved in both structural

performance and seismic hazard estimations.
The promise of performance-based seismic We discuss these issues first before exploring
engineering (PBSE) is to produce structures the philosophies and detailed requirements of
with predictable seismic performance. To turn the two most prominent PBSE guidelines
this promise into a reality, a comprehensive and available today. These guidelines are generally
well-coordinated effort by professionals from referred to by their short names: ATC_40(15-1)
several disciplines is required. and FEMA_273/274(15-2,15-3).
Performance based engineering is not new.
Automobiles, airplanes, and turbines have been 15.2 UNCERTAINTIES IN
designed and manufactured using this approach SEISMIC DESIGN AND
for many decades. Generally in such
applications one or more full-scale prototypes
of the structure are built and subjected to
Every structural system is designed to have
extensive testing. The design and
a seismic capacity that exceeds the anticipated
manufacturing process is then revised to
seismic demand. Capacity is a complex
incorporate the lessons learned from the
function of strength, stiffness and deformability
experimental evaluations. Once the cycle of
conjectured by the system configuration and
design, prototype manufacturing, testing and
material properties of the structure.
redesign is successfully completed, the product
A key requirement of any meaningful PBSE
is manufactured in a massive scale. In the
exercise is the ability to assess seismic demands
automotive industry, for example, millions of
and capacities with a reasonable degree of
automobiles which are virtually identical in
certainty. The recent popularity of PBSE has
their mechanical characteristics are produced
brought many state-of-the-art analysis and
following each performance-based design
design techniques into the mainstream of
earthquake engineering practice. Furthermore, it
What makes PBSE different and more
has opened the door for a multi-disciplinary
complicated is that in general this massive
approach to seismic design which involves
payoff of performance-based design is not
developers and building officials as well as
available. That is, except for large-scale
engineers and earth-scientists. These are very
developments of identical buildings, each
positive developments which are bound to
building designed by this process is virtually
improve the quality of earthquake resistant
unique and the experience obtained is not
directly transferable to buildings of other types,
The mere desire to produce structures with
sizes, and performance objectives. Therefore,
predictable seismic performance does not by
up to now PBSE has not been an economically
itself, however, turn PBSE into a reality. Many
feasible alternative to conventional prescriptive
uncertainties and gaps of knowledge have to be
code design practices. Due to the recent
dealt with before PBSE turns from a promise
advances in seismic hazard assessment, PBSE
into a reality. Structural engineering practice
methodologies, experimental facilities, and
has been able to produce structures which with
computer applications, PBSE has become
a few notable exceptions (i.e., welded steel
increasing more attractive to developers and
moment frame structures during the 1994
engineers of buildings in seismic regions. It is
Northridge earthquake) generally exceed
safe to say that within just a few years PBSE
performance expectations postulated by routine
will become the standard method for design and design analysis. Our capability to estimate the
delivery of earthquake resistant structures. ultimate seismic capacities and failure loads
In order to utilize PBSE effectively and
associated with a structure, however, at least
intelligently, one need to be aware of the
760 Chapter 15

ATe-38 Damage Database

Moderate None
15% 19%


Figure 15-1. Damage State in 530 Buildings within 15 km of epicenter Surveyed After the 1994 Northridge Earthquake

outside the academic research settings is fairly homes were surveyed and although more than
limited and not up to the standards needed for a 90 percent of the homes in the sample were old
reliable prediction of seismic performance. and built prior to the 1971 San Fernando Valley
For example, following the Northridge earthquake the cases of moderate to high
earthquake, the Applied Technology Council damage were infrequent (less than 2-percent).
conducted a survey of 530 buildings which Most occurrences of serious damage were
were located within 300 meters of strong- located in foundation systems and were
motion recording sites(l5-4). From the total of associated with localized site conditions such as
530 buildings which were located in the areas liquefaction, fissuring, and hillside slope
of strong shaking (San Fernando Valley, Santa failures. Here again, design analysis would
Monica, and West Los Angeles) with peak have predicted much larger damage percentage
ground acceleration in their vicinity ranging than the 2-percent number reported by Crandell.
from O.l5g to 1.78g, only 10 (less than two- Large uncertainties also exist in our
percent) showed heavy damage, a total of 78 estimates of design ground motion. For
buildings (about 15-percent) showed moderate example, median estimates of spectral
damage and 340· (64-percent) were marked by accelerations for a magnitude 7.0 event at
insignificant damage (Figure 15-1). If response rupture distance of 10 kID obtained from
of these buildings were predicted by standard various attenuation relations can vary by as
design analysis techniques, a far worse picture much as 50 percent(15-6). If the uncertainties
would have been predicted. associated with other source and regional
Crandell(15-5) performed a similar variables are also considered, the variance
statistically-based study of the seIsmIC could be significantly larger. Most attenuation
performance of residential buildings located relations are updated every few years (Figure
within a 1O-mile radius of the Northridge 15-3), indicating that there are still many things
earthquake epicenter (Figure 15-2). Three to be learned about the generation and
hundred forty one of the 375 randomly selected propagation of earthquake ground motion.
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 761






100 Rool

en Z o

Figure 15-2. Description of Damage During the 1994 Northridge Earthquake to Single Family Dwellings Within a 10 Miles
Radius of the Epicenter (data from Crandell, 1997)

4.00 ---_...-_.- .• --.-_. ------------.- ----.-- ...- - - .•. - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - _ . - .•-----


~ 2.50 +----:0=----=----------------•.. .-------::.....-
~ • +
~ 2.00+----,,--4--------------------------
> a :
3~ 1 . 5 0 + - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j cCAMPBELl (1993)
8 + CAMPBELL (1991R)
~ 1.oo+-..J°L-------------------j

.0. CAMPBELL (1989)

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00

Figure 15-3. Evolution of a Typical Attenuation Relation (Spectral velocity estimates are shown for a magnitude 7.0 event
at 5.0 kIn for a strike-slip fault)
762 Chapter 15

Another source of uncertainty is critical single event (Mexico, 1985). Clearly, this is
shortage of recorded earthquake ground motion one of the areas where more infonnation is
where they are needed .most. Despite the needed for perfonnance based design
tremendous growth in the number of earthquake Since PBSE is inherently multi-disciplinary
records during the past decade, the number of in nature, further educational efforts are also of
recordings from large earthquakes close by. vital importance in bringing PBSE to fruition
Figure 15_3(15-7) shows a bivariate histogram of by developing a common understanding of
horizontal components recorded in north and issues and a common PBSE language and
central America categorized by magnitude and vocabulary. Only a broad multi- disciplinary
epicentral distance, indicating practically no approach can succeed in reduction of
record of M >7.5 at distances less than 20 km. uncertainties, knowledge gaps, and common
All of the data for M>8 records come from a misunderstandings.

1" .
.. ,;,",'" ... .. ~..
; ······l· . .

.....1' )-·····1
,1' . .'
: ., •.
. ;. '" ... .
: ·····.. ~ ·'r···
,.! .

....1' .... : ..' ..!.... : :

. .... ~..... r···· -'.
rvJ·..] .. .A.:".
.... :........
", . '. . ;
:'" ..;:':- ... -'.
.. ..]
.. :"
. \' ~
....f... ... . .... :
:.~: : :
~ ~ .. '.' .......]
.,'. T···. ........
0 ' .. •

-1"'" ' .... ;--.. ...... ;
. .... : . ~ ~

: 0
': : .,-:
;..... : : ;
' •• ~ '1.. ' •. ~
'<." .) j:; '.~, :.
...!..... . { .
.... -}-.... -.. ~
.... \... [ .
:. ..···r
:. ," ....:: .. :

.. ..!.... j."

Figure 15-4. Distribution of Magnitude and Distance among Available Earthquake Records for North and Central America.
1933-1994 (M>S.S; PGA>O.OSg)
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 763

15.3ATC-40 8. Seismic Capacity: Determine the inelastic

capacity curve also known to pushover
curve. Covert to capacity spectrum.
15.3.1 Introduction 9. Seismic Hazard: Obtain a site specific
response spectrum for the chosen hazard
Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete level and convert to spectral ordinates
Buildings(l5-1) commonly referred to as ATC-40 (ADRS(15-S.l5-9.15-1O), see Section 15.3.6)
was developed by the Applied Technology format.
Council (ATC) with funding from the 10. Verify Performance: Obtain performance
California Safety Commission. Although the point as the intersection of the capacity
procedures recommended in this document are spectrum and the reduced seismic demand
for concrete buildings, they are applicable to in spectral ordinates (ADRS) format. Check
most building types. This document provides a all primary and secondary elements against
practical guide to the entire evaluation and acceptability limits based on the global
retrofit process using performance-based performance goal.
objectives. Although it is not intended for the 11. Prepare Construction Documents: Detail
design of new buildings, the analytical retrofit to conform to code requirements
procedures described in this document are and get analysis and design peer-reviewed
certainly applicable. and submit for plan check.
ATC-40 recommends the following steps 12. Monitor Construction Quality.
for the entire process of evaluation and retrofit: The performance-based roots of ATC-40 are
1. Initiation of a Project: Determine the essentially the same as FEMA-273and FEMA-
primary goal and potential scope of the 274, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic
project. Rehabilitation of Building(15-2. 15-3) and
2. Selection of Qualified Professionals: Select SEAOC's Vision 2000: Performance-Based
engineering professionals with a Seismic Engineering ofBuildings (I995P5-11).
demonstrated experience in the analysis,
design and retrofit of buildings in 15.3.2 Performance Objectives
seismically hazardous regions. Experience
with PBSE and non-linear procedures is A performance objective has two essential
also needed. parts - a damage state and a level of seismic
3. Performance Objective: Choose a hazard. Seismic performance is described by
performance objective from the options designating the maximum allowable damage
provided for a specific level of seismic state (performance level) for an identified
hazard. seismic hazard (earthquake ground motion). A
4. Review of Building Conditions: Perform a performance objective may include
site visit and review drawings. consideration of damage states for several
5. Alternatives for Mitigation: Check to see if levels of ground motion and would then be
the non-linear procedure is appropriate or termed a dual or multiple-level performance
relevant for the building under objective.
consideration. The target performance objective is split
6. Peer Review and Approval Process: Check into Structural Performance Level (SP-n, where
with building officials and consider other n is the designated number) and Non-structural
quality control measures appropriate to Performance Level (NP-n, where n is the
seismic evaluation and retrofit. designated letter). These may be specified
7. Detailed Investigations: Perform a non- independently, however, the combination of the
linear static analysis if appropriate. two determines the overall Building
Performance level.
764 Chapter 15

