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Deep fascia of neck

Dr.B.B.Gosai, Professor in Anatomy
Ojvensha E-leaning Resources
Learning outcome and related information
2  AN35.1 : Describe the parts, extent, AN 35.1
attachments, modifications of deep Domain: Knowledge (K)
cervical fascia. Level: KH (Knows How)
Core: Yes (Y) (Must know)
Teaching methods: Lecture,
Assessment: Written
 AN35.10 : Describe the fascial spaces
AN 35.10
of neck. Domain: Knowledge (K)
Level: KH (Knows How)
Core: No (N) (Desirable to know)
Teaching methods: Lecture,
Assessment: Written

References: Gray’s anatomy for students

Anatomy Vol III by B D Chaurasia/ Anatomy Vol III by Inderbir singh
Cervical Fascia
 Superficial Layer
 Deep Layer
 Subdivisions not histologically
 Superficial
 Enveloping layer
 Investing layer
 Middle
 Visceral fascia
 Prethyroid fascia
 Pretracheal fascia
 Deep
Superficial Layer
 Superior attachment –
zygomatic process
 Inferior attachment –
thorax, axilla.
 Similar to subcutaneous
 Ensheathes platysma
and muscles of facial
• Muscle of Facial
• Innervated by the
cervical branch of
the facial nerve
Superficial Layer of the Deep Cervical Fascia
(Investing Layer)
 Completely surrounds the neck.  Envelopes
 Arises from spinous processes of  SCM
scapula and clavicle.
 Trapezius
 Superior border – nuchal line,  Submandibular gland
skull base, zygoma, mandible.
 Parotid gland
 Inferior border – chest and axilla
 Capsule covering parotid is known as
 Splits at mandible and covers
Parotideomassetric fascia.
the masseter laterally and the
medial surface of the medial  Sphenomandibular lig, Styloglosssus,
pterygoid. Stylohyoid, posterior digastric and
parotid fascia forms Hammock like
 Forms floor of submandibular structure known as Stylomandibular
space diaphragm.
 Enclose suprasternal space of  Deep lamina important as facial nerve,
Burns just above the manubrium Retromandibular veins and Facial
sterni. artery and External carotid artery is in
this fascia.
Superficial Layer of the Deep Cervical Fascia
Middle Layer of the Deep Cervical Fascia
(Pretracheal fascia)
 Visceral Division  Muscular Division
 Superior border  Superior border – hyoid and thyroid
 Anterior – hyoid and thyroid
cartilage  Inferior border – sternum, clavicle and
 Posterior – skull base
 Envelopes infrahyoid strap muscles
 Inferior border – continuous with
fibrous pericardium in the upper
 Buccopharyngeal fascia
 Name for portion that covers the
pharyngeal constrictors and
 Envelopes
 Thyroid
 Trachea
 Esophagus
 Pharynx
 Larynx
Middle Layer of the Deep Cervical Fascia
Deep Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia
Arises from spinous processes and ligamentum nuchae.
Splits into two layers at the transverse processes:
Alar layer
Superior border – skull base
Inferior border – upper mediastinum at T1-T2
Prevertebral layer
Superior border – skull base
Inferior border – coccyx
Envelopes vertebral bodies and deep muscles of the neck.
Extends laterally as the axillary sheath.
Deep Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia
Carotid Sheath
 Formed by all three layers of deep fascia
 Anatomically separate from all layers.
 Contains carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve
 “Lincoln’s Highway”
 Travels through pharyngomaxillary space.
 Extends from skull base to thorax.
Applied anatomy of Deep fascia
 Deep facia encloses various
structures in the neck and
contain fascial spaces around

 Infections can spread from

one fascial space to another
following the route of fascia.
Potential pathways of extension of deep fascial space infections of the head and neck
…..Thanks for Attention…..

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