Structural Perfonnance Levels are defined • Reduced Hazards (NP·D): Extensive

as: damage to non-structural components but
• Immediate Occupancy (SP-l): Limited should not include collapse of large and
structural damage with the basic vertical heavy items that can cause significant
and lateral force resisting system retaining injury to groups of people..
most of their pre-earthquake characteristics • Not Considered (NP-E): Non-structural
and capacities. elements, other than those that have an
• Damage Control (SP.2): A placeholder for effect on structural response, are not
a state of damage somewhere between evaluated.
Immediate Occupancy and Life Safety. Combinations of Structural and Non-
• Life Safety (SP.3): Significant damage structural Perfonnance Levels to obtain a
with some margin against total or partial Building Perfonnance Level are shown in Table
collapse. Injuries may occur with the risk of 15-1.
life-threatening injury being low. Repair
may not be economically feasible. 15.3.3 Nonlinear Static Procedures
• Limited Safety (SP-4): A placeholder for a
state of damage somewhere between Life In Nonlinear Static Procedure, the basic
Safety and Structural Stability. demand and capacity parameter for the analysis
• Structural Stability (SP·5): Substantial is the lateral displacement of the building. The
Structural damage in which the structural generation of a capacity curve (base shear vs
system is on the verge of experiencing roof displacement Figure 15-5) defines the
partial or total collapse. Significant risk of capacity of the building uniquely for an
injury exists. Repair may not be technically assumed force distribution and displacement
or economically feasible. pattern. It is independent of any specific seismic
• Not Considered (SP-6): Placeholder for shaking demand and replaces the base shear
situations where only non-structural seismic capacity of conventional design procedures. If
evaluation or retrofit is perfonned. the building displaces laterally, its response
Non-structural Performance Levels are must lie on this capacity curve. A point on the
defined as: curve defines a specific damage state for the
• Operational (NP·A): Non-structural structure, since the deformation for all
elements are generally in place and components can be related to the global
functional. Back-up systems for failure of displacement of the structure. By correlating
external utilities, communications and this capacity curve to the seismic demand
transportation have been provided. generated by a specific earthquake or ground
• Immediate Occupancy (NP·B): Non- shaking intensity, a point can be found on the
structural elements are generally in place capacity curve that estimates the maximum
but may not be functional. No back-up displacement of the building the earthquake
systems for failure of external utilities are will cause. This defines the perfonnance point
provided. or target displacement. The location of this
• Life Safety (NP·C): Considerable damage perfonnance point relative to the perfonnance
to non-structural components and systems levels defined by the capacity curve indicates
but no collapse of heavy items. Secondary whether or not the perfonnance objective is
hazards such as breaks in high-pressure, met.
toxic or fire suppression piping should not
be present.
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 765

Table 15-1. Combinations of Structural and on- tructural Levels to fonn Building Perfonnance Levels (IS.I)
Bulldln Performance Levels
Structural Perfomwnce Levels
SP·] SP·2 SP·3 SP·4 SP·s SP-6
immediate Damage Lite Safety Limited Structural ot
Occupancy Control Salety Stablllty Co dered
(Ran e) Ran e


2-C 3-C
Life afe
2-D 3-D 4-D 5-D 6-D

3-E 4-E

I-------l Commonly referenced Building Performance Levels (SP-NP)

Other po ible combinations of SP-
ot recommended combinations of SP-NP

Thus, for the Nonlinear Static Procedure, a elements, which should be completely modeled
static pushover analysis is performed using a in the non-linear analysis. Secondary elements,
nonlinear analysis program for an increasing which do not significantly contribute to the
monotonic lateral load pattern. An alternative is building's lateral force resisting system, do not
to perform a step by step analysis using a linear need to be included in the analysis.
program. The base shear at each step is plotted
again roof displacement. The performance point Possible
is found using the Capacity Spectrum Point
Procedure[15-8,15-9,15-101 described in subsequent
sections. The individual structural components
are checked against acceptability limits that
depend on the global performance goals. The
nature of the acceptability limits depends on
specific components. Inelastic rotation is
typically one of acceptability parameters for
beam and column hinges. The limits on Immediate Life Structural
inelastic rotation are based on observation from Occupancy Safety Stability
tests and the collective judgement of the Roof Displacement, 41
development team.

15.3.4 Inelastic Component Behavior Figure 15-5. Building Capacity Curve

The key step for the entire analysis is In concrete buildings, the effects of
identification of the primary structural earthquake shaking are resisted by vertical
frame elements or wall elements that are
766 Chapter 15

connected to horizontal elements (diaphragms) and consistent with the general methodology
at the roof and floor levels. The structural should be used for the effects of the
elements may themselves comprise of an foundations.
assembly of elements such as columns, beam, The response parameters of foundation
wall piers, wall spandrels etc. It is important to elements are dependent on structural as well as
identify the failure mechanism for these geotechnical components. Spread footings
primary structural elements and define their elements, for example, might consist of a rigid
non-linear properties accordingly. The structural plate component model of the
properties of interest of such elements are concrete footing bearing on soil represented by
relationships between the forces (axial, bending geotechnical components with appropriate
and shear) and the corresponding inelastic force-displacement properties. Some generic
displacements (displacements, rotations, drifts). models for typical foundation elements and
Earthquakes usually load these elements in a acceptance criterion for structural components
cyclic manner as shown in Figure 15-6a. For of the foundations are provided in ATC-40.
modeling and analysis purposes, these There is a large degree of uncertainty
relationship can be idealized as shown in Figure associated with both strength and stiffness of
15-6b using a combination of empirical data, the geotechnical components. Thus, ATC-40
theoretical strength and strain compatibility. recommends enveloping analysis to determine
Using the component load-deformation data the sensitivity of seismic performance to
and the geometric relationships among foundation behavior (See Figure 15-8).
components and elements, a global model of Guidance in provided for representative
the structure relates the total seismic forces on a properties of normally encountered soil
building to it overall lateral displacement to materials that are based on limited initial
generate the capacity curve. During the investigations in ATC-40. If the analysis shows
pushover process of developing the capacity sensitivity to foundation behavior than more
curve as brittle elements degrade, ductile detailed investigations and tests of geotechnical
elements take over the resistance and the result properties may be warranted.
is a saw tooth shape that helps visualize the Geotechnical properties are very ductile and
performance. Once the global displacement failure is rarely encountered. Thus, deformation
demand is estimated for a specific seismic limits of geotechnical components are not
hazard, the model is used to predict the explicitly defined. However, deformation of
resulting deformation in each component. The geotechnical components may affect the
ATC 40 document provides acceptability limits deformation and acceptability of components in
for component deformations depending on the the superstructure. It should also be noted that
specified performance level. geotechnical components tend to accumulate
residual displacements. This tendency may
15.3.5 Geotechnical effects affect the acceptability of a structure for higher
performance objectives such as Immediate
The deformation and movement of the Occupancy. Soil structure interaction also has
foundations of a building can significantly beneficial affects such as lower demands on
affect the seismic response and performance of structural members due to base rotation, lower
structures. As the structural components are forces due to uplift and damping effects that
represented by non-linear load-displacement reduce demand on the superstructure.
relationships, analogous techniques compatible
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 767

Top Displacement (em)

-45 ·35 ·25 ·'5 ·5 5 '5 25 35 .5



~ 10
.3 -'
~ ·SO ~
Q> Q>
-' ·30




·1' ·10 -6 ·2 2 6 10 18
Top Displacement (Inches)

(a) Backbone curve from actual hysteretic behavior


Ductile Semi-ductile
(deformation controlled)

(force controlled)

(b) Idealized component behavior from backbone curves(15-1)

Figure 15-6. Idealized Component Force-Deformation Relationships

768 Chapter 15

Grade Beams

a. Spread Fooling Foundation

DislJibulCd Venical GCoteehni I Prooenies
VerticaJ bearing propertJ of oi I •
• omponent pacing along footing Icngth •

b. Element Model for Analysis

Figure 15-7. Shallow Foundation Model(t5-1)

Force Q


Displacement, d

Figure 15-8. Basic Force-Displacement Envelope for Geotechnical Components(15-1)

15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 769

15.3.6 Capacity Spectrum Method

One of the methods used to detennine the
perfonnance point is the Capacity Spectrum
Method(15-8,15-9,15-10), also known as the
Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectra
method (ADRS). The Capacity Spectrum Sa, .
Method requires that both the capacity curve L-_---+_ _+-_ T
and the demand curve be represented in To T;
response spectral ordinates. It characterizes the Standard Format (Sa vs T)

seismic demand initially using a 5% damped

Sa To
linear-elastic response spectrum and reduces the
spectrum to reflect the effects of energy
dissipation to estimate the inelastic
displacement demand. The point at which the
capacity curve intersects the reduced demand
curve represents the performance point at which
capacity and demand are equal. ADRS Format (Sa vs Sd)
To convert a spectrum from the standard Sa
(Spectra Acceleration) vs T (Period) format
found in the building codes(15-13) to ADRS Figure 15-9. Response Spectrum Conversion(15-1)
format, it is necessary to determine the value of
Sdi (Spectral Displacement) for each point on
the curve, Sai,.Ti This can be done with the (15-3)

Sd; =-'-2 Sa; g (15-1)
41l' (15-4)

Standard demand response spectra contain a

range of constant spectral acceleration and a Where al and PF I are the modal mass
second range of constant spectral velocity, Sv. coefficient and participation factors for the first
Spectral acceleration and displacement at natural mode of the structure respectively. £Pl.roof
period Ti are given by: is the roof level amplitude of the first mode.
The modal participation factors and modal
Sa; g =-Sv, Sd =-' Sv
r (15-2) coefficient are calculated as:
1; 21l' I

The capacity spectrum can be developed

from the pushover curve by a point by point (15-5)
conversion to the first mode spectral
coordinates. Any point Vi (Base Shear), 8; (Roof
Displacement) on the capacity (pushover) curve
is converted to the corresponding point Sai, Sdi
on the capacity spectrum using the equations:
770 Chapter 15

a = [t,<w.¢"l/g r the structure. The A-factor (called K'-factor in

ATC-40) is a modification factor to account for

I [ I
~ wJ g ~(Wj¢i~ ) / g]
(15-6) the extent to which the actual building
hysteresis is well represented by the bilinear
representation of the capacity spectrum (See
Table 15-3 and Figure 15-11).
Where Wi is the weight at any level i. The term {3o can be calculated using:
As displacement increase, the period of the
structure lengthens. This is reflected directly in {3 =_1 ED (15-8)
the capacity spectrum. Inelastic displacements o 4Jr Eso
increase damping and reduce demand. The
Capacity Spectrum Method reduces the demand Where ED is the energy dissipated by damping
to find an intersection with the capacity and Eso is the maximum strain energy. The
spectrum, where the displacement is consistent physical significance is explained in Figure 15-
with the implied damping. 11.
Bilinear representation of
Capacity Spectrum

-- --

Roof DisplaceIrent - 0 ~ ...


Capacity Curve
- Sa ,,,

E$o = MaxilD.1lIl Strain Energy

,I ----- -,~----
= Area of hatched triangle
I --
Spectral DisplaceIrent - Sd =Sa~Sd~/2
ED = Energy di ipated by da~ing
Capacity Spectrum = Area enclosed by hysteresis loop
= Area of shaded parallelogram
Figure 15-10. Capacity Spectrum Conversion(lS-I)

The damping that occurs when the structure

is pushed into the inelastic range can be viewed Figure 15-11. Derivation of Energy dissipated by
as a combination of viscous and hysteretic Damping(IS-I)
damping. Hysteretic damping can be
represented as equivalent viscous damping. To account for the damping, the response
Thus, the total effective damping can be spectrum is reduced by reduction factors SRA
estimated as: and SR v which are given by

(15-7) 1 3.21-0.681n({3eff)
SR = - =------"-- (15-9)
A Bs 2.12
Where {3o is the hysteretic damping and 0.05 is
the assumed 5% viscous damping inherent in
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 771

1 2.31-0.411n(l1. )
=-B =-----"-
L Spectral
Acceleration 2.5CA

Both SRA and SR v must be greater than or equal

to allowable values in Table 15-4.
The elastic response spectrum (5% damped)
is thus reduced to a response spectrum with
damping values greater than 5% critically
damped (See Figure 15-12). Note, the limits of
the spectral reduction factors are arbitrary and Reduced Response Spectrum
need farther study.
Spectral Displacement

Figure 15·12. Reduced Response Spectrum(lS.l)

Table 15-2. tructural Behavior T S(15.I)

There are three procedures described in

ATC-40 to find the perfonnance point. The
most transparent and most convenient for
Lon T B T C T programming is Procedure A. To find the
1. ee Section 4.5.2 of ATC-40 for criterion. perfonnance point using Procedure A the
2. Building whose primary elements make up an following steps are used:
essentially new lateral sy tem and little strength or 1. A 5% damped response spectrum
tiffness is contributed by non-complying elements.
3. Building whose primary elements are combination of appropriate for the site for the hazard level
existing and new elements. or beuer than average required for the perfonnance objective is
existing y tem . developed and converted to ADRS fonnat.
4. Building whose primary elements make up non- 2. The capacity curve obtained from the non-
complying lateral force ysterns with poor and
unreliable hy teretic behavior.
linear analysis is converted to a capacity
spectrum using Equations 15-3 and 15-4.
3. A trial perfonnance point Sapi' Sdpi is
Table 15-3. Values for Dam in Modification Value, A.
selected. This may be done using the equal
Structural A A.
displacement approximation (See Figure
Behavior ( rcent)
Type A S 16.25 1.0 15-13) or on the basis of engineering
<!:16.25 1.13-0.51 4. A bilinear representation of the capacity
(Sa,. Sd".-Sdy spectrum is developed such that the area
Sa ;)/ a Sd
under the capacity spectrum and the
TypeB 525 0.67
bilinear representation is the same. In the
<!: 25 0.845 - 0.446 case of a saw-tooth capacity spectrum, the
( ayS dp.-Sdy bilinear representation must be based on the
Sa;)I ;S; capacity spectrum that makes up the portion
T C An Value 0.33
of the composite capacity spectrum where
the perfonnance point Sapi, Sdpi occurs.
Table 15-4. Minimum Allowable Value for SRA and 5. The spectral reduction factors SRA and SR v
are computed using Equations 15-9 and 15-
Structural SRA SR v I
10 and the demand spectrum is reduced as
Behavior Type
TypcA 0.33 0.50
shown in Figure 15-12. The reduced
TvoeB 0.44 0.56 demand spectrum is plotted together with
TypeC 0.56 0.67 the capacity spectrum.
772 Chapter 15


Intersection point of reduced demand

spectrum and capacity spectrum

Capacity Spectrum

representation of
Sdy Sdpi Sdp
Spectral Displacement

Figure 15-13. Capacity Spectrum Procedure A to Determine Performance Point

6. If the reduced demand spectrum intersects 1. For the global building response, verify
the capacity spectrum at Sapi, Sdpi or if the a. The lateral force resistance has not
intersection point Sdp is within 5% of Sdpi , degraded by more than 20% of the peak
then this point represents the performance resistance.
point. b. The lateral drift limits satisfy the limits
7. If the intersection point does not lie within given in the Table 15-5.
acceptable tolerance (5% of Sdpi or other) 2. Identify and classify the different elements
then select another point and repeat Steps 4 in the building in the following types:
to 7. The intersection point obtained in Step beam-column frames, slab-column frames,
6 can used as the starting point for the next solid walls, coupled walls, perforated walls,
iteration. punched walls, floor diaphragms and
Procedure B is also an iterative method to foundations.
find the performance point, which uses the 3. Identify all primary and secondary
assumption that the yield point and the post elements.
yield slope of the bilinear representation, 4. For each element type, identify the critical
remains constant. This is adequate for most components and actions to check as
cases, however, in some cases this assumption detailed in Chapter 11 of ATC-40.
may not be valid. Procedure C is graphical 5. The strength and deformation demands at
method that is convenient for hand analysis. the performance point should be equal to or
less than the capacities detailed in Chapter
15.3.7 Checking Performance at Expected 11 of ATC-40.
Maximum Displacement 6. The performance of secondary elements
(such as gravity load carrying members not
Once the performance point Sap, Sdp (which part of the lateral load resisting system) are
are in spectral ordinates) is found, the base reviewed for acceptability for the specified
shear (Vp ) and roof displacement (Op) at the performance level.
performance point are found using Equation 15- 7. Non-structural elements are checked for the
3 and 15-4. The following steps should be used specified performance level.
in the performance check:
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 773

15.3.8 Other Considerations of the building is 10,540 kips. The pushover

curve determined for the building is given is
Other considerations that should be noted Table 15-6. The pushover (capacity) curve is
are converted into a capacity spectrum using
1. Torsion: For 3D models, the lateral load Equation 15-3 and 15-4. The demand for the
should be applied at the center of mass of building for the performance level desired is
each floor and the displacement plotted on determined to be Soil Type So with CA and Cv
the capacity curve should be for the center being 0.44 and 0.64 respectively. The demand
of mass for the roof. Use of 20 models spectrum is converted to ADRS format using
should be limited to building where the Equation 15-1.
torsional effects are sufficiently small such The demand and capacity spectrum are
that the maximum displacement at any plotted together as shown in Figure 15-14.
point is not more than 120% of the Using an equal displacement approximation,
displacement at the center of mass. the first trial performance point Sap!> Sdp1 is
2. For structure with long fundamental modes, selected. A bilinear representation is developed
higher mode effects may be more critical. such that the area under the capacity spectrum
Pushover analysis should be performed for is the same as the area under the bilinear curve.
additional mode shapes using Thus:
corresponding force distributions.
Sapl =0.36g Sdp1 = 5.5 in
Table /5-5 Defonnation Limits(lS-I) Say =0.31g Sdy =2.35 in
Perfonnance Limit
Inter tory Immediate Damage Life Structural
63.7A(SaySdpl -SdySa p[)
Drift Limit OCcuoancy Control Safety Stability
Maximum 0.01 0.01- 0.02 0.03
fJ eff = Sap1Sd p1
Total Drift 0.002 VIP,
Maximum 0.005 0.005 - No No = 14.11%
inelastic 0.015 Limit Limit
Drift A A of 0.33 is used for structural behavior
type C from Table 15-3. Thus, the spectral
15.3.9 Example reduction factors are calculated from Equations
15-9 and 15-10 as:
An example is provided of the procedure to
determine the performance point using the SR = 3.21-0.68ln(14.11) =0.665
Capacity Spectrum Method. This example A 2.12
reworked from numbers provided in the ATC-
40 document.
SR = 2.31-0.411n(14.11) =0.742 Building Description v 1.65
The example building is a seven-story
reinforced concrete building. The total weight

Table 15-6. Conversion of Pushover Curve to Caoacit' Soectrum (15 1)

Point V ~ v/w PF I .;'".,.,/ (Xl Sa Sd T( )
I (ldps) (in) (2) (IV
A 2200 2.51 0.209 1.31 0.828 0.254 1.92 0.88
B 2600 3.60 0.247 1.28 0.800 0.309 2.81 0.96
C 2800 5.10 0.266 1.35 0.770 0.346 3.78 1.06
D 3000 10.90 0.285 1.39 0.750 0.380 7.84 1.45
PF. and al change because the mode hape IS changmg as ytelding occur
774 Chapter 15

1.2 /
'f= 0.5 se s T 1.0 s !cs/

\ /



I 1/

T= 1. secs

~E( ilIal Di placer lent AI prox , ~~

. "<..-
.,' ,
. I'..
I -~

K I::'x
J>l 1 till
I / ~~
/ ~~~

I /
: J =2.0 ecs
"- ........ ~

--- ---

r-- t-- to--

I ~-

I ~~

, 1.\-
I .:.~
I ~.

, '/'~
~~~ -~-
0.2 , ,
I ,~~ --- -:""- \ apacit Spec umC rve

~~~ ~--
sa sa"p
o 2 '3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Spectral Displacement (inches)

Figure 15-14. Determination of the First Trial Performance Point

Using the spectral reduction factors, the

demand spectrum is reduced as per Figure 15- 63.7A.(Sa Sd p2 -Sd y Sa p2 )
12. The reduced spectrum is plotted together
f3 = y +5
<If Sa p2 Sd p2
with the capacity spectrum and the intersection
point is found (See Figure 15-15). The demand =14.37%
spectrum intersects the capacity spectrum at a
spectral displacement of 6.1 inches. As this The new spectral reduction factors are
displacement is not with 5% of the first trial calculated from Equations 15-9 and 15-10 as:
displacement of 5.5 inches.
A new trial performance point must be SR = 3.21-0.681n(l4.37) = 0.659
chosen and the process repeated. The second A 2.12
trial point may be chosen as the intersection
from the previous iteration. However, in this
example, the second trial performance point is SR = 2.31-0.4lln(14.37) =0.738
chosen by engineering judgement at a spectral v 1.65
displacement of 5.9 inches. A new bilinear
representation is constructed and the process A new reduced demand spectrum is plotted
repeated: and a new intersection point is obtained. As
seen in Figure 15-17, the intersection point is at
Sa p2 = 0.365g Sdp2 = 5.9 in a spectral displacement of 6.0 inches. As this
Say = 0.305g Sdy = 2.3 in intersection is within 5% of the second trial
point, the demand spectral displacement is 6.0
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 775

1[= 0.5 se s n 1.0s s, ,
I ,
\ ,,


T= I. sees
Vi ~
DGma ~dSpe

I trum ~

,, ~
I ~~~
I ~

,, K

,., 11

V ~~
I ~~

-- -- --
~ecfi n Poi

- ---
=2.0 ~es
, I'... ~

r--...... r.::--.: -- - ---

"""" -- r--
V """"'"
I :~
I ~~

-- -~ .....
--- ---
IlL -- --- ---
I ~

I ~~~


o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Spectral Displacement (inches)

Figure 15-15. Determination of Intersection Point and Comparison with the First Trial Performance Point

1.2 ,
/T= 0.5 se s T 1.0 se ~s/,
\ ,,

\ ,,

T= 1. sees

I -~
I ~-~
I ,, ~


, " K jeCono Iln<ll


I ~~


~ t"--. =2.0 ~es_
, ~

........ ~ -- --

V l--""'"
., , ~~'\

--- --- --- t-- r-- r--

I ~~,

I ' j
I ~~~

V .

--- ---
I ~
, . . -1 \1 apaeil Spec umC ve

I .;.~ I
:';: ....:-' I
o 'Jay Ja p
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Spectral Displacement (inches)

Figure 15-16. Determination of Second Performance Point

776 Chapter 15

1.2 /
,t[= 0.5 se s T= 1.0 se s/

\ /


I /
I /
I /
. . ....
T - I. sees

'v'\V ~
N .tIfed I ~rnanc Specu urn

.... ....
""/ ~. .
I /
I /


I ~r..v)J1
iklrrPc 'nt
- ---

/ =2.0 sees

/ ~
"""'"'- :>-.;;
V --- ...... ;x;...::: r--

--- ---

....... [);: '><.: ~ r---

0.2 I /. ........
--- ---
--- \ apaei IYSpec ~urnC llrve

~ -- ---
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Spectral Displacement (inches)

Figure 15-17. Determination of Final Performance Point

The actual roof displacement at the

performance point is calculated from Equation 15.3.10 Recent Advances in the Capacity
15-4. The modal participation factor is used by Spectrum Method
linear interpolation from Table 15-6.
In recent publications it has been reported
0, = PF1 ·tjJ'OO!,1 xSd p
by Chopra and Goel('5-'4,15-15) that the Capacity
Spectrum Method as described in ATC-40 does
= 1.35x6.0 =8.1 inches
not produce conservative estimates of inelastic
peak displacements when compared to inelastic
Similarly, the base shear can be found from the
response spectrum analysis. It has also been
spectral acceleration at the performance point
by using Equation 15-3. The modal mass reported that the ATC-40 procedures are
deficient relative to even the elastic design
coefficient can be found by linear interpolation
spectrum in the velocity and displacement
from Table 15-6.
sensitive regions of the spectrum. An improved
method has been suggest by Chopra and
V p /W =a 1 xSa p
Goel('5-'5) which makes use of inelastic spectra
= 0.76x0.365 = 0.277 using any of three Ry-I1-T equations (Newmark
and HaU(15-16), Krawinkler and Nassar(l5-'7) and
The element capacities are checked for the Vidic, Fajfar and Fischinger(l5.18»). In this
building at this performance point as detailed in improved Capacity Spectrum Method, the
Section 15.3.7. capacity and the constant ductility design
spectra are plotted in ADRS format. The
capacity spectrum intersects the demand
spectrum for several values of ductility J1.. The
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 777

deformation at the performance point is given performance levels are similar to those defined
by the one intersection point where the ductility in ATC 40 (See Section 15.3.2).
factor calculated from the capacity spectrum FEMA-273 defines ground motion hazard
matches the value associated with the levels in a probabilistic basis. Four ground
intersected demand spectrum. motion hazard levels are defined
Another method for determining the
performance point is suggested by Fajfar(l5-19). Earthquake Probability Mean Return
Here the ductility demand is determined using of Exceedence Period (years)
the equal displacement rule and the inelastic 50% in 50 years 72
design spectra. Another variant of the Capacity 20% in 50 years 225
Spectrum method called the Yield Point BSE-l 10% in 50 years 474
Spectra(15-20) has recently been suggested. Here BSE-2 2% in 50 years 2,475
the yield displacement is plotted on the abscissa
instead of the spectral displacement and Ry-p-T Where BSE is the Basic Safety Earthquake. The
relations or exact computations are used instead broad range of performance objectives
of equivalent viscous damping. recommended for a given earthquake hazard
levels are shown in Table 15-7
15.4FEMA 273 and 274
. O'
- . Rehab ifItatJon
Tabl e J57 . (15..2)
BuJldin!! Performance Levels
15.4.1 Introduction Ql Gi 'i
;. ;.
;. Ql
<II .=s
NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic caI: ~ t!C
= .;Cl:~
<II >, I:
... U
Rehabilitation of Buildings (FEMA-273)(l5-2) 0
"t:I CIS

and the associated commentary (FEMA-274)(l5- f--- ~ VJ 0 s~~
~~ .§~ll? ~'f: -0 ~
3) was developed by the Building Seismic oe oe ;:je:t~ Q.,Q.

Safety Council (BSSC) with subcontractors - 50%150

;. a b c d
American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) yrS
.=s 20%150
and the Applied Technology Council (ATC) 'E e f g h
with the funding provided by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The ~
10%150 i j k I
primary purpose of FEMA-273 was to provide ~CI" yrs
technically sound and nationally acceptable BSE-2
guidelines for the seismic rehabilitation of ~ 2%/0 m n 0 p
&l vrs
buildings. Although the document was written I

k+p =Basic Safer YOb'~ ctive

with the objective of performance based retrofit
k+p+any of a. e i or m; or b. f. j. or n = nhanced
of existing structures, the procedures described Objective
therein are equally applicable for new design. o = Enhanced Objectives
Unlike the ATC-40 document, these k a10n or palone = Limited Objective
c, g, d. h = Limited Objectiv
recommendations are applicable to all building
materials and define acceptability limits for
linear as well as non-linear analysis. From Table 15-7, it is clear that FEMA-273
The basic procedure is similar to that specifies a two-level design to achieve the
recommended in ATC-40. The owner decides Basic Safety Objective (BSO), Life Safety
the performance object that needs to be Performance Level for BSE-I demands and
achieved. The engineer then designs the retrofit Collapse Prevention Level for BSE-2 demands.
or new structure to achieve the performance However, for new structures it is possible to
objective. The definitions of the basic control ductility and configuration of the design
778 Chapter 15

to an extent that will pennit those structures increase in the relative defonnation between the
designed to achieve Life Safety Perfonnance connected components.
Level for a BSE-l level earthquake to also
avoid collapse for much larger events. Horizontal Torsion
Two sets of earthquake hazard maps are In addition to the actual eccentnclues
distributed with FEMA-273 and 274. One set between the centers of mass and centers of
provide key response acceleration for the rigidity, a additional accidental torsional
Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) moment should be included which may be
which in most areas represents a 2%/50 years produced by including a horizontal offset in the
exceedence level. The other uses 10%/50 years centers of mass equal to a minimum of 5% of
exceedence probability. Thus, it is possible to the horizontal dimension at a given floor level.
obtain a BSE-l and BSE-2 level spectra from For buildings with rigid diaphragms, the
these maps. effects of torsion must be included when the
maximum displacement at any point in a
diaphragm exceeds the average displacement in
15.4.2 Mathematical Modeling that diaphragm by more than 10%. For linear
analysis, the effect of accidental torsion is
FEMA-273 provides four analysis amplified by a factor Ax:
procedures for systematic design and
rehabilitation of buildings. The Linear Static 2

(LSP) and Linear Dynamic Procedures (LDP) A = Omu (15-11)

are linearly elastic analysis, which may include x ( 1.20avg )

geometric non-linearity. Also some material

non-linearity is also introduced by use of Where 8max and Oavg are the maximum and
cracked properties for concrete and masonry average displacements in a diaphragm. Ax is
components even though the analysis is linear. greater than 1 and not greater than 3.
In the Nonlinear Static (NSP) and Nonlinear If 1] =8max!Oavg is greater than 1.5, then a
Dynamic Procedures (NDP) material non- three-dimensional analysis is required. For two-
linearity is included in the analysis. dimensional analysis subject to this limitation,
the effect of torsion can included for LSP and Basic Assumptions LDP by increasing the design forces and
In general, a three dimensional analysis displacement by 1]. For NSP, the target
consisting of an assembly of elements and displacement is increased by 1] and for NDP the
components is recommended. Three- amplitude of the ground acceleration record is
dimensional analysis is required when the increased by 1].
building has plan irregularities and when
torsional effects cannot be ignored or indirectly Primary and Secondary Elements
captured. Primary elements are key parts of the
For buildings with flexible diaphragms, the seismic framing system required in the design
diaphragms may be individually modeled and to resist earthquake effects. These must be
analyzed as two-dimensional assemblies of evaluated to resist earthquake forces as well as
components and elements or three-dimensional gravity loads if required. Secondary elements
models with flexible elements. are not designed to be part of the lateral force
Explicit modeling of connections is not resisting system but must be evaluated to ensure
required if the connection is stronger than the they can simultaneously sustain earthquake
connected components or when the deflection induced defonnation and gravity loads.
of the connection does not cause a significant For linear analysis procedures, the
secondary elements must not constitute more
15. Peifonnance Based Seismic Engineering 779

than 25% of the total stiffness of the primary

elements at any level and may not be included
in the analysis. For nonlinear procedures, the
stiffness of the primary as well as the secondary
elements must be included in the model.
Additionally, the stiffness of non-structural
elements must not exceed 10% of the total
lateral stiffness of any story. If this is exceeded,
then the non-structural elements must be
included in the model. onUnear Procedures
Deformation ICX Deformation and Force Controlled Capacity- Deformation
Elements Existin Element limit
Deformation Deformation
Elements can be classified as either
Capacity - ew limit
deformation controlled or force controlled. A Element
deformation controlled element is one that has Strength Capacity fA ICQCL
an associated deformation that is allowed to - Existing
exceed yield value, that is, the maximum Element
Strength Capacity fA ICQa.
associated deformation of the element is limited - ew Element
by the ductility of the element. A force IC= Knowledge factor
controlled element is one where the maximum m =Demand Modifier for expected ductility
associated displacement is not allowed to QCE = Expected trength
Qa. = Lower Bound Estimate of trength
exceed yield value. Elements with limited
ductility shall be considered to be force
controlled. See Table 15-8 for calculation of
element capacities used to compare with Diaphragms
Diaphragms transfer earthquake induced
inertial loads to the vertical elements of the Stiffness and Strength Assumptions
seismic framing system. Connection between
Element and component stiffness properties
the diaphragms and the vertical elements of the
and strength assumptions for most material
lateral load resisting system must have
types are provided in FEMA-273. Guidelines
sufficient strength to transfer the maximum
for structural and foundation elements are also
calculated inertial loads. Diaphragms may be
provided. These are similar to those provided in
flexible, stiff or rigid. Flexible diaphragms are
those where the maximum lateral deformation
of the diaphragm is more than twice the average Foundation Modeling
inter-story drift of the story below the
Foundation modeling assumptions are
diaphragm. Rigid diaphragms are those where
similar to ATC-40 (See Section 15.3.5). The
the maximum lateral deformation of the
foundation system may be included in the
diaphragm is less than half the average inter-
model for analysis with stiffness and damping
story drift of the associated story. Diaphragms
properties as defined in Chapter 4 of FEMA-
that are neither rigid nor flexible can be
273. Otherwise, unless specifically prohibited,
considered to be stiff.
the foundation may be assumed to rigid and not
Mathematical models of buildings with stiff
included in the model.
or flexible diaphragms must consider the effect
of diaphragm flexibility. For buildings with
flexible diaphragms at each floor level, the
780 Chapter 15

vertical lines seismic framing may be designed Multidirectional Effects

independently with seismic masses assigned on Buildings should be designed for seismic
the basis of tributary areas. forces in any horizontal direction. For regular
buildings, seismic displacements and forces P-Delta Effects may be assumed to act non-concurrently in the
For linear procedures, at each story the direction of each principle axis of the building.
quantity 8j shall be computed for each direction For buildings with plan irregularities and
of response as follows: buildings with intersecting elements,
multidirectional effects must be considered. An
II PD. acceptable procedure is use of 100% of the
u.=-'-' (15-12)
, V; hi seismic force in one horizontal direction and
30% of the seismic force in the perpendicular
direction. Alternately SRSS may be used to
Where P j is the portion of the total weight of
combine forces in orthogonal directions.
the structure including dead, permanent line and
Vertical excitation of horizontal cantilevers
25% of the transient live loads acting on the
and pre-stressed elements must be considered.
columns and load bearing walls. Vj is the total
Vertical shaking characterized by a spectrum
calculated shear force, hi is the story height and
with ordinates equal to 67% of those of the
D; is the lateral drift in the direction under
horizontal spectrum is acceptable where site-
consideration at story i.
specific data is not available.
For linear procedures, the story drifts Di
must be increased by 1/(1- 8i ) for evaluation of Load Combinations
the stability coefficient, 8j • Therefore, the
The component gravity loads to be
process is iterative. If the stability coefficient, 8;
considered for combination with seismic loads
is less than 0.1, the static P-Delta effects are
small and can be ignored. If the stability
When effects of gravity and seismic loads are
coefficient, 8j is greater than 0.33, the structure
is unstable. If it lies between 0.1 and 0.33 than
the seismic forces at level i must be increased
by 1/(1- 8;).
For non-linear procedures, these second
order effects must be directly included in the When the effects of gravity counteract seismic
model by use of geometric stiffness of all loads
elements subject to axial loads. Dynamic P-
Delta effects are included in the LSP and NSP (15-14)
by use of Coefficient C3 (See Section
and Where QD, QL and Qs are dead, live and snow
loads respectively. Effective live loads may be Soil Structure Interaction assumed to be 25% of the unreduced live load
Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) may modify but not less than measured live loads. Effective
the seismic demand on the structure. To include snow loads are 70% of the full design snow
SSI, one may use the effective fundamental loads or an approved percentage by a regulatory
period and effective damping ratios of the agency.
foundation-structure system to compute seismic Combination with earthquake loads is
demand or explicitly model SS!. SSI effects discussed in subsequent sections. Note such
shall not be used to reduce component and load combinations are relevant for linear
element actions by more than 25%. analysis. Non-linear analysis is not conducive
to checking both of the above load
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 781

combinations and therefore only the critical Where d w and Ai are in-plane wall and
load combination (by inspection) may be used. diaphragm displacements in inches due to a
lateral loads in the direction under
15.4.3 Analysis Procedures consideration equal to the weight tributary
to the diaphragm. For multiple span
diaphragms, a lateral load equal to the Linear Static Procedure gravity weight tributary to the span under
In this procedure a linear elastic model is consideration can be applied to each span to
used in the analysis with an equivalent damping calculate a separate period for each
that approximates values expected for loading diaphragm span. The period so calculated
near the yield point. A pseudo-lateral load is that maximizes the pseudo lateral load is to
computed as shown in the following section and be used for the design of all walls and
applied to the model. The resulting forces and diaphragm spans in the building.
displacements in the elements are then checked The total pseudo lateral load, V in a given
against capacities modified to account for horizontal direction is detennined as
inelastic response demands.
(15-17) Pseudo Lateral Load
To compute the pseudo lateral load, the Where
fundamental period must be first detennined. C1 = Modification factor to relate expected
The period may be detennined by one of the maximum inelastic displacements to
following methods: displacements calculated for the linear elastic
1. Eigenvalue value analysis of the building. response. C1 can be calculated as in Section
For buildings with flexible diaphragms, the with the elastic base shear substituted
model must consider representation of for Vy • Alternatively C1 may be calculated as
diaphragm flexibility unless it can be follows
shown that the effects of the omission will C1=1.5 for T < 0.10 secs
not be significant. C1=1.0 for T~ To secs
2. Use of the following equation Linear interpolation can be used to calculate C1
for intennediate value of T.
T =C h
I n
3/4 (15-15) T = Fundamental period of the building in the
direction under consideration. For SS!, the
Where T is the fundamental period in effective fundamental period should be used.
seconds under the direction under To = Characteristic period of the response
consideration and hn is the height above the spectrum, defined as the period associated with
base to the roof. the transition from the constant acceleration
Ct = 0.035 for steel moment resisting segment of the spectrum to the constant
frames. velocity segment of the spectrum
Ct = 0.030 for moment resisting frame C2 = Modification factor to represent the effect
system of concrete and eccentrically braced of stiffness degradation and strength
steel frames. deterioration on the maximum displacement
Ct = 0.020 for all other framing systems. response. Values for different framing for
Ct = 0.060 for wood buildings. different perfonnance levels are listed in Table
3. For one-story buildings with flexible 15-9. Linear interpolation can be used to
diaphragms: calculate C2 for intennediate value of T.
C3 = Modification factor to represent the
(15-16) increased displacement due to dynamic P-Delta
effect. This effect is in addition to P-Delta
782 Chapter 15

described in Section For values of 0

less than 0.1, C3 may be set equal 1.0. For (15-19)
values of 0 greater than 0.1, C3 shall be
calculated as 1+5(O-Q.l)/T. The maximum
value of 0 for all stories shall be used to
calculate C3• k = 1.0 for T :::; 0.5 second
Sa = Response spectrum acceleration at the = 2.0 for T ~ 2.5 second
fundamental period and damping ratio of the Linear interpolation is used to estimate values
building in the direction under consideration. of k for intennediate values of T. Cvx is the
W = Total dead load and anticipated live load vertical distribution factor, V is the pseudo
as indicated below: lateral load from Equation 15-17, Wi is the
• In storage and warehouse occupancies, a weight of level i, W x is the weight of the
minimum of 25% of the floor live load, building of any level x, hi is height from the
• The actual partition weight or minimum base to floor level i and hx is height from the
weight of 10 psf of floor area, whichever is base to floor level x.
greater, Floor diaphragms are designed to resist the
• The applicable snow load, inertial forces developed at the level under
• The total weight of pennanent equipment considerations and the horizontal forces
and furnishings. resulting from offsets or changes in stiffness in
the vertical seismic framing elements above and
Vertical distribution of the base shear V is below the diaphragm. The diaphragm inertial
done by the following: force Fpx at level x is given by

Fx =CvxV (15-18) F
= ccck,n
1 ~F3- (15-20)
1 2 3 i=x ~

Table 15-9. Values of Modification Factor C2(15.2)

Where Fi is the lateral load applied at floor
Perfonnance level i as given by Equation 15-18.
The base shear, vertical distribution and
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 forces on the diaphragms for the LSP is not
OCcu anc
Life unlike current codes, however force levels and
1.3 1.0 1.1 1.0
Safer acceptance criterion for the elements in the
Collapse lateral load resisting systems depend on the
1.5 1.0 1.2 1.0
Prevention desired perfonnance level.
Framing Type 1 =Structures in which more than 30% of
the story shear any level is resisted by components or
elements whose strength and stiffness deteriorate during Acceptance Criteria to satisfy
the design earthquake. Such elements and components Performance Point requirements
include: ordinary moment-resisting frames, concentrically The design forces shall be calculated as per
braced frames, frames with partially restrained the following:
connections, tension only braced frames, unreinforced For Defonnation-Controlled Elements -
masonry walls, shear-critical walls and piers, or any
combination of the above.
Framing Type 2 =All frames not assigned to Framing (15-21)
Type 1
For Force-Controlled Elements -
J5. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 783

273 together with the demand modifiers, m, for

QUF =QG- QE (15-22)
CCCJ each performance level.
I 2 3 Linear Dynamic Procedure

The basis, modeling approaches and
QUF =QG- QE (15-23) acceptance criterion for the Linear Dynamic
I 2 3 Procedure (LOP) is similar to those described
for LSP. The main exception is that the
Where QUD and QUF are the demands due to response is obtained from either a linearly
gravity and earthquake forces for deformation elastic response spectrum or a time-history
and force controlled elements respectively. QE analysis. As with LSP, LOP will produce
is the demand due to the earthquake forces displacements that are approximately correct,
described in the previous section and J is the but will produce inertial forces that exceed
force delivery reduction factor given by: those that would be obtained in a yielding
J =1.0+ Sxs (15-24) The response spectrum method uses peak
modal responses calculated from an eigenvalue
J cannot exceed 2 and Sxs is the short period analysis of a mathematical model. The time
spectral acceleration parameter for the design history method involves a time-step by time-
spectrum. Alternately, J can be taken as the step evaluation of the building response using a
smallest demand capacity ratio of the discretized record or synthetic record as base
components in the load path delivering force to motion input. In both the methods, only modes
the component in question. contributing significantly to the response need
The capacities of elements must be checked to be considered. In the response spectrum
against the demands as follows: analysis, modal responses are combined using
For Deformation-Controlled elements - rational methods to estimate total building
response quantities.
(15-25) Ground Motion
The ground motion can be characterized by
For Force-Controlled elements -
either a linearly elastic response spectrum
which may be site specific or a ground
acceleration time history which may be
recorded or synthesized. In both cases, the
Where QCE and QCL are the expected and lower ground motion must be appropriately scaled to
bound strength of the element or component reflect the hazard level that is associated with
respectively. m is the demand modifier to the performance level desired (See Table 15-7)
account for the deformation associated with
demand at the selected performance level. 1( is Response Spectrum Method
the knowledge factor to account for uncertainty All significant modes must be included in
in capacity evaluations. A value of 0.75 is used the response spectrum analysis such that at least
for 1( when only a minimum knowledge is 90% seismic mass participation is achieved in
available and a value of 1.0 can be used when each of the building's principle directions.
comprehensive knowledge is available for the Modal damping must reflect the damping
element or component in question. inherent in the building at the deformation
The capacities that need to be checked levels less than yield deformation.
against demands for each element type and The peak member forces, displacements,
material are listed in Chapters 5 to 8 in FEMA- story forces, shears and base reactions for each
784 Chapter 15

mode should be combined using SRSS (square displacement is reached or the building
root sum of squares) or CQC (complete collapses. The target displacement is intended
quadratic combination). It should also be noted to represent the maximum displacement likely
that the directivity of the forces is lost in the to be experienced during the design earthquake.
response spectrum analysis and therefore the The nonlinear effects are directly included in
combination of forces must reflect this loss. the model and therefore the calculated inertial
Multidirectional effects should also be forces are reasonable approximations of those
investigated when using the response spectrum expected during the design earthquake.
analysis. The target displacement can be calculated
by any procedure that accounts for nonlinear Time History Method response on displacement amplitude as well as
All the requirements for response spectrum damping effects at the performance point. One
analysis are also identical for the time history such procedure called the Displacement
analysis. Response parameters are computed for Coefficient Method is described in FEMA 273.
each time history analysis. If 3 pairs of time ATC-40 also includes this method as an
histories are used, the maximum response of the alternative method of finding the performance
parameter of interest shall be used for the point. The advantage of this method over the
design. If seven or more pairs of time histories Capacity Spectrum procedure is it simplicity.
are used, the average response (of the maximum The modeling requirements for NSP are
of each analysis) of the parameter of interest is similar to those described in ATC-40. The
to be used. pushover analysis is performed and a curve
Multidirectional effects can be accounted by relating the base shear force and the lateral
using a three dimensional mathematical model displacement of the control node are established
and using simultaneously imposed pairs of between 0 and 150% of the target displacement,
earthquake ground motions along each of the 4. Acceptance criterion is based on the forces
horizontal axes of the building. and deformation corresponding to the
displacement of the control node equal to 4. Acceptance Criteria to satisfy The analysis model must be sufficiently
Performance Point requirements discretized to represent the load-deformation
The acceptance criterion for LOP is similar response of each element or component.
to that described for LSP. However, all Particular attention needs to be paid to
deformations and force demands obtained from identifying locations of inelastic action along
either the response spectrum or the time history the length of element or component. Thus, local
analysis must be multiplied by the product of models of elements or assemblages of elements
the modification factors C[, C2 and C3 • Force need to be studied before embarking on the
demands on elements of the floor diaphragm global models.
need not be increased by these factors. The
seismic forces on the diaphragm obtained in the Control Node
analysis must not be less than 85% than those The control node is usually the center of
obtained in LSP (See Equation 15-20). mass of the roof of the building. The top of the
penthouse should not be considered to be the Nonlinear Static Procedure roof. As the displacement of the control node is
In the Nonlinear Static Procedure (NSP) the compared with the target displacement, the
nonlinear load-deformation characteristics of choice of the control node is very important.
individual elements and components are
modeled directly. The mathematical model of Lateral Load Patterns
the building is subjected to monotonically The lateral load should be applied to
increasing lateral load until a target building in profiles that approximately bound
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 785

the likely vertical and horizontal distribution of

the inertial force in an earthquake. At least two Bilinear representation of
Pushover Curve
vertical distributions of lateral loads must be
considered with NSP. Note use of only one load Base Shear
pattern may not identify potential deficiencies
in the building.
The two lateral load patterns that are
recommended are O.6Vy
1. Uniform Load Pattern: Here the lateral load
may be represented by values of Cvx as
given by Equation 15-19.
2. Modal Pattern: Here the lateral load pattern Roof DisplacelreDl
is consistent with story shear distribution in
a response spectrum analysis where there is Figure 15-18. Calculation of Effective Stiffness K. (15·2)
at least 90% mass participation and the
appropriate ground motion is used.
Other appropriate load patterns substantiated by Target Displacement
rational analysis may be substituted for the Using the Displacement Coefficient Method
above. the target displacement can be computed as: Period Determination (15-28)

The effective fundamental period, Te in the
direction considered can be computed using the
pushover curve obtained in the NSP. A bilinear Where
representation of the pushover curve is Co = Modification factor to relate the spectral
constructed to estimate the effective lateral displacement and likely building roof
stiffness, Ke, and the yield strength of the displacement. Co can be calculated using one of
building, Vy • The effective lateral stiffness can the following
be taken as the secant stiffness calculated at a 1. The first modal participation factor at the
base shear force equal to 60% of the yield level of the control node.
strength (See Figure 15-18). 2. The modal participation factor at the level
The effective fundamental period, Te is of the control node calculated using a shape
computed as: vector corresponding to deflected shape of
the building at the target displacement.

r =rJK,K (15-27)
3. The appropriate value from Table 15-10.
CI = Modification factor to relate maximum

• I

inelastic displacements to displacements

calculated for linear elastic response. CI may be
Where Ti and K i are the initial elastic calculated as follows:
fundamental period in seconds and initial
stiffness of the building in the direction under Table 15·10. Values for Modification factor Co(Is-2)
considered. Number or Stories Modification Factor
It is obvious that to determine the effective 1 1.0
2 1.2
fundamental period, Te , and the target
3 1.3
displacement, 8" the pushover curve for the 5 1.4
building is needed. 10+ 1.5
L Linear interpolation hould be u d to calculate
intermediate valu
786 Chapter 15

C1=1.0 for Te ~ To Equation 15-28 can be used to determine this

C1=[1.0 + (R-I) ToITe]/R for Te < To target displacement using the effective
fundamental period of the line of vertical
Values for C1 need not exceed those given for framing. The general procedures described for
LSP (See Section and in no case is NSP are to be used for each line of vertical
C1 taken less than 1.0. framing with masses assigned to the
To = Characteristic period of the response mathematical model on the basis of tributary
spectrum, defined as the period associated with area.
the transition from the constant acceleration For stiff diaphragms, which are neither rigid
segment of the spectrum to the constant no~ flexible, any rational procedure can be used
velocity segment of the spectrum. to determine target displacements. An
R = Ratio of the elastic strength demand to acceptable procedure is to multiply the target
calculated yield strength coefficient. R can be displacement obtained from Equation 15-28 by
computed as the ratio of the maximum displacements at any
point on the roof to the displacements of the
R=~_I center of mass of the roof, both computed by a
Vy/W Co response spectrum analysis of a 3-D model of
the building using a design response spectrum.
The target displacement thus computed may not
Where W is the dead weight and anticipated live
be less than those obtained from Equation 15-
as computed for LSP (See Section
28 assuming rigid diaphragms. No vertical line
and Vy is the yield strength determined from the
of framing can have displacements less than the
bilinear representation of the pushover curve
target displacement. The target displacement
(See Figure 15-18).
should also be modified as per Section
Cz = Modification factor to represent the effect
to account for system torsion.
of hysteresis shape on the maximum
Diaphragms are designed for forces
displacement response. Values of C2 can be
computed in LSP (See Section or
obtained from Table 15-9.
LOP (See Section
C3 = Modification factor to represent increased
displacements due to dynamic P-Delta effects. Acceptance Criteria to satisfy
For buildings with positive post-yield stiffness,
Performance Point requirements
C3 can be set equal to 1.0. For buildings with
For deformation-eontrolled elements, the
negative post yield stiffness C3 is given as
maximum deformation demand must be less
than expected deformation capacity. Procedures
(15-30) for computing expected deformation capacity
are specified in Chapters 5 to 8 of FEMA-273
for various elements and materials.
Where a is the ratio of post-yield stiffness to For force-eontrolled elements, the maximum
effective elastic stiffness (See Figure 15-18). C3 design forces must be less than the lower bound
need not exceed values calculated for LSP (See strengths QCL. Procedures for computing the
Section lower bound strengths are also specified in
Sa = Response spectrum acceleration at the Chapters 5 to 8 of FEMA-273 for various
effective fundamental period, Te and damping elements and materials.
ratio for the building in the direction under
consideration. Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
For buildings with flexible diaphragms at The Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure (NOP)
each floor level, a target displacement can be uses a dynamic time history analysis of a
calculated for each line of vertical framing. nonlinear mathematical model. The basis,
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 787

modeling approaches and acceptance criterion some areas, including a 17-inch thick
for the NOP are similar to those of the NSP. "sonovoid" slab, a cast-in-place concrete slab
With the NOP the design displacements are not with voids. The sonovoid slabs are located at
established using a target displacement, but the ground and first floor. The slabs, beams,
detennined directly through the dynamic time and girders are supported by tied and spirally
history analysis. As the analysis can be very reinforced concrete columns and concrete
sensitive to characteristics of individual ground bearing walls. The columns rest on spread
motions, it is advisable to perfonn the analysis footings, with continuous footings under the
with more than one ground motion. Ground perimeter and interior walls.
motions used for the analysis and the analysis There are some unusual features in the
procedure should be similar to those used in vertical load-carrying system. Along the north
LOP (See Section and south exterior walls and the Central Wing,
It should be noted that the volume of data vertical loads are carried by concrete columns
generated in NOP is enonnous and it is difficult outside the building envelope. At the second
to condense the data to useful perfonnance level, columns are discontinuous and are
based design infonnation. Sensitivity analysis supported by transfer girders. At the First Aoor,
to various parameters is also a prerequisite for the Central Wing relies on massive concrete
NOP analysis. Thus, NOP must only be used frames to resist vertical loads.
with caution for very important, irregular and
unusual structures.

15.4.4 Example

An example is provided of an analysis of

existing building using NSP. Building Description

The example building is a reinforced
concrete structure located in California. The
building was constructed circa 1962. The
structure is irregular in plan, with a footprint
similar to a compressed "H". The structure has
been divided into the East, West, and Central
Wings, as illustrated in Figure 15-19.
The building is situated on a site that slopes
Figure 15-19. 3-D Linear Model of Example Building
to the west. The structure has a total of seven
levels, plus two small penthouses. The sloping
site introduces significant complexities to the The lateral force-resisting system of the
structure. The upper five levels are essentially example building consists of the concrete floor
above grade. The West Wing is a total of seven and roof slabs, acting as rigid diaphragms and
levels tall, two of which are partially below or reinforced concrete shear walls. The majority of
below grade, depending on the slope of the site. the shear walls are concentrated around the
The East Wing is five levels tall, with a partial elevator shafts and stair wells, with additional
basement. A portion of the first level is below walls internally and on the building exterior.
grade, due to the sloping site. There are numerous vertical discontinuities in
Vertical loads are resisted by one-way the interior shear walls, especially below the
concrete slabs spanning to reinforced concrete first floor. Most of the shear walls are in the
beams and girders. Thicker slabs are used in East and West Wings.
788 Chapter 15 Performance Objective walls or columns are connected by stiff

In keeping with project requirements, the unyielding elements.
linear as well as nonlinear analysis and Values for effective stiffness of the
rehabilitation design focused on the Basic structural elements for the initial analysis are
Safety Objective. In the nonlinear static taken from Table 6-4 of FEMA 273. The
analysis, the building is pushed to the target stiffness for walls is the cracked stiffness, with
displacement for the BSE-l and BSE-2 level a flexural rigidity of 0.5Eclg. The columns are
earthquakes. assumed to be in compression with a flexural
stiffness 0.7Eclg. The beams are non- Mathematical Modeling prestressed and have an initial stiffness of
The nonlinear analysis of the example 0.5Eclg. The shear stiffness is included for
building was perfonned using NLPUSH, the columns, beams and walls as O.4E,Aw.
nonlinear module to SAP2000. The concrete The mathematical model of the building was
shear walls were modeled using column subjected to monotonically increasing lateral
elements. P-M interaction diagrams were forces until either the target displacement is
generated for each column element. The reached or until the model became unstable.
column elements have stiffness in the strong Because the building is not symmetric about
axis computed based on the stiffness of the any plane, the lateral loads were independently
actual wall. Weak axis stiffness was assumed to applied in both positive and negative directions.
be negligible. As NLPUSH requires the The relationship between the base shear and
interaction surface to be input for both lateral force was established for displacements
directions of bending, the wall is assumed to ranging between 0 and 150% of 8" where 8,
have the same moment capacity in both corresponds to the target displacement for the
directions of strong axis bending. The gravity BSE-l earthquake. Two lateral load patterns
frames have been identified as secondary were applied to the structure. The unifonn load
elements, and representative frames have been pattern was applied using lateral loads that are
explicitly modeled to monitor the demands on proportional to the mass at each floor. The
the gravity load-carrying system. The dynamic load pattern was applied, using a
diaphragms have been assumed to be rigid. lateral load pattern similar to the story shear
Potential failures in shear and flexure are distribution calculated by combining the modal
considered in the analytical model. The wall responses from a response spectrum analysis
and column elements have flexural hinges input with sufficient number of modes to capture
at the top and bottom of the element at a 90% of the mass. Foundation flexibility was
distance of 0.05 times the element length from not expected to be a significant factor in the
each end. Shear hinges are input at mid-height nonlinear analysis of the building.
of the element. Because of numerical
convergence problems, the column and wall Target Displacement
elements had to be split into three segments The mapped short period response
with one hinge per segment. The flexure hinges acceleration parameter, Ss and the modified
are assigned to the top and bottom segments, mapped response acceleration parameter at one
and the shear hinge to the central segment. Wall second period, S[, for the given site are obtained
elements with flanges are uncoupled and treated from the maps provided with FEMA 273. These
as separate walls, with the effective flange maps are the Probabilistic Earthquake Ground
width assigned individually to the two walls. Motion maps for CalifornialNevada for the 0.2
Beams and coupling beams are modeled as seconds and 1.0 second Spectral Response
frame elements with flexure or shear hinges Acceleration (5% of Critical Damping) with
depending which is the governing mode of 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years. The
failure. Full height walls spanning between values obtained for the example site are:
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 789

scoling - -
r C_Y"ldfon:elSlr... Y~faoelSbou 1st
r e.tuelaYeldOooplSb.. YoeIdO!lp/Sb.. 1:'"11.---'''',
AcceplOlC. e.teri. fPl..l>c Oel.....1ion I YooId)- -

Figure 15-20. 3-0 Nonlinear Model of Example Building



0 1-
-- ,..- Figure 15-22. Typical Force Deformation Curve for
Columns Controlled by Shear
9 1 Q ~

C 1.~ _i-~aOX(=-:-OJ::c
o os atolE-OJ
E os 0~5

5~ JJ ~l Ss = 1.5g and S, = 0.75g

I ~~eY~~d~ _ ~:~:: _l__dJ
c...... (Pla.tic OelOlOl.1ion I YooId)-
These values adjusted for Site Class C from
P...... eoem Tables 2-13 and 2-14 of FEMA-273 give the
1'-0_ j2.tolE-OJ
511"'l' jc.tolE-OJ
design short period spectral response
.. _ IlLtolE-OJ acceleration parameter, Sxs and design spectral
response acceleration parameter, Sx, as:

Sxs = 1.5 x 1.0 = 1.5g

SXI = 0.75x1.0 =0.975g

The period To of the general response

spectrum curve at an effective damping of 5%
Figure 15-21. Typical Force Deformation Curve for
Members Controlled by Flexure is:

S B 0.975
To = ---!l-£ = - - = 0.65 seconds

Where Bs and B, are 1.0 from Table 2-15 of

790 Chapter 15

9000 For the East-West Direction for Vy = 7,200 lbs

.. , .' from Figure 15-23:
.... .... .,

Vy -
........ V
16000 Sa
R= __ 1 = 1.5 x-1

i: +f O.6V
V, IW Co 7,200/38,064 1.3
- - = C TO] -1
~ ~ ~ ~
Roof Dlapl_t (inch..)
~ ~ ~ ~
1 Te R

0.65] - 1
= [ 1+(6.1-1)-
Figure 15-23. Pushover Curve for the Positive East-West
0.41 6.1
Direction Loading (Uniform Pattern)

This value is reduced to the maximum value of
8000 Ct in Section, which is 1.28
....... .'

~ (interpolated for Te = 0.41 seconds). Thus:


81 =COCIC2C3Sa 4;2 g

I 0.41 2
2000 =1.3x1.28xlxlx1.5X-- g

= 4.11 inches
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 '.00 5.00 6.00

Roof Diapl_t (inches)

Similarly for the North-South direction:

Figure 15-24. Pushover Curve for the Positive North- Vy = 6,400 lbs from Figure 15-24
South Direction Loading (Uniform Pattern)
C1 = 1.33
The period of the building is less than 0.65,
8r = 5.37 inches
thus the spectral acceleration, Sa for the site
falls in the constant acceleration part of the
Thus, using Equation 15-28, the target
spectrum, and is equal to 1.5g. .
displacements for the North-South and East-
The target displacement is calculated usmg:
West directions was determined to be 4.11
inches, and 5.37 inches respectively. The
Co = 1.3 from Table 15-10, as the lower level is
pushover analysis has be continued for 1.5
very stiff compared with the rest of the
times the target displacements for collapse
C2 = 1.0 from Table 15-9 for framing Type 2.
C3 = 1.0 for positive post yield stiffness Analysis Results
Pushover analyses were performed for the
W 38,064 kips
positive and negative North-South and East-
T; = 0.65 seconds West directions of the building. The pushover
Te = 0.41 seconds in East-West direction
curves were not able to achieve the target
= 0.46 seconds in North-South direction
displacement even for the Life Safety
15. Performance Based Seismic Engineering 791

acceptance criteria for BSE-I in the East-West One very useful characteristic of the ATC-
and North-South directions. 40 and FEMA 273/274 documents is that they
The maximum displacement reached and the provide a step-by-step approach for PBSE.
type and number of hinges formed for the This is an important first step towards a
various pushover analyses performed was building code implementations of performance
recovered. From the results of the pushover based design.
analyses, it was seen that the Modal pattern is There are some weaknesses that need to be
more detrimental to this building as more addressed with additional research. Three
number of hinges were formed for a given broad areas need work:
displacement level compared to the Uniform 1. A more reliable and conservative
pattern. This also goes to show that the lower methodology, which is widely accepted,
floors of this building are relatively stronger needs to be developed for establishing the
than the upper floors. However this building in performance point. More accurate
its existing configuration was unable to achieve equations need to be developed to find the
its target displacement. The building could only effective damping or equivalent ductility
be pushed to a displacement of 2.8" in the used to reduce the design response spectra
negative East-West direction and 4.34" in the to levels consistent with observed structural
negative North-South direction. behavior.
The analyses also revealed a number of 2. More sophisticated computer analysis
columns supporting walls above to have programs are needed which can do
rotations beyond collapse. Many of the walls nonlinear analysis of concrete/masonry!
and beams also had plastic rotations beyond the plywood shear walls, concrete and steel
Life Safety requirement at the target joints, confined concrete sections, etc.
displacement. Some of the columns in the There is also a need to reduce the data to a
central wing had shear failures under the finite number of parameters than can be
uniform pattern for push in the East-West used for design.
direction. Clearly, this building does not meet 3. The element capacities and deformations
the acceptance criteria of the basic safety limits for various performance levels are
objective, and therefore needs retrofit. currently based on engineering judgment or
relatively small number of experiments.
15.5 Conclusions More experimental and theoretical work is
needed to establish reliable element
The principal advantage of PBSE is that the capacities and deformation limits for given
choice of performance goals lies with the owner performance objectives.
who can decide the acceptable damage state.
The engineer can also convey to the owner a
better understanding of the expected damage REFERENCES
state. PBSE does not eliminate the risks
associated with uncertainties in ground 15-1 Applied Technology Council (1996), Seismic
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ATC-40, Volume 1 and 2, Report No. SSC 96-01,
or geotechnical properties. However, it Seismic Safety Commission, Redwood City, CA.
provides a new technique to remove 15-2 Federal Emergency Management Agency (1997),
unnecessary conservatism for some parameters NERRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation
and discover unidentified deficiencies for ofBuildings, FEMA-273, Washington, D.C.
others. If implemented correctly and 15-3 Federal Emergency Management Agency (1997),
NERRP Commentary on the Guidelines for the
competently, PBSE can produce a design that is
Seismic Rehabilitation ofBuildings, FEMA-274,
more reliable than traditional procedures. Washington, D.C.
792 Chapter 15

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15-7 Naeim, E (1998), "Earthquake Ground Motions Earthquake Spectra, Volume 16, Number 2, EERI,
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Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, San Turner, EM., 2000, "Seismic Evaluation and
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1975, "Evaluation of Existing Buildings for Spectra, Volume 16, Number 1, EERI, Oakland,
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Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington," 15-22 Chai, W. and Guh, J., 1999, "Performance-Based
Proceedings of u.s. National Conference of Design of Concrete Shear Wall Buildings,"
Earthquake Engineers, Berkeley, Earthquake Proceedings of 1999 SEAOC Convention,
Engineering Research Institute. Structural Engineers Association of California,
15-9 Freeman, SA, 1998, "Development and use of Santa Barbara, California.
Capacity Spectrum Method," Paper No. 269,
Proceedings of the &h U.S. National Conference of
Earthquake Engineering, Seattle, Washington.
15-10 U.S. Army, 1986, Seismic Design Guidelinesfor
Essential Buildings, Departments of the Army
(TM5-809-1O-1), Navy (NAVFAC P355.l), and
the Air Force (AFM88-3), Washington, DC.
IS-II Structural Engineers Association of California
(SEAOC), 1995, Vision 2000: Performance-Based
Seismic Engineering ofBuildings, Sacramento,
15-12 International Code Council, 2000, International
Building Code 2000.
15-13 International Conference of Building Officials,
1997, Uniform Building Code, Whittier, CA.
15-14 Chopra, A.K. and Goel R.K., 1999, Capacity-
Demand-Diagram Methodsfor Estimating Seismic
Deformation ofInelastic Structures: SDF Systems,
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15, Number 4, EERI, Oakland, California.
15-16 Newmark, N.M., and Hall,W.J., 1982, Earthquake
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15-17 Krawinkler, H. and Nassar, A.A., 1992, "Seismic
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